1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Why Is Macbeth Considered a Tragedy: Argumentative Essay

Because Macbeth is nothing on the different hand a killing machine, it is very difficult to view him as a tragic hero. But can one without a doubt inform whether or not or no longer or now not Macbeth is a two-faced hypocrite? This essay will speak about the public and personal persona of Macbeth and whether or not he is blamed for his very very personal movements or not. It will add, in addition, to communicate how the activities...
2 Pages 1116 Words

Why Is 'Oedipus the King' a Tragedy: Argumentative Essay

Long before daytime soap operas, Sophocles regaled the masses with the tragic tale of Oedipus the Tyrant. It is the first of its kind to enmesh the reader in a complicated web of incest, patricide, and regicide whilst featuring a protagonist who evokes rage and pity in the same breath. Centuries after its first performance, the tragedy remains a focus of political discourse, not only because it is one of the most celebrated plays of the ancient world, but also...
2 Pages 1067 Words

Why Do Germinating Peas Consume More Oxygen: Research Essay

Respiration Rates of Germinating and Non-Germinating Peas Introduction For the purpose of this experiment, it is essential to have background information on what cellular respiration does and how it works. Cellular respiration, in simple terms, is the process by which sugar is broken down into a form that is readily usable by the cell to form its various functions. According to Hill (2014), “For animals, energy is made available for life processes via respiration—the slow combustion of carbohydrates, fats, and...
3 Pages 1114 Words

Why Did Harper Lee Name It 'To Kill a Mockingbird': Essay

In life, many encounter signs and symbols which have deeper meanings that may be evident or sometimes, not clear. According to the Oxford Dictionary, symbols are things conventionally regarded as typifying or representing something. Symbols are not only an important part of life but a significant representation of appearance versus reality. In Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, the theme of symbolism is explored by the author to encourage readers to read between the lines and to create meaning...
2 Pages 1070 Words

Waste Management Scandal of 1998: Case Study

Waste Management Fraud What were the incentives and pressures that led to the fraud? There are different factors for the incentive or pressure to lead fraud in the cooperation because the working conditions were not followed the accounting procedure operation and they are not anti-irregularity accounting operation. The management and employees have an incentive that was the reason for committing fraud since the absence of well-organized internal controlled auditors was inefficient controls, and an inefficient management system. The other additional...
2 Pages 1080 Words

Ulysses S. Grant Essay

I grew up in Ohio, my family was anti-slavery and my father was a soldier, who never saw much combat. My family always wanted me to enlist as a soldier in his footsteps and so after getting my education and growing to the ripe old age of 17, I decided that I would indeed enlist as a soldier. The training was very intensive, but I learned all the same within a year, my country went into an armed conflict with...
3 Pages 1139 Words

Theory of Naturalism and Its Implications to the Zambian Education

Nature is said to be beautiful if Education is self-explanatory, self-operating, and self-directing. Education can only be self-explanatory if it's Naturally centered. Therefore, this essay will explain the theory of Naturalism and its implications for Zambian Education. In other words, it will explain Naturalism and how relevant are its principles to Zambian Education. Naturalism holds that the universe requires no supernatural cause or government for it to exist. Thus, the Naturalist Rousseau (1989) explained Naturalism as the theory that regards...
2 Pages 1113 Words

Effects of Water Pollution on Ocean

Introduction Water pollution is the act of making water unsafe for living organisms living in these ecosystems. Ocean pollution occurs when dangerous substances like chemicals or microorganisms are subjected to oceans, rivers, and other water bodies hence affecting the quality of water and organisms within the environment. Water is always prone to affluence because they are considered a universal solvent. It can liquefy more substances than any other liquid on earth hence making the ocean to be easily polluted by...
2 Pages 1056 Words

The Case Plessy Vs. Ferguson and Significance of 'Growing Black in the South' by Howell Raines

The document “Growing Up Black in the South: A Remembrance, 1977” is a source from My Soul Is Rested which was written by Howell Raines who was born on February 5, 1943, in Birmingham, Alabama, is an American journalist, editor, and writer. My Soul Is Rested is a book that contains oral history regarding about American Civil Rights Movement, which includes interviews with people who struggled with racial segregation in the South. “Growing Up Black in the South: A Remembrance,...
2 Pages 1139 Words

Technique of Satire Used by Wilde in 'The Importance of Being Earnest': Essay

Famous author and playwright Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest” is a brilliant comedic play written in 1895. The play is a comedy of manners and takes place in London and the estate in Hertfordshire. The main protagonist of the play is Jack Worthing, a leading character in the play. Jack Worthing’s conflict in the play is living a double life as both Jack and Ernest. Jack pretends to others in the play that he has a brother named...
2 Pages 1052 Words

