1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Search for Redemption and Male Friendships in the Book The Kite Runner

Amir's journey to make up for himself makes up the core of The Kite Runner. At an opportune time, Amir endeavors to make up for himself in Baba's eyes, essentially in light of the fact that his mom passed away while giving birth to him, and he feels responsible. To make up for himself to Baba, Amir figures he should win the kite-competition and present to Baba the losing kite, the two of which are inducing episodes that set the...
3 Pages 1356 Words

The Vulnerability Of Democracy In Lord Of The Flies

Democracy is a system of government where the leading part is chosen by the people to govern society. Democracy works on principles such as freedom of speech, judiciary, and law and order. When these principles are targeted, democracy is threatened and starts to erode. This was seen in the 1930s when Germany’s democratic government fell and was replaced with a man that provided simplistic solutions to the complicated problems of democracy. He immediately grew in popularity and was established the...
3 Pages 1447 Words

Women’s Fight for Freedom through Historical Lens

Freedom; having the power to think, speak, and act in any way without control or constriction. Throughout history, women fought to be seen as individuals and to be able to advocate for the things they believed in. The women of this time were unfairly treated and overlooked. They were denied the right to act by not being included in the fifthteenth amendment to vote. They couldn’t speak in any high office position. They couldn’t think and share their thoughts because...
3 Pages 1373 Words

Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex And Plato’s Apology: Common Themes And Ideas

Both Sophocles’ Oedipus the King and Plato’s Apology explore the limits of human wisdom. Socrates spends times trying to understand the nature of wisdom and whether the people who claim to possess it actually do. This investigation stems from the oracle, who proclaimed that Socrates was the wisest man in Athens. Through this quest, Socrates develops a negative reputation, and this is what leads to his eventual death sentence. Oedipus, on the other hand, is revered by the Thebans. In...
3 Pages 1393 Words

The Importance of Sleep Throughout Development

Sleep is an important activity that children, adolescents, adults, and even animals need in order to partake in daily functions. While this may be common knowledge for some, the why, and the how sleep affects daily activities is considerably more complicated. Sleep is vital for our neurosensory system, motor system, memory system, and brain plasticity over a person’s lifespan. Boyson (2016) discovered through Penn & Shatz (1999) that not enough sleep, specifically REM can cause problems with all the senses,...
3 Pages 1402 Words

Critical Analysis Of Medea As A Tragedy

The story of Medea by author Euripides conveys the loathsome side of human relationships, especially within a family. The society being presented in the story mirrors major situations happening in our society. Medea is a woman who has suffered a lot, and over time, she became twisted by her own pain. Euripides uses gender roles, love, marriage, and being a foreigner as a common motif in this short story. True power of love lies in the lack of protection and...
3 Pages 1433 Words

Censorship of Language: Peculiarities and Aspects

In today’s world, it feels as if every sentence, no matter the platform, is inherently censored and carefully constructed. This phenomenon can be attributed to political correctness, or PC, movement. The PC movement has permeated all major platforms such as radio, social media, television, and literature. The fact of the matter is that some different phrases and motifs have been redacted from the acceptable language column. The intense and visual language that accompanies sex, drugs, and violence is nothing more...
3 Pages 1388 Words

Should Pregnant Women Go through Mandatory HIV Testing?

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency) is a virus that damage cells and our immune system. It also weakens the body ability to be able to fight infections and diseases. HIV can be primarily transmitted through the means of sexual intercourse. HIV is a virus that develops to AIDS if not treated as early as possible, the virus is most commonly passed from person to another person through the means of bodily fluids during sex, it can also be passed on through blood...
3 Pages 1401 Words

Diabetes Management In Patients With Renal Insufficiency

Chronic complications of Diabetes mellitus (DM), which are present in as many as 50% of the diabetic patients at the time of diagnosis, are a major burden for both the patients and the healthcare system at large. It is estimated that, more than two-third of healthcare expenditure related to diabetes is mainly attributed to chronic complications of the disease (Hahr & Molitch 2015). This problem is further aggravated by poor lifestyle, aging population, and urbanization makes the situation even more...
3 Pages 1378 Words

Ethics In Organisations

Ethics can be defined as doing the right thing when no one is seeing or rather distinguishing between what is right or best and what is wrong or undesirable. It has more to do with one’s character and how you behave when carrying out something. It is not merely the consideration of what is good and best for oneself, but the consideration of what is good and well for others also. Both ethics and law strive towards determining what is...
3 Pages 1376 Words

