450 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Lyddie Should Not Sign the Petition: Opinion Essay

Introduction In the novel "Lyddie" by Katherine Paterson, the protagonist faces a difficult decision when presented with the opportunity to sign a petition demanding better working conditions for mill girls. While signing the petition may seem like an act of solidarity and empowerment, I strongly believe that Lyddie should not sign the petition. This essay will explore the reasons behind my perspective and shed light on the potential consequences of signing the petition. Personal Responsibility Lyddie is a strong and...
1 Page 430 Words

Use of Imagery on 'A Rose for Emily': Critical Essay

When comparing historical times, Gerson's house was used to compare the psychological belonging of Ms. Emily. At that time, Gerson's house was described as 'that is a square wooden house that was once painted white, a round top pavilion, a pointed tower top, a scroll-shaped balcony, showing a strong seventy The relaxed and pleasant style of the era.' This expression expresses the house building not only for the function of staying but also for the people in the town. Coincidentally,...
1 Page 449 Words

Cons of the Black Lives Matter Movement: Critical Essay

The Black Lives Matter movement is one of good intentions, but a variety of flaws. The execution of BLM tends to be one that is counter-productive. The Black Lives Matter movement began after the death of Trayvon Martin when George Zimmerman was acquitted, and individuals felt a desire to bring light to the evident issue of anti-Black racism in our country. Yet, there are a large variety of flaws within the Black Lives Matter movement and how it presents its...
1 Page 466 Words

Who Is Asagai in 'A Raisin in the Sun': Character Analysis Essay

The film” Raisin in the Sun” by Lamaine Hansberry “ have problems throughout. It started off great with the whole family. Ruth started acting angry and funny with the whole family, but nobody knew what the matter was. Walter did a lot of things without his wife knowing . Everyone was staying together in one big house. Beneatha didn’t agree with several things that Walter was doing behind her back. Beneatha always acts differently from the other ones in the...
1 Page 475 Words

Analysis of the Setting of 'A Raisin in the Sun': Critical Essay

“A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry. A drama film created in 1959. The setting took place in Chicago. The main characters are viewed in my opinion as Ruth, Walter Lee, and Betty. Ruth is a caring person. Walter Lee is a selfish character. Betty is a mean character. The development of the movie was when the family got that 10,000-dollar insurance check. Then it changed when Walter Lee lost the money trying to invest. Overall, the movie was...
1 Page 439 Words

A Raisin in The Sun' Play Review Essay

A Raisin In The Sun is a drama that follows a poor family named The Youngsters. The family is mourning the death of the father of the family. Since he had insurance his family would receive a $10,000 insurance policy. Everybody wants a piece of the money, the movie shows how the battle for the money unfolds. The battle of the money started when the son Walter Lee decided that with the money he would purchase a liquor store so...
1 Page 438 Words

Childhood Obesity - Is It Being Taken Seriously: Persuasive Essay

Obesity is defined as excessive body fat that increases your risk of other health problems. A person with a body mass index (BMI) above 30 is considered obese, while a person with a BMI between 25 and 30 is considered overweight. In NSW in 2018, more than 1 in 5 children (24%) aged 5–16 years were overweight or obese, of whom 75% were overweight and 25% were obese. This means about 270,000 NSW children are above a healthy weight. Between...
1 Page 426 Words

Process Essay on Chicken

It’s Saturday evening and you and your friends are getting ready to watch the big game or a movie or maybe it’s just a small party. So what’s the favorite dish that you can serve on such days? Yes, you guessed it right! It’s indeed fried chicken. Fried chicken recipes need not be time-consuming and messy. You can try out some easy-to-make fried chicken recipes that won’t take much of your time in the kitchen. It’s always nice to serve...
1 Page 433 Words

Jackie Robinson and Civil Rights Movement: Analytical Essay

When baseball was desegregated in 1945, after Rickey Branch reached out to Jackie Robinson, many things changed and the Civil Rights movement gained momentum. Jackie Robinson was the first African American to step onto a major league baseball field. This monumental event not only furthered the Civil Rights Movement but provided other African Americans with the opportunity to play not only baseball but fight for rights in other aspects of their lives. His inspiring ordeal gave awareness of the importance...
1 Page 470 Words

