1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

What Is Big Data: Concrete Examples of Everyday Life

The term ‘big data’ is often used without knowing its true meaning. We hear more and more often about big data, but even more often we realize that those who use this expression do not really know its meaning very well. For this reason, it is legitimate to ask ourselves what big data is, why they are so recurrent in online and offline printing, especially those of a marketing and IT nature, and what it means that big data represents...
3 Pages 1142 Words

Experience of Participating in the Soccer Community as a Personal Advantage

I have been playing soccer since I was at the age of six. Over the time, I learned so many skillful attributes that are not only helpful for the team but also have been useful in my life. The soccer community enabled me to practice great work ethic, a closer bond between my teammates, and valuable life skills. I can bring these attributes to strengthen the Deerfield community. Playing soccer developed various attributes such as concentration, focus, dealing with failures...
2 Pages 1109 Words

Tang Empress Wu Zetian Vs Pharaoh Hatshepsut

Tang Empress Zetian was born in 625AD in Ch’angan China. She was born to a wealthy family, educated and taught to read. She passed away on December 16,0705AD. She effectively ruled China from 690AD-705AD. Pharaoh Hatshepsut was born 1525 BCE near Thebes, Egypt. She was born to Egyptian royalty and was born during a time where women were becoming more active in political affairs. She was educated in a multitude of areas and was taught to read and write at...
2 Pages 1086 Words

Amazon Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis

Jeffrey P. Bezos is the president, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chairman of Amazon.com Inc. Before Bezos became the founder of Amazon, he had a job from Intel, Bell Labs and Anderson Consulting. However, Bezos refused to invest those business for starting at fintech telecommunication which is Fitel. From 1998 until 1993, he transitioned to become a product manager at Bankers Trust and he quitted the job of Bankers Trust to become next hedge fund’s fourth senior vice-president, D. E....
2 Pages 1075 Words

US Involvement in Main Historical Events

Have you ever thought of how life would be like today without World War II and other world events, would you be here today? The U.S has been through many national events including World War II , Imperialism, and the Industrial Revolution, changing the U.S. forever and showing how the U.S. handled these situations leading into our future today. Throughout history, the United States has quickly adapted to change by how they handled imperialism, industrialization, World War II. Any of...
2 Pages 1097 Words

Ambition to Become a Member of the National Junior Honor Society

Scholarship is a commitment to learning. Scholarship means academic study or achievement or learning at a high level. A good scholar is willing to spend lots of time in important reading and study, as they know the lasting benefits of a learned mind. Learning should be lifelong and continuous. Lifelong learning improves our understanding of the world around us and provides us with more opportunities. Going through the process of learning helps to develop valuable life skills, such as time...
2 Pages 1121 Words

Greek and Roman Sculpture: Compare and Contrast

During the years between 27BCE from when Augustus Caesar proclaimed himself the first emperor in Rome to 476BCE with the fall of Constantinople, the Roman Empire was inundated with Greek-inspired statues. The art emerged from the Classical Period of Ancient Hellas was a powerful medium of expression, so influential the artists from the Roman Empire consequently developed their techniques, detailing and form. The reason for bringing these works to Rome in the first place was, as Plutarch says, to make...
2 Pages 1106 Words

Leaders Faced with Crisis

When beset with grief during times of great crisis, a leader must adopt change or risk becoming powerless to the changing world. In the novel ‘Ransom’, David Malouf expresses the many facets of leaders who are faced with tragic loss, demonstrating how grief may overcome them, and ultimately disempower them. Similarly, Stephen Frears likewise presents leaders faced with crisis in his movie ‘The Queen’, who consequently become helpless when they are incapable of adopting the change in the society they...
2 Pages 1051 Words

Significance of Henrietta Lacks' Case for Modern Medicine and Healthcare

‘The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks’, by Rebecca Skloot (2010) tells a story of a poor African American woman whose cancer cells were extracted without her awareness or consent and used for medical research at a lab of the Johns Hopkins University hospital. These cancer cells, later known as HeLa cells would become a major breakthrough in the field of medical research. The story is told from the viewpoint of a reporter who was diligent and thorough in collecting large...
2 Pages 1136 Words

Comparative Analysis of Larry Buchanan's and Hilton Als's Opinions About the Black Lives Matter Movement

Matter of Black Lives started in such a short period, amid the split and sometimes unstable world of movements of social justice, the protests have done so much to reflect on questions of long-neglected racial justice, gender and economic injustice. Black Lives Matter isn't always solely committed to bringing about significant legislative and legal reforms, but it can expect to turn opposition to permanent and essential human rights gains. Black Lives Matter has recently been the focus of several discussions...
2 Pages 1068 Words