The Development Of Infant Vision

This essay will explore the development of visual acuity and depth perception within the first year of an infant’s life. It explains the reason for the fast development of visual acuity within the first 6 months and the development of visual acuity based on how cone photoreceptors and the fovea mature to provide good resolution. OKR and VOR are also looked at for stabilising images. The development of depth perception using motion parallax and stereopsis is explained and along with...
3 Pages 1383 Words

Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages

Basically, with the current trends in the market and the growing levels of competition, organizations are expected to become more innovative and ensure the use of better ways of operating in the market so as to have a higher competitive advantage over their competitors. In this case therefore, Aldi, which is a discount supermarket retailer has realized that one way of doing this is through the limitation of the number of products in each and every given category so as...
3 Pages 1421 Words

Is America Still A Racist Country?

America is still a racist country. I would say racism is still practiced in America in various cities, institutions of learning, places of work, and even in the streets. Yet racism is a barbaric behavior that I suppose should be long gone and non-existential in society. Racism in America is manifested in various ways; for instance, if one is a black American or a Hispanic, then, there are certain rights that you can’t enjoy. But how does racism manifests itself?...
3 Pages 1352 Words

Spreading Education from Youtube

Education is about learning skills and knowledge. It also means educating or helping people how to do things. Education is an essential resource in the life of somebody that is really useful. Education distinguishes persons from other individuals. This empowers people and makes them deal with life problems. But in our nation schooling is always a privilege and not a need. Education consciousness has to be shared across the world in order to render knowledge accessible. But this vision remains...
3 Pages 1396 Words

The Aspects of Social Media Censorship

Having social media can have many ethical and legal implications. Social media such as Facebook’s censorship has arisen on its users. Imagine having to follow certain rules in order to open a Facebook account and being monitored. Following the same information filtering and reporting requirements as the government commands. Thousands and thousands of people use Facebook. Faebook is even in other countries because of the fact that it follows many rules that it is allowed to be used not only...
3 Pages 1447 Words

Marijuana Use Impacts College Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

“Critical thinking, that is, the capacity and disposition to evaluate propositions and be moved by good reasons” (Guzzo & Rosário Lima, 2018). It has been stated that as humans, critical thinking is actually very difficult despite the ability to have higher thought. Critical thinking, and processing information by good reasoning is thinking without bias and by good reasons. Humans mostly use reasoning that is based on pre-existing beliefs and experiences. In order to truly think critically, people must bring awareness...
3 Pages 1426 Words

Coffee And Alzheimer’s Disease

There are many benefits to drinking coffee. According to a new study by the Krembil brain institute, there are many health benefits to having a good morning. In addition to boosting energy and concentration, drinking coffee may help reduce an individual's risk of developing alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. After human beings enter the old age stage, there will be a variety of degenerative aging changes, especially in the psychological aspect, such as sensory perception degenerative changes obvious, memory decline, intelligence...
3 Pages 1417 Words

The Effects Of Governmental Censorship And Control In Fahrenheit 451 And Anthem

Should the administration have full oversight? On the off chance that there was an opportunity, would society change or attempt to defy the laws present at this point? Ray Bradburry and Ayn Rand investigate the universe of a tragic culture in their books Fahrenheit 451 and Anthem, where both portray governments that are in finished control. Bradbury brings the peruser into an advanced reality where books are illicit. In Fahrenheit 451, owning and examining books is unlawful. People from society...
3 Pages 1358 Words

Knowledge And Attitude Of Osteoporosis Among Female Patients Attending Najran

Introduction The bone is a living organ that continues in growth before and after the puberty. Osteoporosis (OP) is characterized by deterioration in the micro-architecture of bone tissue that leads to increased bone frailty and susceptibility to fragility (low trauma) fractures. Preventive measures including patient education and exercise can reduce hip fractures related to osteoporosis. Background No disease has attracted attention in the last 2 decades all over the world, such as osteoporosis. [1]During childhood and adolescence bone formation is...
3 Pages 1434 Words

Elon Musk as a Leader

Introduction For the Leadership analysis series, I choose the profile of Elon Musk, founder, CEO of SpaceX, Co-founder of Tesla, CEO of Neuralink, founder of the Boring company and also PayPal. (Ref-Elon Musk. (2019, July 19). Elon Musk is one of the pioneers of the world and a great human being. I already analyzed the many facts of Musk in the previous paper. In this paper I will discuss about his Ethics, code of conduct, conflict management and strategic planning...
3 Pages 1403 Words

Institutionalized Discrimination In A Rose For Emily

In “A Rose for Emily” William Falkner provides an engrossing profile of community dynamics and Southern social values at work in the first half of the 20th century. Falkner narrates, events in such a way that causes the reader to feel that he or she a member of the community. It gives the “consensus” vision of Emily Grierson’s life that to be passed down from generations to generations. Emily is the daughter of a prominent family whose fortunes are declining...
3 Pages 1366 Words

Why the Implications of Marijuana Legalization is a Controversial Topic?

