500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Rise of Civilization the Fertile Crescent and Hunter-Gatherer Tribes: Analytical Essay

In A History of the World in Six Glasses, Tom Standage aims to put into words the development of societies and civilizations by describing the drinks that originate in those places. To further emphasize the connections between the emergence of said societies and how the drinks shaped them, he takes an unusual yet straightforward approach to how beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea, and coca-cola have been the spark behind many significant turning points in history. In his book, Standage proves...
1 Page 524 Words

Receiving the SINGA Scholarship: Scholarship Essay

At this stage in my professional career, I am contemplating plans to provide more balance to my career and develop cutting-edge skills and knowledge needed to take on more responsibilities in academia. Achieving a deeper understanding of the zinc-rich coating system, remain currently my passion. I think I deserve the Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) because it will enable me to achieve my long-term career goal in Academia. By advancing my education in Physical science and engineering especially Material Science,...
1 Page 508 Words

The 21st amendment of the United States Constitution: Analytical Essay

The 21st amendment of the United States Constitution was proposed and put into action by Congress and Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was officially ratified on December 5th, 1933. There were many reasons the 21st amendment was created. In 1920, prohibition movements reached the highest because during this period Congress ratified the 18th amendment, which prohibited the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol. The purpose of enforcing the 18th amendment was to help reduce crime and corruption, solve social issues, and...
1 Page 506 Words

Reflection on Public Shaming: Opinion Essay

In this tech savvy world potential audience is obsessed with the social media and how to get popular on social media. However, some may not know the repercussions or being humiliated online across globe. There are two categories of people one who posts videos of being rude, arguing, littering and singing or dancing poorly to get popularity and others are one who do shame or makes trolls on those video recordings. Public shaming is bad in my viewpoint as it...
1 Page 478 Words

Fundamentals of Project Management: Analysis of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Budgeting

Top-Down and Bottom-Up Budgeting The potential problems with top-down budgeting is inaccurate forecast. The reason inaccurate forecast is one is because the department leads have more understanding of the needs of the departments than senior leadership would (McQuerrey, 2019). When senior leadership handles without consultation of the department lead it could result in not properly funding the department and being over or under (McQuerrey, 2019). Another potential problem is there could be individuals that do not perform their job functions...
1 Page 502 Words

Free-Born Residents: Benjamin Banneker's Way of Life

Many freedmen were abolitionists and had a significant impact on slavery and the antebellum period. Benjamin Banneker and Paul Cuffe are only a few of the significant freedmen of the slavery period. They took up the cause and helped the antislavery movement move forward. Benjamin Banneker was born on November 9, 1731, in Banneky Farm, Maryland. He was an astronomer, farmer, mathematician, inventor, and writer. His grandmother taught him to read and write. He had a great interest in mathematics...
1 Page 493 Words

Reflection on Single-Sex or Co-educational Schools: Opinion Essay

Today I would like to share my opinion on why I think that all schools should be co-educational. There are many reasons why I believe this, but the three that stand out for me. The first reason is that boys do much better in a school where there are both girls and boys. Second is that’s separating a student from each other teaching us important and crucial lessons for the future. My final reason for believing this is that girls....
1 Page 503 Words

Arguments For and Against the Motto: Never Give Up

The end has happened there is nothing to do. Or anything to be done. Lying there wondering what is there to be done, or anything at all to do in life anymore. Just me and life. thinking and thinking there is nothing to do everything is boredom. I'm completely alone full stop wishing there is something that I could do. only if there was someone so close to me to be here right now by my side to cheer me...
1 Page 480 Words

Hard Work Versus Smart Work: Comparative Analysis

Hard work definitely calls out for efficiency, but not effective in accomplishing a task, what I believe lies under Smart work. The logic behind is overcoming the obstacles, managing the efforts and time, and sorting the tasks into small groups to ease up calls for smart work. Only few people can draw the line between smart and hard work, and those are the ones who can break any complicated task into small easy values with own time duration, Segregation and...
1 Page 486 Words

General Overview and Essence of the Great Depression

What exactly is The Great Depression? When a good number of individuals hear this term, their minds immediately reverts back to the stock market crashing as the prime reason for the great depression, but there were several more reasons. First, the great depression was a catastrophic event affecting a countless number of individuals when the world was experiencing a monetary despair during the course of the nineteen thirties. Now, the reasons for the depression were the stock market crashing ninineteen...
1 Page 525 Words

