500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

An Overview of the Similarities Between New York and Seattle

Have you ever thought about the similarities between Seattle and New York City? Seattle and New York City have several things in common. The first similarity is their climate. Seattle has a warm-temperate climate. It is officially in the Mediterranean zone by the main climatic classification, but other sources consider it an oceanic climate due to its winter temperatures. Likewise, New York City features a humid subtropical climate and is thus the northernmost major city on the North American continent...
1 Page 487 Words

Canada Is the Best Country in the World to Live: An Essay

There is no perfect country in this world, each country has its pros and cons. There are many factors that cause people to like a country, whether people like the culture or environment or safety of a country, it all depends on their own opinion. Overall, I believe Canada is the best country to live in, for it has multicultural, has a free health care system and a high-quality education system. To begin with, people can loathe a country because...
1 Page 522 Words

Essay on My Fishing Trip in Miami and How It Changed My Views

At the age of seven, me and my brothers went to Miami for summer vacation. We had decided amongst us to go on a fishing trip. I was very excited to go on this fishing trip as my brothers had done once before and told me that it’s a unique kind of experience. As we were in Miami, one of my elder brothers contacted the Miami Fishing charters company to organize our fishing trip. As the bookings were done, the...
1 Page 482 Words

Reflections on Whether Uneducated People Should Participate in the Electoral Process

One of our most influential powers as citizens is exercising our right to vote. However, with this power comes certain responsibilities such as considering the options – people who are running - and make proper decisions when electing a campaign. Changing the election process would involve a lot of procedures, which could create complications for the country. In order to come to an upright conclusion about whether or not uneducated people should participate in the election process, we must take...
1 Page 524 Words

Informative Speech About Disneyland Paris

Disneyland Paris is a park that was designed for recreation and it became a center of attraction due to its beautiful sceneries. Located on the outskirt of the city it consists of six boarding house, quaint dining. It also a shopping center as well as two parks namely Disneyland and Walt Disney Studio. It also has beautiful tourist attractions and include: Pirates of the Caribbean, big thunder mountain railroad and Hyperspace Mountain. Pirates of the Caribbean is a boat ride...
1 Page 498 Words

My Field Trip Experience: An Essay

As part of my summer unit, I had the opportunity to visit places that are very rich in biodiversity and history and the first location I visited was Bibra Lake in the northern part of Cockburn on Progress Drive and later in the afternoon, the group visited the Pinakarri Cohousing Community at 4 Bottrill Street, Hamilton Hill in Western Australia. The group was guided by our tutor Mrs. Annette Watkins and with her guidance I had a golden opportunity to...
1 Page 509 Words

Essay About My First Camping Trip

I was not originally attracted to nature. For me, nature was associated with the few minutes playing in the sandbox during recess or playing soccer in the nicely cut grass. Although I was aware that nature was good for you, I mostly thought it was solely good for offering fresh air when your head feels full. Living in Michigan, nature presents itself in many forms such as sledding as fast as you can down the hill or swimming in one...
1 Page 509 Words

Essay on Data Collection Methods

In this era, information is a crucial tool, thus necessitating a precise and appropriate method for gathering it. The choice of the mechanism for accumulating data depends on the intention of assembling the info. Moreover, gaining the trust of the participants is vital during the entire process of both qualitative and quantitative research. Therefore, this essay aims to expound on the methods for data collection and founding trust. Concurrent with Salhin et al. (2016), there are myriad quantitative data gathering...
1 Page 481 Words

Benefits and Drawbacks of Ecotourism for National Parks

Ecotourism improves human activities. It makes money, works as entertainment, educates people for natural preservation. However, poorly built ecotourism and human behaviors jeopardize wild animals, collapse biodiversity, leads to environmental destruction. In this essay, I will discuss ecotourism aids national parks or damage. Ecotourism has many benefits and those benefits have drawbacks as well. By Sencer (2016), ‘Is Ecotourism Helping or Hurting Our National Parks?’, ecotourism expenditure is as much as $30 billion and creates over 200,000 employment opportunities. Although...
1 Page 482 Words

The Negative Effects of Technology on Communication: An Essay

The evolution of technology has changed the society in a positive and a negative way and it has a great impact on communication in our time Mechanical advancement has strongly affected the manner in which society discusses, especially with its speeding up over the most recent couple of hundreds of years, in this essay we will going to talk mainly about the negative side of the impacts of innovation on communication in present day society. Communication is a necessary part...
1 Page 497 Words

