1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Notion of Sacrifice and Selflessness in A Tale Of Two Cities

Are sacrifices inevitable? Every day, these gestures of altruism are made all around the world. From soldiers risking their lives for the civilians of a nation, to something as simple as high school students sacrificing their sleep for their education, dedications are unavoidable during our lifetime. Whether it be a modicum to give up, like sleep, or a copious bit, such as one’s life, sacrifice remains as a form of selflessness. The concept of caring more about others’ wishes rather...
2 Pages 1127 Words

Identification Of The Film Theories About The Movie Life Of Pi And All The Methods Used In The Production Of It

Introduction Life of Pi is a 2012 adventure drama film based on Yann Martel's 2001 novel of the same name. The storyline revolves around an Indian man named 'Pi' Patel, who is narrating to a novelist about his life story. He tells that how at the age of 16 he became a victim of a shipwreck and was able to survive all hardships. The fact that he was in the company of a Bengal tiger for whole 227 days on...
2 Pages 1092 Words

General Overview Of Forensic Toxicologist's Job

Introduction Toxicology is a field of science that helps people to understand the harmful effects of hazardous chemicals, substances, or other materials, can have on people, animals, and the environment. Toxicology is referred to as, “Science of Safety” because as a field it has evolved from a science focused on studying poisons and adverse effects of chemical exposures, to a science devoted to studying safety. A number of crimes involve toxins entering the body, such as poisoning, driving under the...
2 Pages 1112 Words

Reading Curriculum and English Language Learners in the Classroom

Introduction When English Language Learners or ELL’s are introduced into their new English-speaking classroom they are usually at a disadvantage from the very beginning. They do not know the new language they are being immersed in and they unfortunately do not have the tools they need in order to be successful in that new setting. In most cases, they are put in the classroom of a teacher who unfortunately does not know what to do with them or how to...
2 Pages 1100 Words

Malcolm Gladwell: Questions To Offensive Play

Questions The subtitle of Malcolm Gladwell’s article asks, “How different are dogfighting and football?” Does he explicitly answer the question? What does he think? What do you think? In his article, Gladwell doesn’t explicitly answer the question but he hints that football is similar to dogfighting as well as stock-car racing. On page 655, Gladwell quotes Carl Semencic when he’s talking about dog fights and when a dog sees their owner rooting for them they work twice as hard to...
2 Pages 1099 Words

General Overview of Ovarian Cancer

Introduction Ovarian cancer (OC) is the 9th most common cancer and the 9th most common cause of cancer-related death in women, with an overall 5-year survival of approximately 40%. In 2018, 295,414 new cases of OC were documented worldwide, 184,799 of which resulted in death (1). High-grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC) is the most common and deadliest subtype of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC), accounting for 70-80% of OC deaths (2). Originating from premalignant lesions in the epithelium of the fallopian...
2 Pages 1126 Words

Introduction to Society and Culture: Why We Choose Homeschooling in UK

Annabel, a 42-year-old educator at the institute of education, university of London, focuses on the current state of education in the UK and the future of education models. She has published articles on the state of education on the UK education website, such as how teachers break free. Besides she is also a Liberal Democrat. From 2000-2007, the number of children between the ages of four and 16 choosing to study at home nearly tripled, nearly 21,000 people choose to...
2 Pages 1103 Words

First Impression Of Bitty University

Pictures attached to the applications can impact Bitty University’s hiring decision due to many reasons: provided information’s content and order, the effect of negative information, the two dimensions of social cognition and attractiveness. First impressions could impact Bitty University’s hiring decision because the use of pictures results in the judgement of the candidate’s warmth and those candidates that are perceived to be warmer are seen to be more trustworthy. Additionally, attractive candidates are often given an interview or even hired....
2 Pages 1059 Words

Streetcar Named Desire: Character Analysis Of Blanche DuBois

Analytical Essay Look closely at Blanche’s monologue in Scene One on page 12 from A Streetcar Named Desire, starting with ‘I, I took the blows in my face and my body!’ until the end of the scene. Discuss in detail the way in which Tennessee Williams presents Blanche in this extract, considering how it reflects her characterisation in the play as a whole. Throughout A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams characterisation of Blanche DuBois presents the audience with a complex...
2 Pages 1079 Words

The Potential Of Science Fiction To Examine The Present By Exploring The Future

Science Fiction: A Commentary On Our Society? “Our species can only survive if we have obstacles to overcome. You take away all obstacles. Without them to strengthen us, we will weaken and die.” The above quote comes from Captain James T. Kirk, in an episode of Star Trek: The Original Series called ‘Metamorphosis’. The episode revolves around a man out of time, trapped on a distant planet for over eighty years, away from the rest of society as it grows...
2 Pages 1075 Words

