1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Ineffectiveness Of Australian Privacy Laws

In the current world, technology is used so widely and by so many. It assists in a variety of daily tasks such as communication, work and even education. It interconnects our world with the click of a button allowing information to be sent around the world instantaneously. Although allowing the ability for connection, the thousands of terabytes of private information on individuals held by technology and different companies raises the dangerous issue of privacy. While Australian privacy laws cover certain...
3 Pages 1449 Words

Typical Communication And Play Development In Early Childhood

The aim of this essay is to outline current literature relating to typical communication and play development from birth to 5 years. Communication refers to the act of exchanging verbal and non-verbal information (Prelock & Hutchins, 2018). Means of communication include language, a socially shared code using arbitrary symbols of represent concepts, and speech, the acoustic representation of language (Owens, Metz & Ferinella, 2015). Play can be defined as behaviours that are enjoyable, intrinsically motivated, process orientated, freely chosen, non-literal,...
3 Pages 1393 Words

Critical Analysis Of The Text: Depiction Of Postmodern Ethnography In Maus

This paper is an attempt to analyze the following aspects of the graphic novel Maus: A Survivor’s Tale by Art Spiegelman. Firstly, the novel as a depiction of postmodern ethnography and the experience that is enriched in the narration. Secondly, the reflexity of memory and how the author has brought in the relation between memory and history. And finally, how ‘graphic novel’ as a genre, is an ample and unique platform selected by the author and how effectively he has...
3 Pages 1373 Words

Skinner's Research On Operant Behavior And Operant Conditioning

Burrhus Frederic Skinner was born and raised in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. During high school, Skinner developed a interest in scientific reasoning from his studying the works of Francis Bacon. He went on to receive a B.A. in English literature in 1926 from Hamilton College. After earning his undergraduate degree, he decided to become a writer. During this time, he wrote a few short newspaper articles and quickly grew to dislike his own writings despite receiving needed encouragement and mentorship from the...
3 Pages 1361 Words

Competition Versus Aggressive Competition: Analytical Essay

Competition is one of the areas upon which self-esteem can be dependent and the vanity of people enormously relies upon greater heavily on their performance relative to others. Competition and competition might also share the equal simple DNA however they are not synonymous. While competition commonly stays goal and stakes-based on the other hand contention operates on a greater personal and consequently often the less rational field. Rivals are clearly actors in opposition with one any other whether or not...
3 Pages 1425 Words

Social Media Marketing and Market Growth

Introduction The onset of the 21st century brought about increased integration of digital technology in businesses around the world. This extraordinary development has changed industries worldwide and created more entrepreneurs, investors and business altogether in a short amount of time. Rapid digital technological advancements and the increasing accessibility of the internet to the critical mass has revolutionized businesses. As a matter of fact, it has become important for businesses to recognize the significance of incorporating digital technology and the internet...
3 Pages 1409 Words

The Use of Forensic Odontology to Solve a Forensic Science Case

Introduction Forensic Science is the study of civil and criminal law, which can be broken down into many categories. Forensic Odontology is specifically important because teeth are composed of enamel, one of the hardest biological substances in the human body, they are very well protected by soft tissues in the body, for example, the tongue (PMC 2018). Teeth can also survive immersion, decomposition and direct heat in excess of 1000 degrees Fahrenheit (PMC 2018). Forensic Odontology is used to solve...
3 Pages 1447 Words

Crimes Against The Elderly: A Content Analysis On Issues Causing Fear Of Crime

In India, persons aged 60 or exceeding the age of 60 are considered elderly or senior citizens. The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 (Gazette of India, December 2007) statesthat a senior citizen as a person who has reached the age of 60 years or exceeding. Nevertheless, under the law relating to income tax in India, persons are regarded as senior citizens only after they become 65 years old. Those who are between 60 and 74...
3 Pages 1416 Words

Social Contract: General Overview of The Social Agreement Theory

The social agreement theory changed into mainly developed in western political thought. The social settlement principle is outlined as a formation in addition to maintenance of society or kingdom as well as the counseled contract between man or woman and organization social settlement concept is a tool that describes the relationship among person interest and authorities. Social agreement idea starts from human nature the first person who has purposed Thomas Hobbes, Locke & Rousseau comes and outlines the social contract...
3 Pages 1425 Words

Alice Walker’s Role as a Leading Feminist and Civil Rights Activist in the Late 1900s

“Mommy, there’s a world in your eye” (Walker, “When the Other Dancer Is the Self” 45). Seven words penetrated the hardened heart of a woman who knew nothing but cruelty concerning her battered eye. As a woman of color, physical deformity, and unique naturalistic ideals, Alice Walker rose to great heights as a black “Womanist” essayist, novelist and poet in the late 1900s. She lived during a time of a war and great racism and oppression. Her career took flight...
3 Pages 1356 Words

