Personal Narrative Essay about Passion

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Educating students is more than just a job for passionate teachers, it’s a way of life.

I want to make a difference in others’ lives through education. It was my dream to be a teacher teaching a classroom of diverse yet alike students. But no matter what differences these students have, their uniqueness flows throughout the classroom in such a positive energy that embraces, respects and promotes learning. This is the goal I am working toward; the goal of inspiring youth to become self-advocates for their learning and making a difference in the lives of the children I met along the way.

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As a teacher, it is my role to shape the lives of my pupils. I inspire and encourage them to strive for the best, live to their fullest potential, and see the best in themselves. I always want to be a role model for them, imparting their positive traits and values and showing them the best to influence and guide them to become a better person. In the future, I want them to remember me as a teacher who inspires them to believe in themselves, gives them hope, and influences them to fulfill their dreams.

I know my vision is not that simple. It requires great effort, dedication, and commitment to achieve these goals. And because I love to fulfill this, I need to take action and change to work towards it. I believe I can do it if I can keep the passion I have for teaching. Keeping and maintaining the enthusiasm for my teaching for another two decades and more in the classroom. It’s quite a big challenge if I’ll think about it, but having those special persons in my life, my inspiration enables my passion for teaching.

Though I enter this career with passion and drive, I sometimes feel frustrated as my career progresses. I encountered some problems which are normally experienced by teachers, but I regard those problems as challenges. By meeting these obstacles head-on, I was able to maintain my passion and effectively educate my pupils.

The most challenging that I experienced in my teaching career was having disruptive pupils in my class. Though I felt unappreciated and disrespected, I still continued teaching them to the best of my ability and tried to control my emotional feelings. I always ask for God’s guidance and for more patience for those disruptive pupils. During those days, I found ways to solve my problem. Every moment that I feel like giving up, I remember my family who served as my inspiration to move forward and continue striving for the best. After conducting, a conference with them and their parents, I was able to come up with a solution. I made some adjustments to improve the situation, and those pupils, little by little changed for the better. I was very happy at that time. It was the greatest achievement for me. I gave them extra attention because I think that was all they needed, I'd been more caring and loving for them enabling them to change the way they treated me.

As a teacher, we must not only establish good relationships with the pupils but also with our fellow teachers and administrators. Superiors demand the best from us teachers just like what we want from our pupils. If our passion and desire to teach got lost they will surely notice it. Having a healthy relationship with my co-teachers in school also helps me to perform better. Helping each other with ideas and problems, and giving advice and tips are the best ways of overcoming burnout and dwindling passion.

Another thing that influences my performance in school is the appreciation and consistent recognition for doing good work. Because of that, I’d been more productive and more engaged at work. It made me realize my worth as a teacher and I feel it easy to share my ideas and suggestions with my colleagues. These recognitions also help to fuel my passion for teaching.

It’s all a teacher's dream to raise successful students in the future. Every success of a student is a teacher's success. We all want the best for our pupils. My goal is to help my pupils reach their dreams and inspire them to achieve, to have a better future in the years to come. I want them to remember me as a teacher who gives them hope, lets them see the beauty and good in themselves, that they are capable of doing things, that they can do what others can, and that a brighter future awaits them. Great goals and a deeper vision, this is all I want them to see me in the future.

Keeping this passion I have for teaching will make the realization of my vision. With the help of those enablers that fuel my passion for teaching, I still need to make some personal changes and actions to work towards it.

The first thing that I should do is to continue to develop professionally. I believe it is an essential component in improving the quality of education. This is to develop more knowledge and skills that I need to meet pupils learning challenges. Through continuing education, I can also become more proficient in my job, more effective, and more satisfied in various other aspects of my work. Most of all it ensures the best learning outcomes for my pupils. The more professional development I undergo, the more knowledge and industry insight I gain. I’ll be doing this not only for myself but definitely for my pupils.

As of now, I already completed the Academic Requirements for my master's Degree and planning to pursue Thesis Writing to finish the course. Aside from this, I love reading educational magazines and journals, where I gain insights that I can apply in teaching and in dealing with my pupils. I have also attended several trainings local and international to be more equipped, updated, and acquainted with the latest trends in education.

The second thing that I will do is to have a deeper knowledge and passion for the subject matter I am teaching. I cannot give what I don’t have. So I must have deeper knowledge of the subject matter I taught and I’ll be doing it by continuing reading and learning to have mastery of the subject matter. In addition, a love of subject matter inspires a person to learn more. If I myself clearly love my subjects I can pass that passion and desire to learn more on my pupils. Having a deep well of understanding and expertise to draw on, every lesson is enriched and every pupil might be inspired.

The third thing that I should do is to develop a stronger relationship with my pupils. I believe it is the most important thing that a teacher should possess. It is not enough that I am equipped with wide knowledge to share with the pupils, it is important that I am teaching from the heart in order to create a successful learning environment. We, as a teacher must build caring relationships with our pupils. We must care most deeply not only about our job but every pupil we serve. It is not enough just to love the subject matter but also to share love with our pupils.

With these three changes and actions for improvement that I’ll be doing, I may be able to fulfill my vision for my future self. By doing this, I believe my pupils will have a better future someday. Knowledge combined with passion equals success.

Teaching is a challenging, tough, yet rewarding career that isn’t for everybody. It’s said that teachers are born, not made and it all comes down to passion.

Maintaining passion might be challenging, but if we work hard at it, we will be rewarded in the future.

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