1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Ayn Rand's Biography and Critical Analysis of Her Novel Anthem

Biography Ayn Rand born in Russia in 1905. She was writer whose commercially effective novels persuading individualism and capitalism were influential among right-wingers and libertarians and it was popular for youth generations in the USA from the middle of the twentieth century . Her dad was a thriving druggist. After being mentored at home, Alissa Rosenbaum, the oldest of 3 children, was sign in an innovator educational institution , where she shined intellectual but was socially remote. Following the Russian...
2 Pages 1062 Words

Essence of Being American: Analytical Essay on America and I by Anzia Yezierska

What is an American? The society of America is determined by many different factors such as age, race, language, and cultural beliefs. If the people of America make up and define America as a whole, then what does it mean to be an American? The influences of the diversity of culture and ideas have existed in America since as early as the 1800s. People look at the American land as the promised land of purpose. They believe that the American...
2 Pages 1054 Words

Education in the World: Analysis of the Drawbacks of Indian Education

Introduction Education is the science and art of imparting information which becomes knowledge and converts into wisdom. Education gives us knowledge of the world around us, so that we could change it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life (Doumbia, 2013). Education can be both formal and informal, but unfortunately, most of the people relate education to formal education. Education...
2 Pages 1149 Words

Silent Spring Versus Frankenstein: Comparative Analysis

Most of us can understand the serious consequences modifying our food and life can be. Whether it is injecting pesticides in our food to make them last longer or wanting to change the genes in our children, they can seem great at first but they can end up having unintended dangers that can soon to be harmful for not only us, but animals and plants as well. Those who do understand the negative effects to these topics and agree, don’t...
2 Pages 1120 Words

Analytical Essay on Christmas Traditions: Origins of the Elf on the Shelf

The holidays are a time of year that is filled to the brim with a wide variety of different festivities and traditions for families of all shapes and sizes. Christmas, especially, knows no limits when it comes to the vast array of traditions, old and new, to choose from and adopt. Over the past decade, the Elf on the Shelf, above all, has become widely known and popular among every corner of the globe. The Elf on the Shelf is...
2 Pages 1059 Words

Philosophy Paper on Possibility of Time Travel into the Past without Creating a Time Paradox

Time travel is well-known from sci-fi and has fascinated philosophers and physicist alike due to the metaphysical issues that arise from it: the nature of time, causation, and modality. It's broadly acknowledged that it is possible to time travel to the future, however the possibility of time travel to the past has continued to be intensely debated because of the paradoxes of time that can occur. In this paper, I will argue that time travel into the past is possible...
3 Pages 1144 Words

The Plight of Minorities and Progressive Era: Analytical Essay

The history of America in terms of minorities has always been a rollercoaster of hardships and triumphs. Minorities included every ethnic group that was not born in America and people of color. These minorities included, but were not limited to; immigrants, Mexicans, Japanese Americans, and African Americans. There are certain eras in which minorities soared and others in which minorities were treated with discrimination in the face of injustice. It is important to note that though there had been highs...
2 Pages 1056 Words

Consideration for Leaders: Analytical Essay on First African American Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall

What defines an influential leader, is it a person who can rally the masses to fight for a cause in face of adversity or is someone who others inspire to be. Throughout history there have been many leaders who have made an impact on this world. From Alexander the Great to George Washington, every culture has those who have made an impacted that helped change their culture in in some shape or form. America is no different in Producing influential...
2 Pages 1069 Words

Critical Analysis of Economic Consequences of the Great Depression

The public banking ferial termination the continued banking crisis, enter to renew the general’s confidence in banks and the saving, and unpracticed a revival from April through September 1933. President Roosevelt came into office design a New Deal for Americans, but his advisers believed, mistakenly, that exorbitant contention had led to overproduction, causing the depression. The centerpieces of the New Deal were the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) and the National Recovery Administration (NRA), both of which were aimed at reducing...
2 Pages 1081 Words

Historic Newspaper Assignment: Critical Analysis of the Article

Historic Newspaper June 28, 1914 marked the day that would turn the world upside down, this is the day that Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg were murdered in Sarajevo. They were severally wounded by Gavrilo Princip a 19 year old from Grahovo, who was a group of six assassins ( five Serbians and one Bosnian. The original political objective of the assassination was to essentially cut off Austria-Hungary’s South Slav provinces, so they could be...
2 Pages 1110 Words

Analysis of Correlation between Violence in Video Games and Human Aggression

Media depicted violence has been around for over a century now and has evolved from literature to comics to film and finally to video games, and each stage of progression has been met with societal backlash. In the past ten years however, the rise in mass shootings has caused many politicians to point a finger at violent video games as a key factor. In the wake of these tragedies, many scholars began looking for a link between violent media consumption...
2 Pages 1111 Words

