1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Heart Attack Detection By Using Arduino Uno

Abstract Heart attack is a global leading cause for death among both genders men and women. However, occurrence of heart attack is not predictable. currently there are number of health monitoring system available for patient ,but all these system works mainly when there is emergency occurs. also not capable of transmitting data continuously. The proposed system continuously monitors the vital parameter, heart beat,, and concerned person by implanting chip on to the body. The chip perform a function of continuous...
3 Pages 1367 Words

Martin Luther King vs. Malcolm X: The Right Path To Justice

When faced with racial violence and injustice, what is the right path to take? Is peaceful protest the answer? Or should the victims fight back physically and respond with aggression? Is there even a point to integration with the enemy? Even though the United States outlawed slavery in 1865, segregation and discrimination against African Americans persisted for nearly a hundred years and still lingers on today. With the continued brutality against African Americans came the Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther...
3 Pages 1392 Words

The Impact Of Society On Personal Identity In One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest And Americanah

One's identity is what makes them stand out from society; without identity the world's population would be able to fit into one common mold. At the same time, individuality is one of the numerous challenges faced by youth today. While the idea of acceptance is spreading continuously, everyone faces a period in life in which they are told by society or peers that it is inappropriate to be different. The novels, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey...
3 Pages 1402 Words

Pride in the Crucible

A sentiment of one’s own value or a sense of excessive conceit, pride is the fatal flaw of which leads to his destruction, yet shepards Proctor’s redemption. Although hidden throughout most of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, pride is an underlying force that drives most of Proctor’s decisions in the play. Being prideful of his reputation and name while being driven by guilt, John Proctor would rather be put to death and redeemed than live in the shadow of shame. First,...
3 Pages 1402 Words

Contemporary Professional Social Work Challenges

Particular challenges of contemporary professional social work practice currently are austerity and ethical decision-making that affect social workers. In this essay, I will discuss what impact these will have upon me as a student social worker and ways to help me overcome these challenges. A challenge faced by social workers presently is austerity due to the demanding economic conditions and the measures put in place to reduce public spending. There is a substantial amount of decrease in money due to...
3 Pages 1417 Words

The Use Of Diminutives In Expressing Politeness: Modern Greek Versus English

According to Brown and Levinson’s theory, in order to avoid acts that can potentially threaten one’s face or their interlocutor’s face, people employ either positive politeness strategies, which emphasize familiarity and similarity in order to minimize social distance or negative politeness strategies, which exhibit respect and non-imposition, so as to maximize the social distance between interactants. The use of diminutivized forms is a way to manifest politeness in both Greek and English. However, it is a process that occurs much...
3 Pages 1363 Words

The Major Effects Of Social Media Usage On The Academic Performance Of Champlain College Students

Introduction The technological innovations of the 21st century brought with them new ways of communication and interaction. Among students of higher education, social media has escalated from being used for leisurely activities dealing with personal and social life to a major tool monitoring educational achievement. Many wonder about the impact, good or bad, of social media on their academic performance. The studies discussed in this literature review have proven that the networks are recognized to have both positive and negative...
3 Pages 1405 Words

The Effects Of Laziness On Human Development

Laziness is something that affects all of us at some point or another and for us as muslims it is something serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially when it comes to acts of worship. Sadly. It is something that is being overlooked in the muslim society today. AIMS & OBJECTIVES My aim is enlightened you about ‘Laziness’ or kasal which is something that should not be taken lightly especially when it comes to religion. We all know as muslims...
3 Pages 1366 Words

Hyperbole in I Have a Dream Speech

The ‘I Have a Dream’ speech is a public speech that was delivered by American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. on 28 August 1963. In this speech Martin Luther King is trying to expose the American public to the injustice of racial inequality and persuade them to stop discriminating on the basis of race by joining him in a campaign to extend the freedom of rights to all Americans. In this essay I will critically analyse the content...
3 Pages 1372 Words

Heavy Metal Accumulation In The Plant Parts Of Cassia Fistula

Abstract Metal pollution in soil poses a serious threat to the human health and safety of agricultural products. To study the entry of nine heavy metals in the medicinal plant Cassia fistula,a field survey was conducted in forest areas of Adilabad District, Telangana State, India and labstudies were carried out at Department of Botany, Osmania University, Telangana, India. The present investigation deals with the accumulation of heavy metals in plant parts of Cassia fistula belongs to family Fabaceae collected from...
3 Pages 1356 Words

