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Analytical Essay on Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor

America tried to stop Japan’s expansion, Clues in ads came out to warn America. A large number of bomber planes attacked, and caused PTSD, and large amounts of death and damage. Japan’s Unstable During the 1930s, Japan, having already annexed Korea in 1910, sought to further expand its empire, particularly to gain resources. Japan couldn’t have done an attack more monumental than the one at pearl harbor. Even before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the country has already attacked China. The...
1 Page 518 Words

Critical Analysis of “An American Betrayal” by Daniel Blake Smith: Theme of the Trail of Tears

In chapter four of “An American Betrayal,” written by Daniel Blake Smith, there were many unexpected turning points that amazed and surprised me. I believe that throughout this chapter, the Smith is leaning more towards the Cherokees’ side. I made this inference based on the context and words he uses before several quotes and statements present in this chapter. If this is the case, then I greatly support and agree with his opinion because I believe that Jackson just took...
1 Page 513 Words

Critical Analysis of the Poem 'If' by Rudyard Kipling

The poem “If” made up by four stanzas which have eight lines for each stanza. Also this poem are divided into four parts follow by four stanzas : Attitude toward life, attitude toward dreams , difficulties in life and individual’s personality. Therefore , it mainly contains the author's thoughts and hopes for his son, which can be inferred from the last sentence: 'You will become a man, my son! ' However, we can also infer that this is the author's...
1 Page 525 Words

Application Essay to Be Accepted into the National Honor Society

I’ve been captivated by learning my whole life - always had a book in my hand, always was curious of the world around me. I’ve strived to do the best that I could and never let obstacles overcome me. Learning and being a knowledgeable person is a part of my identity and a part of myself that I love. Growing up, especially in high school, I recognize that anything worth having comes easy. I have learned how to study, how...
1 Page 501 Words

Criticisms of Traditional Metaphysics: Analytical Essay

Strict and general application of the main Kantian assumption leads to the elimination of the Kantian-style metaphysics as well. The above counter argument by Loux leads to metaphysical skepticism. The other counter argument that can be used against Kantian-style objection leads to infinite regress. Kantians claim that while doing metaphysics we cannot study reality itself but only the concepts of it. But since we need a conceptual framework to be able to speak about reality, is it not the case...
1 Page 506 Words

The Pearl and The Law of Life: Analytical Essay

“The proper function of a man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.” -Jack London Both amazing writers John Steinbeck and Jack London have made amazing stories who use theme and motif to create deeper levels of meaning in their work. An important theme in The Pearl from John Steinbeck is greed. Avarice is an emotion that touches almost everyone in The Pearl, once everyone...
1 Page 517 Words

Reflection on My Christmas Vacation: Opinion Essay

We know Christmas is a good holiday for many reasons and also it is the most exciting part and wonderful time of year. So after our Christmas Party, I am so excited to go to my hometown Puerto Galera and I have always thought that “I am spending my Christmas with my family” and yes I am so happy. Ofcourse because no one deserve to be sad this Christmas. Being excited I cannot sleep while on my way to our...
1 Page 511 Words

Critical Overview of Always Running by Luis J. Rodriguez

The two narratives differed from most perspectives. I enjoyed 'Always Running,' due to the suspenseful tone being built, whilst on the other hand 'American Childhood,' had no most important suspense.'Always running,' had an tremendous climax, and the way that the creator described the putting made you sense as if you have been in it. The suspense and wanting to recognize more, after the narrative used to be done. That questioning drove me into the story. Both tales had been about...
1 Page 498 Words

Allusion to Joan of Arc in Hunger Games: Analytical Essay

Susanne Collins wrote the book The Hunger Games In 2008. She aimed it at young teenagers, specifically 11 to 13. The author used many writing techniques to show the theme of survival. Collins uses Allusion toward Joan of Arc, Katniss is like her because she is a hero, she is female, and is called ‘Girl on fire’. Collins also used Irony, by using survival skills help you win, killing practice is mostly useless, all of the trained killers go insane...
1 Page 492 Words

Reflection on Watching the Gun Violence Live on Facebook

After watching the Gun Violence live on Facebook this event was about engaging the students about gun violence . I feel like this was a good forum, because gun violence is needed for us students on campus because it is not talked about a lot at all. It sucks that we have waited this long to talk about it, but with all this senseless and violence happening now we need to be educated with our legislators and police officers. Being...
1 Page 511 Words

