1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Enron Scandal: Unethical Practices Of The Senior Management

Enron Corporation - one of the largest energy-based companies in America, eventually fell into the abyss of bankruptcy in the year 2001. The dramatic rise to power by Enron to later facing a dizzying fall shook the Wallstreet and affected thousands of people. This failure has been majorly been attributed to the unethical practices of the senior management. However, further examination of the case reveals ethical shortcomings in multiple corporate aspects discussed below. Enron is the classic case of overlooking...
2 Pages 1006 Words

Civil Rights Movement Impact On The Freedom Rides In Australia

Children were taken from their families in violent ways, only to never see them again. This is what Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people had to endure for 60 years (1910 – 1970). This period is also known as ‘The Stolen Generations’. Racial discrimination and segregation in the US was also prominent, and this sparked mass protests and Civil Rights movements such as the ‘Bus Boycott’ of 1961. Movements in the US inspired protests in Australia too, and this led...
2 Pages 966 Words

Benefits of Online Learning Essay

Introduction Distance learning is a method of education that is primarily characterized by the physical separation of students and their instructors. Traditionally distance learning was done through the use of the post. Today distance learning is realized seamlessly through technology. Advantages of distance learning through the use of technology are numerous. Learners make use of the internet to take online classes. They also use different electronic learning tools to relay their classwork and to facilitate student-student and student-teacher communication. A...
2 Pages 974 Words

The Effects Of Civil Rights Movement

Throughout the history of Australia, Aboriginal people have faced large amounts of discrimination in society and have not had equal opportunities. Between 1910 and 1970, Aboriginal children were removed from their families by federal and state governments and were forced to adopt a white culture to rid Australia or Aboriginal people. The US Civil Rights movement (1955- 1968), led by Martin Luther King Jr and other civil rights activists such as Rosa Parks, had a massive influence on Australian activism...
2 Pages 1039 Words

The Usage Of Plot Twist, Unique Setting And Dramatic Irony In Lamb To The Slaughter

Intro In a world where audiences are not easily entertained an have an unlimited variety of sources from which to choose from. A short story must captivate its reader. Roald Dahl’s ‘Lamb To The Slaughter’ does this through Plot Twist, Unique setting and Dramatic Irony Body ‘Lamb To The Slaughter’, captivates the reader by using Plot Twist when miss Maloney gets a frozen leg of Lamb and swings it in fury of her husband wanting to dump her, when she’s...
2 Pages 974 Words

The Main Characters Abilities Comparison In The Novel The Most Dangerous Game

In a game of survival, two hunters are facing off against each other. But not in the way you think! One great hunter will hunt another, leaving only the victor alive. Our very own Sanger Rainsford is up against the ruthless and Russian General Zaroff. This historic match all started just because Rainsford was unlucky enough to fall in the Carribean, and land into Ship-Wrecked Island! Rainsford and Zaroff are the two best hunters in the world, so when put...
2 Pages 957 Words

Toni Morrison's Flight Complex In The Novel Song Of Solomon

Essential Question: What does Toni Morrison mean when at the conclusion of Song of Solomon she says “it did not matter whether milkman or guitar died in the arms of his brother . . . you surrender to the air you could ride it.” What are things that impede flight, enable flight? And how does milkman acquire knowledge between the two? Toni Morrison, in the Song of Solomon, uses a flight motif to depict the figurative and allegorical image of...
2 Pages 1030 Words

Gender Roles In The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Giving women their rights was a great and serious issue in the past. Women were not treated equally as men do. This problem of females is also shown in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story “The yellow wallpaper”. In this story, the gender roles and feministic ideas are presented beautifully. Women earlier were under pressure to work as the male asked to do. Males were meant to be supreme. According to me, rights for male and females should both be equal....
2 Pages 969 Words

The Philosophy Of Absurdism On The Examples Of The Settings In The Novel The Outsider By Albert Camus

The Outsider by Albert Camus challenges the reader’s opinions through a philosophical perspective on the meaning of life, and absurdist outlooks within a diverse range of settings throughout the novel. Meursault, the protagonist of the story, is represented as an emotionally repressive, misunderstood and unaffected individual who holds the value of indifference and triviality towards the many people surrounding him. Through this idea, the use of a variety of settings in The Outsider assists the reader to identify Meursault’s personality...
2 Pages 1049 Words

Who Is Your Shadow Self By Carl Jung?