The Magic Of South Asia’s Eating Habits In India: A Look Into The Culture

Introduction South Asia is a vast region located in the southern part of Asia, on this mysterious and beautiful land, it embraces many different nationalities, religions, and countries. In this piece of fertile land, people of different races and ethnic minorities live in harmony. As an IAH student who just started studying in South Asia, I am very curious about what did they have for food in India. Thanks for the grateful place, I found out that there are lots...
3 Pages 1423 Words

Superdry's Stakeholders And Organizational Structure

Introduction This report analyzes a basic assessment of the organization's governance structure and its effect on hierarchical culture executed by Superdry PLC. Superdry is universally perceived as the brand. It provides extensive item varieties, containing shirts, jeans, outfits, foot-wear, and hand-bags. The company central goal is to make a superior feature, well-structured items, all dependent on advancement and effective brilliance (Lemke and Petersen, 2018). The company offers its items to clients through outlets and online-business networks, contending with conventional sellers...
3 Pages 1352 Words

Yeast In Biotechnology

Yeast is one of the eukaryote cane be defined as unicellular fungi.Yeast is commonly used in biotechnology with successful applications due to its highly advantages features such as proper posttranslational modification, fast growth, simple genetic manipulation, high biomass concentration and safe pathogen-free production[1, 2].They involve production of several fermentation output such as alcohol, fermented milk and condiments, detailed in figure 1[3]. Yeast expression system can be classified into two parts: Non-methylotropic and methylotropic yeast. While methylotropic yeast involve methanol-utilizing pathway,...
3 Pages 1394 Words

Effect Of Using Papain Enzymes With Different Concentrations On Chemical Characteristics Of Tutu Soy Sauce

ABSTRACT Research held on month July 2012 in laboratory Technology Results Fisheries Industry Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Food Microbiology Laboratory, Faculty of Agricultural Industrial Engineering and analyzed at the Nutrition Laboratory of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Padjadjaran University. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of papain enzyme against chemical characteristics of the resulting soy Tutut. The treatment used is the administration of papain enzymes with a percentage, namely: A = 0%, B =...
3 Pages 1399 Words

Yoga And Self-Development

Introduction Yoga enjoys our lives. There's no era of life where yoga doesn't helps us. It is changing our approach to life. It brings our creativity to life and enriches our interactions with others. We develop self control and growth. Self does not remain an attribute related to personal functioning only. It goes beyond that and relates to the social world. Our idea of self influences our interactions with the social world and is also influenced by that. We live...
3 Pages 1405 Words

How Do Danish Playdead Producers Create And Sustain Suspense And Psychological Threat?

This essay explores the way that practitioners have tried to change the way their audience relates to their environment, focusing on the techniques used by the company PLAYDEAD through its two games ‘Inside’ and ‘Limbo’. The company PLAYDEAD, founded bout Danish Producers Arnt Jensen and Dino Patti, have successfully drawn in players through their illustrated ery design and soundtrack of the game. The visuals reference common periods throughout history of film and the storyline has many links to childhood fear...
3 Pages 1374 Words

Language Policies In The European Union

A significant problem in European integration is about dialects/languages and specifically how the EU establishments adapt to language variety. In this research paper, I tried to build up an investigation for evaluating the nature of language routines not in outright terms, yet rather regarding their compatibility with the objectives of actors, in terms of 'scenarios'. The article concentrates around the European Parliament due to the facing of 'enlargement' and the complexities that come with it. Looking at the financial and...
3 Pages 1374 Words

Personal Beliefs: Meaning And Impacts

What are beliefs? The word belief is tremendously discussed around in so many conversations, books, various inspirational talks and more… But, what are beliefs? Views, opinions, guiding principles, judgments, interpretations, actions, behaviors, decisions or even ideas we hold as true about ourselves and about the world or people around us, eventually form our beliefs system. An eloquent quote by Robert Bolton summarizes the meaning of beliefs, where they come from, and the strong impact they have on our lives. He...
3 Pages 1437 Words

The Formation And Effects Of Personal Beliefs

Introduction Every one of us has a belief system ingrained in their mind. Some beliefs, core beliefs, are formed earlier in life, usually in early childhood, while other we acquire later in life through external influences, such as political beliefs. For the purposes of this essay, we will focus mainly on our core beliefs, how they are formed, how they impact us, and what can be done to ensure that our core beliefs serve us in leading a positive and...
3 Pages 1372 Words

Wisdom Revealed Through Nature In The Book Of Proverbs

Proverbs is undoubtedly a unique book of the Bible due to its distinctive literary style and form. Perhaps it is most unique due to its rich metaphors and imagery, which enable the reader to understand wisdom from God’s perspective. Many of these metaphors and images are based on the natural world – God’s creation. In fact, Proverbs is often described as a book that evokes “vivid metaphors from nature” (Yoder 256). Proverbs reveals wisdom through nature metaphors in a variety...
3 Pages 1389 Words

