1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Persuasive Essay on School Uniforms

Space is a crucial part of the battle for control and surveillance of individuals and not for domination (Elden and Crampton, 2007). According to Bourdieu (1984), 'all social space is made up of multiple competing, intersecting and hierarchically positioned fields with their own distinctive features'. Physical spaces within schools are not already there space is a social construction that embodies pedagogic thinking and assumptions about distance and hierarchy. The Changing Room Secondary physical education ' is the subject that makes...
3 Pages 1280 Words

Evaluation Essay on an Advertisement

The world of fitness and the perfect body image has been around for thousands of years. At the beginning of human existence, the men with the best physique were more apt to survive in the wild and were the best hunters. Fast forwarding thousands of years during the Ancient Greek and Roman times the male physique was the centre of ancient culture. This was a time when the world was littered with war and young men became more physically fit...
3 Pages 1302 Words

Cause and Effect Essay on Minorities

Jane is a British woman of Maori descent who has lived in the UK all her life. She was racially abused and is taking her case to a tribunal. In the run-up to the case, many of her colleagues and bosses stopped talking to her and her boss even put her on suspension. This is an example of victimisation which is a form of direct racial discrimination which is supposed to be protected by the Equality Act. Supposed to at...
3 Pages 1280 Words

Cause and Effect Essay about Not Wearing Sunscreen

The sun is your skinā€™s worst enemy. Most people believe that getting tanned in the summer and getting beautiful colored skin, does not do us any harm. That may be true, if we do it once in a blue moon, with sunscreen protection on, and very early in the morning. However, society and most teenagers, are getting very confident with the sun. They are not thinking about the mistake they are making, while they sit on top of a beach...
3 Pages 1285 Words

Water Pollution: Argumentative Essay

One of our main resources on earth is water and everything on this earth needs water to survive. Water is found below the earth's surface which means that the water can be easily contaminated. Nowadays, water pollution is considered a serious problem in Macau. Goal number 6 Target 6.3 from the Sustainable Development Goals tackle this issue and by 2030 improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing the release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion...
3 Pages 1329 Words

Robert F Kennedy Biography Essay

ā€œOnly those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.ā€ Daisy and Joey Cross Introduction Such monstrous amounts of times as of now, those of us who have hit a grand slam for the advantages of human advancement, who have proposed and even executed change, have been supported by the primary part in any case through the loathing of the minority, they are destroyed. Everywhere on this destruction is requesting, for example, downfall. This was the condition of Robert...
3 Pages 1329 Words

Respect in the Workplace Essay

In todayā€™s world, the need for good and effective leaders is in demand. The main purpose of the leader is to get things done effectively and efficiently by his/her subordinates. Their purpose is to make others transform values into action, vision into realities, obstacles into innovation, and last but not least risk into rewards. Leaders, in essence, offer a pathway of confidence and direction as we move through the chaos. This essay will analyze the three problems that young leaders...
3 Pages 1337 Words

Light Pollution Essay

By its formal definition, light pollution means the superfluous, unwanted, or poor use of manufactured light during nighttime. Other aliases include photopollution and luminous pollution. This is correct, by all means, but is inadequate in such a way that it doesnā€™t speak for all the parts that go into light pollution. In other words, light pollution is much more than that. More often than not, this specific type of pollution is overlooked. Light pollution effects are often ignored and arenā€™t...
3 Pages 1319 Words

Essay: Success Is Not the Key to Happiness

Happiness has been described as a state of well-being that is characterized by relative permanence, by emotions ranging from mere contentment to deep and intense joy in living, and by a natural desire for it to continue. It is a state all want to achieve, but it often seems elusive. Pleasant Life events can affect our happiness levels, but their effects diminish over time. So, can material possessions make us permanently happy? Certainly not. Many people also experience a measure...
3 Pages 1322 Words

Essay on Oprah Winfrey Eulogy for Rosa Parks

Dying is a phase we all go through when we are ill, murdered, or through any other form of death. As I think about dying I think about the process people go through when they are losing their loved ones. When we lose someone, we go through different stages of coping such as grief, mourning, and the overall funeral experience as a whole. One thing, many people need to deal with when losing a loved one is the overall eulogy...
3 Pages 1311 Words

Essay on Julia and Winston in '1984'

