1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Can The CRISPR-Cas9 Enzyme Free An Individual Of Inherited Cardiovascular Disease?

Rationale The research question that was decided was formed from the claim 'Crispr can produce individuals who are free of genetic disease.' An article posted on the Morning Edition mentioned that a New York scientist conducted gene-editing experiments which, although raised some ethical concerns, could someday prevent many inherited diseases. Before the final question could be developed, numerous elements from the claim needed to be considered and broken down into key questions. Examples of these include ‘What is CRISPR?’, ‘What...
2 Pages 1136 Words

The Meaning And Understanding Of Covenant

The term Covenant refers to an agreement between two or more parties coming together to make a contract based on promises, privileges and responsibilities. However, in a religious and theological context, it is essentially a relationship between God and His people. While there are blessings that come with the relationship, there are also penalties if the relationship is broken. Judaism is considered to be the expression of the Covenant that was established by God and given to the Israelites. This...
3 Pages 1148 Words

Marriage And Sexual Ethics In Judaism

Sacred texts such as the Tenach, Talmud and Torah give guidance for all jews as to what they should be doing to live right and just with God. Judaism supports its adherents through these texts to ensure that they live their lives as good jews and have a fulfilling future and hope. Key correspondents to ensuring that the Jewish faith is followed right are the teachings of Rabbi Soloman Isaac (Rashi), Marriage and sexual ethics. All correlating back to the...
2 Pages 1135 Words

The Extent Of A Human’s Selfish Nature In The Crucible

Often, we are told that human nature tends to display traits of selfishness or embodies the attitude of ‘me first, you later’. Arthur Miller’s most reputed work ‘The Crucible’ explores the consequences and sheds light to the true extent of a human’s selfishness. The court-based drama focuses on the tales of the 1692 Salem Tragedy and tells the story of the Salem town who are falsely accused of practicing witchcraft. Readers are shown the strong theocracy used to serve a...
2 Pages 1125 Words

The Features Of Team Building Intervention

Senécal et al. (2008) have outlined the main aim of the study was to determine whether a season-long team-building intervention program could improve team cohesiveness. Authors define cohesion as a “dynamic process in which a group remains united in the pursuit of its objectives”, and interestingly, it is believed that the level of cohesiveness within a team may result in improved performance and success. The use of a team building intervention – a method of enhancing unity to enable the...
3 Pages 1149 Words

How Shakespeare’s Use Of Universal Themes Still Manages To Engage Modern Audiences

William Shakespeares’ play Romeo and Juliet continues to engage audiences over 400 years after its release through the use of timeless universal themes. Shakespeare was born in 16th-century England. Living through the reformation and the renaissance period influenced Shakespeare’s’ writing was influenced greatly by his surroundings. The gender roles portrayed in Romeo and Juliet, whilst being that of a blatantly patriarchal society, are still relevant to modern audiences. Modern society, though less blatant, is still a predominantly patriarchal society. The...
2 Pages 1128 Words

Social Disorder, A Logical Mind And Honesty In The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time

Fictional novels have the distinct capability to highlight and address issues to the reader which challenges societal norms. Mark Haddon's 2003 hybrid novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time (Curious Incident) explores the perspective of an individual suffering from autism spectrum disorder by highlighting the challenges and expectations he faces, and his coping mechanisms. Social disorder, a logical mind and honesty and truth are all aspects of Christopher Boone’s characterisation done effectively to offer insights and...
3 Pages 1147 Words

Impact Of Language On Shaping A Collective Identity

Language has an extraordinary amount of power to both reflect and shape an individuals identity. Significant use of words and phrases can be effectively put together to form characters and their personality. Choice of language helps to show experiences and tells the readers wholly what the character is like. The power of language can also demonstrate to the readers their attitudes, tonality, posture and attributes that can also reflect from their collective identity to how they act. Language can create...
2 Pages 1105 Words

The Ways Characters Contribute To The Death In An Inspector Calls

An Inspector Calls had written by J.B.Priestley In 1912, the story happened on the eve of the first World War (1914). All the characters in the story have responsibility for Eva's death. In 1907, Britain, France and Russia formally established a military alliance, corresponding to the German, Austrian and Italian lines, which further deepened the tension in Europe. Countries began an unprecedented arms race. Because of strong military demand and economic growth, Arthur Birling(capitalist) said in the film daughter's marriage...
2 Pages 1116 Words

The Causes And Impacts Of Boxing Day Tsunami

What is the Boxing Day Tsunami? The Boxing Day Tsunami was a magnitude 9.2 tsunami which negatively affected society and the environment (University of Southampton,2017) which was caused by an earthquake and could have lessened by the use of buoys. There was no technology used to track tsunamis and warn civilians, it’s tremors from the earthquake before did not give enough time for evacuation which resulted in catastrophic damage. It was created by an undersea 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake which...
2 Pages 1086 Words

