550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Stream of Consciousness in Mrs. Dalloway

In the stream of consciousness, the speaker's thought processes are more often addressed to oneself, it is primarily a fictional device (Bell, 1990). The representation of the stream of consciousness reflected her need to go beyond the clumsiness of the factual realism in the novel. Mrs. Dalloway is an exploration of consciousness as it portrays the shifting political atmosphere through the characters Peter Walsh, Richard Dalloway, and Hugh Whitbread, it focuses more deeply on the charged social mood through the...
1 Page 562 Words

Overview of Organ Donation System: Opinion Essay

Today, I am going to talk about why I think that every country should adopt the opt out organ donation system. I am going to talk 4 different parts to this topic. Firstly, I am going to describe the difference an opt in and opt out system. An opt out system is when organ donation will happen automatically at death unless a specific request is made for this not to occur. Some countries which follow the opt out systems include...
1 Page 538 Words

Bismarck Conservatism

During the 19th century, conservatism and the balance of power were essential to politics. Conservative leaders tried to preserve the legitimacy of monarchies amidst the growing influence of political parties aligning with socialist or Marxist ideologies, as well as an increasing desire for labor insurance and social legislation. As countries grew increasingly nationalistic, leading to events such as German unification, leaders such as Otto von Bismarck had to preserve their power with new methods. Otto von Bismarck’s government demonstrated these...
1 Page 572 Words

Muhammad Ali Jinnah's Leadership Style: Analytical Essay

Leadership is about inspiring human beings to do matters they never idea they ought to have. Selfless, dedicated, charismatic, competent, honest, specialist and unimpeachable in his integrity; these are simply some of the phrases that have been used to describe the personality of the founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Jinnah, a man of principles, set very high requirements and values in politics. He in no way compromised on principles. Gutter politics used to be now not his style....
1 Page 562 Words

Critical Analysis of Richard Nixon's “Checkers” Speech in September 1952

After Being chosen by Dwight D. Eisenhower as a running mate in the election of 1952, allegations were made by the New York Times that Richard Nixon had accepted bribes throughout his career in exchange for government influence. Under normal circumstances a vice-president candidate would have denied any such claims and then stepped off the ticket to save face, however the medium of television was finally coming into play in politics. Nixon wrote and delivered a televised speech in which...
1 Page 537 Words

Politics of Pakistan: Role of Muhammad Ali Jinnah

The people of Pakistan are going in the worse condition day by day. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of nation and the father of nation got this separated country for the Muslims of subcontinents to live their lives freely according to the teachings of Islam. When Pakistan emerged as a new nation on the map of the world, the whole world was saying that this country would remove from the map very soon and unfortunately all the politicians of...
1 Page 558 Words

Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan Similarities

Neoliberalism is the idea that society should be shaped by the free market and comprises a set of economic theories as well as a more administrative, strategical, and policy position. The theory entails that ‘a largely unregulated capitalist system (a “free market economy”) not only embodies the ideal of free individual choice but also achieves optimum economic performance with respect to efficiency, economic growth, technical progress, and distributional justice. Based on 18th-century classical liberalism, catalyzed by Locke, Smith, and Mill,...
1 Page 551 Words

Ronald Reagan Challenger Speech Analysis

On January 28, 1986, the space shuttle “The Challenger” broke up 73 seconds after liftoff, and all seven crew members on board were killed. Almost immediately, Ronald Reagan had been given the task to give a speech that would put the nation at ease. On the same day at 5 p.m., he sat down in the Oval Office at the White House and gave his speech. His address was broadcast live on nationwide radio and television. Reagan's audience consisted of...
1 Page 536 Words

Margaret Thatcher Eulogy to Ronald Reagan

Rhetoric Practice While eloquently presenting her eulogy in 2004, Margaret Thatcher honors the life of Ronald Reagan. She speaks to both the American and English individuals, providing them with comfort as she uses words of respect. She emphasizes his respect and initiative by appealing to ethos, exploiting metaphors, and thoughtfully conveying parallelism. Thatcher also applies ethos to concrete her reasoning of Reagan's great character and the devastation of his passing. To begin her eulogy, Thatcher affirms, 'We have lost a...
1 Page 567 Words

Margaret Thatcher Eulogy to Ronald Reagan Rhetorical Analysis [Essay]

In her 2004 eulogy honoring former US president Ronald Reagan, former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher distinguishes Reagan as not only a great president but a great American and man. By shedding light on Reagan’s ability to unite a previously divided nation, Thatcher describes Reagan’s leadership and character through figurative language to lighten the mood when discussing the difficult tasks that he faced without corrupting the country. Thatcher also establishes diction in her piece to illustrate how Reagan’s personality played...
1 Page 551 Words

