1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Science Education: A Gateway To Sustainable Development

Indiscriminate anthropogenic activities have amounted to an increase in the greenhouse gas emission leading to global warming and several other serious environmental consequences. To mitigate the already existing environmental risks, one important feature is to provide sustainable development awareness. Science education is undoubtedly a key which has understanding and has answers to some of the most burdensome sustainability issues as it can bring about and suggest futures-oriented solutions to the problem of the decreasing quality in environmental conditions-air, water, wildlife,...
4 Pages 1797 Words

The Honours In Animal Science

Introduction Australia remains one of the world’s largest producers of wool globally with approximately 70 million head of sheep as of 2018 (FAOUN, 2018) and national wool exports making up approximately 25 per cent of the wool sold on the global market holding an estimated value of $3.615 billion (Department of Agriculture water and environment, 2019). As time goes on new challenges face the industry from natural disasters and drought natural to societal challenges like producing sustainable product and public...
4 Pages 1832 Words

Secularism And The Rise Of No Religion In Australia

Secularism is described as the separation of church and state. According to some people, Australia may be considered a secular country depending on the definition of secularism that is used. Due to this, the federal government can’t establish a state church, although, they are free to provide funding to religious schools and organizations and recognize marriages officiated by religious celebrants. Australia still has many of its population that is religious. However, there has been a rise in the last 9...
4 Pages 1796 Words

Roger Williams And Religious Freedom

I applaud those brave enough to take a stand for something they believe in. Roger Williams was a man who embodied this ideal. In the mid-1600’s, Williams fearlessly stood up to the church he migrated to the US with. He stood up to them because he did not want to see the church get as corrupt as the government. Williams’ main goal was to keep the church and the government separate. He was one of the many to argue against...
4 Pages 1757 Words

The Peculiarities Of Islamic Family Law

Introduction Islam is a perfect religion governing all the principles that is required in the human life till the very end of the world. It was sent down by Allah Subhanahu wa ta’aala through His messenger and prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and preserved by Him in the form of Quran and Sunnah. The Quran and Sunnah serve as a guidance to the mankind in all the walks of their life. Shariah can be defined as the set of laws ordained by...
4 Pages 1789 Words

Barry Bonds And His Controversial Baseball Career

Bonds smashed his way into the record books. Barry Bonds was a former professional baseball player that played at the highest level. Barry Bonds was born on July 24, 1964. He played baseball all four years of highschool and graduated in 1982. Bonds was a standout highschool player that was drafted out of highschool. Barry Bonds has been one of the most impactful players in the MLB because of his impressive career, the steroid era, and the way he changed...
4 Pages 1773 Words

A Christian Worldview: Love, Faith And Grace

What is a worldview? A worldview encompasses someone’s beliefs and values which build the footing for how each one of us live our life. It is like a looking glass, like how someone views the world around them, how they understand the way the world works, and why good and bad happen. A worldview is something not seen but believed and are used to understand why things happen for the good or the bad. Three essentials of building a strong...
4 Pages 1810 Words

DNA-Genetic Encryption Technique

Abstract In this paper , we propose the technique of DNA-Genetic Encryption (D-GET) to make the technique more reliable and less predictable. In this process, any form of digital data is binarized and transformed into DNA sequencing, reshaping, encrypting, crossover, mutating and then reshaping. D-GET 's main stages are repeated three times or more. Encrypted data is transmitted in a text or image file format. On the other hand, the receiver uses D-GET to decode and reshape the obtained data...
4 Pages 1774 Words

Principles Of Professional Practice Of Nurses And Pharmacists

Principles of the Care Professions Nurses work in a multi- disciplinary team, working in different settings and “care for patients suffering from a variety of health conditions, ranging from minor injuries and ailments to acute and long-term illnesses and diseases.” (AGCAS Editors, 2019) Comparing this to what a pharmacist entails, they also work as part of a multi-disciplinary team, giving individuals guidance and information on anything they are concerned about and receive prescribed drugs by the doctors. The pharmacy technicians...
4 Pages 1842 Words

Kobe Bryant And Psychological Emotional Experience

Kobe Bryant defined the Los Angeles sports culture. His legacy brought people of all races, ages, and genders together as one to enjoy the sport of basketball. At just 18 years old his career in the NBA kickstarted where he played for the Los Angeles Lakers for twenty years following his retirement. He was recognized for his athletic abilities with multiple MVP awards, even more All-Star appearances, and leading his team to the championship finals multiple times (and winning!) Bryant...
4 Pages 1769 Words

