1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

How Can You Tell That Beowulf Is a Legendary Hero

'Beowulf' is an antiquated epic ballad wherein the incredible legend battles against beasts and monsters to serve individuals. Conclusiveness and boldness, which are innate in the hero, leave no uncertainty. From the start, the epic picture of Beowulf as an unbelievable warrior can appear to be amazingly chivalrous, went for legitimately helping individuals without good and passionate attributes. All things considered, the powers of Beowulf are likewise in the capacity to decide, knowledge to the standard, and love of individuals....
2 Pages 1109 Words

Gender Equality of Woman in 'Mulan'

In your daily life, you come across a new person every day. Each person, for instance, has a different background, a different race, and a lot of various stories waiting to be told by each person across the nation. We live in a world of a diverse group of people and some would think that living in a diverse world would form a ground that is united in order to be 'equal,' but that is far from being true. I'm...
2 Pages 1119 Words

Faustian Bargain in Today's Society

As time has gone by many authors have chosen the Faustian Bargain as a topic for their stories and novels. What is the Faustian Bargain, and how does this have any impact on a literary work? Throughout all aspects of Literature, you can find the Faustian Deal or what is sometimes known as, “The Subsequent Fall”. Robert Stevenson, Willkie Collins, and Oscar Wilde, all wrote literary books that went into depth over the complications between morals, and a very ultimate...
2 Pages 1094 Words

Essay on World War 1

Before world war I Britain was an industrial power and had some of the greatest inventions of the age. Great Britain was a great state before the war.“ however the world pretends to divide itself, there are only two divisions in the world today -human beings and germans’ Rudyard Kipling 1915. The impact of world war 1 on Great Britain is seen through the fluctuating economy, changes in the workforce, and medical advancements. The economy before the war was an...
3 Pages 1141 Words

Essay on Wilderness Therapy

Often, we encounter social issues that may indirectly influence our personalities. There is a need for therapy that can help us reform or face the realities of life. Wilderness therapy is such a therapy: this mode of psychological treatment relates to clinical medicine. It dates back to the 1940s when it was proven effective in enforcing experimental education and self-improvement programs. Precisely, it can be defined as a form of behavioral healthcare program in which an individual is given different...
2 Pages 1068 Words

Essay on the Protagonist in 'Romeo and Juliet'

Destined to be or not to Be Learnt Shakespeare’s famous tragedy “Romeo And Juliet” offers a timeless value that demonstrates his reflection on human nature and behavior, writes JENNY SU. Imagine not being able to express yourself through the 1700 words Shakespeare invented. The English language has developed throughout time, evolving many centuries impacted greatly by key events and figures such as William Shakespeare. Therefore it is essential that his literature be studied in order to influence a deeper understanding...
2 Pages 1119 Words

Essay on the Protagonist in 'Julius Caesar'

All actions have consequences is something that has been drilled into every person's mind since the minute they first got into trouble. However, people seem to forget about this idea until after the deed is done and the consequences start to arrive. But, what a lot of people seem to forget is that consequences can be both good and bad. In the play Julius Caesar, the author shows that this idea does not only apply in the modern world but...
2 Pages 1088 Words

Essay on Sylvia Plath Influence

Sylvia Plath was a confessional poet through her influence, Robert Lowell. “Sylvia Plath explored the themes of death, self, and nature in works that expressed her uncertain attitude toward the universe” (New World Encyclopedia). As Plath's poetry developed, it became more private and personal towards her own life. Her poetry expressed inner demons and showcased themes to justify her reality. Sylvia Plath focused her poetry on her life and the obstacles she faced being a woman in the twentieth century....
2 Pages 1122 Words

Essay on Specific Wilderness Medicine Problems

Introduction Nature is a beautiful thing that should be explored and persevered for the future generation, it does come with its challenges such as patients getting injured and exposure to elements in the environment that can produce many types of emergencies. Emergency practitioners must be ready to recognize and manage these conditions. They can do this by becoming knowledgeable about the causative factors and by learning the pathophysiology of these specific disorders that can occur in the wilderness. Literature Review...
2 Pages 1072 Words

Essay on Protagonist in 'The Crucible'