How Can I Be a Good American Essay

America was a nation built upon the foundation of freedom, its people fought to attain unalienable rights from an oppressive authority. I believe to be American, you are a part of the history of men that fought for their freedom and changed their destinies. I believe to be a good American, means that I am free to strive for my goals, to break through the gates that block me, whether it be social, racial, or gender opposition, that I can...
1 Page 528 Words

Philosophical Issues of Meaning, Sense, Reference and the Truth: Opinion Essay

According to the social-norm approach, certain standards of behaviour exist in every society and in every age and on the basis of these defined norms, an utterance or behaviour of a particular kind is judged to be polite or impolite. In this regard, Fraser is of the opinion that these standards of behaviour are usually attached with certain speech styles, in that it is noticed that a higher level of formality involves greater politeness (Watts et al. 1992: 4). Thus,...
1 Page 565 Words

Evolution of Pragmatism: Analytical Essay

What works best It is without a doubt that the world is a work in progress. As our society changes, the needs and outlook in life of the people also evolve. Nothing is permanent, so they say. This inevitable change then gives way to a continuous reconstruction of existing realities in order for us to cope with our unending demands. Here, comes the substantial role of pragmatism as a philosophical basis of rejecting or embracing ideologies solely for the betterment...
1 Page 547 Words

The Operational Framework of Hannah Arendt: Analytical Essay

The Operational Framework In the diagram below, Hannah Arendt’s concept of the “right to have rights” appears in the middle, topmost part of a square that encloses what defines the “right to have rights”. The Uyghurs, being that they are deprived of their right to religious freedom, are considered stateless given that an individual is a citizen if - and only if - one is part of a political community and is practicing their rights (Degooyer, 2018). The PRC serves...
1 Page 558 Words

“A Visit of Charity” Written by Eudora Alice Welty: Critical Analysis

“A Visit of Charity” was written by Eudora Alice Welty and was published in the year of 1941. This story is very intriguing and will catch the attention of those who read it. Through youthful diction and vivid imagery, the author describes the adventure of a Campfire girl who travels to a nursing home with the intent of her own personal interests. From the moment Marian entered the compound, she depicts that she did not want to be there. She...
1 Page 562 Words

Analytical Essay on David and Goliath: Summary of the Book

David and Goliath is the story of a young shepherd whom lacking of any kind of combat training, managed to overcome a giant, who was sophisticated in combat tactics, just using his wit. In modern times, that act is used as an analogy to compare people who against all odds overcome a difficult situation in their lives. As a result, Malcolm Gladwell used it as a starting point of his book “David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of...
1 Page 573 Words

Tecumseh As a Major Figure and Military Leader Allied with Britain: Descriptive Overview

After James Murray’s resignation as governor, Sir Guy Carleton came to take his place. He served as governor from 1768-1778 in his first term. Carleton is most well known for passing the Quebec Act in 1774. The Quebec Act then went into effect in May of 1775. Contrary to the Royal Proclamation of 1763, this negated many of the conditions meant to assimilate the French people living in British North America in an effort to gain the loyalty of the...
1 Page 551 Words

Critical Analysis of Allegory in the Play Everyman

An allegory is a novel, poem, photo or play which can be elucidated to unveil the latent or symbolic meaning. To add, allegories are used to teach or justify principle, morals, thoughts and so forth. There are three allegories such as biblical, classical and modern. The morality play is a kind of allegory where the primary character meets personifications with distinct moral traits who try to persuade them to take delivery of suitable existence over the evil life. Personification is...
1 Page 545 Words

History of Ancient Greece: Analysis of the Battle of Thermopylae

Ancient Greek warfare and conflict was a common reoccurrence during archaic and classical periods due to the fact that the city states were quarrelsome whether it be because of religious difference ( the worshiping of different Greek gods) , political and philosophical differences. The common soldiery of ancient Greece were free citizens primary consisted of farmers or members of society with low social standing (not like those of mathematicians and philosophers whom had high statuses). Many of the solidary and...
1 Page 558 Words

Critical Analysis of Lyddie: Dilemma of Main Protagonist

In the past, the work place has been a very terrible, unfair, and dirty place. For example, the workers may get low pay, and the condition of the workplace may be awful aswell. In the book Lyddie, the main protagonist, Lyddie has the decision to whether or not sign a petition for better rights and overall, a better place for the workers. Lyddie should sign the petition in view of the fact that there are terrible working conditions in the...
1 Page 531 Words

