5 Paragraph Essay on Theodore Roosevelt and How He Changed the Progressive Era

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Theodore Roosevelt, the twenty-sixth president of the United States of America. A fine educated and athletic man. Known to be the second youngest president of the United States of America behind John F. Kennedy. Was recognized for being a man on a mission even though he might not have known he was on a mission he very much was. A mission to enlarge and protect the environment as well as to expand the powers of the presidency and the federal government in support of the people's interest in conflicts between big business and labour , guided the nation toward an active more upbeat role in world political problems. Which makes sense being a huge environmentalist, a great journalist, and a politician.

Roosevelt first entered politics in the year 1882, where he served as a member of the New York House of Representatives for two years. His political career was interrupted when he moved to a North Dakota ranch he owned after the death of his wife and mother on the same day. Shortly after returning to New York, he served on the U.S. Civil Service Commission for seven years, from 1889 to 1895, he also served as president of the New York Board of police commissioners. He even served as the assistant secretary of the navy from 1897 to 1898. But when war broke out with Spain, Teddy left all positions and went to Cuba and led a regiment that became recognized as the Rough Riders. Because of this, he was recognized as a huge war hero which helped him secure a government position in New York. Shortly after leaving his position as governor of New York, he served as vice president behind president Mckinley. Unfortunately but fortunately Mckinley was assassinated on September 14, 1901, which by default had Theodore Roosevelt succeed into presidency. Theodore or “Teddy” once said, Believe you can and you are already halfway there. During his time as president of the United States Of America, he added five national parks to our nation which were large preserved forested areas, and even opened up wildlife refuges for the hurt animals. He also wrote many books, one of them being called “ The Rough Riders” which explained he led the volunteered armada to a victory. He captured the attention of many Americans, no matter what their beliefs were, because he supported equality for all no matter the skin color or belief. Theodore Roosevelt is credited with having created a modern presidency. During his presidency, Teddy showed up and helped America leap to lead where it is today in society. An author, father, mayor, a governor, and so much more. What couldn’t this young smart, and athletic man do? He wasn’t always this smart though.

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Born on October 27 in New York, NY he was the second of four children to Martha Bulloch Roosevelt (his mother) and Theodore Roosevelt Senior(his father). His siblings were named Anna, Corinne, and Elliot. As a young boy, Teddy, as he was nicknamed, had very weak eyesight. Hints the reason why he had such huge glasses. But even as a young kid Theodore was showing many signs of great leadership and athleticism and grew very competitive.Joining boxing, weightlifting, and even the army. But his father was the one who showed him that if you put your mind to it you can achieve everything you want and even more, as long as you have your heart and mind set to it. And that carried out throughout his whole life, Growing up he grew a huge passion for hunting wild game (Safari animals). A love so big he even went as far as to have a museum of his trophy animals. He was an odd hunter though, him being the adrenaline junky that he is, he wouldn’t hide like your other average hunters. He’d stand out in the open rather than hiding like other hunters and he’d taunt the animals until his presence was known. He’d wait till the animal was charging and would then shoot the animal. Saying he’d do this to give the animal a fighting chance so if his gun was to even jam or anything that would be the end of our 26th president but fortunately, it wasn't. Something about him just always sought equality for everyone. He saw all the wrong in american and sought out to fix things using as much peace as possible.

During his presidency, he was given the Nobel Peace Prize for taking part in convincing the Russo-Japanese war to come to an end which lasted one year (1904-05). He also fought for the equality of the public. This was called progressivism. Upon the arrival of the Progressive Era, America shared several common characteristics of industrialism. Huge increase in the population, small cities with no space for the new comers, terrible graphic working conditions, and great economic differences. Theodore Roosevelt during the Progressive Era made essential reforms and launched new foreign policies to shape America into a more upbeat and expanding country and a leading power around the world. An intimidating force in the Progressive Era, Theodore Roosevelt believed that the government had the right to have control over big monopoly businesses and that the government should use its resources rather than outsourcing to help achieve economic and social progress. To do such a thing in his first term as president of the United States, he launched the Square Deal, which focused on the control of corporations which meant keeping the super big business from being able to buy out the competition so that they don’t become billionaires and don’t own the whole industry, the consumer protection of course protects the people by not forcing them to buy anything they don't want to, and the conservation of natural resources like oil, coal, gasoline and wilderness. These demands are referred to as the three c’s of Roosevelt's Square Deal. This aimed at helping middle-class citizens and involved attacking plutocracy which is wealth by the government and bad trust towards all monopolized businesses while at the same time protecting businesses from the most extreme demands of human physical labor. Theodore as a progressive Republican, believed in government action to lower social evils, and as president in 1908 he charged the representatives of predatory wealth guilty of all forms of unfair behavior from the oppression of workers to unfair and immoral methods of crushing competition, and to steal from the public.

To achieve his goal of controlling the large corporations and railroad companies, Congress, under Roosevelt’s urge, created the Department of Commerce and Labor to monitor corporations since the ICC wasn’t doing the very best job. this helped dissolve monopolies and promote fair competition between companies. In the same year, Roosevelt initialized the Elkins Act of 1903 to end the practice of railroad granting shipping rebates to certain companies. The Elkins Act of 1903 also allowed us to find the businesses taking advantage of the rebates situation. But also charging the railroads that monopolized shipping from rural areas, and thus charged exorbitant(unreasonable price)freight rates to farmers and other small-time shippers. Small companies and farmers were unable to pay such rebates due to the exaggeratedly high prices. But three years later on the year of 1906, Theodore’s administration issued the Hepburn Act. Which gave the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) the power to regulate shipping rates on railroads. They believed in government action to lower social evils, and as president he in 1908 called out the representatives of predatory wealth guilty of all forms of unfair and brutal behavior from the oppression of workers to unfair and wrongful methods of crushing competition, and to take from the public. During his second term, Roosevelt tried to extend his Square Deal but was blocked by conservative Republicans in Congress office.

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5 Paragraph Essay on Theodore Roosevelt and How He Changed the Progressive Era. (2024, February 09). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/5-paragraph-essay-on-theodore-roosevelt-and-how-he-changed-the-progressive-era/
“5 Paragraph Essay on Theodore Roosevelt and How He Changed the Progressive Era.” Edubirdie, 09 Feb. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/5-paragraph-essay-on-theodore-roosevelt-and-how-he-changed-the-progressive-era/
5 Paragraph Essay on Theodore Roosevelt and How He Changed the Progressive Era. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/5-paragraph-essay-on-theodore-roosevelt-and-how-he-changed-the-progressive-era/> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
5 Paragraph Essay on Theodore Roosevelt and How He Changed the Progressive Era [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Feb 09 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/5-paragraph-essay-on-theodore-roosevelt-and-how-he-changed-the-progressive-era/

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