1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Analysis of Nike’s ‘Best Day Ever’ Advertisement Through Jib Fowles’ Fifteen Basic Appeals

In 2021, Nike spent 3.1 billion dollars on advertisements. Companies put this much money into their advertisements to show that their product is the best one on the market. By analyzing Jib Fowles’ fifteen basic appeals, in this essay, I am going to understand the ways in which commercial advertising, specifically Nike’s ‘Best Day Ever’ ad, uses all of these appeals to get people to buy their products and goods. For my analysis paper, I chose Nike’s ad ‘Best Day...
3 Pages 1258 Words

Why I Want to Be a Flight Attendant Essay

Introduction I was fascinated by the busy world of flying from the moment I stepped foot in an airport. The smooth orchestration behind each flight, the varied fabric of passengers, and the symphony of takeoffs and landings all captured my attention. The job of a flight attendant jumped out as being very fascinating in this dynamic world. It's a position that embodies the art of providing outstanding customer service, grace under pressure, and an adventurous spirit. I have a strong...
3 Pages 1293 Words

Essay on Ted Bundy Vs Jeffrey Dahmer

Norman Bates was only a boy when his mother passed away. After her death, he spent most of his time running the Bates Motel. What he did in his free time is what deviates from the norm. Norman took his mother from her grave and preserved her, keep her in the basement, and dressed her. She was dead but still alive in his mind. One day, a young woman came to the hotel looking for a room. After giving her...
3 Pages 1274 Words

Essay on What Is Anglo-American Culture

One thing to note is that life on the Texas frontier was very different from any other frontier state. Not only did Texas settlers have to adjust to rural life, but they were also exposed to many dangers such as murder, theft, and kidnapping. By the mid-19th century, Texas had become a target for Indian raids. In The Captured: A True Story of Abduction on the Texas Frontier, historian Scott Zesch embarks on a journey to learn about the lives...
3 Pages 1277 Words

Essay on American Dream Disadvantages

Strain theories are a proposal that pressure derived from social factors, such as lack of income or lack of quality education drives individuals to commit crime. They focus especially on the ways om which people may resort to crime or deviance when they are unable to achieve socially approved goals by legitimate means, This means a legally correct mean, something that in society would be considered normal. There are four considered types of strain theories, them all being anomie theory...
3 Pages 1254 Words

Why I Want to Be a Nurse Anaesthetist: Essay

A certified nurse anesthetist provides pain relief (anesthesia) care to patients before, during, and after surgery. They give medicines to keep patients sleepy or pain-free during surgery and constantly monitor every biological function of the patient's body. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are highly trained nurses who use their developed training in the use of anesthesia to reduce patient pain and discomfort due to medical procedures. Nurse anesthetists have been providing anesthesia for more than 125 years, dating back to...
3 Pages 1295 Words

Why I Want to Be a Family Nurse Practitioner Essay

There are many careers that are very similar in terms of what students learn in the classroom to what they are supposed to do in the real world. However, I feel that Nursing is very different. My parents are both working in the healthcare field. My father is a doctor, and my mother is also a nurse. My aspiration to become a nurse came from my mom, the woman I admire most, who proudly did her best to promote health...
3 Pages 1335 Words

Substance Abuse During Pregnancy: Essay

Substance abuse during pregnancy is when an expecting mother takes in harmful chemicals such as prescribed drugs or street drugs. It’s a relatively poorly researched topic due to underreporting of this condition. This paper will describe possible signs and symptoms as well as treatments used to treat this condition. It is also vitally important for the nurse to understand her role and what they can do to help with this condition for positive outcomes. Substance Abuse during Pregnancy Substance abuse...
3 Pages 1251 Words

Rwandan Genocide Essay: Thesis Statement

Machete Season: The Killers in Rwanda Speak by Jean Hatzfeld presents opposing perspectives from the killers as they express their thoughts, actions, and motives for turning their friends and neighbors into foes during the Rwandan Genocide. The novel relives the stirring animosity that built up during the mid-20th century between the two main ethnic groups in Rwanda, the Hutus and Tutsis, the preface and the events that occurred during the genocide, and the consequences that the killers were obliged to...
3 Pages 1305 Words

Personal Response Essay 'Life of Pi'

One boy, one boat, one tiger, and one cinematic success! Foxton pulls back the curtain on this year’s most visually enticing film as Ang Lee brings to life Yann Martel’s Life of Pi. From land to sea, human to tiger, despair to hope – this film is nothing short of a cinematic miracle. Ang Lee’s remarkable reworking of Yann Martel’s Life of Pi, tells of the trials and tribulations of a young Indian boy following a tragic shipwreck. He is...
3 Pages 1298 Words