Plant Cells Versus Animal Cells: Analytical Essay

Despite the fact that plant and creature cells share some normal structures, they likewise have a few significant basic contrasts. Plant cells have a cell divider, which is an unbending defensive layer that encompasses the whole cell. Creature cells have cell layers, which are adaptable and penetrable. Accordingly, outside substances can all the more effectively be retained into the cell. Plant cells for the most part don't have cilia, as some creature cells do (Cook, 2018). Cilia are hair like...
1 Page 477 Words

Critical Analysis of the Story: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day is about a young boy who is waking up to a terrible day. Alexander wants to move far away to Australia, mainly because he believes only good things could happen to him there. However, his mother tells him people in Australia have bad days too. Alexander wakes up to a terrible day, destined with numerous injustices and bad luck. The story is filled with misfortune, misunderstandings, and missteps that befall...
1 Page 504 Words

Importance of Hope and Self-Confidence in Our Lives: Analysis of Taylor Mail’s What Teachers Make and Maya Angelou’s Still I Rise

If we had to choose two poems that show how hope and self-confidence is important in our lives, they have to be Taylor Mail’s What teachers make and Maya Angelou’s Still I rise. Those two poems excel at communicating meaning using literary and stylistic devices such as imagery or tone. Their use of language makes their poem qualifiable as great literature. My focus is to compare and contrast Taylor Mali’s language use to Maya Angelou’s as well as the features...
1 Page 513 Words

American Dream in Poems “I Hear America Singing” and “Let America be America Again”

The American Dream is a held belief of aspiration, in which the American people should pursue opportunities towards success through hard work and determination. The Dream acts as an inspiration, by giving Americans a positive outlook for a better tomorrow. In poems, such as Walt Whitman’s “I Hear America Singing” and “Let America be America Again” by Langston Hughes, the poets share their ideas of what America is supposed to be. Both poets explore the pursuit of the American Dream...
1 Page 515 Words

Dying a Dreamer: Representation of The Roaring Twenties in The Great Gatsby

The Roaring Twenties describes the decade of the 1920s as a period of economic growth. F. Scott Fitzgerald, a notable writer from this period, clearly describes the conditions of the 1920s in his novel, The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald describes uses Gatsby, the flagship character from the novel, to portray The Roaring Twenties in all of its glory and shame. Fitzgerald ultimately uses Gatsby to describe the 1920s as a period of opportunity—of the American Dream—but corrupted in a way that...
1 Page 520 Words

The Road by McCarthy and I Am Legend by Francis Lawrence: Comparative Analysis

Science fiction is a genre of fiction in which stories often tell about science and technology of the future. And it even contains imagined element that does not exist in our world. It is one of the most creative genres of literature. Science fiction takes readers to another world to a different dimension to the real world. Also, Science fiction is characterized by different types of genres. For instance, post-apocalyptic is a genre that illustrate in the novel The Road...
1 Page 483 Words

Characteristics of Canon Law Contracts: Analytical Essay on Contract Law

In 12th century the church needed a special body of contract law to control economic relations between ecclesiastical corporations. The canon law of contracts is considered as an area of civil jurisdiction which is operated by canon law. In this law, canonists used texts of Justinian which were rediscovered by the glossators. Because Roman law was a great source for canonists due to its massive improvements in the field of contract law. In later periods, canonists not only used ideas...
1 Page 513 Words

Major Events that Caused the American Civil War: Slavery in the British Colonies, John Brown’s Raid, and Election of Abraham Lincoln

Although the American Civil War was a war fought between brothers, it is still thought of as being one of the bloodiest wars in American history. Ever since slavery was brought to the American Colonies there has been controversy over whether slavery should exist or not. It is because of this that the American Civil War always shares conversation with slavery. These events are what led to the splitting of a nation and what caused brothers to spill the blood...
1 Page 476 Words

Dark Ages or Middle Ages: Argumentative Essay

Often when we think of 'Dark Ages' we frequently reference it with the perversive thoughts of the human mind or the saddening illnesses that took lives
 or we think of how many now call this time period the Middle Ages. Nothing eventful came out of the Middle Ages really, but the people during this time period were happy, all in their own ways of course. The Dark Ages doesn’t give you the idea that many people be joyful or even...
1 Page 514 Words

Scholarship Essay: My Motivation to Apply for the Spring Forward Scholarship

My name is Rimsha Sohail. In this essay, I want to express my motivation to apply for the Spring Forward Scholarship. For as long as I can remember I’ve known what I wanted to do in my life. Since my early childhood art has been a passion of mine. I have always tried to develop my creativity but have heard my family and friends say: “You are not for this!”. No one has pursued art in our family. But the...
1 Page 485 Words