In George Orwellā€™s 1984, the protagonist, Winston, is essentially alone in his own mind. In a world where everyone around him has chosen a path of conformity, Winston refuses to come to terms with the reality that Big Brother controls him and everyone he knows. It is this sense of alienation that drives him on a path of mental release and self-realization, which could only be found with the help of another person who not only hates the Party as...
3 Pages 1260 Words

Essay on Integrity Examples in Nursing

This assignment going to talk about the meaning and importance of ethics and integrity in academic work and the workplace, this word evokes intense emotions not least because it's typically related to negative behavior. (Academic ethics and integrity, 2020) The assignment is going to show and expand in detail the meaning of integrity and ethics. The discussion is about the issue of cheating, plagiarism, dishonesty, fraud, and other scholarly malpractice in the sense of academic integrity, and how best to...
3 Pages 1288 Words

Essay on How Did Rosa Parks Influence Others

It is said that we learn history to appreciate a variety of cultures, but most importantly to have knowledge about the past and not repeat it. Social movements have had a very significant role in history, as they help society develop a greater understanding of issues in politics that are unfair to all. Through the decades, America has seen an enormous amount of inequality, from the moment Rosa Parks decided to hold ground on the bus until recent times when...
3 Pages 1289 Words

Essay on Disadvantages of Critical Thinking

As the demand for new laborers grows at this age, individuals tend to use common sense to solve problems. Workers will be faced with problems where they have to utilize more than that and turn to using an essential skill needed to perform proficiently in a work setting, called critical thinking. Itā€™s the hidden treasure that all companies are looking for, but as workers, how do we know if that gem can be found within us? An article Iā€™ve recently...
3 Pages 1298 Words

Critical Thinking Essay on Global Warming

Where do you see the United States 100 years from now? What if I tell you that the world would be much different? There would be no Amazon, half of the species would be gone and clean water might not even be a thing. Global warming is becoming a critical topic among scientists. Some extremists do anything to protect our planet but overall much of our population does very little to contribute to helping the planet. Global warming is the...
3 Pages 1300 Words

"The Yellow Wallpaper": Mental Illness Essay

Individualsā€™ attitudes toward illnesses are often influenced culturally and socially. With different perspectives, the idea of illnesses has been systematically stigmatized for many decades. However, most stigmas are directed towards the category of mental disorders. Society often associates individuals with mental disorders as psycho or crazy leading to prejudice. While most stigmas of illnesses have been associated specifically with mental illnesses, one prevalent physical illness that often has negative attitudes is AIDS. In Gilmanā€™s ā€œThe Yellow Wallpaperā€, the narrator uses...
3 Pages 1329 Words

"'The Yellow Wallpaper": Male Dominance Essay

In 'The Yellow Wallpaper,' written by prestigious feminist author Charlotte Perkins Gilman, after the birth of her baby, our nameless narrator suffers from postpartum depression and is forced by her dominant doctor's husband, John, to weeks of bed rest. While in the confines of bed, the narrator starts a rapid descent into madness and becomes convinced that women are stalling and crashing. While the narrator begins a rapid descent into madness in the confines of bed rest, he becomes convinced...
3 Pages 1308 Words

"The Yellow Wallpaper" Feminism Essay

The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is regarded as an important work of American Feminist literature as it explores the attitudes towards womenā€™s mental and physical health in the 19th century. The short story is fictional yet can be considered semi-autobiographical as it was written after Gilman experienced severe post-partum depression. In this passage, Gilman touches on ideas about the underlying strength of women which is ultimately dominated by menā€™s psychological abuse towards women. Gilman also covers aspects of...
3 Pages 1335 Words

Expository Essay on How to Improve Time Management

1 Introduction The rapid globalization of the world economy and international enterprises in the global economic space increasingly require new measures to effectively manage top-tier companies. The quality management system (QMS) plays a crucial role in ensuring a high level of competitiveness of organizations and processes carried out by these companies. However, an effective QMS must be used in a continuous improvement process. Shendalev and Shendaleva (2012) believe that the competitiveness of a company depends on the approaches used to...
3 Pages 1297 Words

Time Management Essay on Nursing

Introduction The aim of this essay is to present a reflective account of my role as a student Nurse and as a future healthcare practitioner with a one-year action plan for a developmental need. I will discuss first learning in higher education, studying for a Nursing degree, and my roles as a future Healthcare practitioner. I will confer on nursing in current healthcare and the Value of lifelong learning. This will be followed by my initial reflections on entering higher...
3 Pages 1281 Words

