Extra Gum Origami Commercial Song: Critical Essay

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The commercial shows the aging of a daughter and a father from a young age in chronological order. In every scene, the daughter becomes a little older and takes an origami crane from her father that he made from an Extra gum wrapper. By the end of the ad the father finds all of the origami cranes his daughter kept that he had given her. The author of the ad used ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade viewers to buy the brand Extra Gum.

The establishment of ethos was used to maintain the credibility of the brand. With the aging of the young girl in each scene, there was also a change in location. Each location was similar to one another in that they were all family-friendly locations that any family would attend together. Also, in every scene as a child, the young girl always received the origami crane with great excitement. It wasn’t till the scene when she is a teenager that she basically ignores her father. That scene right there demonstrated how not all fathers have a perfect relationship with their children, just perfect moments.

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The first example of pathos is the concept of time. Viewers of all ages had the opportunity to make a connection with the aging of the little girl. Such as some young girls watching the commercial can probably relate to spending time with their fathers. Also having the viewers see the young girl grow before their eyes makes them be familiar with the young girl allowing them to have some sort of connection with both of them. Pathos was also displayed with the style that the producer decided to use. The commercial consisted of scenes of the daughter without narration allowing the viewers to be alone in their thoughts and the rising feeling of nostalgia.

Once ethos and pathos capture the attention of the audience the producers then use logos at the very end of the ad with the message: “Sometimes the little things last the longest” and “Give Extra, get extra”. These two lines were the only quotes used throughout the entire ad to persuade the viewers to buy the gum. The first quote connects to the ad displaying the emotional appeal. While the second quote reinforces the first quote, by emphasizing that if you buy the gum, you will have special moments in your life.

The ad does a good job of selling its product by using ethos, pathos, and logos. This ad conveys a message without saying any words. It got the attention of consumers by displaying the idea that life is too short and you have to savor every moment you have with one another. This is an idea that any viewer can relate to making the ad very personal to them making them reflect their values.

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Extra Gum Origami Commercial Song: Critical Essay. (2023, August 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 10, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/extra-gum-origami-commercial-song-critical-essay/
“Extra Gum Origami Commercial Song: Critical Essay.” Edubirdie, 17 Aug. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/extra-gum-origami-commercial-song-critical-essay/
Extra Gum Origami Commercial Song: Critical Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/extra-gum-origami-commercial-song-critical-essay/> [Accessed 10 Sept. 2024].
Extra Gum Origami Commercial Song: Critical Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Aug 17 [cited 2024 Sept 10]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/extra-gum-origami-commercial-song-critical-essay/

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