1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Contemporary Nature of William Shakespeare

Introduction Good evening and a special welcome to our Mayor Tom Tate and schools of the Gold Coast. Tonight will be a very special night and I would like to thank you all for attending. We are here to showcase dramatic performances that reflect the contemporary nature of the famous English writer, William Shakespeare. Scholars still remain to study Shakespeare and his work because of his ability to relate to human nature through the situations each character experiences in his...
3 Pages 1211 Words

Women's Domestic Violence In Australia

Domestic violence is an extensive, continuous and misunderstood problem. There are many factors that reoccur in different cultures, and all cultures have been reported to have experienced domestic violence in high numbers, this includes indigenous, non-indigenous and immigrant women. They all experience separate struggles in their cultures with reporting the domestic violence however the most common factors that continuously show in reports is their lack of confidence in the formal services available, the degrading response received from their informal social...
3 Pages 1166 Words

Defense Mechanism Of Respiratory Tract

Once in the interstitium, particles may be engulfed by macrophages that live there. the particles may then be degraded intracellulary. On the other hand, these interstitial macrophages may therefore effectively relocate to a close by lymphatic channel, or alongside uningested particles, be conveyed in the flow of interstitial fluid towards the lymphatic framework, bronchial tree, or to perivenous or subpleural locales, where they may get caught. Uningested particles in the interstitium may cross the endothelium of alveolar capillaries, entering the...
3 Pages 1207 Words

IT Usage for Starbucks Company

Introduction Starbucks was established in 1971 by three local businessmen to sell high quality whole beans coffee. Starbucks opens its first coffee store in Seattle, Washington. In 1990 Starbucks grow its base camp in Seattle and furthermore construct another broiling plant. In 1990s Starbucks opens 60 retails shops in United Kingdom. Toward the finish of 2000s Starbucks all out branches was 3500. Coffee is one of the quickly developing industry in this world because of its business methodology. Expansion of...
3 Pages 1177 Words

Nanotechnology in Biomedical Sciences

Targeted Drug Delivery Targeted drug delivery has improved cancer therapy drastically over the decade. There has been successful development in cost-effective anticancer drugs mostly based on liposomes and polymers. Targeted drug delivery is an important biomedical application that aims to deliver anticancer drugs to the specific site of the tumour and avoid damage to surrounding healthy cells. Currently, Iron oxide nanoparticles are the main source of magnetic materials used for the delivery of anticancer drugs to target specific areas. Chemotherapy...
2 Pages 1154 Words

How is the Coronavirus Affected by Solids and Liquids

Every day millions of people are exposed to microscopic germs and bacteria that live on surfaces and in the air. Many times, bacteria and germs enter our body and have no effect on us, but say one day it did. An invisible germ entered into your body and now you’re sick. You have tried everything to get rid of it but couldn’t. Every day your symptoms are getting worse and worse and as a last resort you go to the...
3 Pages 1171 Words

Artificial Intelligence In Health

ABSTRACT The complexity and height of data in healthcare means that artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used within the field. Artificial intelligence is an exciting robotics industry emerging in the current healthcare. The purpose of AI is to make computer-related health-related challenges more efficient. AIS simplifies the lives of patients, doctors, and hospital administrators by performing tasks that are normally performed by humans, but in short and at a fraction of the cost. There are countless applications in AI...
3 Pages 1219 Words

The Hopeful Future Of Alzheimer’s Disease: Research & Treatments

“Although pathophysiology is a science, it also designates suffering in people; the clinician should never lose sight of this aspect of its definition.” (McCane and Huether, 2019). Pathophysiology is a realm of science which encompassess the harmful effects of disease on the human body. As a future RN, I find great importance in this study and recognize the potential current research and understanding of disease has to increase the length and quality of life. As a nurse, I will be...
3 Pages 1157 Words

Ethical Issues And Dilemmas In Healthcare

Healthcare professionals are obligated to avail care to ailing patients by minimizing any form of suffering as well as alleviating pain. Because of this, every action taken by healthcare personnel or physician constitutes both a moral and ethical dimension. These dimensions are supposed to be in alignment with a set of ethical principles that aim at enhancing the quality of care. The ethical principles also play a significant role in the identification as well as the attempt to resolve issues...
3 Pages 1157 Words