Exotic Pets Are Not Good Companions

On Sunday (Oct. 16), a toddler in Texas was attacked by a pet mountain lion kept by his aunt and was later hospitalized. In September, an 80-year-old man in Ohio was almost killed by a 200-pound kangaroo at an exotic animal meet and greet. And in June, a Nebraska man was strangled to death by his pet boa constrictor. It is clear exotic pets are not good companions. They need special attention, housing, diet, and care that the average person...
2 Pages 1098 Words

Machines Make The World A Better Place

Just think, over the years we have been creating many machines that have helped us through out the years, but if you just think about the money used to make these, that is a lot of money. What if we can use that money for health care and to help other people in the world and give free education and food? How is this happening? Through machines such as Military, Entertainment, and Transportation, I believe that machines have made this...
2 Pages 1095 Words

Vegetarianism: For And Against

Introduction Vegetarianism is the constraint of one's eating routine to just plants, vegetables, grains, and organic products, without eating any nourishment got from a creature. There are various boundaries of vegetarianism, where you can eat dairy, yet not eggs, just milk, and so on, And the reasons why individuals convert to this eating routine vary. Wellbeing, religion, sympathy for the creatures, it generally fluctuates. Here I want to put a quotation, “Being a Vegetarian 'Animals are my friends and I...
2 Pages 1141 Words

Are God And Evil Real?

The question of God’s existence is an issue that I have personally been on the fence about for the past year and have kind of deliberately avoided investigating. I wasn’t sure how to go about it or why it was even important. Because I was putting off doing this for so long, having an assignment that required me to finally take the step to search for truth seemed ironic. Throughout the semester, we have been discussing arguments of God’s existence...
2 Pages 1097 Words

Romeo And Juliet: Fiction, Or A Message In A Bottle?

Romeo and Juliet is a play from the world famous playwright William Shakespeare, the first time I was told to read it, I sort of sat there with a blank face, the YouTube buffering symbol in my eyes, and one question, “wot”. Okay, so, Romeo and Juliet, famous love story, got a good premise, more death than Friday the 13th in 5 days, but a half decent message, “fortune comes to those who wait.” Well not that message entirely, but...
2 Pages 1075 Words

Engineer Regimental Awards And Programs

The Army Engineer Association (AEA) which provides its members with an with an Army Engineer network for life is a membership-based, non-profit organization specifically organize to facilitate functions such as cohesion, interaction, and networking within the United States Army Corps of Engineers total family of soldiers, civilians, family members, and alumni. The Engineer Regiment is a component part of the total Army regimental system which perpetuates the history, honors, and traditions of all units and organizations assigned to a specific...
2 Pages 1104 Words

Fear of Unknown In Arthur Miller's The Crucible

Fear of the unknown, a person’s natural tendency of perceived fear based on an absence of information at different levels of consciousness. This year celebrates the 65th anniversary of ‘The Crucible’ written by Arthur Miller based on the Salem Witch trials in 1692. He was denounced for discourtesy and condemnation of the U.S. Congress as Miller was ineffective in providing names of various individuals who attended consultations with him, this encouraged Miller to write a play reflecting the political madness...
2 Pages 1054 Words

How Money Laundering Works

Introduction “Money is the fruit of evil, as often the root of it”, a famous quote by novelist Henry Fielding (“Henry Fielding Quotes,” n.d., par 1). This quote quantifies what this presentation will be about today: money laundering. Money laundering is the process of taking the income from criminal activities and making them appear legitimate. This is also known as making dirty money appear clean. A simple comparison I will be comparing a money launder and a magician: a money...
2 Pages 1143 Words

The Concept Of Evil In Religion

Although the concept of evil is one that has long held a ubiquitous presence in our society, it is something that most people do not seriously consider to be applicable to their own lives. In today’s digital age, people are faced with an oversaturation of media informing them of tragedies that occur across the world every day; given this, it is only natural for people to isolate the atrocities they witness from their personal lives. It would not be strange,...
2 Pages 1058 Words

Rebellious Curiosity Comes With A Price

Through the effects of revolutions, natural disaster and just the mere greediness of corporations and government personnels in power, creates a futuristic world of exaggerated control within dystopian literacy. Its world is usually positioned in an apocalyptic setting or hidden under utopian world, generally due to the cause of war, revolutions or natural disasters. Powerful, rebellious and influential protagonists are depicted throughout the text within dystopian literatures as evident in their personality traits, the environment of different dystopian societies and...
2 Pages 1088 Words