Stop Offshore Drilling: Argumentative Essay

Offshore drilling may be one of the most effective ways we get the oil that fuels our cars, airplanes, and boats. The first oil rig was built in 1938 in about fourteen feet of water. As technology progressed, it was made easier to move further away from shore to pursue undiscovered oil reserves. Although oil is a necessity today, I believe it’s vital that we stop expanding offshore oil and gas drilling operations to protect our precious web of ocean...
2 Pages 1086 Words

Sonnet 116 Imagery: Critical Analysis

Summary of Sonnet 116 This is a true Shakespearean sonnet, also referred to as an Elizabethan or English sonnet. This type of sonnet contains fourteen lines, which are separated into three quatrains (four lines) and end with a rhyming couplet (two lines). The rhyme scheme of this sonnet is abab cdcd efef gg. Like most of Shakespeare’s works, this sonnet is written in iambic pentameter, which means each line consists of ten syllables, and within those ten syllables, there are...
2 Pages 1149 Words

Shot-by-Shot Analysis of 'Grey's Anatomy'

The popular medical drama Grey's Anatomy by Shonda Rhimes has received quite the attention from viewers over the last few years. It is estimated that the fictional drama had 15 million viewers hooked onto the edge of their seats [Epstein A, 2021]. The drama itself provides a very dramatized, unrealistic version of what working in the hospital is like, paying very close attention to healthcare professionals specifically doctors. Dr. Meredith Grey as the name suggests is the star of the...
2 Pages 1071 Words

Role of King Geroge III in Boston Tea Party: Analytical Essay

“Once vigorous measures appear to be the only means left of bringing the Americans to a due submission to the mother country, the colonies will submit.” -King George III. “King George III is most well known for being the King of England during the American Revolutionary War.” ( Pavao, October 5) When most people hear of King George III, they either think of the American Revolutionary War or the king that went insane. King George was a very influential person...
2 Pages 1114 Words

Reflective Essay on 'Grey's Anatomy'

Imagine coming home on a Thursday night after a long day of work, school, and/or a sport. You would just want to get in the shower, eat, and relax, right? And as soon as you turn on the TV, you go to ABC and see that a new episode of Grey’s Anatomy is about to air. You get snacks and get cozy in your bed to prepare for another suspenseful episode. You’re excited and ready to see what happens at...
2 Pages 1054 Words

Prejudice in ‘Zootopia’ and ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’

“Do you know what we call opinion in the absence of evidence? We call it prejudice.” The Cambridge Dictionary defines prejudice as, an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge. In a world where prejudice is seen on a daily basis, it is not uncommon for children's books and movies to address this concept indistinctly. In both stories that I will be focusing on, there is an overhanging theme of prejudice, racism, and...
2 Pages 1119 Words

Portrayal of Willie Loman in Arthur Miller's 'Death of a Salesman': Character Analysis

Throughout history, literature and the way people interpret literature has changed dramatically. Different genres of plays including romance, action, and even heartbreaking tragedies that touch the reader’s heart have been shared for thousands of years. One of the most popular genres would be tragedies. A tragedy, as described by Aristotle, is a story that follows a protagonist who, over time, causes his own downfall because of his tragic flaws. However, times have changed and the way that critics interpret tragic...
2 Pages 1099 Words

Portrayal of Role of Medical Doctors and Nurses in 'Grey's Anatomy'

As a teenager, I will always remember watching episodes of Grey’s Anatomy - one of my first windows into the healthcare industry. To me, the popular television show was an exciting emotional roller coaster. Although the ride was thrilling, through my academic, work, and shadow experiences at Athletico Physical Therapy, Christ Advocate Hospital, North Shore Pediatric Center, skilled nursing homes, and many other locations, I have discovered that television shows such as Grey's Anatomy display only a very small and...
2 Pages 1058 Words

Personal Statement in Archaeology

For many years I had not even heard of Archaeology, aside from someone saying it in a film or a television program. I had no clue what it was or what it meant all I knew was that it was somehow related to history, a passion of mine for several years. However in recent years I started taking a liking to Archaeology and began researching what it actually involves and how it works, and I found myself loving it. My...
2 Pages 1073 Words

Ocean Pollution as a Major Concern of Modern Society

Ocean pollution is a big concern in the world because studies are showing it is only increasing over the years (Christensen, 2019). A new study shows that along one stretch of the Pacific Ocean just between Hawaii and California there are around 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic waste gathered, which is a rapid increase since the 1970s (Barron, 2018). The plastic pieces in the ocean usually gather together in “one of the five patches” around the world (Barron, 2018). The...
2 Pages 1124 Words