Child Observation: Observation Of Adam (4 Years Old) With ADHD

Adam is one of four children who live at home with mum. Adam has ADHD but has no other medical conditions. When Adam was in year 4, he was one of a few children in his class achieving a greater depth of understanding academically especially in mathematics. Since joining year 5 Adam has shown a decline in the work he is completing in class and refusing to sit the end-of-term assessments has resulted in him falling to a below-average academic...
2 Pages 1102 Words

The Noticing Hypothesis In Language Theories

1.1 Introduction The Noticing Hypothesis is a language learning theory, proposed by Richard Schmidt in 1990. According to hypothesis, concious learning is necessary for second language improvement and competence. In more simple words, people learn about the things that they pay attention to and do not learn much about the things they do not attend to. In strong version of the hypothesis, it is stated that input must become intake beacuse it is essential starting point. In weak version, it...
2 Pages 1073 Words

Innovations In Aerospace Technology

Aerospace technologies have an enormous effect on society and economics today as the numerous advances allow us to travel faster and efficiently. To think of a world today without air travel would be almost unimaginable as we have grown so reliant on it. All throughout the 20th-century aircraft connected the world in ways never seen before, people could get to another continent in hours. Vacations to other continents became a true possibility for many of the people who could imagine...
2 Pages 1114 Words

History Of The Invention And Importance Of Computer

A man comes home from work after solving complex mathematical equations. He then dreams of the day when there will be a machine that could solve complex calculations. The man decides to try building a machine out of electronic switches, binary and a few other parts. His machine worked and that man was the inventor of the modern computer. There is only one invention that has completely revolutionized almost every industry in the 20th and 21st centuries and that invention...
2 Pages 1085 Words

History And Meaning Of Geometry Its Sacred Component

Societies including Christians, Hindus, Greeks, and Egyptians, saw that explicit models or geometric shapes are reiterated all through nature. These standard precedents and shapes came to be known as sacred geometry. They were furthermore isolated into various numbers, logical conditions and express pictures that the general population of old acknowledged were the building impedes for everything known to humankind. Present day science supports this speculation. It's been found that the sub-nuclear shapes that outline the start of life are in...
2 Pages 1078 Words

Regression Models To Predict Air Pollution

Regression Model A regression model is one of the most common machine learning models used for forecasting. The main idea of the regression model in air pollution prediction is that the model learns about the relationship between a dependent variable and a number of independent variables. There are different forms of the regression model, namely: linear regression and multiple regression. Linear regression is the simplest type of regression model as it only uses one independent variable as the model’s predictor....
3 Pages 1147 Words

The History Of Algebra And Its Need In The World

Algebra is used for many different things in everyday life. People have been using algebra for thousands of years starting in the 9th century. Algebra was discovered in Babylonia by Muhammad ibn Musa alKhwarizmi. He was a mathematician and astronomer, he is also known as the “Father of Algebra”. Algebra was invented to help aid the Babylonians in solving their rhetorical algebraic equations. Many people use algebra so today it is considered a life skill to know how to do...
2 Pages 1113 Words

The Creator Of The Electric Age Nikola Tesla

If we’re to ask most anyone that’s taken a course on history or the sciences they will likely know about Edison, Einstein, and or Newton, but what about the obscure story of the man that sought to pioneer wireless energy through the use of our ionosphere? It was July 10th, 1856 that Nikolai Tesla was born. He was born in the Austrian Empire where he studied engineering and physics, never actually receiving his degree. Through his studies however, he gained...
2 Pages 1142 Words

The Father Of Observational Astronomy Galileo Galilei

Introduction Galileo was famously known as the father of observational astronomy, modern physic,scientific method and modern science, science he studied speed and velocity ,gravity and free fall, worked in science and technology. Moreover he even describes the properties of pendulums and hydrostatic balances in order to invent theremoscope and various military compasses and also using telescope for the scientific o Galileo was observation that includes the study about telescope conformation of venus, satellites of Jupiter, Saturn’s rings and the analysis...
2 Pages 1106 Words

Albert Einstein Essay: His Biography And Discoveries

Intro We are introduced to an outstanding person when we hear the name Albert Einstein, whose ideas permanently changed how we understand the universe. From a young age, Einstein displayed an innate curiosity about the world. Encouraged by his parents, he immersed himself in scientific and mathematical texts, setting the stage for a remarkable future. However, his unconventional ideas and resistance to traditional schooling created challenges, foreshadowing a life filled with the courage to question established norms. His accomplishments ushered...
3 Pages 1075 Words