Personal Narrative Essay on Music Technology

Music technology is one of the best things that comes with music, it is one of the most interesting parts and it is the most in-depth part of developing technology in music. These are the ways in history that music affected consumption in society. In 1857, Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville invented the phonautograph. This is a machine that traces soundwaves instead of recording soundwaves. The intent of this is to make music visible on soot-covered paper. These were not able...
3 Pages 1279 Words

Importance of Resilience Essay

Being a medical student has both its advantages and downsides. But overall the life of a medical student is quite stressful. Repeated clinical shifts, continuous studies, and a lot of facts to remember make it quite burdening. In some students, this can lead to stress, depression, erratic mood swings, and other health-related problems. Stress can be defined as ‘‘a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense’’ and also as ‘‘a number of normal reactions of the body (mental, emotional,...
3 Pages 1299 Words

Essay on Imagery in 'Things Fall Apart'

Recalled... “Things Fall Apart is a novel written by a Nigerian author Chinua Achebe. Published in 1958, its story chronicles pre-colonial life in the south-eastern part of Nigeria and the arrival of the Europeans during the late nineteenth century.” The novel serves as a mirror to me; I’m from West Africa, Liberia. I came to the United States as an exchange student when I was sixteen. The older I got; I was also able to understand some of the beliefs...
3 Pages 1257 Words

Essay on Dieting: Causes of Eating Disorders

One reason that fad diets should not be followed is because they are restrictive which raises many concerns. Take the ketogenic diet, for example. The ketogenic diet is a low-carb diet in which people are supposed to cut out nearly all carbohydrates and up their fat intake to around seventy percent of their daily food. According to Metagenics in their Ketogenic Program Guide, on this diet, the individual will intake about ten percent carbohydrates, seventy percent fat, and twenty percent...
3 Pages 1276 Words

Disadvantages of New Technology in Communication Argumentative Essay

Communication is the exchange of information or ideas between two or more individuals. We communicate every day to let people know what we are doing, thinking or even feeling. Communication can be done in many ways other than the conventional speaking right in front of each other. Communication Technology has made it quicker and easier to communicate with people who are far and near. Snapchat, Facebook, and numerous other social media networks have made this possible. As well as being...
3 Pages 1323 Words

DACA Stories Essay

The topic of immigration (legal and illegal) is a very polarizing subject today. I knew finding someone willing to discuss this with me, would be tough. Before approaching anyone for an interview, numerous thoughts went through my mind as to what the reaction would be. why are you asking me this? Do I know you? do you work for Ice? Are you mocking me? These questions might seem like a stretch until you factor in how sensitive and politically correct,...
3 Pages 1307 Words

Argumentative Essay on Changes in DACA

Immigration is a big reason why families are separated. They move to the US or a different country because they feel like their country does not offer good job opportunities. Immigrants also struggle since they are highly discriminated against because of their work ethic. Many people would state that immigrants take job opportunities. The first immigrants migrated to North America and that later became known as the United States. During the last Ice Age, a group of Native American ancestors...
3 Pages 1254 Words

Life of Pi' Symbolism Essay

The representation of human experiences is essential in constructing good fiction as it exposes flaws in humanity and society, leading to self-reflection within the reader. Within Yann Martel's bildungsroman novel, Life of Pi (2002), individual experience is portrayed through Martel’s unique narrative, portraying the protagonist’s journey from multiple perspectives, leaving the reader with multiple interpretations and questions about the credibility of the stories. Martel's nomadic childhood leads to a greater international perspective reflected in the story’s cultural diversity in its...
3 Pages 1260 Words

Life of Pi' Narrative Essay

The overall meaning behind Life of Pi is pretty clear once one gets halfway through his sea journey, and even if you were to just read the last three chapters and see what is revealed at the end when Pi is forced to tell a different experience of the story to Japanese investigators, Mr.Okamoto and Mr. Chiba, with every detail of cannibalism and savagery, one can only cringe while reading the terrible tale Pi is put forward to tell. Readers,...
3 Pages 1250 Words

White Collar Crime Theories: Analytical Essay

It is not every day we hear about white-collar crimes but these “non-violent” crimes are on the rise. But throughout the years the federal government has been recording and documenting white collar crimes amounting to a staggering $300 billion every year (Cornell University, 2010. White-collar crime is dated back ​with different forms of bribery and embezzlement or even monopolistic price-fixing surely outdated recorded history, the earliest documented case of white-collar crime law dates back to the early 15th century in...
3 Pages 1297 Words