Abigail Adams and Dolley Madison, and Their Contribution in Shaping the Modern-day Equality as U.S. Presidents’ Wives

U.S. Presidents’ Wives in shaping America’s Value and Equality There is no doubt that women play an influential role in the U.S. political climate today, and female citizens have the freedom to partake in congress while having equal opportunity to win a seat in the senate. However, history has proven that things were not always as equal to what is perceived today. Before the 1760s, American women were seen as having no legitimate public role, and husbands have total control...
2 Pages 1124 Words

Situation with Public Language Shaming in Malaysia: Analytical Essay

Language plays a vital role in every communication of human life where people are able to speak and understand each other. However, despite having language, some people have misused the privilege of language to shame others for their incompetence. This denotes the idea of ‘language shaming’ where people used to mock the accent, pronunciation of the words, grammars and everything that may unconsciously affect the speaker. In fact, this social issue has been enormously grown in many generations either in...
2 Pages 1121 Words

Power of Verbal Abuse in Causing Depression: Analytical Essay

The main issue in the image that have chosen which is image 5 is depression problems are rising in the society. Depression is a very common and serious mental illness that may negatively affect people’s life. It is also known as clinical depression or major depressive disorder. This mental illness can affect any ages of people includes adults, children, adolescents, and even elderly. Depression will cause physical and mental problems includes having a feeling of sadness, hopelessness, loneliness, and tearfulness....
2 Pages 1146 Words

The Attack on Pearl Harbor: Analysis of Contributions and Roles of Leaders during WW2

There were many important leaders during World War II. They all had a significant impact during the war. Also, they played essential roles. To start off. The first leader is Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill was born in 1974. Later in his life, he became a member of the Parliament. Churchill impacted the lives of many people during this period of time. Before World War II started in 1939, he had warned about the rise of Hitler and the Nazis in...
2 Pages 1071 Words

Critical Analysis of “When the Mississippi Ran Backwards”: Representation of Westward Expansion

“When the Mississippi Ran Backwards” refers to a fascinating historical work, meticulously researched and produced by Jay Feldman. The book explores the series of the most powerful earthquake in the history of America, which resulted in the reverse flow of River Mississippi. In the last desperate rebellion, the earthquake united the Indians. The book uncovers a seamy murder that changed the course of the 1812 War. The book revolves around three stories that culminate in the ground shaking, changing the...
2 Pages 1110 Words

Misleading Martyrdom of John Proctor: Analytical Essay

“It is the cause, not the death that makes the martyr.” (Napoleon Bonaparte). The underlying truth of this axiom has been the ruler in which all protagonists’ deaths have been measured. One such instance is the execution of John Proctor in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. In her article, Fair and Foul: The Goodness of John Proctor, the critic Susan Abbotson proposes the argument that in the 1996 film rendition of The Crucible, Proctor’s character development goes from “JP to JC”;...
2 Pages 1058 Words

Concept of Lust in Arthur Miller’s Play “The Crucible” and Anne Bradstreet’s Poem “The Tenth Muse”

Lust Noun - uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness. A passionate or overmastering desire or craving (usually followed by for): a lust for power. Ardent enthusiasm; zest; relish: an enviable lust for life. Verb - (used without object): to have intense sexual desire. to have a yearning or desire; have a strong or excessive craving (often followed by for or after). Etymology: Before 900; Middle English luste, Old English lust; cognate with Dutch, German lust pleasure, desire; akin...
2 Pages 1122 Words

Analytical Essay on Title IX: Quinnipiac University Case Study

Quinnipiac University is a suburban private university located in Hamden, Connecticut. The university is well-known for its degrees in the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels. The institution has captured national attention over its student journalism with the universities' control over student publications and students’ speech in 2007 and 2008 along with two Title IX cases that occurred in 2010 and 2016.These case studies will focus on Title IX issues that violated several acts including specific details that lead up to...
2 Pages 1063 Words

Prejudice As the Main Theme in the Novel To Kill a Mockingbird: Critical Analysis

Prejudice is a negatively biased opinion based on stereotypes and ideas not proven to be true, which is a main theme in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Prejudice may make one feel excluded, dejected, or inferior to others in society, which is what three certain characters feel in this story. To Kill a Mockingbird is a book written by Harper Lee published in 1960. Within this fiction, the characters affected by prejudice are Walter Cunninham Jr., Scout Finch, and...
2 Pages 1083 Words

“The Life You Save May be Your Own', 'Good Country People', and 'A Good Man is Hard to Find”: Comparative Analysis

American author, Flannery O’ Connor believed in shocking her audience with exorbitant characters and usually aggressive plots to get her point across. Her short story, “The Life You Save May be Your Own, Good Country People, and A Good Man is Hard to Find,” includes a traveling handyman lures a deaf woman, a skewed Bible salesman, and a garrulous grandmother recognizes a roaming bandit face off on a dirt road. O’ Connor additionally used her Christian faith and personal interest...
2 Pages 1104 Words