What Did My Last Trip Teach Me? Essay

There is no limit to learning, there are many things to be learnt during travels. And in this essay, I will explain some of the essential things I learnt from my last trip. The only way I was able to learn during my trip was by opening up my mind to the freedom and lessons of life. Patience is one of the important lessons I learnt during my last trip. Life will not always go the way I planned and...
1 Page 524 Words

Reflections on Whether Britain Is the Perfect Example of a Democratic Country

A democratic country is seen as a country where the power is held by the people, whether directly or indirectly. The UK uses both direct and indirect democracy. For example, it uses direct democracy through citizens' juries and public petition and uses indirect democracy, also known as representative democracy, through constituency MP's. Many people view Britain as an example of a democratic country due to its democratic features in its political system, including elections, rule of law, and protection of...
1 Page 522 Words

Keeping Positivity Alive During Difficult Times

Focus on positive ideas to deal with a situation than wallowing in sadness or anxiety. Kindness when shared, multiplies, and changes one’s perspective A gratitude journal or notes of things that one is thankful for, reminds one of good times. Difficult times like economic crisis, political unrest, and pandemic bring out anxiety and sadness in a majority of Americans. But through time, it has been proven that having a positive perspective or cultivating satisfaction can help one to sail through...
1 Page 508 Words

The Difference Between Physical and Emotional Pain

Imagine getting punched in the face, probably an aching pain. Then picture a six-year-old being picked on for her hair. In result, she’s probably going to cry and get emotional. Physical and emotional pain are two different kinds of pain. One being personally afflicted on the body and another pain towards an emotional aspect of feelings. Emotional pain in my perspective and my experience is worse than physical pain. In elementary school I got bullied, it emotionally affected and challenged...
1 Page 519 Words

Describe My Daughter Essay

My daughter is biologically mine and my wife’s (we contributed the sperm and the egg). Yet my daughter is a mix of our traits and her own unique traits. Describe four mechanisms that would describe my daughter’s uniqueness. Mutations account for genetic variation in offspring. Somatic mutations are alterations in DNA that occur after conception. Somatic mutations can occur in any of the cells of the body except the germ cells (sperm and egg) and therefore are not passed on...
1 Page 506 Words

Argumentative Essay about Online Learning

Introduction Hook: Everything seems to be migrating online these days. Our learning is also migrating to the internet. Connecting Statement: Traditional education allows you to choose the curriculum of your dreams, but it will require you to go away from home, live in an unfamiliar location, and compete in a very competitive learning environment. You may enroll in any degree or course offered by traditional four-year institutions through online education. Thesis Statement: The advantages of online learning might be more...
1 Page 516 Words

500 Word Essay on Accountability

Nothing in life can be carried out to the fullest without accountability! Without it, it is difficult to get people to assume ownership of their own actions because they believe they will not face any consequences. Accountability is the concept of answerability by an individual or a department for the performance or outcomes of specific activities. In the case of setting goals, the notion of accountability can be applied in two ways firstly, internal accountability is when an individual's personal...
1 Page 503 Words

500 Word Essay on Career Goals Example

I believe that building a personal and professional network that is both strong and reliable is one of the most critical assets to possess. From my experience, I have discovered that the secret to building strong networks is helping others without expecting anything in return. This results in impactful, strong relationships that not only present great opportunities but also build on personal growth. In addition, by interacting with people who are more knowledgeable in various fields, I have gained invaluable...
1 Page 519 Words

500 Word Scholarship Essay

I am applying to your master’s (Taught) course in Cancer Biology for the September 2020-Full Time Semester. After getting my undergraduate degree in Biology-Animal Sciences from the University of Guilan (Rasht, Iran), I was accepted into the Biology-Genetics program to get a master’s degree from that university in 2010. I worked on my thesis, titled 'Expression of HDAC11 mRNAs in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of chicken (Gallus gallus) during prenatal and postnatal development under the supervision of Dr. Farzam...
1 Page 520 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Yourself

Personal Narrative: The Weekend Campout One weekend during the summer a couple of years back I had decided to host a campout and have a few people over to stay the night in tents in my woods and my backyard (which consists of a 5-acre open field with a big fire pit for parties). There is also a fire pit down by the tents but we decided to keep it in the field instead. Well Friday night rolls around and...
1 Page 499 Words