Filled with paranoia in an unjustified Puritan society, Arthur Miller's The Crucible depicts the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 and its deeper meaning within it. In The Crucible, John Proctor is the protagonist and tragic hero of the story. John Proctor is a farmer and town leader whose downfall initially begins when he commits adultery, but the ultimate flaw is the moral sentiment that he uses to cope with the situation and the others that follow when he and his...
2 Pages 1107 Words

Essay on Pros and Cons of Healthy Food

The food choices that people decide to eat have a direct impact on health which can either be positive or negative. However, we can't deny that the food choices that people make are highly influenced by what is readily available within their environment. For example, that is where the closest supermarket is located along with where the closest fast-food restaurant is. The United States at this time is considered to have one of the highest rates of obesity and is...
2 Pages 1069 Words

Essay on Power

“I bought a dozen volumes on banking and credit and investment securities and they stood on my shelf in red and gold like new money from the mint, promising to unfold the shining secrets that only Midas and Morgan, and Maecenas knew.” This is a good example of the encapsulating ability of literature- which transports you to an unimaginable realm. Literature has the ability to do this, to create environs. They lead you to a point and your imagination fills...
2 Pages 1136 Words

Essay on Person Who Inspires Me: My Grandfather

In December and July, for the past 20 years, my grandfather ran one of Staten Island’s biggest blood drives which took place at my very own school, St. Clare’s. Ever since I was about four or five, my mother took me to the drive as I saw people walk in and out donating a pint or two of blood at a time. My grandfather limited my view of what was going on, but truly, I knew what was happening, I...
2 Pages 1105 Words

Essay on Moral Lesson in 'Epic of Gilgamesh'

Happy endings are common in literature and they end the story with a positive resolution or outcome. I believe that happy endings are also predictable in the sense that you can make the assumption that the protagonists will have everything work out in their favor before reaching the end of the story. However, not all endings are happy or have a favorable outcome, they will sometimes end in a tragedy or a situation that is not resolved. My thoughts as...
2 Pages 1134 Words

Essay on Money

Money has a major role in the Development of society often times, people say that they can live without money. They define money as just one of the tools that enhance people's living environment. However, in real life money is a very important matter in people’s lives. Although people in history have lived through the exchange of goods and didn’t rely on the value of money itself, today modern society can’t function without money. Money plays a huge role in...
2 Pages 1132 Words

Essay on Euripides Protagonist

Electra is considered the best character drama in Sophocles. In his version of the play, Sophocles showed a detailed analysis of Electra's ethics and motives. Unlike Euripides 'Electra, Sophocles' Electra emerged victorious from his efforts. He successfully avenged his father's death without being completely engrossed in anger. One of the most obvious themes in the play is the question of revenge or justice. In the play, Sophocles emphasizes the social and religious problems of justice. Some argue that Sophocles proved...
2 Pages 1082 Words

Essay on Engelhardt’s View of Bioethics in a Secular Age

“Reason has not been able to substitute for God (Hugo Tristram Engelhardt, 2017).” This is the thrust of Engelhardt’s view of bioethics (and ethics). Engelhardt documents the failed aspirations of the Enlightenment regarding a morality based on reason in which governments would be able to establish their authority through moral rationality, and all citizens would be part of a moral community. He termed this, the Western Philosophical Project, which was born in Greece. Engelhardt deemed this project as flawed because...
2 Pages 1060 Words

Essay on Deforestation

The cause: Deforestation. What is Deforestation? Deforestation is basically the process of permanently removing trees to make room for creating land for agriculture, construction, logging, or cattle ranching. Unfortunately, the amazon suffers from deforestation the most. According to WWF, 20% of the Amazon biome has already been lost due to deforestation and is predicted to get worse if deforestation continues at an alarming rate. It is also estimated that Amazon will lose about 27% of its trees by the year...
2 Pages 1121 Words

Essay on Contributions of Jazz Musician Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong had a nickname called Satchmo and was the influencer of 1920 when he created music from trumpet style and vocals that were known to be unique. He had such a stage presence that people just wanted to watch him all the time. He not only impressed the world with Jazz but all music. During his singing career, he recorded famous songs like What a wonderful world and Stardust. His early years were that he was born in New...
2 Pages 1086 Words

Essay on Community Service

Community service is a social welfare service activity carried out by a community to meet the material and spiritual needs of its members. Community service is not just a social spontaneous and voluntary service activity, but a guided, organized, and systematic service system. Community service is not an ordinary social service industry. It is different from a business social service industry. Community service is not a social activity that provides services for others with only a small number of people....
2 Pages 1142 Words

