1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Brave New World As One Of The Most Banned Or Controversial Books Over The Years

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is known for being one of the most banned or controversial books over the years. The book shows that a society can have sex with anyone and do drugs, whilst being able to openly talk about it, and have the ability to handle the issues casually and publically, with there being zero consequences as a result, happiness can be found within a controlled society, with no freedom, and the lack of a personal identity....
2 Pages 1080 Words

Concept Of Sacrifice In Heroic Poetry: Argumentative Essay

1000 Words Essay about Heroism Each and every person needs to succeed at something. Regardless of whether it be sports, school, their activity, or even the general idea of life. Sacrifice some idea of opportunity so as to succeed. Sacrifice is a more important than success since one can not make without sacrificing something first. Nothing will occur if the heroes does not attempt to make an improvement. In every one of these stories, it advise the reader what they...
2 Pages 1081 Words

Chronic Sleep Deprivation: Critical Analysis Of Articles

Chronic Sleep Deprivation Chronic sleep deprivation (CSD), sleep less than 6 hrs a day over a long period of time, is a prevalent condition exiting among many adults and teenagers worldwide, which leads to various lasting effects on brain and health. This essay explores natures of a review article regarding CSD as well as the journal the article is published-in, offering comprehensive descriptions of one primary research referenced in the review article and explaining connections between these two resources, also...
2 Pages 1095 Words

Anne Frank's Way of Life

On June 12, in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1929, Anne Frank was born. In 1934, when she was 5, she moved in with her grandmother along with her sister, Margot, her Mother, Edith, and her father, Otto. On April 9, 1934, Anne Frank went to kindergarten at the Sixth Montessori School. She went to elementary school there until 1941. It was a good time for her. She loved her new home and had many friends there. On January 10, 1933, Adolf...
3 Pages 1120 Words

Reflection On Political Correctness: Opinion Essay

Let me ask you this, do the majority of people look up to Donald Trump, the president of the United States? Do people respect and agree with what he posts on his Twitter account? How many people get offended by him everyday? In todayā€™s world, more and more people are becoming sensitive towards topics that are difficult, such as issues with race, gender, suicide, mental health, and many more. This is why ā€œPolitical Correctnessā€ is necessary. First off, I would...
2 Pages 1147 Words

The Murder Of Piggy: The Pyramid Of Hate And The Stanford Prison Experiment

Into: Barbarism prevailed over civilization in a series of events that resulted in the tragic death of Piggy when Roger released a boulder on him in William Goldingā€™s novel Lord of the Flies. Although Roger was influenced by Jack to act savagely, his own actions warrant a first degree murder charge for the death of Piggy because of his willfulness, deliberation, and premeditation to hurt Piggy. Roger always had a destructive nature and a clear motive to kill. The Pyramid...
2 Pages 1077 Words

Key Concepts Of Care And Importance Of The 6Cā€™s Within The Healthcare Profession

The following essay focuses on the principle purpose of care and discusses the importance of the 6Cā€™s within the healthcare profession. The 6Cā€™s of nursing were established so that care is delivered to the patients in a constructive and structured manner Secure Healthcare Solutions, (2016). Nurses who function on these core values ensure that the patients are safe, protected and aided well, when providing them with the required care Secure Healthcare Solutions, (2016). Care/caring is a term that is extremely...
2 Pages 1118 Words

Disadvantages Of Media Development

Media development refers to change that occurs over all forms of media. It can be influenced by many factors; rule of law, how supportive diverse views are by society, freedom of expression, the attitude of journalists. This essay will focus on how whether the development of media had been a positive or negative impact on society. The publication of the World Wide Web to the public in 1991, which allowed users to build websites of their own, marked the start...
2 Pages 1101 Words

Role Play And Reflective Essay On General Practice

In this essay I am going to be reflecting on the role play when I was a General practitioner and meeting a patient who is 55 years old , self-employed and has type 1 diabetes . I will be demonstrating the working skills with one-to-one client. It will also look at the effective communication, listening and good technique of asking questions when working with the individual letting them express what is wrong with them . Gibbs (1998) reflective cycle will...
2 Pages 1088 Words

Drugs Abuse in Educational Institutions

Educational institutions portray an important role in furnishing students with a bright future.But the question arises,``Is the future of students secure in educational institutions which are at a higher risk of drug abuse?ā€ Drugs cripple the future of students thoroughly. The percentage of students suffering from this heinous act is increasing day by day. Drug abuse in educational institutions has become a world wide issue.Private institutions are more susceptible to drug abuse as comared to government sectors.According to a survey...
2 Pages 1138 Words

Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass: Studying The Origins Of Slavery

