1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Handmaid’s Tale: On The Crux Of Successful Feminism

The novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood uses the anti-feminist rhetoric of Phyllis Schlafly to create the dystopian society of Gilead, “the logical extension not only of Puritan government but also of the agenda articulated during the 1980s by America’s fundamentalist Christian Right” (Neuman 857). Atwood recognizes that the agreement on the oppressive nature of sex by the feminists and anti-feminists of the 1970s and 1980s was the crux of the feminist movement’s downfall. She uses female characters to...
3 Pages 1362 Words

Do Miracles Exist In Real Life?

The topic submitted was the subject had a problem with Christians as being judgmental and with Christianity as being a bit antiquated in its views according to how most today viewed actions, particularly concerning sexuality. After a time, the same subject being able to open up to Christianity has been a great step forward, however, the reality of miracles, specifically resurrection has been a point of consternation for them. The question is how to make a case for this for...
3 Pages 1442 Words

Dalai Lama And Happiness

In Western society, happiness is widely regarded in the lens of activities that bring us immediate, temporary pleasure, such as the desire to acquire material possessions or physical/sexual gratification. Although these things are not inherently negative, viewing long-term happiness in a pleasure-driven perspective is not only a mischaracterization of happiness, but also detrimental to a person’s wellbeing. The Dalai Lama states that true happiness is cultivated by having a calm state of mind that is rooted in affection, gentleness, and...
3 Pages 1409 Words

Assault Weapons Ban: For And Against

There are two sides to the Assault Weapons Ban. There are those who are in support to pass the bill and those who are against the banning of the weapons. An assault weapon is known as a 'military-style firearms designed to fire rapidly' (Elving, 2019). Many will argue that this statement is false and that semi automatics only fire once after the trigger is pulled. Those in support for the banning of assault weapons believe that these weapons should only...
3 Pages 1372 Words

The Features Of 20th Century Biotechnology

INTRODUCTION The 20th century, the first things to cross one’s mind when the word is given is certainly not anything concerning advanced technology nor world changing biotechnology. The technology might have been below average at the time but a lot of the world’s most important biotechnological advancements were discovered in this era. Although there still is no dictionary definition that has gained universal acclaim; Biotechnology is defined simply by as technology that is based of biology. “Biotechnology harnesses cellular and...
3 Pages 1438 Words

Foster Care Peculiarities In The United States

Abstract Efforts at child protection are structured by the policy regimes in which they are enmeshed (Edwards, 2016). According to Nesmith, Patton, Christophersen, & Smart (2017), the goal of the US foster care system is to provide safe, stable, nurturing home environments for children who cannot safely live with their family of origin. Child welfare wanted to come up with an achievement that would help the foster system. This provoked the idea of having a child go from foster care...
3 Pages 1429 Words

Prevalence Of PFP In Athletes

The consensus statement (2016) defines PFP as pain presenting behind or around the kneecap that is provoked by at least one activity that stresses the PFJ while weight-bearing on a flexed knee. The aggravating activities include: climbing stairs, squatting, running and jumping. However, the term PFP was previously used interchangeably with chondromalacia patellae, but the latter refers to the softening of articular cartilage detected on MRI and arthroscopy. On the other hand, structural defects are not present in PFP and...
3 Pages 1412 Words

Abused Children And Depression

Abuse of children, unfortunately, has become a common thing that happens in society. Many children are abused. The lucky few are removed from their abusers and given therapeutic help, if available, while others’ abuse continues to go unreported; emotional abuse seems to go unreported because people tend to brush it off. People who are emotionally abused at a young age are more susceptible to depression because their emotional neglect leads to feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt that could trigger...
3 Pages 1434 Words

Into The Wild: Book And Movie Comparison

Most people expect to see the best parts of a what they read when they go to see a movie that is based upon a book, but most of the time “The book is better than the movie” and this is precisely what happened with Into the Wild. The movie’s theme correlates with the book but the way it is presented is quite different than the book. The book Into The Wild, is a travel essay written by Jon Krakauer....
3 Pages 1393 Words

The Importance Of Biblical Worldview In Christianity

God is not dead. God has existed from the beginning of time and will continue to exist for eternity. His existence is not defined by human understanding. The Psalmist talks about how God has existed from “everlasting to everlasting” (Psalm 90:2, English Standard Version). This terminology means that God has always been and always will be. Understanding these concepts is essential to the understanding of a biblical worldview which is foundational to the Christian life. A Christian should base everything...
3 Pages 1411 Words