Time Management Skills as a Leader Essay

Time is a basic asset with less and more dynamic. In old times, time was considered as a sequential time and was accessible as a resource for economic usage. Time cannot be manageable similarly as other resources, such as human, physical, and information are managed, it is a critical resource that must be used as we receive it (Sutharshini Thevanes, and Arulrajah,2019). The Industrial Revolution was when the time management concept got started and became very efficient eventually by making...
3 Pages 1257 Words

Problem Solution Essay on Student Loan Debt

One study shows that ā€œStudent loan borrowers are central to financing a college education, yet millions of borrowers are in default.ā€ (Dynarski par. 1). (into) This quote states the default issue for student loan borrowers, however, we can solve this crisis. In addition, solutions to student loan debt include following a payment plan, being educated about loans, living on a budget, finding jobs that offer forgiveness, and lastly saving money. Consequently, failing to repay student loans can ruin future choices...
3 Pages 1287 Words

Exemplification Essay on Sports

Did you play sports as a child? If you did you probably gained a lot from them even if you didnā€™t realize it at the time. Sports teach kids many things they will use in the future. They will also have several health benefits. Itā€™s important for kids to try sports because it will open a door for them by helping them make friends, get in shape, and even more. The benefits of youth sports far outweigh the risks. In...
3 Pages 1334 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Passion

Educating students is more than just a job for passionate teachers, itā€™s a way of life. I want to make a difference in othersā€™ lives through education. It was my dream to be a teacher teaching a classroom of diverse yet alike students. But no matter what differences these students have, their uniqueness flows throughout the classroom in such a positive energy that embraces, respects and promotes learning. This is the goal I am working toward; the goal of inspiring...
3 Pages 1315 Words

Essay on Volunteering and Community Service

Community service is work done by a person or group of people that benefits others. Taking part and volunteering in community service, teaches me compassion and understanding. You do not get paid to perform community service, though sometimes food and small gifts, like a t-shirt, are given to volunteers. It can also help any group of people in need such as children, senior citizens, people with disabilities, and more by providing them some services. It can also help animals, such...
3 Pages 1286 Words

Community Service Argumentative Essay

Intro: Community service is a mode of punishment provided by the law in which the offender can escape imprisonment or fines. Community service acts as an alternative to the harsh criminal punishment. Generally, community service is handed down by a judge or magistrate to the first-timer offender or teenage offender. This punishment can also be handed down in the case of minor offenses, for example, in the case of traffic violations, petty theft, and other non-violent offenses. The concept of...
3 Pages 1293 Words

Community Service: Helping Elderly Essay

First impressions Nyumba ya Wazee managed and run by the Little Sisters of the Poor is where I set up camp for my community service as part of my community service program at USIU. Having grown up with my grandparents in the village till 2009 I felt an old peopleā€™s home would be a good fit for me and my understanding. Interacting with the elder generation felt like an initiative of immense attraction to me. I was curious to find...
3 Pages 1326 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Car Accident

Reminisce on a certain event that altered you as an individual. Think of the worst thing that has ever happened to you. Think back on all the adversity you have faced over the course of your life. Relive this horrible event. Replay this memory constantly, over and over, like a broken record. Picture exactly what was happening, where it was, and the sounds that you heard or perhaps, those that you did not. Over and over. Consecutively, these events are...
3 Pages 1346 Words

Essay on Biblical Allusions in 'Beowulf'

Enclosed as one of the earliest and most effective treatments towards the theme of crucifixion in the English language, the equilibrium of both Christian and Germanic characteristics extends The Dream of the Rood not only great wisdom but further complexity. Together, the theme, form, the many parallels that give to both heroic and Christian treasure, the techniques, meter, and alliteration all gift to enhance the poemā€™s overall meaning. Simultaneously the many layers of concern and guides that finally illuminate the...
3 Pages 1304 Words

Reflections about Race Based on the Documentary ā€˜Race: The Power of an Illusionā€™ (The House We Live In)

ā€œBeing black in U.S. society means always having to be prepared for antiblack actions by whites ā€“ in most places and at many times of the day, week, month, or year. Being black means living with various types of racial discrimination from cradle to graveā€ (Feagin, 167). Racial discrimination is still happening today and is currently affecting the life chances and life situations of the minorities in the United States that have witnessed discrimination. So, that is when we ask...
3 Pages 1286 Words
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