The Concept Of God In The Human's Life

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Under liberal and rational thinking, many thoughts in the universe explain the concept and the idea of God. People determine the idea of God as an imaginary cosmic that is initiated to enhance personal and emotional protection. The aspect of this belief is based on the creation of a human-like image. It acts as a way to offer comfort as well as a perfect phantom designed as a psychological projection. The approach seeks to confound to the notion that religion is some form of universal neurosis. Notably, there are cogent reasons that make impious people lack a desire to believe in the existence of God (Descartes 3). For instance, whatever the atheist section argues against the concept of God is usually interwoven with the fact of ascription to God and His affection for human. It also depends on the approach that the attributes of strength, as well as wisdom to the human mind, have the presumption of profound desire.

The desire to give tribute to the idea of God enables people to determine as well as understanding the acts of God on what he can do as well as the roles he ought to fulfill. The perception is through the consideration and acceptance of the human mind to limited and finite, while God is infinite and incomprehensible (Descartes 4). The development of the idea of God is traced to ancient times during the infancy of civilization. At the time, the concept of science was not known. The people in the earlier days believed in the existence of gods. The beliefs were castigated by fear as well as the great admiration of natural phenomena. The conviction was the fundamental aspect that enabled the people to form a religion that is aligned to their understanding and circumstances. Therefore, the idea of God started when people started to pay tribute to the gods of the storm, lighting and terrestrial bodies. Coincidentally, the gods had a connection to each other founded on the activities of nature. It gradually dawned on them that the universal phenomena were not activities of many gods but only One God. The understanding stemmed the idea monotheistic God. The idea of God was, thus developed in the context of dynamism of social aspect and intellectual climate.

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As explored in the third meditations, the author explains at a comprehensive range, the primary argument that is an essential way to prove that God exists. The context if not based on corporeal facets, but rather on the fact that idea of God is entwined in people that there exist supremely perfect being whose representation in the universe proceeds from an absolute precepted course (Descartes 6). Moreover, based on the objective of contrivance, the idea of God contains a cause that can be attributed to scientific exploration or a received and perceived idea. The argument is seemly correct that the idea of God that is in people's mind originated from God himself. The context supports that human beings could not have invented the concept of God without and the intervention of supernatural insight.

The concept of God ranges from pantheism was determined by Spinoza through the detached unmatched ideas from Aristotle. Moreover, the western notion of the idea of God falls within the context of theism in a broad way (Vroman 16). Theism is defined as a view that God exists and is the creator as well as he who sustains the entire universe. Moreover, according to the concept of theism, God is unlimited in terms of knowledge, extension, power, and moral perfection. Additionally, God is referred through the use of a masculine pronoun. However, He is often treated treated as being sexless. The idea and concept of God are further contextualized in term of the presence of God in religion. The concept is explained in various religious beliefs that pay homage to the existence of God who has the power over humankind and with whom the universe was sourced. Islam and Christianity influence the concept of God and the idea that through him, the world was formed as captured in the Quran and Bible, respectively.

From a historical context, Ionian Greeks sought to provide an understanding of the real nature and cosmos through manifestations of permanence and change. According to Heraclitus, the knowledge was confined to the aspect that all was a form of change and nothing was permanent. On the other hand, Parmenides argued that the element of change was apparent. Therefore, the Pythagoreans established the order and its permanence enshrined in mathematics, thus providing a religious significance of the idea of God (Karwasz np). In line with this concept, the Stoic further made an identification of the order that was divinely connected. Furthermore, according to Plato, God has explained the perfect Supreme Being who makes use of external forms to enable the fashioning of the world that was initially uncreated. In support of the idea of God, the order and purpose Plato gave, is that the world is limited by natural materials that show imperfection unless viewed in the aspect of the existence of God.

The idea of God can further be explored in the approach that flaws exist in the world (Vroman, 18). However, the concept of God does not mean he is the author of evil occurrences that befalls a man. Moreover, inferences of God can be made in line with a punitive measure for the wicked people. The excellent nature of God is thus unchangeable since any change he may take can be adversarial to the existence of the universe as established in the story of Noah in a biblical context. It would be untrue to say that the idea of God means that He is the author of good morals but as a perfectionist. God created the universe and everything that exist through the good nature of divinity. However, when people fail to uphold his moral stairs as well as fail to repent of their evils, the wrath of the Supreme Being cascades to them in the form of punishment.

The idea of God holds such that even though Plato was not supporting the concept of monotheism. Ideally, Plato suggested that the existence of planetary motion and the motion of reason is proof that a perfect rational soul controls the planet. He argued that the souls that drive and control the universe were gods. The suggestion depicts that God is infinite, and the master of creation. Therefore, the idea that God exists is the absolute truth. The knowledge that the universe exists through the control of a supernatural being is a rational intuition. Even though in a logical view, it tends to precede the human mind as well as conditions of human reasoning and observation. The consciousness of this direct knowledge is giving a boost through a chronological reflection of the mind-occasioning respect to the natural phenomena.

The spread of the idea of God is thus a universal concept. No person on the earth planet has not heard about the word God despite the language disparities. The name of God is expressed in various aspects according to the language and the religion followed by people in a place, but every language has a name that refers to the concept of God (Descartes 17). Moreover, children are made to adopt the same idea of God being a natural inherited statement that shows absolute fact except for the minority group of agnostics who deny the concept that God exists. The concept of God is a concept inherently established in our though system and personality. For instance, the air we breathe to the mountains and the other living and non-living things shows an order of creation by a perfectionist and not by a random occurrence.

The idea of God is the undeniable fact that human beings are inherently part of his work and not mere objects of inexplicable occurrences. The real thing is that human cannot comprehend what God is but can only explain through speculation. The human belief is based on faith or what they learn about God in religion. However, the fact remains that God exists even though no person has ever had tangible proof to elucidate this concept. Moreover, the orderliness of creation, the natural phenomena, and the events are confounded to the existence of God. The idea of God is much entwined with faith and belief of mind occasioning that even though it is intangible the evidence of God existing is at the realm of speculation.

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The Concept Of God In The Human’s Life. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 16, 2025, from
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