From its first national regulation in the United States with the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, to its eventual decriminalization in the 70’s and legalization in 2012, the legalization of marijuana has remained a controversial topic. Although controversial, 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical purposes, with another ten states legalizing marijuana for recreational use. As marijuana becomes slowly becomes widely accepted all over the nation, one is left wondering what impacts the legalization of marijuana will have on our...
3 Pages 1399 Words

Economic Factors That Leads To Human Trafficking

According to the participant informants of the study area’s respondents, there is a chronic lack of paid work, specifically for unskilled labour in their settings. Youth unemployment is high in many places. The labour market for young women is often very restricted – invariably more so than for young men. Women are not as highly valued in terms of their labour as men in sectors such as productive business activities such as marketable business activities, investment in mechanized agricultural activities,...
3 Pages 1440 Words

Punishment Oedipus VS Creon in Antigone

Some people might declare that Oedipus was punished worse than Creon. On the other hand, some people might believe that Creon had the worse punishment out of the two. Oedipus’ story started out as him being a prince of Thebes. The city has been struck by a plague, the citizens are dying, and no one knows how to put an end to it. Creon then tells what he has learned from the god Apollo, who said the murderer of Laius,...
3 Pages 1412 Words

Discrimination And Vilification In Advertising

If society doesn’t change, how can the media change society? Although change is inevitable, media practitioners can exert significant influence on changing gender roles in society for the better. Stereotypical character roles women have portrayed in advertisements can uphold unethical advertising practices, such as discrimination and vilification based on gender. Discrimination is the “unfair, unfavorable or less favourable treatment to one person or a group” and vilification “humiliates, intimidates, and incites hatred towards, contempt for, or ridicule of one person...
3 Pages 1373 Words

The Relation between Consumer Behavior and Social Marketing

Introduction Adaptive software development is a design principle for the creation of software systems. The principle focuses on the rapid creation and evolution of software systems. The adaptive development method grew out of the rapid application development method. Adaptive Software Development replaces the traditional waterfall cycle with a repeating series of speculating, collaborate, and learn cycles. ASD is made of three steps (speculate, collaborate, and learn). So, here those steps described briefly: Speculate --> Initiation and Planning Collaborate --> Concurrent...
3 Pages 1446 Words

Gender Equality across Different Sectors and Position of Women in Agriculture in Bhutan

With area of 38390 square kilometers, Bhutan is a landlocked country between the two giants of world, China to the north and India to the South. The country is divided into 20 administrative districts called dzongkhag and 205 blocks. It has a population of 727145 people out of which 37.8% resides in urban and 62.2% in rural area (National Ststistics Bureau, 2018). There are three broad ethnic groups. Sharchops, the eastern population comprises the majority of population with 50%. This...
3 Pages 1382 Words

The Effectiveness of the Criminal Investigation Process as a Means of Reflecting the Moral

The effectiveness of the Criminal Investigation process as a means of reflecting the moral and ethical standards of society is debatable as it can be seen that although the law incorporates some standards, there is still room for improvement. The Criminal Investigation Process is a stage where investigation and detection are carried out, and evidence is gathered so offenders can be brought before a court. It also includes the elements of police powers, bail and remand, and reporting crime. These...
3 Pages 1383 Words

A Funding for The Coronavirus

The coronavirus has developed into a devastating level of threat to our nation's security. More funding is needed for this rapid spreading virus to help aid in finding treatments for this virus. On January 31, 2020, the Health and Human Services announced a concerning health message for citizens of the United States to help aid in the nation’s healthcare community. On February 24, 2020, the Trump administration asked congress for more funding to be provided for the coronavirus project. With...
3 Pages 1355 Words

Role And Value Of Advertising In Current Communications Environment

Introduction The broad perspective of marketing communications presents an undertone and an understanding of the role of advertising in the contemporary communication environments in a more societal context. The dramatic changes in advertising across different platforms and spheres throughout the world is an indication of the dynamic and complex consumer behavior within the context of marketing and the strive for it to achieve its ultimate goal (Hansen & Christensen, 2003). The other important concern is the emergence of various media...
3 Pages 1434 Words
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