Economic Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana in the United States: Essay

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Marijuana, also referred to as Cannabis sativa is a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant used for clinical or enjoyment purposes (Vij, 2020). In the 21st century, marijuana is illegal within the U.S. ostensibly due to moral and public health reasons, and also because of the continuing problem of violence and crime associated with the production and distribution of the drug. Despite federal regulations, eleven states have voted to legalize the motive, use, and distribution of marijuana within the internal of their borders. Also, other states are debating whether or not to do the same (Michael, 2021). The legalization of marijuana has significant merits in health and in the growing monetary development of the United States. On the other hand, the long-term use of marijuana is risky to a person's health and well-being.

Marijuana has shown significant medical benefits for patients diagnosed with a group of diseases that incorporate most cancers, AIDS, and glaucoma. Epidiolex, which consists of a purified form of CBD derived from cannabis, has become authorized for the treatment of seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or Dravet syndrome, unusual and immoderate varieties of epilepsy. Marinol and Syndros, which contain dronabinol (synthetic THC), and Cesamet, which incorporates nabilone (a synthetic substance much like THC), are authorized with the resource of usage of the FDA. Dronabinol and nabilone are used to address nausea and vomiting due to maximum chemotherapy.

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Moreover, Marijuana is taken into consideration as one of America's top-selling agricultural products. According to the Colorado Department of Revenue, combined four-year earnings on marijuana in the United States from the time it was legalized, as of 2014 cannabis sale has now accumulated $7.6 billion. If marijuana is legalized and regulated, the business enterprise can also generate up to $106.7 billion every year for local, U.S. A., and federal governments. Some estimates say that the government spends $29 billion every year on drug prohibition. Also, the funds may be saved with the resource of legalizing marijuana. Furthermore, the extra money will be generated from massive profits because of its distinct demand. In return, this will help to boost the U.S.A. economy.

On the other hand, Long-term or abusive use of marijuana can be risky to a person's health and well-being. The smoke affects one lung which eventually results in most lung cancers. Also abuse of cannabis results in disorders, which have symptoms and signs such as craving, withdrawal, lack of control, and awful outcomes on private and professional responsibilities.

In Conclusion, Marijuana should be legalized because it has vital benefits in health on the treatment of dangerous diseases such as cancer, Aids, and glaucoma. Also, due to its high demand, Marijuana sales a crucial role in the country's economic growth.

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Economic Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana in the United States: Essay. (2023, December 13). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 10, 2024, from
“Economic Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana in the United States: Essay.” Edubirdie, 13 Dec. 2023,
Economic Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana in the United States: Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 Sept. 2024].
Economic Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana in the United States: Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Dec 13 [cited 2024 Sept 10]. Available from:

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