450 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

My Definition of a Hero: Essay

Kids are taught through TV shows and movies that heroes wear a cape and a mask. In today’s day and age, anyone can act heroically. For example, last week a fireman in Massachusetts died in a house fire. There was a baby on the third floor, and after Lieutenant Jason rescued two members of his crew, he went back into the burning house to find the baby. He made it to the third floor and was trapped and killed by...
1 Page 461 Words

The Greatest Gift We Can Give Others Is: Essay

A tender embrace caresses our soul, warms and opens our hearts, heals emotional wounds, makes us feel better, gives us goosebumps, and through them, we feel at home. That's why I believe that a loving and honest hug is the greatest gift we can give others. When we embrace someone we love, we make him feel special, a unique and happy person. A hug warms us from the inside, allows us to drop, and commits us to take our time...
1 Page 458 Words

Why Do We Dream: Essay

Dreams seem to be influenced by our own typical lives. Dreaming occurs when one is asleep, and many strong dreams occur when the brain is more active, also known as REM sleep. Waking up from a long night's sleep and wondering if what you merely experienced was real or not, later finding out it was all just a dream. But why do we dream? One of the reasons why we dream is to simply satisfy our wishes. It's really no...
1 Page 462 Words

Why Do I Matter: Reflective Essay

What matters to you? It’s one of those riddles a kindergartner is sure they can sincerely answer, and one that adults think they can logically answer. I, however, am a teenager stuck awkwardly between simplicity and logic, and so my dilemma becomes evident. Is it my feelings or my actions that matter? Is it what I do for myself or others that matters? This very question has led me down a path of reflection that I will follow to find...
1 Page 451 Words

I Am an Animal Lover and That's Why I Want to Be a Veterinary Nurse: Essay

While many people claim that they realized their true love for animals and as a result decided to pursue a career in the veterinary field at a very young age, it was different for me, I didn't really realize it until I was a teenager. Now I can confidently say that I am a true animal lover. I realized this after studying biology in college when I had the opportunity to fully study the veterinary discipline, which brought me to...
1 Page 470 Words

Reflections on 'The Case for Reparations': Essay

In 2014, the famous American writer and journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates, in his article published in The Atlantic, addressed the serious issue of reparations for slavery. Coates argues that the reason the idea of reparations doesn’t enjoy popular support is because it is seen as a joke. “Reparations is a Dave Chappelle skit. That’s what a lot of people think about when they think of reparations”, Coates told Eric Levitz. “That polling is not a natural, free-standing fact. That’s the result...
1 Page 474 Words

An Embarrassing Moment: Personal Narrative Essay

A lot of people have memories of them singing or trying out for some sort of school activity. Mine was trying out for a talent show in first grade. I have been embarrassed many different times, but the worst time was when I sang a song I did not know in front of my entire elementary school. On the first day of March 2012, I decided to try out for Bensley Elementary School's talent show. I could not decide what...
1 Page 428 Words

Why I Decided to Go to College: Essay

The decision to enter college is a serious one for absolutely every student, and I too faced it in my life. After much thought and weighing all the ‘pros’ and ‘cons’, I decided to continue my education. In this essay, I am going to explain the reasons behind my decision. First of all, I decided to go to college because people with a college degree have a better chance of building a successful career and getting a high-paying job. Jobs...
1 Page 472 Words

Essay about Two Friends

Two friends The two boys lived nearby and went to one school, the same college, but later, found jobs in different cities. This was hardly a hindrance to their friendship because they kept visiting one another, continued to talk on the phone to exchange news, and advised each other on all things including girls. After getting married, they, busy with their families, didn’t notice the ties between them weakening. The friendship that was such an essential part of their lives,...
1 Page 428 Words

Descriptive Essay about Spring Season

Hello Spring, is that really you? Every morning I greet the most awaited season of renewal, rebirth, and regrowth of nature. The older I grow the more I love spring and spring flowers. What could be sweeter than homemade gingerbread or coconut cake with sweet tea, nasturtiums and peonies from my own garden, and a heartfelt verse? My beloved blooms, these “beautiful children of spring”, inspire me with metaphors! Today I went out again into the field near my house....
1 Page 465 Words