Need to Take Action against Climate Change According to the TED Talk 'Why I Must Speak out about Climate Change' by James Hansen

Environmental Argumentative Essay “Why We Need to Take Action Against Climate Change: The Green New Deal” The Green New Deal is a 14-page proposal, and the only one being heard right now, that intends to confront climate change; a proposal that is needed if we want to protect the world from catastrophe. One must first understand the danger of climate change to understand the Green New Deal. Since the nineteenth century, there has been an enormous change in the earth’s...
2 Pages 1102 Words

My Career Path as an Electrical Engineer

Growing up, I was always amazed by the power of electricity and all that it could do. The potential of electric power is always dazed and all I wanted to do was learn more about electricity and be able to stretch its uses. This is where my passion for Electrical Engineering was born. Electrical Engineering is concerned with equipping learners with the knowledge of designing and developing equipment or products that use electronics. Examples of these products include computers, electric...
2 Pages 1094 Words

Misogyny as Alexander Pope’s Purpose for Writing 'The Rape of the Lock'

When bringing up the topic of misogyny in history and literature, many tend to shrug their shoulders and say “well, that’s just how it was back then,” or “women just didn’t have the same rights. It was the tradition.” Even a certified educator approved by eNotes Editorial on enotes.com argues that “...during Pope's day, women had no rights. Feminism was a far-off idea. Pope's attitude toward women would have been considered within the norm.” What some people do not realize...
2 Pages 1079 Words

Is Julius Caesar a Tragedy: Essay

Not only one factor is to blame for the tragic death of Caesar, but his death also happened due to a combination of factors and fate. These factors include Caesar’s personal faults- how he could have avoided his own death, Cassius’ cruelty- how he convinced Brutus and the rest of the conspirators to kill Caesar, the misguided conspirators who were the ones who did directly kill him, and fate, which due to all the omens, did have some part to...
2 Pages 1096 Words

Is Celebrity Culture Beneficial or Harmful: Essay

In today's society, everywhere we look, we stumble upon a celebrity. This can be on billboards, bus stops, social media, or on our tv screens. These are the people that today's society looks up to and tend to imitate what they do or say. But are these the people we should be looking up to? Are they good role models? Many people enjoy stalking the social media pages of celebrities they admire, and buying all the tabloids and gossip magazines...
3 Pages 1138 Words

Informative Essay on Islamic Bioethics

Imam Al-Shafi, an Islamic Jurist, has significantly contributed to the Islamic religious tradition through his knowledge and systematic methodology in developing a new science in his approach to jurisprudence. Imam Al-Shafi has contributed to the Islamic living tradition by reconciling the relationships between the Hanafi Madhab and Maliki Madhab, providing a reliable process of Jurisprudence. Sufism is a spiritual and mystical philosophy of Islam focused on a direct connection to Allah by forgoing material goods and relationships. Imam Al-Shafi gave...
2 Pages 1106 Words

Informative Essay on Electric Cars

Not too long ago, the government announced that they will prohibit the manufacture of diesel and petrol cars as quickly as 2030. This will have a huge impact on a variety of different things including the next generation of car enthusiasts. The manufacture of Hybrid cars that use both electricity and petrol, will also stop by 2035 which is also fast approaching. From the first electromagnetic device for cars being produced as early as 1828, the popularity of electric cars...
2 Pages 1052 Words

Informative Essay on Bystander Effect

What is the bystander effect? The phenomenon which explains the likeliness of a person to take some sort of action to help someone in distress depending on the number of people present in the scene is regarded as the bystander effect. If we witnessed an emergency situation which is happening in front of us, it is obvious that we would take some sort of action. But many researchers and psychologists argue that perhaps it is not that the number of...
2 Pages 1050 Words

Informative Essay on Bioethics

Bioethics deals with addressing ethical troubles in healthcare, medication, research, biotechnology, and the surroundings. Typically these problems are addressed from many distinctive disciplines. People make a contribution to the bioethics discussion by drawing on understanding methods from the sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. Professionals working within the discipline of bioethics consist of philosophers, scientists, fitness administrators, lawyers, theologians, anthropologists, disability advocates, and social workers. People may teach, do studies, and deal with patients within the scientific place or work...
2 Pages 1097 Words

How Does Archaeology Inform Art: Essay

In this essay, I will explore how Archaeology has informed Art and how this in turn has helped the field of Archaeology. I will look at how Archaeology inspired ‘Wunderkammer’ (Cabinets of Curiosity), how they were an important part of the evolution of museums, and more recently how ‘Wunderkammer’ have influenced and inspired contemporary artists. I will look at the work of Mark Dion and show the influence of Archaeology and museum displays on his work and my own. Wunderkammer...
2 Pages 1128 Words
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