Unchecked Ambition Of Macbeth And Scotland

Ambition is an important aspect of every human being. Sometimes it makes people succeed, but when ambition becomes unchecked, it leads to tragedy even for a great man. William Shakespeare develops the theme of ambition in his play Macbeth. At the beginning of the play, ambition leads to Macbeth’s rise. However, when his ambition is uncontrolled, it results in the fall of Macbeth and Scotland. Through the rise and fall of great Macbeth and the fall of Scotland, Shakespeare demonstrates...
3 Pages 1375 Words

DNA Purification From Kiwi Fruit

Abstract DNA purification is a process that can be done by different methods to extract a DNA from any living organism. The aim of this experiment was to purify a DNA from kiwi fruit, and once it’s extracted it can be used for molecular analyses, sequencing and fingerprinting. The main concept of purification a DNA is to isolate it from the cell and separate it from any attached contaminating compound, this happens under a certain steps which is all refer...
3 Pages 1372 Words

Selfishness And Evil Of Human In Lord Of The Flies And The Crucible

Napoleon Hill, who was a famous author once stated, “Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.” To achieve major feats, one must not be self centered which is one of the main conclusions that can be drawn from this quote as well as from the book, Lord of the Flies, and the play, The Crucible. Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, is about the journey of teenagers who are stranded...
3 Pages 1400 Words

The Fundamentalism Of Hinduism

Focusing on solely Hinduism, the fundamentalism of Hinduism has faced a series of changes and evolution, or considerable devolution, ever since the independence of India in 1947. Hinduism is rooted back to over four thousand years, making it the oldest religion to exist. Yet, it is hard to trace its exact roots solely because it has so many roots, traditions and philosophies. The origin of Hinduism is said to be situated in the Indus Valley; near, now, Pakistan, and it...
3 Pages 1378 Words

How Are The Nation And Nationalism Constructed In Indian Cinema?

This paper aims to emphasize the cinema's role in building and reconstructing a state's nationalism. the paper is divided into three sections. In the first section, with the help of academic sources, I will conceptualize the conceptions of nationalism and popular culture and then attempt to formulate a relationship between these two concepts and examine how they are associated. In the second part, I will clarify the role of cinema within the building and reconstructing the values, behaviors, and artifacts...
3 Pages 1406 Words

Keeping Your Cool: The Strategies And Benefits Of Anger Management

There are fairly good statistics on the number of people who suffer from anxiety, depression, and other emotional problems as well as the personal and economic costs associated with them. We do not, however, have reliable statistics on anger, though the incidence of 'Road Rage' and other threatening public outbursts would indicate that it is an issu to contend with. Furthermore, while anxious or depressed individuals often seek out professional help, angry people rarely do. Our society often identifies anger...
3 Pages 1442 Words

Forced Sterilization And The Reproductive Rights Movement

The fight for reproductive rights has been a long and continuous one that has been prominent for centuries. A woman’s right to have control and power over her own body and its abilities has been historically difficult to achieve, due to the patriarchal structure of our society, and is a battle that women are still fighting globally. However, there was rapid growth of the movement in the second wave of feminism that happened between the 1960s and 1980s. The rise...
3 Pages 1396 Words

Crucial Topics In The Play A Doll's House

The play, A Doll’s House, by Henrik Isben, took place during the Victorian era. It was dedicated to the social standards of both men and women. The women are portrayed as inferior to men and will show the sacrifice of themselves. This essay is going to focus on the ways that women were perceived as well as the social movement of women's equal rights and opportunities, both socially and economically. All of the women characters in A Doll’s House play...
3 Pages 1399 Words

Student Athletes vs. Non-Athlete Student

Many people wonder how a 2.5 or lower GPA student athlete gets a full scholarship to college, while a 4.0 GPA student struggles to pay their tuition. Are all student athletes have a 2.5? Student athletes does not always have a 2.5 or lower but when they do have a low GPA they still manage to get a full scholarship and this is because student athletes have chance to help whatever college they go to. The thing is colleges look...
3 Pages 1375 Words

The Issues With Tattoos In The Modern Society

Think that tattoos won't affect your future? Well, think again. According to “History of Tattoos,” 36% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 have at least one tattoo. Before getting inked, I suggest you read this paper. Tattoos have been around for thousands of years; although, over the past few decades, they have become more prevalent. Studies mainly reveal a negative impact on hiring. This research paper explores how tattoos affect employment opportunities and how this stigma has...
3 Pages 1404 Words
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