Descriptive Essay about Nature

Nature can be seen emerging in architecture right from the beginning in ancient Egypt. Natural elements inspired forms, seen in tombs carved into mountains, and use of local materials; mud brick made of the clay from the river Nile. These are examples of the ancient concept of vernacular architecture. Ancient Egyptian and Greek civilizations developed their thoughts on natural forms and human bodies and interpreted them into geometry. They proportioned their structures, such as temples and shrines, using basic shapes....
1 Page 428 Words

Definition Essay about Heroism

Guided by what was stated in the previous pages (the definition of nationalism, heroism, and humanity) it is indeed both Trinidad Tecson and Apolinario Dela Cruz made acts that fall to humanity, heroism, or nationalism. After analyzing the data gathered, the researchers were able to find that the acts of Trinidad Tecson fall mostly into the category of Heroism. As was stated above, heroism is “the desire of someone wanting to save or rescue a person who is in a...
1 Page 475 Words

Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement Essay

If you came to a sociologist and asked them their definition of race, they would say that it refers to dividing the human species according to physical characteristics that are inherited. The most widely used human racial types are those based on visual traits for example the color of someone's skin. In the United States, it is common for others to profile individuals based on the color of their skin. Racial profiling is a big issue in society especially when...
1 Page 471 Words

Health and Happiness Essay

'If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.” – Elbert Hubbard. happiness and health go hand-in-hand? It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle because you have less of a chance to get sick, when you’re healthy you feel mentally and emotionally happier, and you are more of a good and kind-hearted person. It is extremely important...
1 Page 462 Words

Happiness Only Real When Shared: Argumentative Essay

“ Can Money Buy Happiness? “ In a world where -- race disconnected us, religion separated us, politics divided us -- and more importantly wealth classifies us, it is an undeniable fact that money plays a huge role in a modern society today therefore bringing happiness to those who have it. After reading numerous articles online, the most common argument that I see in many articles debating about this topic is that instead of happiness money can only buy pleasure....
1 Page 438 Words

Essay: Treat Your Parents with Respect

Parents play the most important role in your life. They help you mentally, and physically, and are the people who are supposed to be by your side through everything. For everything your parents do for you you should always show your parents that you respect them and appreciate what they do for you. Even when your parents might make unfair decisions or things you don’t agree with you are always your parent’s main priority and at the end of the...
1 Page 463 Words

Essay on Procrastination as a Weakness

Procrastination is the propensity for postponing a significant errand, ordinarily by zeroing in on less dire, more agreeable, and simpler exercises all things considered. It is not quite the same as sluggishness, which is the reluctance to act. A fifth of individuals recognize themselves as constant slowpokes. For them, procrastination is a way of life, but a maladaptive one. Procrastination Throughout the long term procrastination has become a greater and more pressing issue for our reality. Numerous individuals underestimate procrastination...
1 Page 474 Words

Essay on Feminism in 'Frankenstein'

Teaching Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein raises many questions, but when I state that one of my teaching perspectives is feminism, more questions are asked. Feminism as a perspective is not only relevant to our times but provides another way to look at the past – be it at the time when Frankenstein was written, or even earlier. Students often say that the text can’t be feminist because they search for heroines, looking for strong, successful female characters. However, the presence of...
1 Page 427 Words

Essay on Failure Is the Mother of Success

My mother had always told me, “Failure is just room for opportunity.” For the longest time, I disagreed with this, thinking that failure is purely dishonorable. Failure yields shame and sorrow. I never truly understood what she meant until I played a violin solo. Since the day I performed that solo, I began to believe in the power of failure. Previously, last year, I entered a solo performance at the ISSMA Solo and Ensemble Contest for the very first time....
1 Page 439 Words

Essay on Causes and Effects of Procrastination

If you search for procrastination online, you will find a myriad of information on procrastination—that is, how to stop procrastinating. You would never be exposed to the benefits of procrastination, and more importantly, how to do it properly. Firstly, in order to properly procrastinate, you must know when to procrastinate. You must be in a situation that fulfills the following criteria (1) It doesn’t have to be something you can’t do, just something you don’t want to do, (2) You...
1 Page 444 Words