The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass was a heartfelt book of his enduring life. This book gave me a great appreciation for all Frederick has endured, all he overcame and lived through and for what he became. What an inspirational story that helps us all appreciate the life he lived and the impact he has had on millions of people. Douglass stood up for himself and his country to get slavery abolished. Douglass as a child in Maryland...
2 Pages 1060 Words

Social Contract: Should the Sovereignā€™s Power Be Absolute

A nation can be considered to be sovereign when an individual or governing body is bestowed upon optimum and complete power to govern a people over a particular region. The nature of sovereignty has been debated about time and time again. John Locke (1689) formulated a social contract theory whose foundations are the source and validity of the sovereign, the foundation of the law, and the justifications of following the set laws. It's also how people can hold accountable for...
2 Pages 1058 Words

Concept of Truth And Its Importance In Our Life

Truth, the property of sentences, assertions, beliefs, thoughts, or propositions in metaphysics and philosophy are said to agree with the facts or state what is the case in normal discourse. Truth is the object of the belief; logical error is a mistake. Individuals need to endure the reality of the world. Knowing the truth is critical. Believing that which is not true will ruin a person's plans and may even cost him his life. To say what is not true...
2 Pages 1057 Words

Civil Rights Activism In Australia

Part of Australiaā€™s history is the horrendous treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. The arrival of British settlers in 1788 set the stage of struggle with human rights for the Indigenous People, as they faced segregation, assimilation and the systematic attempt to erase their race, through the means of the Stolen Generation. It was only until the UN created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights after the disturbing neglect of human rights displayed in Nazi Germany during World War...
2 Pages 1087 Words

Irony and Sarcasm to Expose the Characters Flaws in the Importance of Being Earnest

Oscar Wildeā€™s, The Importance of Being Earnest, creates a trivial comedy which emphasizes the absurdity within Victorian society during the 19th century. The playwright uses characters Jack Worthing, Algernon Moncrieff, Cecily Cardew, Gwendolen Fairfax and Lady Bracknell to develop a sense of humor and comments on the absurd nature of Victorian morals and values. Wilde has used the techniques of irony and character foil to evolve and build characterization of characters in the play. A play created by Oscar Wilde,...
2 Pages 1063 Words

Dulce Et Decorum Est, The Soldier And The Rear-Guard: Comparative Essay

In their poetry, Wilfred Owen, Rupert Brooke and Siegfried Sassoon all express very different perspectives towards war. Wilfred Owen in his poem ā€œDulce et Decorum Estā€ expresses the brutality of war and a sense of deception at being lied to by the propaganda and the government. However, in Rupert Brooke's poetry, he conveys a sense of patriotism towards the war. Siegfried Sassoon, on the other hand, portrays how war changes soldiers, turning them into human savages and highly affecting them...
2 Pages 1141 Words

Problem Of Domestic Violence Within The Australian Society

One every two minutesā€¦ 264,000 counts of domestic violence matters are dealt with by police on average each year. However, these numbers only reflect the cases that have been reported. It is commonly accepted that domestic violence is seen as an act where someone, who has a personal relationship with another, makes that person feel afraid, powerless or unsafe. Generally accepted as a physical or verbal act, it can also include emotional and psychological abuse. Domestic violence is now recognised...
2 Pages 1145 Words

Situation with Child Labour in China: Analytical Essay

Every child should have a safe and carefree childhood, with the opportunity to receive the education they need and deserve so they can live a bright future, leaving their imprint on society by working to improve the lives of themselves and others around them. Unfortunately, not everyone has the luxury to live in an economically stable environment, as the case of thousands/millions of Chinese children. As a result, they are forced or coerced into working in large factories under the...
2 Pages 1123 Words

Rape Culture and Victim Blaming Behaviour: Opinion Essay

I hope you're sitting comfortably now, because I am here to make you feel uncomfortable. I'm going to start with a story of a 15-year-old girlā€¦ It was a nightmare before Christmas. A car filled with men- 2 of whom she knew- pulled over beside Leia who was walking alone to a party. They offered a ride, she agreed, and she climbed into the vehicle where she was seated between two strangers. As they drove, instead of arriving at the...
2 Pages 1093 Words

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Prevalence, Risk Factors, Treatment And Prevention

I. Introduction Autism is a condition that is present from birth or very early in development that affects essential human behaviours such as social interaction, the ability to communicate ideas and feelings, imagination, and the establishment of relationships with others. It usually has life-long effects on just how children acquire to be social beings, look after themselves, and to join in the community. Autism has grown into the most common neurological and developmental disorder detected in children nowadays. There is...
2 Pages 1083 Words