Representation of American and Chinese Cultures in the Novels of Amy Tan: Analytical Essay

The first quarter of the book, Feathers from a Thousand Li Away, primarily focuses on four Chinese mothers, and their past lives. In the first chapter, The Joy Luck Club, the narrator, Jing-Mei Woo, describes her late mother, Suyuan Woo, who has died of an aneurysm. She recounts the story of her mother’s past from her perspective: she had abandoned her two babies in China when the Japanese attacked and lost her husband to the war. Then, she started the...
2 Pages 1052 Words

John Brown's Way of Life and Achievements

Revolution is a word that was getting more broad in the era between 1750 and 1850's. The independence of the United States of America was a major event in our history. Thomas Paine, an english guy who was an important figure leading to independence, was the first person to illustrate the idea of a revolution and demanding their justice rights, by writing the Common Sense. Scott Leill published a book called “46 Pages”, demonstrating the consequences of this pamphlet on...
2 Pages 1140 Words

Sound Design in Ghost Stories: Analytical Essay

Sound Design in Ghost Stories “Genres that aim to initiate strong and intense emotional and bodily effects in the viewer (such as horror films or thrillers) produce complex audiovisual metaphors that elucidate affective and physical experiences.”(Fahlenbrach, 2008) Sound design has the incredible ability to evoke emotional and physical responses from audiences, which is profoundly noticeable in the horror genre. Sound is “greatly involved in the production of dread”(Heimerdinger, 2012) and offers a much more inclusive experience than visuals alone, allowing...
2 Pages 1134 Words

Promotional Campaign Of 'Jeeto 21 Crore' for Divya Bhaskar Newspaper: Multidisciplinary Action Project Report

Executive Summary The executive summary gives an overview of our internship which includes of learning, meetings and experiences. Our project starts with an introduction and market analysis of the Newspaper industry. This is an attempt to know how the theories can be applied in practical life so as it becomes helpful for the company to create awareness and sell of the Product as per the customers’ choice and requirement to fulfill their demands. The first part of the project report...
3 Pages 1075 Words

Unrecognized Females that Contributed to the United States of America's Advancement: Anne Bradstreet, Nancy Hart, Sarah Josepha Hale

Anne Bradstreet was born in 1612 to a nonconformist former soldier of Queen Elizabeth, Thomas Dudley, who managed the affairs of the Earl of Lincoln. In 1630, he sailed with his family for America with the Massachusetts Bay Company. The ship carried Puritans to New England, where Anne and her family emigrated to America. The Puritans fled Great Britain's monarch to avoid and escape persecution. During this time, as the Puritans were new colonists at the time, the British colonies...
2 Pages 1119 Words

Factors Affecting Personality Development: Analysis of Birth Order Theory

How can everyday life form one’s personality as a child? What makes an individual have a distinct personality compared to another? Personality is the way a particular person thinks, feels, and behaves. It forms unique character and impacts us on how we respond to actions in our environment. Personality is fully developed by the age of 7 and in most cases, it stays constant throughout life (Cherry). Many factors come into play in the development of personality, such as the...
2 Pages 1090 Words

Representation of The Simple Life in Walden by Henry David Thoreau: Analytical Essay

Standing up for what one believes in is an ideal that most grow up with. A just and fair system is one that is expected, but most often not the reality. The question that emerges then, is what one will do about that. Will he or she let the unjust reality guide their life, or will they try to amend the reality to one that is fairer? While many would like to think they would stand up for themselves, and...
2 Pages 1097 Words

‘Metamorphosis’ Versus ‘The Judgement’: Comparative Analysis

Answer all of the following questions. Please use no more than the recommended number of words for you answer to each question. 1. How does the narrative perspective of either ‘Metamorphosis’ or ‘The Judgement’ impact on the reader’s understanding of the story? (150 words) In both cases, the stories are told from a third-person perspective, nevertheless, it only focuses on the protagonist's point of view. In ' The Metamorphosis' there's a limited omniscient narrator who despite being well aware of...
2 Pages 1058 Words

Eid al-Fitr As Muslim Religious Holiday: Reflective Essay on Islamic Culture

One of the Muslim religious holidays is called Eid ul Fitr. It is celebrated by Muslims around the world, which begins at end of the month of Ramadan, an Islamic holy month of fasting. There are only two Muslim holidays. Eid al fitr, and eid al adha. Each is celebrated after a holy month. Eid al fitr is celebrated after Ramadan, and exactly the day after the last day of fasting, Muslims all around the world wake up early in...
2 Pages 1054 Words
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