E.coli In Fish

E.coli presence in aquaculture attributed to the contamination of the water by animal waste [28]. Its isolation from fish samples indicates fecal contamination of the water resulting from the livestock manure. The contamination of food and environment with a bacteriological condition like E.coli is almost originated from human and animal feces. Isolation of E.coli was done by taking swab samples from the skin and muscle of fresh fish. Isolation of E.coli from fish muscle and skin has a statically significant...
2 Pages 1135 Words

Mathematics And Numeracy In Everyday Life

Mathematics and Numeracy can be found everywhere in the world around us as they are both an important aspect of our lives. Be it a shopkeeper, a doctor, a teacher, a lawyer, a student and even an insect in nature they all use the form of mathematics. Mathematics and numeracy are often thought to be the same but are two different concepts. While numeracy and mathematics draw upon the same body of skills, numeracy is not the same as mathematics;...
2 Pages 1080 Words

Honey Bees Impact On The Environment

Introduction Honey Bees are flying insects. They are very closely related to the wasp and ants. Bees rely on pollen and nectar to live (Honey Bee Centre, 2019). The Honey bee is the most commonly domesticated bee species in the world (Australian Museum, 2019). The honey bee was introduced by European settlers to ensure that there was a good supply of honey (Australian Museum, 2019). The bee is usually brown with a band of yellow colour, there body is covered...
2 Pages 1148 Words

Theories Of Evolution Of Lamarck, Darwin And Wallace

Introduction Throughout history a number of alternate theories of evolution have been proposed by equally intelligent scientists, most notably the theories of Jean Baptiste Lamarck, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. As with various theories, many tend to raise the question as to which theory has had the greatest contribution to modern evolutionary theories. Evolution is the one of the fundamental keystones of modern biological theory, through which organisms gradually changes over an extended period of time in response to...
2 Pages 1066 Words

The Fish Food In Nature

The word fish is an all-encompassing term used to describe every aquatic organism, such as ray-finned fishes, sharks, whales, lampreys, and coelacanths, to name a few. Besides being an aquatic organism, fish is a major source of protein to man. As a matter of fact, statistics provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization show that fish alone constitute 16% of the total protein consumed by man. Judging by such statistics, one fact is clear – fish is very significant to...
2 Pages 1100 Words

The Population Growth Of Killer Whales In The Coastal Regions Of Columbia And Washington State

One aim of this investigation was to identify the population growth rate of the Killer Whale population and to determine if they are in danger of going extinct. The population models used in this investigation analysed the different stages of the life cycle of the Killer Whale population. These stages included; yearlings, juveniles, mature/reproducing females and non- reproducing populations. Using the Lefkovitch matrix transition and R studio the population dynamics of this population were graphically illustrated, and the population growth...
2 Pages 1078 Words

Entertainment Music During The Elizabethan Era

The Elizabethan Era displays many different topics for discussion. One subject is the priority of music in this crucial age. Throughout history, music has been a tremendous part of life for many cultures and time periods, while sustaining to bring people together. All music has a particular style that pertains to only their time period. The Elizabethan Era is no different. There are many unique attributes to Elizabethan era music, including the instruments, the sounds, and the entertainment that encapsulated...
2 Pages 1111 Words

The French Revolution And Conservative Ideas

The French Revolution was not heartily welcomed by everyone in the 18th century. Edmund Burke, Joseph de Maistre, and Klemons von Metternich were thinkers at this time who wrote documents that showed their dislike for the ideas that stemmed from this revolution. The main idea that they wanted to combat was the elimination of the old basis of society, through taking religion out of the education system. Additionally, they believed that man could not create a written constitution. These ideas...
2 Pages 1132 Words

The Worst Events In World During The 20th Century

People say that we should never look back at the past because it is a waste of time and you will gain knowledge that you shall not need because it’s the future but they are wrong, these incidences that have happened in the past have now shaped our future and what we have now. There have been a lot of battles that have happened from World War 1 but the worst event was the Battle of Passchendaele, then, during the...
2 Pages 1064 Words

Social Roles Of Men And Women During Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome was a collection of interlocked communities of different people and more importantly individuals. The social construct of Ancient Rome allowed for many of the differences between men and women during this time. As Phillip Matyszak, author of 24 Hours in Rome, says,” For them, life is not about celebrating the glory of empire but for making the rent, coping with difficult relatives, and the daily challenge of home and work.” This shows the difficulties of the Roman people...
2 Pages 1082 Words
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