IoT Based Accident Detection And Rescue System

INTRODUCTION It is estimated that urban populations in developing countries are currently growing at around 4 % per annum. Many developing world cities are increasing the capacity of their road networks, but often at the expense of the safety of the vulnerable road users. As a result, many people die and are injured unnecessarily in road crashes with the consequential social economic and health burdens imposing heavy constraints on sustainable development.“In developing countries, the situation (road safety) is made worse...
4 Pages 1792 Words

Concept Of Equity And Its Principles

Introduction Equity is accepted as a wonderful creation of court of chancery which expects the perfection of the justice for all, surpassing the boundaries of Common law and it came to ensure the fairness in Common law system where justice delivered through rigid and inflexible series of actions. The concept of equity derived from of natural justice because it mainly encompassed unbiasedness and equal access to the tribunal and documents cited as evidence enshrining fairness, reasonableness and the very idea...
4 Pages 1820 Words

Constitutional Validity Of Shariat Act In Regard To Succession

Public interest litigation not maintainable Turning to the Muslim Law of Succession, the High Court of Kerala by a recent judgment in Khuran Sannath Society v Union of India dismissed public interest litigation seeking a declaration that the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937 (IND) (Act of 1937), applicable in regard to the inheritance of Muslim women, violates Arts 14, 15, 19, 21 and 25 of the Constitution of India and is therefore void and unenforceable. The High Court...
4 Pages 1835 Words

Description Of The Regeneration Process

Anatomical modifications and cellular responses Regeneration is initiated by wound healing, which is a process mediated by local muscle contraction that allows contact between the remaining dorsal and ventral epidermis layers, which happens right after a few minutes post-injury to prevent further damage and invasion of pathogens. After this, the muscle relaxes, leading to the stretch of the epidermis, creating a thin membrane that closes the wound, called wound epidermis (Chandebois, 1980). In the experiences regarding regeneration in Leptoplana sp....
4 Pages 1825 Words

Clinical Trials For Covid Vaccine

This paper explores the trends, issues and challenges confronting the successful vaccine development for the novel Coronavirus disease. Right from the starting of COVID-19 pandemic, no drugs or vaccine has been developed nor approved for treating those with coronavirus infection. This year the scientific community and the vaccine industry have been asked to respond urgently to this pandemic. Presently numerous vaccine development platforms are under the process for DNA and RNA based vaccines showing great potential followed by recombinant- subunit...
4 Pages 1769 Words

Logical Argumentation Enhancing Higher Order Language Skills And Logical Thinking

An argument is a valid product of argumentative reasoning consisting of at least one claim and one premise. It is the process by which many claims are offered based on premises and one reaches a conclusion that is relevant and provides good grounds. Argumentation is the process by which arguments are dialogically and dialectically constructed. Logic is the science that we use to explain or represent a consistent argument about a particular topic. Everyone argues their position at one time...
4 Pages 1809 Words

High-Performance Liquid Chromatography For Separation

Chromatography is an important physical technique that is used for separation, identification, and purification of multi-component mixtures for qualitative and quantitative analysis (Coskun, 2016). There are many types of chromatographic systems such as liquid chromatography, which began in the late 1930s (Guiochon, Felinger, Shirazi and Katti, 2006), and gas chromatography, which was developed in the 1950s (Scott, 1995). A very important type of chromatography known as High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) has been developed as a logical improvement to overcome the...
4 Pages 1773 Words

Suffering As A Catalyst For Self Improvement in The Odyssey

One of the most common translations of the First Noble Truth of Buddhism is “existence is suffering”, implying that to exist, to be alive, brings on pain, loss, grieving, and suffering. Reading Homer’s Odyssey and analyzing the characters, one thing is evident – human suffering is constant. We might not see it, but it takes place in everyone’s lives, everywhere. Reading the Odyssey constantly made me question the value that suffering brings into out lives; does it do something for...
4 Pages 1766 Words

Determination Of Heavy Metals In Surface And Ground Water In Vasai Region

Sustainability of good health depends upon purity of water. The toxic heavy metals presence in water bodies arises from the discharge of untreated effluents or dumping of solid waste containing heavy metal salts. Leaching of these heavy metals into water bodies causes various health hazards. Urbanization of rural areas has led to contamination of ground as well as surface water rendering it not suitable for human consumption. Vasai was selected for the study as it is rapidly developing area in...
4 Pages 1757 Words

The Mathematical Application Of Solar Eclipse. Interpreting Solar Eclipse With Geometry

Challenges for the solar eclipse First of all, the solar eclipse is necessary that the sun, the earth and the moon located in the right configuration. Compared with the sun, the size of the moon is quite small. This means that the only possible way to form the solar eclipse when the moon is located on the position in its orbit which takes it closest to the earth. And then in this way, the moon could shed a large shadow...
4 Pages 1832 Words