Is Addiction a Disease or a Choice: Persuasive Essay

When people hear the word 'addiction', most people’s first thoughts go straight to drugs or alcohol, but addiction is so much more than drugs. Some people have that one thing they cannot go without. It might be a cell phone, a cigarette, caffeine, drugs, or shopping. No matter what, most people have a vice. Addiction surrounds us whether we choose to believe it or not, and it does not discriminate. Addiction impacts our relationships due to the hardships of maintaining...
3 Pages 1300 Words

Water Crisis in California: Essay

The water crisis in California is a complex issue that has been prevalent for many years. The crisis Californians are facing is not going away any time soon, and it has only gotten worse. California, one of the largest states, is faced with being in a long-term drought and is one of the biggest agricultural states that provides billions each year in revenue. The farming aspect is one piece of the puzzle that coincides with how to regulate how much...
3 Pages 1281 Words

UK Universal Healthcare System: Essay

Great Britain is a northwestern European island nation comprising England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The health system serves a population of 67,530,172 as of June 18, 2019, based on the latest United Nations estimates, which ranks 21st globally. Great Britain has a universal healthcare system that’s government-financed, the National Health Service (NHS). The NHS includes an array of nationally financed healthcare systems in Great Britain. It consists of the NHS (England, Scotland, Wales) and Northern Ireland’s Health and Social...
3 Pages 1253 Words

Essay on the Anti-Vietnam War Movement

The anti-war movement was a reflection of a time period when individuals started to vocalize their opinions on political and social issues. The era of conformity and submission to higher powers was commencing its decay with the rise of the common man’s recognition of his or her authority and rights in response to certain societal dilemmas. This particular movement fully embodies this radical recognition. Hence, the anti-war movement in the United States, to a large extent, influenced the US withdrawal...
3 Pages 1281 Words

When Is Violence Justified: Opinion Essay

Some may argue that in cases of self-defense, tyranny, or if you feel you have a moral obligation to do so, violence can be a justifiable action. You are doing this to save yourself or others from the horror that may fall upon you or them as well. Consider killing as an example. Can killing a morally innocent person, someone who has not given their consent to dying, have their life be taken to save other innocent people, be justified?...
3 Pages 1284 Words

Essay about My Three-Day Hiking Experience

Throughout Walker Percy’s 'The Loss of the Creature', he uses many different stories to try and prove a point about the things we see and miss in life. The point he tries to prove is very well argued with these stories, and he even goes into detail with his own thoughts and opinions on these many stories. One story I have that could connect to two of the stories he mentions is the one about the Grand Canyon and the...
3 Pages 1336 Words

Essay about How to Manage Stress

The older I get, the better I handle stress because I’ve learned from experiences. Personally, I noticed the difference as I got older and matured. I accepted the fact life is all about problems and it gets harder as you grow up, but I also get better at dealing with problems and coping with stress. People react differently to stress: some get motivated, while others get stressed and overwhelmed. In fact, stress has a negative effect and positive effect on...
3 Pages 1290 Words

Essay on Family Planning Policy in India

India is one of the world’s most populous countries. Its population is 1.3 billion. Overpopulation comes with a slew of problems, such as pollution, lack of food, and overuse of resources, that all intertwine and make solving poverty even more difficult. In an effort to decrease rapid population growth to preserve resources and aid economic development, India implemented population control policies - with its emergency period and sterilizations. India enacted its policies with the mindset that citizens must make sacrifices...
3 Pages 1311 Words

Impact of Social Media on Children: Essay

In recent years, the amount of people who own a mobile phone has skyrocketed, with 95% of households owning at least one since 2015, and a further 70% of children aged 5-16 having their own personal mobile phone. These statistics show a massive number of children from a young age being exposed to and having access to different forms of social media on a vast range of devices. This causes a plethora of young children to be vulnerable and easy...
3 Pages 1336 Words

Essay about the Egypt Revolution and Gendering

A post-colonial approach demonstrates value in considering gender and revolution, as women’s privileges are identified with the bigger monetary and political configuration of power. Post-colonial scholars, like Abu-Lughod, emphasize how political moments are significantly portrayed by a distraction with sexual orientation roles. In the post-colonial world, ideas regarding 'authentic women' are imperative and women become incredible symbols for the countries. This is particularly applicable in revolution times when national identity is challenged and women become the markers of culture (Abu-Lughod,...
3 Pages 1307 Words
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