Dishonesty and Honor Code: Review of Literature

People tend to justify their dishonest behaviour and forget adverse ethical standards to their acts for their peace of mind unconsciously, a set of experiments shows. This will explain why there is prevalent dishonesty of ordinary people without showing regret and feeling guilty despite most people think that they have enough common sense to do right things. For instance, truancy from work, exaggeration of achievement in applying for jobs, or punching timecards incorrectly could be thought to be acceptable because...
1 Page 481 Words

Identity struggle in “Two Kinds” and “Home Fire”: Comparative Analysis

Migration does not only imply migrating from one country to another, but postulates the existence of harsh realities such as the fear of acceptance, conflicting cultural differences, and most importantly the struggle with identity, that tag along. The short story “Two Kinds” by American writer Amy Tan and the short novel “Home Fire” by Pakistani-British author Kamila Shamsie connects to the varying immigration issues, the existence of cultural divisions and cultural beliefs and failures of nationalism against immigrants of certain...
1 Page 509 Words

Reflective Essay on Necessity to Diminish Achievement Gap

Education the process for receiving information and system for learning. A system for learning that is to be given to all students equally. There are many general topics in education. All of which are differ in how long they have been a problem and how large scale they are. A few of the smaller scale issues in education include technology, test scores, and teacher salaries. While large-scale issues include gun violence, standardized testing, and common core. However, one larger-scale issue...
1 Page 525 Words

Importance of Being Drugs and Bully Free: Bullying under the Influence

I think it is important to be drug and bully free because some people may be both at the same time. Someone could get high under the influence of drugs and go out and bully someone because they don’t know what they're doing, even some dads or moms may be under the influence of drugs and my hurt you or a sibling without meaning to do it and even if you have ever seen your mom or dad arguing you’re...
1 Page 521 Words

Theories and Worldview Essay: Analysis of Behaviorism and My Worldview

I think it is important to consider worldview when studying developmental theories because. Everyone has a different worldview and each person resonates with a different developmental theory. Personally, myself I believe in God and that god created the earth for us to inhabit and populate. I believe in the Bible and everything that it says but my neighbor they may not believe in the same worldview as I do. I think that you must learn what your worldview is before...
1 Page 499 Words

Reflection on the Essence and Importance of Progressive Era

The progressive era was a time of wanting to improve life within the industrial age, by taking different actions within society. For instance, during this time there was a focus on building up society. They wanted to transition political and social personas to further improve government activity. While also, having a common interest in limiting businesses, and a hankering for improvement in democracy and the strength of social justice. To understand how they established this during the progressive era one...
1 Page 508 Words

Historical Evidence of Salem Witch Trials: Opinion Essay

Afflicted girls screamed in fear, holding on to one another in terror. Scared witnesses in the courtroom looked on as the girls pointed into the empty air, Each day, more townspeople were arrested and thrown in jail to wait for a hearing or trial, accused of witchcraft and teaming up with the devil. The people of Salem, Massachusetts didn’t know who to trust. Neighbor accused neighbor. Issues were blamed on witchcraft, and the accused were tired of their lives based...
1 Page 505 Words

Critical Analysis of Ray Bradbury’s Short Story “Sound Of Thunder”

In Ray Bradbury’s short story, “Sound Of Thunder,” the mood is revealed through personification, irony, metaphor, and characterization. The author used irony here and there “As Eckels talks in the workplace to Time Safari official, he is recounted the threats of the Time Machine, and he remarks”. 'Makes you think, if the election had gone badly yesterday, I might be here now running away from the results. Thank God Keith won. He'll make a fine President”. But no after they...
1 Page 512 Words

Role of Fencing in Shaping Identity of Ibtihaj Muhammad: Analytical Essay

Throughout Ibtihaj’s life the sport of fencing helped shape her identity by numerous ways and the way it helped show her identity is being her true self not letting the voice and opinions of people stop her from pursuing her lifelong goals. Muhammad, who was raised as a black Muslim American was surrounded by parents who supported and encouraged her in a respectful environment. Her parents had many expectations of her and her siblings, one of which was that they...
1 Page 509 Words

Social Psychology Summary on Students' Impulse Buying during Their Spring Break

The aim of this academic paper was to investigate students who shopped during their spring break, and how their impulse buying linked to their cognitive dissonance. In this paper the investigators used quantitate analysis of the levels of impulsiveness and cognitive dissonance in college students who participated in shopping trips whilst on their spring break. The investigators used students from a variety of different groups and backgrounds to get a more representative sample population. This included using different ethnic groups,...
1 Page 502 Words
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