As we transition into 2020 it is a good time to question how well do we know our selves? How do we make sense of our old wounds, our desires, our triggers and behavior? How can we become more balanced, spiritually evolved and how do we harness all our inner power? Perhaps while the seasons shift, it is time to initiate some shadow work. Let’s call this an act of searching for the light in the darkness within us. A...
2 Pages 966 Words

Swot Analysis Of Ford Motor Company

Introduction Ford Motor Company is considered as a radical innovative automobile company. Ford also is the first company to use an idiosyncratic approach such as moving assembly lines in manufacturing under the leadership of Henry Ford. Ford is always seeking the leadership of the market which was achieved earlier by inventing Model T1 that caused the global standard for cars manufacturing to be changed. The management of Ford innovation didn’t only include manufacturing processes and quality but also it included...
2 Pages 1013 Words

Cerebral Palsy And Its Effects On Children

Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common disability of childhood that impacts movement and motor skills. This is a neurological condition with brain damage as the underlying cause. The damage may occur while the baby is still in utero, during labor and delivery, or shortly after birth. There are different types of Cerebral Palsy that affect children they are spastic cerebral palsy, dyskinetic cerebral palsy, ataxic cerebral palsy, and mixed cerebral palsy. Spastic cerebral palsy is most common and affects...
2 Pages 1037 Words

Psychological Criticism In A Rose For Emily By William Faulkner

Psychological criticism is an approach to literary criticism that interprets writings, authors, and readers through a psychological lens. In William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”, Emily Grierson is a lonely old woman faced with death, and her actions to satisfy her immense desire to retain her 'love' show psychological issues. The story is broken into five different sections in which at each point the narrator switches points of view. The chronological order of the story deceives the reader’s perception of...
2 Pages 1009 Words

Should Obamacare Be Repealed?

One of the biggest controversial topics in America is healthcare, specifically Obamacare. Without Obamacare, millions of people would be without healthcare. For this reason, and many other economic factors, I believe Obamacare should not be repealed. Economic Arguments Against My Position a. The Affordable Care Act negatively impacts the supply of labor. i. Obamacare reduces employment among less skilled workers as it negatively affects the reward to work for other workers. As an individual makes more money, they lose subsidies...
2 Pages 1028 Words

How Mass Hysteria Leads To Terrible Inequality

Is Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible related to hysteria? And how it compares to the story of Lindy Chamberlain? Jordyn Belton explores the deeper understanding of human nature and how we are susceptible to fits of hysteria which supplant logic in return generates an atmosphere of fear. Hysteria is a term very frequently used to explain a human reaction to a traumatic experience of extreme fear. The settlement of Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 witchcraft swept through in return lead to...
2 Pages 954 Words

Exploring The Pathogenesis Of Alzheimer's Disease

In the exploration of pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, many studies have revealed the origin of the disease and the underlying cause of its deterioration. For a long time, we have known that pathological changes in the brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease, such as the accumulation of amyloid plaques, occurred before the onset of symptoms such as memory loss. A new study published in Communications Biology by neuroscientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology provided new insights into the accumulation...
2 Pages 1010 Words

Current Changes Of Journalism In The United States

Journalism in America has changed in multiple ways. Due to the fact, there are vast sources of media and a variety of perspectives for the average citizen to consider. This requires the American citizen to do their diligence and utilize critical thinking skills in order to navigate multiple media outlets which leads to a more inform decision. At the core of this decision-making process is the five values which are the foundation of ethical accuracy; independence; impartiality; humanity; and accountability....
2 Pages 1004 Words

How Politics Affect Each Character In The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini

The book, The Kite Runner composed by Khaled Hosseini, is a history about the life of a man named Amir and his life attempts. We consider Amir's high school a very long time in Afghanistan amidst the 1980s. We additionally find several game plans concerning his hardships, his swing to America, and his swing back to Afghanistan.Afghanistan is a nation dealt with inside south and purpose of center of Asia. Particular brilliant forces have tried to vanquish Afghanistan. In the...
2 Pages 990 Words

The Importance Of Effective Communication Skills And The Ways To Improve Them

Nowadays, communication is a really important skills that everyone should practice in their life. However, there are still some young people in this world that are thinking communication is not part of their business and something that they do not care about at all. Firstly, what is communication? Communication is one of the way for people to deliver their thoughts, explain their opinions by talking or put it into word. There are many ways for us to communicate with each...
2 Pages 987 Words

The Abuse Of Power And Its Effects In King Lear

The desire to gather power and to control what one wants to encourage their greed can be a dangerous quality. King Lear, written in 1608, by William Shakespeare, is a tragedy that represents the horrible impacts of abusing power and leads to his death. The abuse of power plays an immense role all throughout the character's lives in this play which in turn leads to their demise. They utlilize their position to exile anybody with no clear reason, abusing the...
2 Pages 952 Words

