1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

An Analysis of Gentrification in Society Today

In Art and Complicity, the author defines gentrification as the restoration of public stores or private homes in urban areas occupied by predominately hispanic and black citizens. As the article states, an affected community includes Boyle Heights in Southeast Los Angeles, where the residents have examined the role of artists. The negative affects of gentrification include the loss of small businesses, reduced salary for low-income families, and the loss of homes in urban neighborhoods, as written in Hyperallergic. Several of...
3 Pages 1215 Words

Are Humans Responsible for Global Warming? Essay

Are humans actually affecting global warming? Humans have been worsening the state of our planet for over 50 years now (MacMillan, Amanda). Various activities such as driving, having barbecues, and even something as simple as throwing out our waste produces gasses that will cripple our atmosphere. Once you begin to look into the origins of global warming, and how these forcing and feedback gases we produce will alter life as we know it, or even how we can help then,...
3 Pages 1182 Words

The Lessons We Learnt from Xenia Tornado

In the 21st century the world has been taken aback by the yearly natural and manmade disasters that have occurred everywhere. No matter how prepared we believe are there is always area of improvement or an area of learning after each and every disaster. Specifically some areas even in the United States aren’t as up to date on technology that could prevent or curtail some of the damage or losses from these disasters. Perhaps they don’t see enough issues to...
3 Pages 1233 Words

Gentrification and The Modern Housing Crisis

What is the modern housing crisis? The housing crisis refers to the high rents and unaffordable housing Americans face, and how not only homes, but rentals, are becoming increasingly unaffordable. Americans being unable to afford shelter has led to both a decrease in homeownership and a rising increase in the homeless population. Simply, the problems we see within the housing crisis are people who can’t afford housing going without homes and gentrification, where the character of a neighborhood is altered...
3 Pages 1208 Words

An Overview of Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury also referred to as TBI is by definition a form of acquired brain injury, occurs when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain. TBI can be the result of when the head violently hits an object, or when an object is pierced into the skull and enters brain tissue. Symptoms of TBI can differ from the severity of the injury depending on the extent of damage that occurred to the brain. Two main causes of TBIs...
3 Pages 1171 Words

Animal Cruelty Problem Analysis

Our planet Earth is a very beautiful place. Here, all the living organisms are dependent on each other and live together. We, humans, are considered as the most intelligent species on Earth. But, we sometimes become very insensitive to the creatures who cannot express themselves, especially the animals. We harm them just to fulfill our needs. We have an essay here on cruelty towards animals which will cover the questions like - write an article on cruelty towards animals, cruelty...
3 Pages 1212 Words

Green Technology - a Key to Eco Friendly Environment

Green technology, also known as Environmetal technology or Clean technology, is the application of one or more of environmental science, green chemistry, environment monitoring and electronic devices to monitor, model and conserve the natural environment and resources, and to curb the negative impacts of human involvement. It uses the National R&D (Research & Developement) projects to minimise the effects of human activity on the environment. Without showing any hazardous effect on the environment, a better nation can be developed. It...
3 Pages 1189 Words

Efficiency of Young Offenders Act

The criminal justice system (CJS) could be a scale, that is frequently reforming in a shot to attain justice for young offenders. However, achieving justice may well be a sophisticated technique and imply continuous essential evaluations of the juvenile system and additionally the Young Offenders Act 1997 (NSW). In Australia the CJS aims to chop back reversion and rehabilitate young offenders by enhancing a mix of every Welfare and Justice model. The effectiveness of the Children’s court established below the...
3 Pages 1172 Words

Life Of Pi And The Work Of Sylvia Plath

We are in complete and total control of our thoughts, actions and everyday decisions… whether we choose to believe this is down to us. Throughout my life, I have had several times where I stopped to question myself and my happiness, and what I was doing to feed and maintain it. My curiosity for this sparked when I realised that we, as human beings have this strange need or conditioning to not take responsibility for our own happiness. We expect...
3 Pages 1220 Words

Coriolanus': In-Depth-Analysis of the Play

In this play Coriolanus by Shakespeare, Coriolanus' expulsion is the peak of a sequence of incidents in which a few powers have a role, all impelling him to his absolute destruction. As is normal in Shakespearean Tragedy, the legend, at the crest of his accomplishments, falls, because of a lethal blemish in his character. Despite the fact that Coriolanus is viewed as the legend and hero of Shakespeare’s Coriolanus and ought to be a solid, thoughtful character, he is ruled...
3 Pages 1235 Words