Essay How Did Rosa Parks Inspire Others

How are you? I am doing all right, things are getting a little crazy over here. I miss you and am sorry for not staying in contact as often as I should, just know I am always thinking about you. I'm pretty sure you have read the papers, it is unbelievable, right? Who would dare to do that? I admire Rosa Parks; I believe this is the start of something big. In case you haven't read the papers let me...
1 Page 436 Words

Personal Narrative Essay on Sex Discrimination

My chosen topic written in first person perspective, is a creative piece in the form of a speech about gender inequalities in Australia. In this speech, I am a young Lady who is Australia’s sex discrimination commissioner and has been in over 1500 interviews. I have interviewed more than 2000 females whilst traveling to every state and country over the past two years to learn how Australia is progressing in gender inequality, and to also discuss what these inequalities have...
1 Page 440 Words

Exemplification Essay about Scuba Diving

Scuba diving is an excellent way to spend some of your free time. It can provide you with a lot of excitement and open up a whole new world of adventure. If you like to dive then you should know about all the scuba gear that is available to you. This includes the scuba diving computer. There are many scuba diving computer uses that can make your adventure a lot more enjoyable. Any diver that is experienced already knows just...
1 Page 470 Words

Critical Response Essay on Pollution

“Is the manufacture of products that contain micro-beads ethical?” My understanding of ethics after going through my lecture notes and the lecture slides, is that ethics is what’s good for businesses, individuals, society, and the environment. Based on this understanding as well as my own beliefs of pollution, I believe that the production of products that contain microbeads is not ethical. I believe this as these tiny synthetic particles are negatively impacting the environment more each day and will continue...
1 Page 441 Words

Essay on Honesty in Friendship

Our society today is filled with people who will do anything to be famous and make money, but is it worth it if you are deceitful and lonely? When people come to fame and wealth they either inherit it or work toward their wealth, whether that is being diligent or unearned. With these pleasures come secrets, meretricious friends, false accusations, deceptions, and known mistakes. These characteristics can shape the reality of how so much wealth can affect a society. A...
1 Page 462 Words

Essay on Heroic Code in 'Beowulf'

The start of Beowulf does not offer much on the topic of whether it embellishes Beowulf's “code of honor”. What it does show are the events that lead up to believing in his code and why he goes by it, Beowulf's character in the book is a really relevant character he goes by a “code of honor” he is a strong individual both mentally and physically and he will do anything for at one point, his king and at the...
1 Page 432 Words

Literary Analysis of William Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 ('Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?')

In his sonnet, William Shakespeare discusses a man, possessing characteristics associated with nature, and how said nature and its seasons of summer/spring are perennial, as well as elaborating on the splendor of art and flora. The theme is the timelessness of love and admiration. How change is an inevitable prospect, yet, it does not hinder the poet’s veneration for their subject of love. He explicitly expresses this notion through the manipulation and application of figurative language, poetic devices, and imagery....
1 Page 452 Words

Essay on 'The Scholarship Jacket' Summary

The Scholarship Jacket is a short story full of emotion and conflict by Martha Salinas. She has written various short stories that have been published in collections and journals, her most popular story being ‘The Scholarship Jacket’. The main character of the story, Martha, is a young and frail-looking girl who is highly intellectual. She lives with her grandparents in a small town in Texas as her parents were unable to afford to raise eight children. Although she isn’t raised...
1 Page 456 Words

Self Reflective Essay about Math

The two videos I watched were Why Mathematics is Important! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u8pBjcTd-s and Math Anxiety https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs9aGVUZ3YA. Both videos changed my views, feelings, and thoughts about math. It was amazing to learn how math is very powerful and useful. It was also interesting to find out how to deal with the stress or fear of dealing with math. Each video had its own way of expressing the world of math. For that reason, I was not only able to react differently to...
1 Page 454 Words

Essay on the Impact of Food Advertising on Childhood Obesity

Nowadays, there is a controversy about whether or not fast-food advertisements that target children can affect children's health negatively. While it is undeniable that fast-food advertising can have detrimental effects on children's children's health, this issue can be tackled by several solutions. Fast-food commercials have led to a number of issues on children's health issues. The main issue is that fast-food advertisements can lead to childhood obesity. Fast-food advertising because they draw childrens' children's attention [to their high-calorie and low-nutrient...
1 Page 451 Words
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