Nike Market Demand Analysis

The firm I have chosen is Nike so I decided to examine some key details in determining the market demand for my company. Some of the factors I will be using to show how Nike's popularity affects their demand are populations and demographics, price of related goods, and taste. Nike's mission is 'to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete' (Nike.com). When looking at Nike’s target audience as...
2 Pages 1104 Words

Alienation in the Metamorphosis

Alienation is the state or experience of being isolated from a group or an activity to which one should belong or in which one should be involved. Alienation is a central theme that Franz Kafka discusses in his story ‘Metamorphosis’ from the beginning all the way to the end when the main character, Gregor, dies alone in his room. Gregor’s guilt, being a work alcoholic, and the rejection from his family feed off the central core of alienation. There seems...
2 Pages 1102 Words

Henri Matisse and His Fauvist Works

Originally an artist of neo-impressionism, Henri Matisse was later renowned for his great influence on the Fauvist. Matisse was noted for the use of intense, non-local colors in his images and the paint would be applied in thick strokes which had much more freedom to them. The ‘Fauvism’ period began around 1904 and carried on until around 1910, with its pre-courser being the ‘impressionism’ period. Three Fauvist exhibitions were held between the years of the fauvism movement. The large-scale painting...
2 Pages 1116 Words

Texas Political Culture and Its Influence on Public Policy: An Essay

Texas is blend of the individualistic and traditionalistic political culture. After getting independence from Mexico, the state mostly developed on effort of individual which still linger in Texas politics. Texas government has very limited power only to the extent that it creates opportunity for individual achievement. The state traditionally has been one party system. At present Texas economic and social conservatism, less voter turnout reflects the traditionalism. The belief values attitudes that make up Texas political culture and politics provide...
2 Pages 1087 Words

Actions of the Malaysian Society for the Prevention of Drug Addiction among Youth

Before we effectively deal with drug addiction, we must get a clearer picture of the problem as it stands in the current social context. The development of technology and the transformation of Malaysian society have caused the effort of the government, public institutions and parents in solving the drugs abuse among the young break off. The development of technology is allowing the increase of production of drug, the opening of new trafficking routes, and new markets. But, we still need...
2 Pages 1077 Words

The Shaping of Today's America by Capitalism

The United States of America, land of the free and home of the brave, one of the biggest powers in the world and the most influential. We live in a society, where success can be achieved if your willing to put in the hard work. We aspire to be successful, to be well off on finances, to be able to purchase whatever we would like and to be generally independent with ourselves. All these actions occur within a Capitalistic society....
2 Pages 1109 Words

Scotiabank's Knowledge Management Vision and Guiding Principles

“Identifying and developing talent globally is the strength that makes leadership a competitive advantage for Scotiabank” - (Scotiabank, 2019). First and foremost, Scotiabank is extremely dedicated to helping develop leaders. Ultimately, strong leadership within any business is a competitive advantage that can help deliver positive results. Scotiabank has operations in over 50 countries, and these platforms help identify and develop necessary talent from around the world. This is the particular strength that helps Scotiabank develop a competitive advantage. Globally, we...
2 Pages 1145 Words

Bitcoin and Its Real Threats

How can a virtual currency that exists in computer hard drives, manifest heated discussion and poses a real-world threat to the environment? The brief answer is Bitcoin mining. Since its foundation in 2009 by a mysterious group led by Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin has offered roughly 410 million transactions between millions of accounts. As of today, the daily average transactions are approximately 386,000 Bitcoins ($193,000,000). However, current research shows that there is a gradual decline in Bitcoin mining since 2017. In...
2 Pages 1065 Words

Sociological Imagination and Problems of University Students in African Countries

Students face a variety of academic challenges in universities. University is harder than and very different from high school, thus many students find it hard to cope and find balance. Students are required to put in more effort than usual in order to understand and chow the course. The magnitude of academic difficulty is high, so focus and discipline are essential. In this essay I will be discussing the sociological imagination and the problems of university students in African countries....
2 Pages 1078 Words

Flower Symbolism in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway

In Virginia Woolf’s novel, Mrs. Dalloway flowers give the reader much insight into the mind of Clarissa Dalloway. She offers flowers human-like characteristics and personas to them. Perhaps it is that she finds it difficult connecting to other individuals, and when she bestows human-like qualities to flowers, she finds comfort in her connection with them that she does not seem to get with other individuals. Flowers seem to additionally provide her relief when life can prove far too overwhelming, and...
2 Pages 1138 Words