The Unknown Citizen': Irony in the Poem

Nowadays when I ask my students about the meaning of the term “irony,” smarty pants students quip me that the word “irony” is an adjectival form of the noun “iron!” Clever is the wit, of course; however, even in that joke, one can also see how “irony” could mean something “chewy” as it means a twisted double-meaning, ranging from a bitter sarcasm to a mild parody, all poking fun at the current status of things. While holding a cute baby,...
3 Pages 1238 Words

The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County': A Look at The Use of Humor

A gambler is nothing but a man who makes his living out of hope.”(Bolitho). In “The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,” the narrator introduces Simon Wheeler by asking for a man named Leonidas W. Smiley. Instead of indicating the narrator for the information that he asks for, Wheeler starts off with a tall tale about a man named Jim Smiley. Jim Smiley was a man who would bet on anything that eventually, he turned a frog into a pet...
2 Pages 1166 Words

Ethics of Animal Welfare

Ethics is a term used to describe what is either right or wrong. It is sometimes referred to as moral philosophy. It is a branch of philosophy that is concerned with concepts such as right, wrong, bad, noble, ignoble, and good. Ethics is divided into meta-ethics, normative ethics, moral ethics, and applied ethics. Ethics plays an important role in determining an individual’s behavior in the society. It informs what a person does or how an individual reacts to certain situations....
3 Pages 1151 Words

Pros and Cons of Biodiversity

rotecting forests and restoring wetlands are some of the actions companies and governments are taking to make up for biodiversity lost as a result of their development activities. These measurable conservation actions - designed to compensate for unavoidable impacts, on top of prevention and mitigation measures already implemented - are known as biodiversity offsets. The goal of offsets is to achieve no net loss and preferably a net gain of biodiversity on the ground in relation to species’ numbers, habitat...
3 Pages 1231 Words

Ariel' by Sylvia Plath: The Relationship Between the Self and the Natural World

Our collective relationship with the natural world is one fraught with tensions and paradoxes. Through a refusal to identify any form of objective truth, Ariel by Sylvia Plath moves beyond binaries to posit language as a portal into deepened self understanding. In this essay I will discuss… In this essay I will discuss how Plath through an exploration of the tensions between the self and the natural world, denying using a dialogical portrayal of the relationship between the self and...
3 Pages 1187 Words

Deontology: Ethics in Law Enforcement

Probably the most complex of all the ethical systems we look at here is Kantian logic, which is a deontological theory. The word deontology comes from the Greek word deon, meaning “obligation” or “duty.” It is an ethical system primarily concerned with one’s duty. It is also known as ethical formalism or absolutism. Deontology was formulated by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Kant believed that the end result is not of primary importance; rather, the real importance is in determining the moral...
3 Pages 1198 Words

Suburban Sonnet' Analysis

Gwendoline Nessie Harwood’s poem ‘Suburban Sonnet’ aims to commentate on the harsh reality and expectations of motherhood in the 1960’s. This powerful yet convoluted allegorical poem reveals the extreme burdens and strains that women tackled every day. Life for women in the 1960’s was simply just ‘a pot boiling over’ and Gwen Harwood utilizes her vivid recollection of her childhood and parenting to encapsulate and expose what was Australia’s leading problem in the 1960’s. Gwen Harwood, born as Gwendoline Nessie...
3 Pages 1172 Words

The Great Gatsby': The Inevitable Fate of the American Dream

People often debate what the true meaning of the American dream is. Is it a perfect family? Marrying your high school sweetheart? Having a mansion? If you agree with James Truslow Adams’, you see the American Dream as simply just being, “ an opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.” I feel as if the American dream is not one definition because with today’s society, you are always going to want what you can’t have. The rich and famous...
3 Pages 1167 Words

United States Foreign Policy and Drug Cartels in Mexico

Although the United States (US) has always had a Foreign Policy, for decades the US has emplaced polices regarding Mexico and it’s rogue and hostile drug cartels. Furthermore, since the 1920s, the United States and Mexico has had raised tension, not only for oil, politics, immigration, but drug trafficking, leading to the rise of drug cartels. The United States Foreign Policies are in place to safeguard its national interests from threats such as these. For more than a decade, Mexican...
3 Pages 1214 Words

Pollution's Effect on Humans and Marine Life

Two of every three parts of the Earth’s surface is made up of oceans and seas. This makes beaches, palm trees, and warm sands the biggest tourist attractions in the world. For vacation, most people's first choice is to go to the beach. Millions of families travel to the ocean for vacation every year, and still don’t realize the impact pollution takes on the earth. The amount of pollution that goes into the ocean is affecting the wellness of humans...
3 Pages 1217 Words