How Did Rosa Parks Help The Civil Rights Movement: Analytical Essay

The civil rights movement was a movement that did more than just accomplish equal rights for African Americans, but also improved economic growth in American society. This went on to foster inspiration for the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement. The people who played the most predominant parts during the civil rights movement are names that are known worldwide. They are known globally due to the many methods they used to protest and demand their own civil rights. The ideas these...
1 Page 456 Words

Essay on American Political Values Established by the Declaration of Independence

The third part of the Declaration of Independence is the indictment of King George III. In this section, the writers created a list of 'repeated injuries' as a basis for independence. These grievances focused on areas of legislation, judicial rule, military concerns, and failure to protect. The legislative concerns focused on the fact that King George III would not allow them representation in the Parliament. In addition, he refused to let the colonies have their own meetings or government. Although...
1 Page 472 Words

Argumentative Essay on Animal Cloning

Recently, there has been quite a lot of community displeasure in the field of animal cloning. Animal cloning for consumption is a very debatable topic in society at this point in time, whether the products are safe to consume, humane or inhumane towards the animals. The public has stated they are against animal cloning and will not acquire ‘cloned’ foods. Scientific evidence to state the safety of the products has been expressed to them. The public has major concerns about...
1 Page 426 Words

Persuasive Essay on Bullying and How to Stop It

Bullying is one of the most common issues these days and had been faced by almost every individual. It is a type of forceful behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes injury or annoyance to another person. It can happen in any place and can take the form of physical contact, verbal abuse, or online. No matter what form of bullying, but the result can be the same, serious trouble and torment for the individual bullied. Bullying can lead...
1 Page 456 Words

Descriptive Essay about My Room

“Creak”. Someone opened the door. It’s a room with posters all around the walls, unlike every other common room, that only has a bed and a closet. I like my bed to be messy, with a pillow and a blanket hanging off the bed. The room is about five feet by seven feet. The door is wooden, with a metallic gold handle. But the thing that makes it special is when my parents open the door and leave it open,...
1 Page 435 Words

Humanities Should Be Taught at the University: Argumentative Essay

Being asked whether the humanities should be taught in the university or not, made me question myself on what the profound meaning of the humanities is. After searching it up, I discovered that this is an intellectual pursuit that deals with human society and culture, involving the study and analysis of history, literature, linguistics, philosophy, politics, and the like. Having learned more about the meaning of the humanities, I thought about how important it is for the people and the...
1 Page 449 Words

Home as My Significant Place: Narrative Essay

My significant place would and will always be my home. My home has many different significance and characteristics that I feel are important. I spent my entire childhood there, especially some memorable moments that were special to me and my family. My home feels unique to me, more unique than any other place I know. There are features that made me feel that my home is very special to me. My first reason for my home being so special to...
1 Page 472 Words

When I Realized My Destiny: Personal Narrative Essay

Life is not easy. It can be so peculiar and different that it forces people to radically change. It was so in my case. I started my journey in school. Unaware of what I was doing. Just going with the flow. Making my senses happy. I did everything so that made my senses happy. This is what we do our whole life. Scrolling through Instagram, YouTube is all part of the big trick that our brain plays with us. The...
1 Page 456 Words

Theme of Home in Mark Twain's Novel ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’: Critical Essay

Home is a place where you grow up, play games, argue with your siblings, have family gatherings, and so much more. The saying ‘Home is where the heart is’ pretty much describes it. In the book ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ written by Mark Twain, Huck never really felt like he had a home, which is very true. For example, at the beginning of the book, Huck is living with Miss Watson in her nice home where he has many...
1 Page 457 Words

Compare and Contrast Essay on Living in a College Dormitory and at Home

Deciding where to live is one of the most important and earliest decisions to be made by students at the time of joining the university. Usually, there are two prominent options, living with the family at home or living in the college dormitory. I have experience of living in both situations. These two living situations vary in many prominent aspects, such as privacy, responsibility, access to university facilities and many others. But in this essay I am going to compare...
1 Page 473 Words

What It Means to Me to Be an American: Persuasive Essay about Freedom

Being an American is really cool and great. I feel that I am part of the best country in the whole wide world and feel that we all are blessed with so much freedom in our everyday lives. Many people in the United States are used to hearing themselves as an American, but they do not associate it with privilege anymore. Everyone uses the word so often, but they barely know what it means. Many people hate the fact that...
1 Page 472 Words