Article Religious Ideals and Communism In Harrison Bergeron

Religious ideas have manipulated societies for centuries and existed as covert supremacy, dictating the actions executed by humanity. Religious discrimination is not a prehistoric phenomenon, with modern-day occurrences such as antisemitism and the holocaust, predominantly initiated by faith. Islamophobia is amplified issues emerging from terrorism and Islamic radicalism and extremism, as well as recent terrorist attacks. This has initiated stereotypical ideals and xenophobia, particularly in western nations. The commencement of Muslim bans/Travel bans has further augmented the religious bias. This...
2 Pages 1125 Words

The Road Not Taken: Critical Analysis Of Poetry

Robert Frost born on March 26, 1874 was an American poet and winner of 4 Pulitzer Prizes. Famous works include ā€œFire and Ice,ā€ ā€œMending Wall,ā€ ā€œBirches,ā€ ā€œOut Out,ā€ ā€œNothing Gold Can Stayā€ and ā€œHome Burialā€ but arguably his most famous is 'The Road Not Taken,' which is often read at graduation ceremonies, as the poem is written about life choices. As a young boy Robert lived in San Francisco, California but due to the passing of his journalist father William...
2 Pages 1147 Words

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Utilizing Nuclear Radiation For The Treatment Of A Brain Tumor

Research Question What are the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing Nuclear radiation for the treatment of a brain tumor? Background Information About Brain Tumors A brain tumor is a group of abnormal cells that grow in or around the brain. Tumors can directly destroy healthy brain cells. They can also indirectly damage healthy cells by crowding other parts of the brain and cause inflammation, brain swelling and pressure within the skull. Brain tumors are either malignant or benign. A malignant...
2 Pages 1126 Words

Police Brutality: Problem Of An Excessive Use Of Force And Misconduct

Did you know that police brutality incidents have cost the united states over 1.8 billion dollars? The US has become incredibly notorious when it comes to police brutality and its dangers towards society. In 2018 there were 1,164 American civilians that had been killed by police officers alone. This Essay will adress the major issues that are shown throughout acts of police violence, or more specifically abuse of authorised firearms, the boundless amount of protection that is recieved due to...
2 Pages 1054 Words

Importance Of Intercultural And Technological Communications In Professional Environments

Introduction The communications form the base of the meaning of sharing ideas, issues and thoughts to others where the global businesses have made the inter-cultural communications as the chief of the process adopted. Hence communication stands as the pillar for the business interactions and its growth and development in the days of competitions and interchange of ideas which is based on the established norms and ways which makes it understood by all. The entire idea of communications is to make...
2 Pages 1070 Words

Effect of Malcolm X on the African American Civil Rights Movement

Introduction: To a great extent, Malcolm X had an effect on the African American Civil Rights Movement from 1925, up until he was assassinated in 1965. He gave a voice to people of all different demographics, religions, and classes, and this perhaps led to what would later be his enormous body of followers, which continued to believe in him even after he died. Coming from an extremely poor family, Malcolm was the son of a Baptist preacher, who received constant...
2 Pages 1120 Words

Imperialism Versus Emancipation Proclamation: Analytical Essay

Imperialism is somewhat slavery under another name. On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation after no Confederate states accepted his preliminary proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation declared ā€œthat all persons held as slavesā€ within the rebellious states ā€œare, and henceforward shall be free.ā€ However, the Emancipation Proclamation did not free all slaves in the United States. Rather, it declared free only those living in Confederate states. The Proclamation allowed black soldiers to fight for the Unionā€”soldiers who...
3 Pages 1145 Words

Critique Of The Behaviour And Values Of The 18th Century In Jane Eyre

The Victorian period was known for its strictly defined values and highly regulated culture. Charlotte Bronteā€™s biographically-styled narrative uses the novel form and characterisation of Jane Eyre to critique these intense values. This process compelled individuals to reassess their perspectives of the Victorian era and adjust their views on society. Bronte is challenging these realities from Jane Eyreā€™s earliest days which are fraught with tragedy. Charlotte Bronte explores Victorian behaviours and values throughout the novel and uses the protagonist to...
2 Pages 1133 Words

Greek Leaders in Thought, Science, and Math: Pythagoras

ā€œAll men by nature desire to knowā€Aristotle. That quote sums up how the Greeks looked at thought and learning. They constantly were searching for more knowledge and new ways of discovering it. The Greeks were pioneers in many of the things they did. The Greeks were one of the most influential leaders in math, science, and philosophy, and their ideas are still used today. The common factor between all these things was that in most cases they used deduction, and...
3 Pages 1147 Words

An Immoral Businessman and Utilitarianism: Analytical Essay

A businessman decides that he is going to buy the only source of water in a region and will sell rights to it in order to make a profit for himself. The businessman then proceeds to charge fifteen times more for water rights, effectively putting everyone in the farming community out of business. With the local economy extinguished, the townspeople grow poorer and are unable to meet their basic needs. The businessman thinks that he did nothing wrong in this...
2 Pages 1060 Words
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