500 Word Essay on Leadership

Transactional Leadership was first characterized by Max Weber, who concluded that leadership could be broken down into three distinctive characteristics: Charismatic (Transformer), Traditional (Feudal), and Bureaucratic (Transactional) (Weber 1947). Charismatic Leadership (Transformer) provides employees with the 'basis of personal trust in the leader and his intention, consciously accept to belief in his charisma, vision, and mission', therefore a leader practicing this style must lead by example and be respected by subordinates to be successful. Traditional Leaders believe in the legitimacy...
1 Page 503 Words

All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy Essay

Making Sports and Games Compulsory for Students It is a tragic fact that our education system is heavily loaded with academics. It is theoretical and bookish. Sports and games have not become an indispensable part of our curriculum. Even at home, the students remain glued to television and electronic gadgets. They watch TV programs for hours taxing their time and straining their eyes. The complete lack of activity and mobility is playing havoc on their physical fitness and health. The...
1 Page 508 Words

Why Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legal Essay

Introduction Love has no boundaries; thus, marriages are no longer limited to heterosexual sted in couples. Same-sex marriages have been legalized in several countries that have led to the initiation of demanding equal rights by the people of the LGBTQ Community. With the struggle of these activities, it has now become possible for same-sex couples to be free and enjoy equal rights in some countries. Same-sex marriages are not a trend or western influence that is adopted by society. Same-sex...
1 Page 502 Words

How to Make Your Community Better Essay

Gordon B. Hinckley once said, “Some of our finest work comes through service to others”. Fill in generic info. There are many opportunities for service in Charleston. By volunteering, you can make a major impact on our community, improve your character, and obtain a new perspective. The Ronald McDonald House, located downtown, offers amazing service opportunities that can have a major impact on others' lives. The Ronald McDonald House provides a place for families to call home so they can...
1 Page 505 Words

Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln

Roosevelt wanted to protect the average worker, break up monopolies, regulate railroad rates, and protect the food and drug supply. Roosevelt created the Forest Service to manage forest reserves. He expanded national parks and forests. The United States would police Latin America to guarantee that countries met their international obligation. Roosevelt helped Panama secede from Colombia and got a Canal Zone. He focused foreign policy on the Caribbean and the building of the Panama Canal. Roosevelt asked for bigger appropriations...
1 Page 478 Words

Bullying As a Cause of Teenage Suicide: Analytical Essay

Bullycides Bullycides - suicides caused by bullying. Suicide among teens is one of the most troublesome problems in America, and as of late, those rates have been rising. The mental health crisis caused by bullying among America’s youth is real and staggering. Bullying increases the risk of teenage suicide. The National Center for Educational Statistics, in 2009, “said nearly 1 in 3 students between the ages of 12 and 18 reported being bullied in school”. Eight years earlier, only 14...
1 Page 487 Words

Government Surveillance: Pros and Cons

Government Surveillance refers to how the government accesses domestic communications. It can also refer to as how the government access communications involving potential foreign influence and terrorism. The aims of government surveillance are intelligence gathering, prevention of crime, the protection of a process, person, group, or object, and the investigation of crime. It is also used by criminal organizations for negative intentions. The pros of government surveillance include: Collection of information: The primary advantage of government surveillance is to gather...
1 Page 524 Words

Michelle Obama is a Role Model Essay

In a fast-paced, hectic life filled with accomplishment and meaning, the first African American former lady of the United States, Michelle Obama has appeared as one of the most compelling and iconic women of our era. Her insightful, intimate, inspiring memoir, reveals her as an influential and powerful woman since she served as a role model for many people in the world with her words, actions, and legacy. The first African American lady of the United States to serve in...
1 Page 523 Words

Why My Vote Matters Essay

I am African American, and it is essential for us to vote. Our race has taken a lot for us to be able to vote. Martin Luther King marched and fought for our rights to vote. It is a great responsibility for us to vote. Voting to me gives you a voice in today’s society. Voting gives me the privilege to express my rights in voting and to pick the person that I want to be in charge of. People...
1 Page 520 Words

General Overview and Concept of Child Psychology

Child psychology can be defined as the study of the psychological processes of children but more specifically, how these processes are different from adults, how they develop from birth to the end of adolescence, and how and why they differ for each individual. This branch of psychology deals with how children grow up not only mentally but, physically, emotionally, and their social development. Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist, suggested that children think differently than adults unlike how historically children were...
1 Page 504 Words
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