Letter From Birmingham Jail By Martin Luther King Jr: The Most Important Document Of The Civil Rights Era

The Historical Impact of this development, 'Letter From Birmingham Jail' Martin Luther King Jr, Reverend and Civil Rights Activist, the letter that he wrote was about Dr.King writing back to the eight clergymen who were criticizing him and his fellow activists. “Letter from Birmingham Jail”(1963) written by Martin Luther King, is the most important civil rights text because it inspired people to fight for freedom and their rights during the civil rights movement. Dr. King might have shown a lot...
2 Pages 1022 Words

A Raisin In The Sun By Lorraine Hansberry: The Story Of One African American Family

The growth of the Younger family is very strange but, an amazing one. They started off as a family that was struggling but was still able to make a decent living. They were expecting an insurance check. They got the check because he passed away while working. It was a $10,000 dollar check, but something drastic happened that changed the story. Was it for better or worse? The Younger family was an African American family living in an apartment building...
2 Pages 961 Words

Why You Should Take A Gap Year

Many of you in the audience may be on your way, mid-way or even finished with university. However, what you study is less important to your success then WHEN you study it. It’s time to become independent, it’s time for you to see the world for yourself and it’s time to find your purpose. There are many misconceptions and fears about taking a gap year, and you might have heard that a gap year will immediately put you at a...
2 Pages 984 Words

How Marijuana Affects The Ability To Learn

Marijuana has become one of the most discussed topics when it comes to students and their abilities to succeed in school. The reason behind it is that marijuana is the most commonly used drug in the U.S. Thus, giving these Authors the assumption that cravings of marijuana did not benefit students positively when it came to being motivated or putting effort into school. According to the article, fifty-seven students attending college at a mid-sized University in Colorado were recruited by...
2 Pages 954 Words

Philosophy of Special Education: Teaching [Essay]

I would like to share my “why” for seeking my masters in this program of study as I feel that it is my calling and explains my philosophy. I started my education at TTU in engineering and dropped out after 3 semesters. I realized this was not what God had planned for me to do, nor did I enjoy it. While volunteering in my daughters 1st grade class I realized what I wanted to do with my life at that...
2 Pages 1001 Words

Why Smoking Is Prohibited In Islam

Under Islam, good things are allowable while bad things are forbidden. Islam calls on its followers to remain strong and not to allow their strength to be weakened by smoking and other harmful habits which pose a menace to the health and the mind and induce a state of stupor and addiction. Smoking is a real hazard, not for being an intoxicant because it is not, and not simply on account of being a costly practice with dangerous effects on...
2 Pages 1011 Words

School Uniforms Help Keep Children Safe

What is one simple way we can keep our school children safe, save money on school clothing and make it easier for teachers and school staff to make sure our children are safer on and off-campus? As well as instill a sense of community and pride in our children at the same time. By a change as simple as enforcing school uniforms. With all of the violence in today’s world especially facing our children, we have to do all we...
2 Pages 1021 Words

Themes Of Gender And Intersect In Mary Wollstonecraft Works

In her choice to cite John Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’, (“Among unequals what society can sort, what harmony or true delight?”), Mary Wollstonecraft not only underlines the workings of the precarious system that sat perched on the backs of its followers, but also highlights the absence of “true delight” in the eyes of those have been coerced into conforming to the norm. Born in the year 1959, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin authored 17 texts in the span of her short life. Most...
2 Pages 971 Words

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck: Crooks Character Analysis Essay

Who is more powerful in regards to affecting you ‘’the reader’’, Crooks or Curley’s wife? Some say Curley’s wife, others say Crooks. In the book Of Mice and Men Crooks is more powerful. The author Steinbeck created this character to show discrimination, to show who and what this character is and his lifestyle. In Of Mice and Men we are introduced to Crooks in chapter two, and from there he was treated like a slave. No one talked to him...
2 Pages 965 Words

Analysis Of Holden Caulfield As A Typical Teenager In The Catcher In The Rye By J.D. Salinger

In J.D Salinger’s The Catcher in The Rye, the reader is presented to Holden Caulfield, a 17-year-old who’s retelling the story of him at 16 facing rough times. Holden starts off by telling us that he has been kicked out of another school, Pencey Prep. He from there decided to leave and head for New York City. He wandered around from place to place because he refused to go home to his family. At the very end, he went on...
2 Pages 1039 Words
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