A Blind Visionary: Helen Keller's Limitless Legacy and Advocacy for Humanity

For Helen Keller, born on June 27th, 1880, the world she could recall was always dark and silent. At only 19 months old Helen Keller was rendered blind and deaf by an unknown illness, and spent her early years as a frustrated, lost, and temper-prone child. At age six, Helen’s parents in desperation, hired Anne Sullivan as a teacher for Helen. Anne Sullivan began teaching her pupil by signing word after word into Helen’s hand. After several months, the idea...
3 Pages 1403 Words

Tax Avoidance: Distributive, Compensatory And Retributive Justice

Introduction West (2018) describes ethics as someone’s moral principles of good or bad behaviour where it’s not based on consequences of these actions. Another view of ethics involves having a sense of duty to do the right thing as a company and for others (Hoover and Pepper, 2015). Tax avoidance is understood as deliberately sidestepping taxes to lower the tax paid to governments, this method is legal but not predicted by the government involved (www.ibe.org, 2013). There are questions around...
3 Pages 1393 Words

Importance of Aspects of Developmental Psychology and Their Relevance to Offending Behaviour

Developmental psychology is the study of how and why humans change throughout their life (Hurlock, 2001). This explains criminal behaviour through several ways, mainly that criminal behaviour develops due to developmental problems such as attachment problems or poor social skills. Developmental psychology asks the question is a criminal born or made? By explaining criminal behaviour through developmental psychology, it helps to discover what are the main causes of criminal behaviour, therefore helping to stop and treat criminal behaviour appropriately. This...
3 Pages 1387 Words

Influence of Domestic Violence on The Ongoing Struggle of Homelessness

Introduction Hook: According to the U.S. Conference of Mayors 2013 Status Report on Hunger & Homelessness, 16% of homeless persons are victims of domestic violence. Furthermore, approximately half of all homeless women reported that domestic violence was the primary cause of their homelessness (domesticshelters.org) Relevance: Domestic violence puts women and children at a higher risk of homelessness as many are forced to flee an abusive relationship or situation. These women suffer from a lack of resources such as insufficient income...
3 Pages 1363 Words

Treatment And Inclusion Of The Idea Of Free Will: Oedipus The King By Sophocles And Medea By Euripides

In this essay, I will be discussing and evaluating the treatment and inclusion of the idea of free will within the play Oedipus The King By Sophocles as well as Medea By Euripides. These are both two very old plays which include a plot which is intertwined with the constant influence of Fate and therefore, can be used in order to debate the influence of destiny and whether or not the characters have “Free Will”. This is an important point...
3 Pages 1406 Words

Factors Contributing To The Changes Of Chinook Salmon

Introduction Chinook salmon, the king species, larger than all other salmon species is falling off the throne. Over the last century, there has been a dramatic decrease in the size of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). This trend is not specific Chinook salmon though, this trend is being seen throughout varieties of salmon species. Specifically, Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus) species have demonstrated this decline in body size. In a 1980s study, it was shown three species of Pacific Salmon have decreased dramatically...
3 Pages 1436 Words

Marie Curie And The Importance Of Her Discovery Of Radium

Marie Curie was born in Warsaw, Poland, 1867, growing up in an environment that encouraged the seeking of knowledge – and that its importance was not to be underestimated. Although due to political instability, education prospects in Poland were not accessible to the female gender, therefore in order to further her education, Curie relocated to Paris, France, in 1885. Because of Curie’s pursuit towards a doctorate, the ground breaking discovery of Radium was a direct result of her hard work....
3 Pages 1375 Words

Students’ Difficulties In Learning Algebra

Dealing with algebra learning, students need to be skillful in some basic conceptual standing. The learning condition of fluency has been described in mathematics education to indicate the importance of using fundamental understanding of basic concepts in mathematics to solve mathematical problems. Hence, it is essential for students have broad knowledge in whole number concepts, fraction concepts and particular aspect of geometry and measurement. In whole number concepts, students should have mastered the number sense theory by the end of...
3 Pages 1383 Words

Endangered Greater Bamboo Lemur

The island of Madagascar is located on the east coast of Africa, which is home to a variety of lemurs. Most of us are probably not aware of how we damage their habitat and environment. The primary focus of this research is on the prolemur simus also known as the great bamboo lemur. This lemur has been classified as endangered by the IUCN and on the list as an explanation as to why they are critically endangered, you will see...
3 Pages 1374 Words