Cassandra and Her Difficult Fate:Critical Essay

Cassandra demonstrates the tragedies that may happen to a woman who is in marriage during Greek times, as she has done it numerous times during her life and was punished for them. A profit gifted with the power to see in the future, but cursed with no one believing her, she has been punished by the men whom she had/almost married. Raped, abused, and cursed she was very hapless, and though many women who were wedded were a victim of...
1 Page 475 Words

Definition Essay on Happiness

Happiness is determined by who we are as a person and our perspective on life. In this essay, I am going to argue my point of view with reference to the famous novel ‘Fahrenheit 451’ by Ray Bradbury and the author's main ideas expressed in it. “I don't know what it is. I'm so damned unhappy. I'm so mad and I don't know why” (Bradbury, 61). When Bradbury says ‘I don't know what it is’, he seems to be saying...
1 Page 441 Words

A Place from my Childhood Memories: Narrative Essay

Traveling is a very crucial part of every human being's life because people travel from one place to another for different purposes. For example, it can be related to exploring the new place, work, and so on. I have traveled to certain places in my life and I enjoyed it a lot. But I would like to write about a zoo which is located near my hometown in India. That zoo is very popular because of numerous animals and its...
1 Page 456 Words

Theme of Fate and Control Over One's Own Life in Emily Dickinson ‘Fate’ and Rudyard Kipling ‘If’: Compare and Contrast Essay

“It’s not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves”. Or is it? In both poems, ‘Fate’ by Emily Dickinson and ‘If’ by Rudyard Kipling, they both agree that we control the path we take in life. In the poem ‘Fate’ it explains a little more on how we control the path we take in life. Despite bearing some minor similarities, the differences between Emily Dickinson ‘Fate’ and Rudyard Kipling ‘If’ are remarkable in how each explains the...
1 Page 473 Words

Critical Essay on Speeding and Its Negative Consequences

Nowadays, traffic accidents are increasing every year, as a result of which many people are injured, even dead by the accidents. There are many types of traffic accidents that cause many people to die. One of the most issues that happen every day is speeding. In this essay, I want to prove that speeding can kill many people and affect the environment. Firstly, speeding could either kill or injure people around you and even yourself on the road. The cause...
1 Page 431 Words

Informative Essay on What Is Power

Power refers to the capacity or ability to carry out certain action. Addition to this, it also been used to have the conditions to do so, among which are the material availability, time or physical place. If I polled 100 people and asked them what is their definition of the word ‘power’, they would all have different answers. However, for the development of the essay, we would consider or understand the term ‘power’ as a word with multiple or different...
1 Page 450 Words

Jodie Williams' Meaning of World Peace and How We Can Achieve It: Speech Analysis

For Jody Williams, the meaning of peace is that most people here in the world have adequate access to live, have adequate access to education and health needs. Not singing ‘Kumbaya My Lord’, not symbolize the dove and the rainbow is true peace. Jody Williams showed what she wanted to convey in key terms related to peace, she exemplified people showing peaceful demeanor, and she used common general speech to reach people. And based on the people she mentioned, everyone...
1 Page 470 Words

Changes in the Neighbourhood in 2050: Synthesis Essay

2050. 32 years from now. I am a grown-up person already. I am an adult. Time flies really fast, I’m planning what my neighborhood is going to look like in 2050. I’m expecting my neighborhood to be newfangled, new-fashioned, and modernist. Over the next few decades, I expect to add around 250,000 new residents. But the more the population grows, the fewer cars will be on city streets, as the transforms itself into a network of dense, walkable neighborhoods that...
1 Page 430 Words

Heroism of Front-liners during the Pandemic: Critical Essay

As this time of crisis, frontliners are hailed to be the modern-day heroes. They are the health workers, military and police authorities, journalists, food deliveries, government employees, bank employees, janitors, garbage truck collectors, traffic personnel and people who choose to remain on the front lines. In this essay, I will discuss the heroism of healthcare professionals and other frontliners in this time of pandemic, using Sztompka’s doctrine of heroic determinism. Sztompka’s (1993) approach to heroic determinism states that heroism is...
1 Page 452 Words

Heroism and Its Cost: Critical Essay

You do not require strength and superpowers to be a hero. For some reason, a variety of people don’t support the notion of being a hero because of the association with danger. Individuals act heroically because of their concern for others, with the presence of personal risks and no reward. Although superpowers are not available, components that can contribute are bravery and courage. People act heroically for a variety of reasons, such as standing up for what they believe in,...
1 Page 467 Words
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