Hunting-gathering Society And Modern Consumer Society

The term “affluence” plays a important role in interpreting the both hunting and gathering societies and modern consumer societies. With the common notion, a society which all the people’s material wants are easily satisfied is affluent. However, the notion is not acceptable for both societies. There are two possible way to be affluent according to Shalins. Firstly, wants may be easily satisfied either by producing much or desiring little, which is familiar with the Galbraithean way. In this way, people’s...
4 Pages 1781 Words

Interplay Of Genetic And Environmental Factors

The process of “how much” genetic versus environmental factors matter has recently been replaced by questions about the processes that may mediate the relationship between the genome and social/environmental phenomenon (Spinath and Bleidorn,2017) For many years there have been debates on nature versus nurture but in contrast, we will be looking at how these two aspects work in unison to bring about cognition. We will try to understand the real meaning of gene-environment interactions and discuss its roles and influences...
4 Pages 1801 Words

Response To Western Education: Reform And Revival Among The Jains In Modern India

Abstract Introduction of the Western education was an important phenomenon in the history of modern India. This generated variety of responses. The paper probes into these responses ranging from the individual level to the community level with special focus on the Jain community. It also brings out the parallels running through the Hindu and Jain responses and reform movements. Of the varied Jain responses the reformist and revivalist ones have been explored in the paper. The paper more focuses on...
4 Pages 1759 Words

The Peculiarities Of Endangered Languages

Introduction A language is considered moribund or endangered if it is at risk of being forgotten due to the emergence of another language. language shift occurs when speakers change to a more widely spoken or a more social-economic powered language. Once this occurs, the language is passed to children by fewer native speakers than expected and with time, therefore, the kids are unable to speak the language leading to its extinction or ‘death of a language'. In this regard, Arabic...
4 Pages 1778 Words

Confessions Of St. Augustine: Messages And Topics

“The Confessions of Saint Augustine' is an autobiography that is divided into 13 books based on his journey into Catholicism. The first nine books are based on his life from birth up until he converted into Catholicism in 368 AD. The last four books are no longer about his life, but rather the interpretation of the Book of Genesis, religious and philosophical issues of memory, time and eternity. St. Augustine was a philosopher before his conversion into the Catholic faith....
4 Pages 1836 Words

Loyalty And Society

Loyalty is an aspect of society that is interwoven in ways we never think about. From small ways to major ways, it is all around us. Loyalty is the act of being loyal; showing constant support or allegiance to a person or an institution. This word was derived in the mid-13th century from the Middle English term “leaute”. It was embodied through the loyalty oath that was first documented in 1852. This oath symbolized the principle of allegiance and togetherness....
4 Pages 1754 Words

Changes And Improvements Of Work Life Balance

ABSTRACT Work Life balance has become an area of concern not only for the employee but also for the organisation as it impacts both in a big way. With the changing business environment change in work place is inevitable causing stress and insecurities in the lives of employees. It had led to reduction in employee productivity and increase in cost for employers resulting in losses for the organisation. Studies have been taken up by various organisations and some governments too...
4 Pages 1773 Words

Salivary Amylase Concentration, Amy1a Diploid Gene Copy Number And Gene Evolution In Accordance With Ancestral Diet

Abstract Amylase is an enzyme produced by the salivary glands and pancreas of Homo Sapiens to hydrolyse polysaccharides such as starch and glycogen (Tracey 2019). Variation in the number of AMY1A gene copies is thought to be a result of ancestral heritage and levels of consumed starch (Tracey 2019). Results from a previous study conclude there to be a positive correlation between the number of AMY1A gene repeats and salivary amylase protein expression (Perry et al. 2007). Given these findings,...
4 Pages 1771 Words

Feminism In Purdah I By Imtiaz Dharker And Standing Female Nude By Carol Ann Duffy

Feminism is a social movement and ideology that fights for the political, economic and social rights for women. Feminists believe that men and women are equal, and women deserve the same rights as men in society. The feminist movement has fought for many different causes, such as the right for women to vote, the right to work and the right to live free from violence. The theorists I am going to be using are Simone de Beauvior and Betty Friedan....
4 Pages 1751 Words

The Impact Of Sibling Relationship On Behaviour Of An Individual With Reference To Mumbai Suburban

ABSTRACT The focus of this study involves the study of sibling relationship and its impact on individual behaviour. Sibling relationships are authentic and makes a huge difference and change in the behaviour and attitude of people. The main objective behind the research was to understand their bond and relationship among them. To know how they treat each other hand to know which sibling relationship combination (two brothers, two sisters, one brother and one sister, or a single child) they think...
4 Pages 1845 Words
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