Machines With Feelings And Emotions

The twenty-first century is a century for innovations and technology improvements; Mankind has developed various kinds of technology, which has made our life so much easier. It can easily say that most of the work that was done by humans has been taken over by a machine. Most of the dangerous works are now done by machines. The machine industry is a constant mode of improvement, and scientists are very hard. In recent years, a new idea has been developed...
3 Pages 1383 Words

How the Telephone Changed the World Essay

The telephone is one of the most important inventions in the world. Before the telephone was invented, you would have to be there in person to have a real-time conversation with another person. The telephone changed the world because it enabled people to have real-time conversations with anybody in the world, regardless of distance. This revolution in communication not only allows personal conversations to take place, but it enhanced our ability to conduct business. The infrastructure needed for telephone communication...
3 Pages 1382 Words

Qualitative And Quantitative Research Methods

Research is an action that occurs in our everyday lives, it is how to get the answers to question that we have. In terms of the research processes, there are two broad methods, qualitative and quantitative. These two methods are used by researchers to gain knowledge and understanding to make informed statements. Ritchie et al explains research as being fundamentally about understanding and explaining about knowing. As such I will be discussing my understanding of both qualitative and quantitative research...
3 Pages 1422 Words

The Activity Of The Dolphin Research Institute

The Dolphin Research Institute (DRI) actively obtains dolphin research for the south eastern region of Victoria and focuses extensively on conservation, education and environmental leadership for the community. DRI is a not for profit organisation established in 1991 by passionate individuals who were concerned about the local dolphin populations. One of their greatest milestones was the establishment of the world’s first ‘sustainable dolphin swim’ regulations in 1996. This regulation was pioneered through robust data samples and also led to amendments...
3 Pages 1369 Words

Innovation And Types Of Innovation

The reason to undertake the research about innovation and its types and disruptive innovation’s impacts on industries is to develop understanding of innovation and its importance among modern business students and to develop entrepreneurial mindset that students can take into modern corporate/business world. As per my definition of innovation, innovation is a thought, imagination or an idea that can play a role of catalyst to speedup processes, to increase efficiency, to develop new product by which company/organization/businesses create value and...
3 Pages 1396 Words

Statistics In Psychology And Its Help Interpreting Research Results

The purpose of this report is to cover information regarding why we use statistics in psychology and how it helps interpreting research results. The report covers other parts such as how psychology is used in different fields like marketing, education, MBBS, organization development, statistics etc. Introduction: Psychology: Psychology is the scientific study of human mind, its functions and behavior specially with refer to a particular context. Psychology is a study that takes part in not only the field of social...
3 Pages 1426 Words

Development Of Sports During The 19th Century

If it was possible to travel a bit more than a century in the past most of the sports that we know and cherish today would not exist. Even the sports that were around, today we would have a hard time recognizing. The development of organized sports in the 19th century possessed an extensive role in constructing culture during the 19th century. This period for sports made the sports themselves along with the culture what it is today. This theme...
3 Pages 1356 Words

The Rise And Fall Of The Aztec Empire

The Aztec Empire is one of the dominant empires in ancient history in the Americas. The Aztecs contributed many inventions and architectures to the human past. The rise of the Aztec Empire was swift because of their advance in the economy, agriculture, and organizations. The Aztecs were very ambitious as well. As on top of their realm with active military and abundance economy, the Aztec conquered their neighborhood tributes steadily. As a sad consequence for themselves, the Aztecs were eventually...
3 Pages 1449 Words

How Starring Astronomy Advancements Of The Scientific Revolution

Everyone has experienced that situation where we crack a great joke and not many people hear, and then someone else repeats it louder, and everyone else is dying of laughter
 except you. It stings when you are not given credit for your own thoughts and actions and then someone else steals them and makes them their own. Among some of the most famous astronomers during the sixteenth century, sit names like Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, and Tycho Brahe, however, the...
3 Pages 1443 Words

The Scientific Revolution And Isaac Newton

There have been many remarkable ages in the history of mankind. All of these periods and achievements have undoubtedly assisted in shaping our present and impending future. However, there is one period in our time that has shaped our modern world simultaneously with the advancement of the scientific disciplines. This period of time is known as the “Scientific Revolution” and what allows it to stand out from all others is the effect it had on societal views of the natural...
3 Pages 1429 Words

Impact Of Women On Shaping The Civilization Of Spartans

When Sparta is said, the first impression that comes to mind is power. Also, there is such a phrase like “Spartan power”. However, what is the key role behind such great authority? It is obvious from some sources that Spartans are well-known for their strong military system. It is the main item that the political system, social life, and civilization- all these stuff were created around this. If we want to illustrate people to figure out the importance of the...
3 Pages 1392 Words
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