Origin of the Patent

John Keynes once said, “Ideas shape the course of history”. It was the conservation of these ideas that molded the very patent system in place today. To understand the effect that patents have on America one must first understand the origin. According to the United States Patent Office, the first patent in America was issued for the use of potash as a fertilizer by Samuel Hopkins. As of today there have been over six million patents issued today in America....
3 Pages 1147 Words

Anne Bradstreet’s and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Views on the Developing Puritan Society

In 1630, the Puritans made their initial voyage to America, they possessed high goals and ideals in the hope that their future settlement at Massachusetts Bay would become a “city upon a hill”. The utopia settlement envisioned by the Puritans was supposed to serve as an example for the rest of the world in what proper living was. In Anne Bradstreet’s poem ‘The Prologue’, and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel ‘The Scarlet Letter’ specifically ‘The Custom House Chapter’, the authors suggest that...
2 Pages 1139 Words

Arab-Israeli Conflict in Daniel Gordis’s ‘Independence the State is Born’ and Anita Shapira’s ‘The War of Independence 1947-1949’

Daniel Gordis’s ‘Independence the State is Born’ and Anita Shapira’s ‘The War of Independence 1947-1949’ both discuss the 1947-49 conflict. Both authors shed light on the historical events that occurred during the Jewish struggle to establish a safe haven after years of exile. However, Gordis’s account pays more attention to the human actors involved in the decisive events leading up to the creation of an independent Jewish state – their individuality, interpersonal conflicts, motivations and inclinations. Shapira’s account is a...
2 Pages 1071 Words

Justices of the Supreme Court - Politicians in Disguise

Undoubtedly the Supreme Court has considerable political power. This power has come about after the case Marbury v Madison, the landmark decision that helped define the boundary between the constitutionally separate executive and judicial branches of the American form of government. The job of a judge, in this case of the Supreme Court Judges, is to be unbiased, fair, neutral, impartial, and their judgement should not be based on those of any political party or movement. The Supreme Court has...
2 Pages 1105 Words

The Problem of Chronic Student Absenteeism and Ways to Deal with It

Schools in California, such as Cerritos High School, have a major issue regarding chronic student absences at an insane rate of 10 to 15% among all schools, and such issues have a two-fold impacting the school itself and the student's ability to learn. Not all absences are bad, however, students mostly have valid reasons, but those with chronic absences (like skipping school) are just missing out improving their education. Education isn’t a privilege, rather it is a necessity that makes...
2 Pages 1057 Words

The Concept of Neurodiversity and the Social Model of Disability in Relation to Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a Neurodevelopmental disorder this diagnosis can lead to impairments in both verbal and nonverbal communication, social interaction and repetitive restricted behaviour - The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), according to The American Psychiatric Association (APA 2013). The above statement is a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, if one is reading this for the first time and you are autistic how does it make you feel? The concept of neurodiversity in relation to autism...
2 Pages 1101 Words

The Emergence of the United States as a Great Power on the World Stage

There is no doubt that the United States came onto the world stage as a great power during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. How, and why that happened are important discussions to realize just how powerful the U.S. was during this time. Another big question was if the U.S. was an empire during this time. In order to answer that, the word empire must be defined. According to Meriam-Webster, an empire is “a major political unit having a...
2 Pages 1082 Words

Amazon Competitive Advantage

Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle – Napoleon Hill. Amazon being a giant eCommerce company has now become every internet businesses’ icon and inspiration. The company which was founded by Jeff Bezos in the year 1994, have gone through continuous innovation and multiple investments that led to the company’s success in today’s global setting. In the assessment of Amazon’s profile and company background, the company appears to have a really strong and sustainable overall competitive advantage...
2 Pages 1132 Words

Benjamin Franklin's Life as an Model of How People Should Live

Born in a humble background, Benjamin Franklin is fondly remembered as one of America’s founding fathers. Born as the 8th born in a family of seventeen children, Benjamin was not lucky to get a quality formal education past the age of ten years. He, however, self-taught himself and managed to rise as a businessman, author, scientist, inventor and an icon in the history of the US. In his autobiography, Benjamin gives a recount of his life during the different periods...
2 Pages 1083 Words

Characteristics of the Romantic Era

The Romantic era, an intellectual, artistic, and literature movement that started officially in the 18th century, more specifically in 1798 through 1870. This movement mostly took place in Europe, mostly used in England and America. In 1800, the Romantic Era starting getting more popular and reaching its peak until about 1850. Lots of important poets that everyone knows today happened in this period, historical events, and art works for example like Edgar Allen Poe was known for the ‘Dark Romanticism’...
2 Pages 1131 Words
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