The Power of Facebook in Everyday Communication

One of the most famous social media outlets used today, that almost everybody has an account worldwide for, is “Facebook.” What is Facebook? Facebook is a popular social networking website that is free and allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. (Rouse-Margaret, 2014) Facebook is available in 37 different languages, includes many public features. (Rouse-Margaret, 2014). Users can do even more with Facebook; such as, order...
3 Pages 1171 Words

Gender Inequality between Male and Female as a Matter for Social Justice

1000+ Words on Gender Inequality Essay In the following research paper, I would like to develop the controversial issue of gender inequality. To begin, I will go over the reason why I have chosen this topic. Secondly, I will focus on what I’ve learned through my research and finally I will finish with a little conclusion based on what I have learned. For my research paper, I chose to promote the topic “gender equality”. It is a topic that has...
2 Pages 1166 Words

Restorative Justice System: Application, Effects And Effectiveness

In order to locate literature on the subject of the success of restorative justice, books, journal articles, as well as governmental and organisational websites were reviewed. The research identified three main aspects of restorative justice to consider which are: the application of restorative justice, the impact of restorative justice and finally the effectiveness of restorative justice. These sub-topics are addressed and analysed in terms of relevance to the research question. The Criminal Justice system has the overwhelming task of dealing...
3 Pages 1236 Words

Meningitis and Coronavirus

Meningitis and coronavirus are contagious infections which are able to spread through outbreaks and infect millions of people easily. They result in very dangerous consequences including death. Due to the severe danger of meningitis and coronavirus, this paper is going to explain the definitions, pathophysiology, causing microorganisms, transmission, and the necessary precautions that can be implemented to prevent these fatal infections Firstly, the paper will focus on the definition of both infections. Meningitis is an infection that results from many...
3 Pages 1156 Words

Impact of Coronavirus on Online Searches

The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic is a new and ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) that can be attributed to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The outbreak was initially identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China, in December 2019, and was later classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11 2020. By March 21, 2020, more than 284,000 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in over 180 countries and territories, resulting in more than 11,800...
3 Pages 1153 Words

The Role of Twitter as a Social Media

Mental health is a vital part of human life for it includes the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of individuals. However, in today’s society, not everyone is aware of its significance and how it affects a person in dealing with the everyday demands of life which can make people with mental health issues suffer more. This includes depression, generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and many more (McClellan, Ali, Mutter, Kroutil, & Lanwehr, 2016). Depression...
3 Pages 1181 Words

Starbucks and its Marketing Strategies

Starbucks has become a force to be reckoned with over the years in the coffee industry, providing a name for itself firstly in the United States and soon branching internationally. In this age, it would come across very hard to find someone who has not even heard of the brand Starbucks in their entire life. How is it possible for a small business to grow so rapidly and to even earn the recognition of the world? The way how Starbucks...
3 Pages 1239 Words

Does Astrology Characterize Serial Killers?

Abstract Have you ever wondered makes a serial killer? Why do they act the way they do and what do they have in common? In this paper, I start with explaining what astrology is and how some signs characteristics are different than others. I used an article by Aaron Azucena in which he describes what a zodiac sign is and how they present themselves in people. I also look into monoamine oxidase which is also known as “the serial killer...
3 Pages 1220 Words

The Correlation of Coronavirus & Children

Infections are germs that can make individuals and animals debilitated. Infections cause chickenpox, foot, colds, mouth malady, hand, influenza and numerous different illnesses. Coronaviruses are a group of infections that can taint the respiratory tract and cause manifestations like a runny nose, high-fever, sore throat, and short of breath. Toward the end of 2019, a virus named called COVID-19 started to make individuals highly sick in China. This virus is generally known by the name as Coronavirus. This infection first...
3 Pages 1223 Words

What Does Fire Symbolize in Fahrenheit 451

Struggles between knowledge and ignorance often occur in society. In Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, the government attempts to control the people by enforcing censorship of information and the burning of books. The main character, Guy Montag, struggles against himself, his boss, Beatty, and the government as he tries to stop promoting ignorance and seeks change in a conformist society. In this novel, the author cleverly changes the significance of the fire motif to represent the change from a negative association...
3 Pages 1182 Words

Individual Differences And The Effects On Workplace Conflict

As Managers, we can state that situations of conflict are inevitable and necessary when working as teams within an organization. Conflict occurs when people impertinently take a stand based on deviating perceptions or ideas from one another within a group. When working in a clinical setting this can be extremely challenging for managers as we must better assist and understand the conflict between physicians, employees and even patients. This can occur when there are disagreements in goals, actualities or expectations...
3 Pages 1174 Words