The Issue Of Racial Bias In Police Training

The journal article Understanding Police and Expert Performance: When Training Attenuates (vs. Exacerbates) Stereotypic Bias in the Decision to Shoot by Jessica J. Sim, Joshua Correll, and Melody S. Sadler discusses several studies that were done to address problems police officers are facing where they have shot individuals of color who were unarmed. Experiments were performed on participants and officers to see whether certain criteria was associated with Blacks and Whites having a presence or absence of a weapon or...
3 Pages 1377 Words

Ecological pH Testing And Its Effects

Introduction For this lab, we were to design trials testing different salt concentrations on various organisms and see how they reacted to the substance we laid on them. Also, to examine at how variance in pH balances altered several organisms. Acid rain was the main center of the lab in which the effects of this rain can have colossal outcomes on the environment such as harm to forest and wildlife. Soils that are shown to acid rain can lack nutrients...
3 Pages 1447 Words

Legal And Non-Legal Methods Involving Gene Editing Technology (CRISPR) In Australia

In Australia Gene editing technology is fast on the rise and has large potential for change in the future and therefore must be legislated and monitored with great care for the benefit of Australia and its inhabitants. Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) allows scientists to essentially copy and paste DNA in humans, animals,bacteria and plants. The benefits of this technology to humans include the ability to “erase” hereditary diseases such as muscular dystrophy and parkinisins. The issues that...
3 Pages 1425 Words

Coffee Grounds As A Biosorbent For Copper Ions In Contaminated Water

Introduction Metals are classified as lustrous and malleable electrical conductors that are located mainly on the left side of the periodic table. Many industries around the world, such as metal plating and mining companies, produce wastewater contaminated with heavy metals such as lead and copper which they dispose of into the environment (Seniūnaitė, Vaiškūnaitė, Bolutienė 2014). This is a significant problem as, while some metals are required in trace amounts in the body, heavy metal poisoning can cause the illness...
3 Pages 1375 Words

Applying Christianity In A Perceived Secular Field

For the last four years, I have been working to complete my bachelor’s degree in Psychology. I plan to continue my education and become a licensed professional counselor. Psychology is defined by the American Psychological Association as “the study of the mind and behavior” (n.d., Frequently Asked Questions). The field of psychology perfectly manifests man attempting to figure out things for himself and potentially find the ultimate purpose for living. However, for years many Christians have viewed psychologists as scientists...
3 Pages 1419 Words

The Features Of Single Pilot Operations

Concepts reasoning The aviation world is an ever-progressing industry always looking to become more efficient in all facets. However, the commercial airline field runs a fine line with development while also protecting the integral safety of the industry is essential. One aspect the airlines have looked to become more profitable and efficient is the amount of pilot in the aircraft. Overtime the number of pilots has reduced from 5-6 pilots with sometimes having a flight engineer to now 2 pilot...
3 Pages 1373 Words

The Factors Of My Career Goals

My preferences, what I like and do not like doing, are both innate and conditioned by my experiences. I was born with the desire to have a positive impact on society. I prefer improving the lives of others than increasing my own personal wealth. However, I also want to be intellectually stimulated and I know that greater knowledge will allow me to be more successful. Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory frames these preferences to be either motivated by my own...
3 Pages 1410 Words

The Importance Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology

The purpose of my essay is to address the importance of deepening our understanding within genetic engineering and application of biotechnology, in particular the application of CRISPR and how it can be used to treat genetic disease. This is done through the conjunction of a secondary review article about the ethical and social issues regarding genetic engineering and a primary research article detailing an example within the secondary article in more depth. A secondary article provides us with a wide...
3 Pages 1392 Words

Evil Is Created Not Born In Frankenstein

The film Bladerunner by Ridley Scott and the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley address the concept of nature verse nurture and the impact these two elements have on the human identity, on free will and memories. Through both texts it is clear that humans are not created evil but rather a product of their environment (nature), molded and morphed by experiences and relationships (nurture). If humanity is abandoned or neglected, destruction follows. “Abhorred monster! Fiend that thou art! The tortures...
3 Pages 1350 Words

The Peculiarities Of Tabula Rasa Theory

“The mind, according to Locke, is a blank tablet, or Tabula Rasa; it is filled or inscribed only by experience” (Locke, p.340). Locke presents a fair and balanced argument for why his theory of the 'Tabula Rasa' and can be applied in answering our questions into knowledge. In Locke’s essays, he shifts decisively away from the beliefs of nearly all of his peers by discarding the significant modern methods of innatism. In this essay I will be presenting Locke’s arguments...
3 Pages 1426 Words