Analysis of Charlemagne's Reign: Historical Essay

The Franks and their kings directed their gaze primarily toward the Near East and those parts of southern Europe closest to their empire, but seldom toward the west, the area inhabited by the Irish and the Anglo- Saxons, and never’at least not before Charlemagne’s reign’to the north. Charlemagne, his father, Pepin, and his grandfather before him had greatly expanded the frontiers of their empire. Endless wars had led his father and Charlemagne himself across the Alps and into Italy as...
1 Page 571 Words

Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson: Book Review

Robert Louis Stevenson wrote 'Treasure island' in 1881. This written work shows common problems in that time - the strength of pirates. Most of the events of the book happen in the inn by the sea called 'Admiral Benbow' and in the treasure island. The story is told by a young boy named Jim Hawkins. Her father was the owner of the inn. And one-day old pirate comes to the inn to find a piece place to hide from other...
1 Page 571 Words

Use of Focalization and Covert Progression in “The Garden Party”: Analytical Essay

Authors choose different narrative perspectives when they are creating stories, and different perspectives lead to different effect. After analysis, it is found that Katherine Mansfield uses focalization and covert progression in her story “The Garden Party”. These two perspectives work on different levels of this story but they are strongly correlative. When talking about the ways of focalization, we want to know whether the narrator knows more than the character. The narrator can give all the information in a story,...
1 Page 571 Words

Portrayal of Unresolved Grief in A Temporary Matter: Critical Analysis

In the short story “A Temporary Matter' by Lahiri Jhumpa, a young Indian couple, Shukumar and Shoba, suffer from unresolved grief. The couple have been married for a few years and were about to have their first baby. However, three weeks before the baby’s due date Shoba went into early labor and suffered a stillbirth while Shukumur was away. Both the husband and wife grieve for their baby in very different inhibitions that prevent them from moving forward with their...
1 Page 570 Words

Pocahontas and the First Settlers of Jamestown: Descriptive Essay

Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in North America, I would prefer to live there because it was a time in which women were needed in order for Jamestown to thrive, I would have the chance to meet Pocahontas’s son, and I would get the chance in being known as a historical figure. The first settlers of Jamestown were males in 1607, but a year after that females began to arrive. Mistress Forrest and her maid, Anne Burras were...
1 Page 567 Words

‘The Monkey’s Paw’ by W. W. Jacobs: Analytical Essay on Author's Style

In ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ the author W.W.Jacobs begins the story by setting the scene and the atmosphere by describing the area in which the White’s live. Jacobs describes the night as cold and wet, while inside the house the blinds are drawn and the fire is burning brightly. This is a good contrast, as the house seems to have a warm and safe atmosphere inside, even though the cottage is situated in a remote area of the country, with extremely...
1 Page 552 Words

Opinion Essay Concerning Inaccessible Playgrounds for Children with Disabilities in the City of Toronto

My name is Ruby Luong, I am a second-year undergraduate student at Ryerson University enrolled in the Early Childhood Studies program. I am writing you this letter to advocate the issue of inaccessible playgrounds for children with disabilities in the city of Toronto. This issue is often brushed off from the people that aren’t in relation or affected by this. All children should have the chance to participate in a playground, I believe the park or the playground is a...
1 Page 555 Words

Consequences of Different Approaches to Recording Sound: Analytical Essay

What are the consequences of different approaches to recording sound? Sound can be manipulated by various techniques. In Jack Walker's seminar, a variety of these techniques were explored such as creative microphone placements, processing and textures. He also discusses the effect of changing the equipment and space when recording. I will discuss a few of his approaches when recording. When recording, Walker uses gain staging in order to avoid Distortion. He illustrates this point by tapping the mic and adjusting...
1 Page 553 Words

Remembering Own Roots As a Way to Success

If you were to ask me where I’m from, I only have one answer. If you were to ask me where I grew up, again, I have only one answer. That’s because, even after travelling to different places around the world, I always trace my roots back to one or two places; places where my heart will always be. Recently, I was in Mangalore for a marriage function. I was invited there by my friend, a well-established real estate businessman,...
1 Page 541 Words

Analytical Essay on Starting School Later: Impact on National Economy

During school hours, everyone usually lazily gets to class, and sometimes, if they’re late when the door closes, have to get a tardy slip in the office. However, I believe prolonged sleeping hours before school starts will lead to a greater beneficial relationship between both the school and students. Not only that, preventions and reductions could also occur once schools take notice of the situation at hand. Here are some reasons why. It is no surprise kids aren’t getting enough...
1 Page 540 Words
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