Essay on Career Goals

How can I improve my employability prospects to reach my career goals? My career goal as of this moment is to complete my degree course to the best standard I can and to get a job in the real estate property development sector. I hope to improve and add employability skills to my knowledge with the aim to make myself as good a candidate as possible to get a job in the future. I want to also achieve full professional...
2 Pages 1130 Words

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy

Democracy in crisis: Is Direct Democracy the Solution? Democracy is a big word in today’s world. Pure democracy is basically what most political systems are trying to achieve. It has many types and forms and all of them depend on the status of the particular country. Direct democracy is people voting themselves instead of choosing representatives to vote and decide the issues for them. Every country’s political system has it is troubling and the question remains, is direct democracy the...
2 Pages 1087 Words

Essay on a Metaphor in 'Romeo and Juliet'

“Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible – it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.” Barbara De Angelis When you hear the name Shakespeare, what comes to mind? I am sure it’s his timeless play, Romeo and Juliet. This play has also been contemporized and made into a movie by the same name, but the...
2 Pages 1146 Words

Essay on 'The Importance of Being Earnest': How Does Wilde Use Lady Bracknell’s Words to Poke Fun at Marriage

Jack creates an alternate identity in order to take a break from sides of his life that become straining. To further explain, when he is bored he leaves the country and goes to the city to help his pretend brother who he has named Ernest, this is the man Gwendolyn thinks she is marrying. Society is so structured and pulls on Jack's life, additionally, it is impossible for the middle class to rise so his only choice to achieve some...
2 Pages 1125 Words

Essay on 'Sense and Sensibility': Character Analysis

Apart from the overarching theme of marriage deals, social status, and interpersonal relationships, Austen interweaves characters and community into liminality and personal growth journeys. Consequently, this personal self-reflection and rectification will result in the heroines instilling social change. Austen places the Dashwood sisters in a position where their personal growth is urgent, setting them amidst a social world that is starkly different from their previous one. Marianne is the more innocent and lively of the sisters while Elinor adopts a...
2 Pages 1058 Words

Essay on 'Inside Out' and 'Back Again' Theme

Refugees are regular people who were forced to leave their homes because of safety reasons and problems going on in their countries. While fleeing their homes their lives turned inside out because they had problems finding a place to go, they were separated from family. Also, they had trouble finding safe solutions to be in. Soon their lives turned back again, this happened when they were able to adapt to these different environments. Also by having help from different sources,...
2 Pages 1071 Words

Essay on 'Hunger Games': Book Review

People are born with a natural sense of fairness and when they are denied their societal rights of equality and justice a rebel is born and steps forward to inspire and lead for a better future. This supports the idea that “ Rebels don’t break rules because they want to, but because they have to”. This theme is reflected by Gary Ross in the highly acclaimed film The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games is about a country Panem divided into...
2 Pages 1136 Words

Do Zoos Help or Harm Animals: Discursive Essay

In the zoo, people can observe a variety of animals from all over the world. From aquatic animals to terrestrial animals, those vivid creatures are displayed in front of human beings. The origin of zoos can be dated back to ancient Egypt. Animals represented the power and wealth of an empire. The Romans usually captured animals, such as lions, elephants, and bears to battle criminals. According to Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences (2014), “Collections of animals during ancient times could...
2 Pages 1069 Words

Descriptive Essay on Snow Storm

Introduction Is it true that you are wanting to get up tomorrow first thing and run outside to play in the snow as opposed to sitting in a homeroom or office? Winter storms some of the time bring about snow days, where the climate conditions make travel and openness to cold air excessively dangerous for normal everyday exercises. A colder time of year storm is a climate occasion where the precipitation is predominantly snow, slush, or freezing rain. Regularly combined...
2 Pages 1070 Words

Descriptive Essay on Autumn Paintings

Art transcends across different nations and cultures, from generation to generation. The Met artistic project exhibits historical artworks alongside contemporary artists, allowing viewers to identify connections that span centuries. Jean-François Millet’s oeuvre of peasant farmers and landscapes constitutes one of the most famous artworks from the 19th century. His meticulous work using oil and painting highlights daily human activities that are not of importance to the majority of people but are vital for their survival. Xu Bing is an expert...
2 Pages 1096 Words
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