Louis Pasteur and His Great Achievements in Chemistry

Born in Dole, France, on the 28th day of September 1822, Louis Pasteur would become a chemist who helps to develop methods of sterilizing and safe-proofing many of the things we take for granted today. Before he was a renown chemist, he went through high-school as an average pupil, his grades where nothing to write home about. It was his scholarly attitude and his teacher’s recommendation and encouragement that helped him persevere his way into a doctorate’s degree. Once he...
3 Pages 1230 Words

Fearing The Unknown: Death in The Apology

Novelist Rossiter Worthington Raymond once said, “Life is eternal; and love is immortal; and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.” A horizon, by definition, is no more than the range of one’s knowledge or experience. With this explanation in mind, death is no longer a destination to be feared, but rather an adventure to be explored, full of uncertainties. Long before Raymond ever put pen to paper, philosophical forefather Socrates...
3 Pages 1194 Words

The White Tiger': Light and Darkness in a Book

Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger explores the contrasting threads of corruption and morality in Indian society, exposing the depravity and exploitation that pervade the modern state. Juxtaposing the incommensurate worlds of “Light” and “Darkness”, Adiga demonstrates that in a society of only “two castes”, decency and prosperity are unable to coexist. The oppression of the land where the “black river” flows is shown to provide few opportunities for a life of morality, whilst the larger web of societal corruption is...
3 Pages 1195 Words

The Importance of Different Types of Enrichment for Elephants

Animal Enrichment, is actions in which allows different species to show their natural behaviour. There are many different types of enrichment for animals, some of these include sensory enrichments for example smell and taste. Also includes food enrichments, which creates a way to challenge the animal for them to receive their food. Another is toy enrichment which can include the animal using parts of their body. Environmental is using different objects such as swings. The last one is behavioural which...
3 Pages 1246 Words

What You Pawn I Will Redeem': Jackson’s Transition in a Poem

In Sherman Alexie’s short story “What You Pawn I Will Redeem,” the twenty-four hour journey that Jackson embarks on in reclaiming his grandmother’s regalia proves to do him way more good than he could have ever thought possible when beginning. Alexie uses the characterization of the main character, Jackson Jackson, in order to reveal the transformation he experiences throughout his journey. In short, Jackson is a homeless American Indian living in Seattle, Washington who goes through many trials over a...
3 Pages 1171 Words

Fossil-Fuel Gasoline Should be Banned in Cambodia

In the last several centuries the world has been significantly changing due to the technologies and energies, opening an era’s face with high living standard. Of course, energies play a huge role in varying the world, likewise fossil-fuel gasoline, it has been utilized for thousands of years in daily life and industries. However, this kind of power has great concerns to environment that causes climate change and pollution. In meantime Cambodia is one of an unsuspecting victim that is utilizing...
3 Pages 1156 Words

What You Pawn I Will Redeem': A Theme of Wealth

Wealth is not equally distributed and hard work can one day earn the kids great things In the two stories, Jackson and Sylvia both have something that symbolizes something that very important to them. Since they have trouble with money, they cannot afford the item that has great importance to them. No matter how hard they work to earn the money to pay for the item, it just won’t be enough. Stories use symbols to make the writing unforgettable, it...
3 Pages 1166 Words

The Canadian Employment Law Using The Case Study

A career is significant for each individual because of numerous advantages. A decent and stable career, for example, gives stability and genuine feelings of serenity throughout everyday life. Being guaranteed a stable income flow, we are spared a lot of stress and uncertainties that life brings in its wake without a career. Subsequently, individuals continually searching for a decent and stable career to work for the majority time of life, or even a good job, and keeping up it for...
3 Pages 1193 Words

Nuclear Science in the Modern and Future Us and Europe

Throughout history, nuclear science has affected the US and Europe positively and negatively, some of the stuff that we use daily came from nuclear science. One of these things is nuclear energy, in which radioactive material is used to heat water into steam which is then used to spin turbines to create electricity. The nuclear process heat for industry is another thing we use today that have come from nuclear science. It works by taking heat from radioactive materials to...
3 Pages 1218 Words

Oedipus the King': Reasons Why Oedipus Shouldn't Be Punished

Sometimes the road of life takes an unexpected turn and you have no choice but to follow it to end up in the place you are supposed to be. Your fate is like a car crash an accident you never asked for but happens because it's your destiny. Sophocles highlights the irony of a man who wants to track down and execute the criminal who murdered King Laius who turns out to be himself. The play Oedipus Rex unravels King...
3 Pages 1246 Words
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