Aluminium Composite Cladding And The Lacrosse Building

According to Hall&Willcox (2017), only the Aluminium Composite Panels (ACPs) consisting of polyethylene (PE) cores have come under scrutiny. Other panel types including FR, A1 and A2 are legal to use given they are attached to fire rated walls. On 15th August 2018, ACPs with PE-cores were strictly banned in high rise buildings and restricted to be only used for Type C constructions (as classified by the National Construction Code). Such constructions include low rise developments, factories and warehouses. Even...
3 Pages 1382 Words

The Necessity Of Sun Safety Improvement

INTRODUCTION Everyone needs sun exposure as when the skin is exposed to the sun, our bodies make vitamin D (Kate M. Cronan, 2019). This helps the body to absorb calcium for stronger, healthier bones (Kate M. Cronan, 2019). “Too much unprotected exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause skin damage, eye damage, immune system suppression, and skin cancer. Even people in their twenties can develop skin cancer.” (Kate M. Cronan, 2019). “More than 11,500 Australian men and women...
3 Pages 1415 Words

Electrolysis Of Copper Investigation

Introduction In our modern society, a plethora of chemical processes and reactions are commonly found in our everyday environment and are significant parts of the products we use. One such process is a redox equation, which consists of oxidation and reduction. Originally, oxidation and reduction were viewed in terms of adding or removing oxygen. Now, they are defined in three different ways; the loss or gain of oxygen, the loss or gain of hydrogen, and the loss or gain of...
3 Pages 1439 Words

The Peculiarities Of The Hajj Ritual

A pilgrimage is an adventure to a new or foreign place when that person is looking for an expanded view on the world around them, usually with religious intent. Pilgrimages are important to many major religions as it gives followers a sense of purpose and allows them to feel as though they have developed spiritually. The Hajj, a major pilgrimage for Islamic people, takes place each year in corroboration to the lunar calendar. This pilgrimage is extremely important to all...
3 Pages 1361 Words

Alzheimer’s Disease And Gene Therapy

The clinical symptomatology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is considered to be the result of an extensive destruction or disorganization of the cerebral cortex, as the patient’s cognitive functions become impaired. Late onset Alzheimer’s disease affects 5-10% of people over the age of 65 years old and while the case for this disease has not yet been fully understood, it is believed that a combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors affects the risk for developing the disease. Researchers have not...
3 Pages 1400 Words

How Normal Becomes A Problem Of Evil

Since its birth, humanity has seen conflict. Chaos and genocide. Good and evil. Most people wouldn’t hesitate to call Hitler evil or any other perpetrators of the like. But these killers, murderers, rapists, thieves, were human beings. Hitler was a rebellious delinquent who desired to attend a classical high school and study the arts. Yet, he became the man responsible for the death of millions. How does one so normal, become festered with hate and evil? The most common answer...
3 Pages 1441 Words

How Has Michael Jordan Impacted The Sports Culture?

Introduction According TotalSportek, there are 13 factors that decides a sports popularity. This includes: “global based audience”, “tv viewership numbers”, “leagues around the world” and a few more. Using their ranking system, basketball is the 2nd most popular sport in the world just behind soccer. It has an estimated 1 billion followers worldwide that is only ever growing exponentially making it one of the fastest growing sports in the world. The aim of this report is to gain a deeper...
3 Pages 1356 Words

The Infringement Of International Law, Political Climate And Its Impact On Muslim Women

It could be argued that although there have been a few isolated cases, there is a growing issue of early marriage due to ill informed decisions. Child marriage cases that have come before grassroot organisations and the Quazi courts demonstrate that early marriages between the age of 14 and 17 are arranged by guardians in districts such as Puttalam and Batticaloa.34 Furthermore, in 2015 statistics showed that 22% of Muslim marriage registration in Kattankudy involved a bride below the age...
3 Pages 1377 Words

The Possibility Of A Space Colony Of Mars

Earth’s future has become increasingly unstable over the course of hundreds of years, not only do we face terrorism, climate change and catastrophic events but humans could also be wiped out in an instant by a meteor collision, says Steven Hawkins (Hoare, 2019). In order to ensure the human races survival, we must become a two planet species. Mars, being one of the closest planets to Earth is our most viable option. Not only does it have an atmosphere, water,...
3 Pages 1440 Words

Plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Machine Learning

Abstract When plants and crops are affected by pests it affects the agricultural production of the country. Usually farmers or experts observe the plants with naked eye for detection and identification of disease. But this method can be time processing, expensive and inaccurate. Automatic detection using image processing techniques provide fast and accurate results. This project is concerned with a new approach to the development of plant disease recognition model, based on leaf image classification, by the use of deep...
3 Pages 1398 Words
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