Gene Mapping And Linkage Analysis In Bactrocera Tryoni For Improved Pest Control

Introduction The Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni, is a serious pest that has cost Australian farmers hundreds of millions of dollars due to its destructive nature of Australian horticulture and fruit production. They are widely distributed across the eastern and northern territory of Australia and are known to be Australia’s most difficult and costly biosecurity challenge (Taylor, 2016). Learning more about these flies will help tell us more about their behaviours and adaptations that will help us produce controlled measures...
3 Pages 1127 Words

Digital Communication In Workplace

“Job listings are increasingly available online and with almost every profession changing technology now require a fundamental level of digital literacy with Internet navigation, email access and social media participation.” Michael K. Powell. Businesspeople understand digital communication affects the presence of the general public through face-to-face interactions. The ability to use interpersonal communication skills to build relationships with managers and employers is affected by digital communication. The bond between employees and their managers is essential to ensure that a company...
2 Pages 1065 Words

Performance Improvement: Energy Profile For The Sport Of Volleyball

Energy System requirements for success in the game The energy systems are a type of energy that enable every cell, tissue and organ of our bodies to function properly and survive throughout the day. Without energy being supplied to the body through energy systems, our bodies would shut down and will not function properly . Our body works like a machine and like any machine it needs energy to power it in order for it to work. It is extremely...
2 Pages 1068 Words

Fear And Suppression in The Crucible And Year Of Wonders

Arthur Miller’s allegorical play, ‘The Crucible, and Geraldine Brooks’s work of historical fiction, ‘Year of Wonders’, explore how religious despotism engenders fear and suppression within communities, as well as the adverse impacts such feelings can incite. As the religious ethos of the seventeenth century transitioned from pagan-inflected control to puritanical theocracy, fear and suppression become much more prevalent in society, and were used as a form of subjugation. This is evident in the events that occur in both texts, and...
2 Pages 1140 Words

Good Vs Evil Essay: Who Decides?

The hero rides triumphantly off into the sunset while the villain gets his just desserts. We all secretly enjoy the struggle between good and evil and in many ways, it is extremely satisfying to see the good guys defeat the bad guys in a blaze of glory. The concept of good and evil exists in every culture. They are necessary social forces influencing how humankind decides to interact with itself. Yet is appears paradoxical that human beings have such a...
2 Pages 1062 Words

Does Shakespearean Language Hold Value Within A Contemporary Society?

Introduction William Shakespeare’s plays are considered among the most powerful and influential works of world literature. His plays have entertained, stimulated, and been taught for centuries; however, our high school teachers may not have mentioned that many of Shakespeare’s iconic plays incorporate risqué humour, with crude jokes. Shakespeare wrote appropriate to his time but these days, we, as a contemporary society have better … and its questionable whether his words still hold value. Good morning Ladies and gentlemen, today I...
2 Pages 1080 Words

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Virtual Teamwork

Introduction Teamwork is the nature of collaboration between employees to achieve a common goal. In this, workplace cohesion often increases productivity and improves quality and speed of work. “If designed and managed properly, teams can contribute to organisational value and competitive advantage” (Alsharo, M, Gregg, 2017). In a technologically revolutionising era where information can instantly spread to any point of the world, many organisations are shifting to virtual teamwork. This type of teamwork enables employees to work collaboratively from anywhere...
2 Pages 1084 Words

Benefits And Drawbacks Of Virtual Teamwork

Introduction In recent years, the advancement of technology has led to the globalisation of business which demands better prosperity of business through long distances. Virtual work has therefore emerged as a solution for distance imposing a barrier. It consists of individuals collaborating on a common organisational task, forming a social system. However, organisational leaders fear the consequences of executing a virtual approach instead of their usual traditional ways. Therefore, the phenomenon of virtual teamwork will be analysed; using management concepts...
2 Pages 1056 Words

The Targets Of Anti-retroviral Therapy For HIV

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency virus, when this virus is at its most progressive stage it is known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). HIV belongs to the Retroviridae family. The genome of this virus is constituted of a single strand of RNA encapsulated in an HIV Capsid protein that forms the core shell of the virus. Moreover, the virus possesses a lipid bilayer composed of surface proteins and transmembrane proteins. Intracellularly beneath the lipid bilayer there is a matrix...
2 Pages 1067 Words

The Marriages Of Prophet Muhammad: Social, Political, Humanitarian, And Spiritual Perspectives

Muhammad is known as the prophet and the founder of Islam, he was born in 570 AD in Mecca which is now in Saudi Arabia. Like all great civilization have been able to reform their society through the rule of law and human rights, Prophet Muhammad has also been able to do the same and he laid foundation of the Muslim ad Arab civilizations. However the modern extremism from some Muslims has obliterated the Prophet’s contribution to humanity . Readings...
2 Pages 1085 Words
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