Scholarship in YTL Foundation: Why I Deserve This Scholarship

YTL Foundation is committed to providing opportunities to deserving students who show potential to be outstanding leaders and who embody our core values of hard work, honesty, moral responsibility, togetherness and vitality. I understand the Foundation’s vision is exceptional and gladly would like contribute my best to the society as I am always determined to do so. The core values that holds their vission is definitely the values each and everyone should possess. This scholarship personally attracted my attention because...
1 Page 516 Words

Role of Internal Thoughts, Plot and Setting in Creating Characters in “Desiree’s Baby”

Villains, superheroes, and monsters--all of these are characters with which the reader is familiar. Authors use many techniques to develop the personalities of these characters to the readers. Authors use literary elements such as inner dialogue, appearance, and name meaning to create the characters. In “Desiree’s Baby” by Kate Chopin, Chopin uses internal thoughts, the plot, and the setting to make Desiree the protagonist of the story. Desiree has internal conflicts with herself throughout the whole story. As we all...
1 Page 493 Words

Descriptive Essay on Mardi Gras Celebration

Considered one of the Gulf Coast’s intellectual achievements, Mobile, Alabama, has been making a name for itself since its inception. Mobile was founded in 1702 by the French as the first capital of Louisiana. Since then, it has become a cultural melting pot of traditions, communities and enterprises. This great city is home to many flavorful restaurants, enlightening museums, historical hotels and its leading Mardi Gras celebration. It is now becoming an epicenter of the South for many reasons other...
1 Page 515 Words

Concepts of Diversity and Culture in Richard Rodriguez's Ideas

In his essay, Richard Rodriguez takes a look at diversity and culture, specifically the American culture and how it affects the culture of others. He also takes into consideration how the term of diversity forces us to look at others differently, furthering separation between one another. After white Americans label someone as “diverse”, as in, nonwhite, they force American ideals and ways onto the people who do not look like them. Eventually, we become the same with a different outward...
1 Page 504 Words

Scholarship Essay Get an Opportunity to Study MSc Nutrition and Public Health Management

My desire to contribute to efforts aimed at addressing health inequalities especially in rural areas initiated from awareness of malnutrition and poor health condition of my students which affected their participation in class and academic performances. Most of the students drop out of school as result. This scholarship offers me an opportunity to study MSc Nutrition and public health Management. This platform will equip me with the knowledge and skill required to improve population health of school children and productivity...
1 Page 491 Words

General Overview of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow's Hierarchy of significance of necessities can be depicted as a speculation of inspiration which communicates that there are five classes of human needs that chooses an individual's lead (Pichère and Cadiat, 2015). Abraham Maslow was an American clinician who recommended that individuals are convinced to meeting their principal needs first before progressing to the following level of improvement needs. Maslow's Hierarchy of necessities is regularly established on reformist pyramid structure with five levels. He clarified that every individual's longing...
1 Page 479 Words

Personal Statement: My Dream Career in Business and Management

Having accumulated nearly four years’ knowledge from my tertiary institution and more than eight years’ experience from my dad’s business/company in the business and economic field. I wanted to know more about Business and Management. This kindled my decision to come to the United Kingdom in 2019 to study for a master’s degree in Global Business at the University of Hertfordshire. The rigorous training acquired advanced knowledge and exposure that has improved my career prospect. During the course of study,...
1 Page 507 Words

Analytical Essay on Risk Acceptance

It indicates the standard for evaluating the risk that is adopted by decision-makers. Some risks are accepted in case it is cheaper to leave the asset unprotected due to a specific risk rather than make an effort to protect it. This decision is not made out of ignorance as all options are analyzed carefully before accepting the outcome. The most common criteria are the lower likelihood or low consequence where the data or resource is protected by laws or regulations...
1 Page 514 Words

Analytical Essay on the Major Successes of the New Deal according to Kennedy

The major successes of the New Deal, according to Kennedy, were the various social reforms implemented; with him arguing that ‘Into the 5 years of the New Deal was crowded more social change than into virtually any comparable compass of time in the nation’s past’ offering ‘job security, life-cycle security and financial security’ for the people of America. The long-term perspective that Kennedy adopts, when arguing this, highlights the depth of understanding that he possessed when reaching such a conclusion;...
1 Page 513 Words

The Peculiarities Of Steinbeck's Characters In Of Mice And Men

Pity is very complicated. Steinbeck has a pitiful tone towards both of his major characters when they go through difficult times. Steinbeck shows his pity for the character of Lennie as he struggles and fails to stay out of trouble at his new job. When Lennie is first introduced, it quickly becomes clear that even though he is a grown man, he does not have a complete understanding of what is appropriate in society and what is not. The very...
1 Page 512 Words