The Characteristics of Ethics Awareness

When it comes to ethics your thought process becomes increased because every decision you made or ever decided is based on what are your beliefs or presumably what is you ideals or goals perhaps or certain things, for example, you may be a person that believes in analytical ideals such as the results of person that tends to do the greater good for the society rather per person analytical Method seems more research and studies base things like that in...
3 Pages 1241 Words

Hamlet Literary Analysis: Graveyard Scene

Shakespeare is known to use juxtaposition in his play and Hamlet is no exception. In Act 5 scene 1 of the play there is a quick and unusual turn of events. The beginning of this act start of with two gravediggers digging a grave for Ophelia while discussing the validity of her cause of death in a light-hearted manner. This scene takes place in the middle of a sequence of devastating and most intense moment of the play. Just a...
3 Pages 1172 Words

The History Of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a thing that has affected millions of people over the years. The thing about it is that only about fifty years ago began to change the view of domestic violence. Reports were never taken seriously, and when people were prosecuted they were very rarely charged. This makes you think why domestic violence of all types was so common and why was it criminalized so much more after it was viewed as normal for so long. This essay...
3 Pages 1238 Words

Ethical Dilemma In Sally’s Case

This paper will be exploring the provided scenario Sally’s case based on the Principle-Based Decision-Making Models introduced by Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) Code of Ethics (2007) consists of six steps which will be go through in details in this case study. The case description Client Sally, who deemed to be ‘mature minor’ during her first visit with me, a new therapist. Sally disclosed that the considerable domestic violence within her family that her father usually carries out violent...
3 Pages 1234 Words

The Great Firewall: The Truth about Chinese Internet Censorship

Censorship is the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable or a threat to security. Every country has its internet censorship system, but when compared to mainland China, other countries have much more lose restrictions when it comes to censorship. Chinese internet censorship works very systematically and is very strict when it comes to covering or restricting information posted online, with a history dating back to the second century AD....
3 Pages 1192 Words

Theme of Social Class and Success in Death of A Salesman and Fences

The two plays, Death of A Salesman by Arthur Miller and Fences by August Wilson, are both impactful in the sense that they explore the idea of how underprivileged classes pursue success in spite of The American Dream leaving them behind. Willy Loman is a businessman, one who is ironically left behind by the ever-changing world of business. In spite of being past his prime and suffering from a splintered family, his idealism shines through in almost all of his...
3 Pages 1157 Words

How Does Music Affect Our Brains?

When you put on headphones or listen to music sometimes you can’t help but get up and dance around. It’s obvious that listening to music can make you lose control of your body but, not many people really know what music does to your brain. The amount of control music has over you and your brain is shocking. Music can easily affect your brain development, learning, daily moods, and even your health. When we hear music we enjoy your brain...
3 Pages 1194 Words

Absurdity And Insanity In Metamorphosis And The Nose

Novella, “The Metamorphosis” is written by Fanze kafka, he was short story writer and German novelist, it was published in 1915. It was Kafka's famous work. It is basically about salesman, named Gregor Samsa. One morning he gets up and discovers that he was changed completely and became an insect. And, the short story 'The Nose' by Nikolai Gogol, written during his time living in St. Petersburg. It was written somewhere 1835 and 1836, it is about St. Petersburg official...
3 Pages 1190 Words

Correlation of Competition and Efficiency

The relationship between competition and stability is also ambiguous and dominated by two schools of thoughts in theoretical literature: “competition-fragility” and “competition-stability” hypotheses. The competition fragility hypothesis (also called as franchise value paradigm), states that increased competition among banks leads to greater banking risk-taking and thereby, greater financial fragility. This is because intense bank competition results in a reduction in market power as well as profit margin, which weakens the franchise value of banks. Therefore, in order to cover the...
3 Pages 1185 Words

Social Media Create Social Anxiety within Younger Generations

Opening I support the following statement “The prevalence of social media is having a negative impact on the younger generations and will cause numerous social anxiety issues in the future”. This is evident in a world where there are over 4 billion social media users across multiple platforms, even some with multiple accounts. Surveys have revealed that 90% of children aged 13-17 at least one type of social media (Number form ref. list) (Acap.org, 2019). This has subjected the younger...
3 Pages 1186 Words
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