The Solutions Of Ethical Dilemmas In Business Association

Ethical Dilemmas usually occur happen in this when two parties don't agree with that association culture. Every organization has its own ethical culture according to their requirements and standards but they are few rules that are created by the government which should be followed by every business company. This dilemma had created work clashes in a business affiliation and business operations of that affiliation couldn't function properly. The association had presented this ethical culture concept for the sake of their...
1 Page 507 Words

Stereotyping, Prejudice, And Discrimination

Hostile or negative attitudes toward people in a particular group are called prejudice. Perhaps one of the worst and most stubborn qualities of human nature is that the capacity to feel hatred towards the outlier and to be prejudiced.The behavioral expression of prejudice is discrimination. Discrimination is a process that involves the whole of negative attitudes and behaviors that are fueled by prejudices against a group or members of the group. In the covid-19 outbreak, which is the agenda of...
1 Page 495 Words

Martin Luther King and Frederick Douglas as the Activists for Freedom

Throughout American history, the existence of blacks in history is very important. Whether it was the abolitionist movement or the Civil War, black people have added a heavy pen to American history. In these movements there are two blacks who have made great contributions to the status of blacks. They are Martin Luther King and Frederick Douglas. Freedom is never obtained by gifts, but by the sacrifice and suffering of some people. However, the power of love can avoid sacrifice.In...
1 Page 498 Words

A Critique On Animal Farm By George Orwell Using Allegorical Theory

In the allegorical explanation, all myths contain hidden which the narrative deliberately conceals or encodes. Writers and speakers typically use allegories to convey hidden or complex meaning through symbolic figures, actions, imagery, or events, which together create the moral, spiritual, or political meaning the author wishes to convey. One of the famous stories in literature that uses allegory is the work of George Orwell, “Animal Farm”. This story is an example of political allegory. It tells the story of the...
1 Page 520 Words

The Government’s Role Regarding Gender Equality

Since the 1980s, gender equality has been the main subject of discussion in the Greek law and policymaking. Nonetheless, it was the harmonisation of Greece’s legislation with the EU acquis that established gender equality within the labour market (Vaiou, 2014). Therefore, when gender equality in European work policies was prioritised, the Greek legal framework was reformed with the relevant legislation targeting primarily women who were balancing their working and family life, in the late 2000s. Under this legislation, Greek women...
1 Page 514 Words

1999 Third World HIV Prevention Trials

Third World HIV Prevention Trials. In February 1994, the Data Safety and Monitoring Board of the U.S. National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases interrupted AIDS Clinical Trial Group (ACTG) Study 076 (22). The preliminary data revealed a statistically significant and dramatic difference in vertical HIV transmission rates from mothers to their newborns, between women who received the active regimen and the placebo group. The regimen quickly became the standard of care in industrialized nations, where no trial that would...
1 Page 510 Words

Fahrenheit 451: Technology And Society

The book “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury is based on a futuristic timeline were everyone uses technology. In there everyday life but in their society books are banned so people don't learn things and try to question the government. In Fahrenheit 451 technology is advanced even more advanced than were are today. Our society has the possibility of turning out like Ray Bradbury’s view of the future. Because though we arent as technologically sophisticated as Ray Bradbury’s depiction of the...
1 Page 522 Words

Midsummer Night's Dream Essay

The play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is delightful due to its course of fairies and magical powers. However, focusing on its amusements and to ignore its “paradox is to do an injustice to the play’s complexity”. The play opens up with Theseus and Hippolyta waiting eagerly for their “nupital hours”. Although this very event seems a sight of merriment, becomes dark as soon as Theseus says “I wooed thee with my sword, And, won thy love doing thee injuries...” An...
1 Page 523 Words

Innovation and Technology Strategies within the Starbucks Coffee

Levitt (1967), stated that to maintain the business in the strong competitive businesses’ world companies must adore innovation, not only as a desired however because it is a necessity for the company keep the existence and its growth in the marketplace. In Starbucks coffee chain case developed by ‘Blue Ocean Strategy’s theory of innovation, using as an example one of its demanded successes. Companies can create the strategy of blue ocean in two diverse ways, in some cases companies can...
1 Page 488 Words

An Impact Of Honey On Diabetes

Many people with diabetes wonder, rightly, if they can consume honey and enjoy this 'nectar of the Gods'. Honey is mostly composed of sugars and so it is important to control your consumption when you are diabetic. Among the sugars, however, honey is one of the most interesting. His qualities make him an ally to know . What is diabetes ? Diabetes is a chronic disease that can have serious consequences if it is poorly managed (cardiovascular diseases,Apparatus that can...
1 Page 477 Words
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