550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Role of the Computer in Education: An Essay

In today’s world, it is necessary to use technology, especially when it comes to education. The computer has a very deep impact and important role in education. With the help of the computer now it is easy to impart education to students and also it is much more interesting than before. Computers has large capacities to store information and data. The computer enables quick processing of data with very low chances of errors. The computer has made the communication much...
1 Page 575 Words

The Lincoln-Douglas Debate

The Lincoln-Douglas sparked when after Abraham Lincoln gave his famous “A house divided against itself cannot stand” speech, his competitor Stephen A. Douglas accused him of being a “radical” and said that he was “threatening the stability of the union”. After Douglas said this, Lincoln then challenged Douglas to the debates. According to Britannica.com, the Lincoln-Douglas debates states: “the two eventually agreed to hold joint encounters in seven Illinois congressional districts”. The debates focused on the topic of slavery territory...
1 Page 538 Words

Motivation to Become Part of The National Honors Society

National Honors Society is an organization I would like to be apart of because I would like to gain more leadership and volunteer skills than I already have. National Honors Society can also help me look forward into college and get more insight as to where I want to go in life. Character traits and personal skills I have that will contribute to the success of National Honors Society vary from having willingness to being a strong leader. I will...
1 Page 555 Words

Getting a Scholarship as a Great Opportunity to Follow My Passion for Math

Currently I am a student at Diablo Valley College, and will continue to matriculate here until I am able to move on to a four-year university. My favorite subject is math. I’ve loved math since elementary school. In fact, I am considering mathematics as my chosen field. I am confident I will be successful in the future. I will focus and go the extra mile to be my best. One aspect of that success consists of the ability to reach...
1 Page 539 Words

What Is It Like to Be a Chicano

The story of ‘How To Tame A Wild Tongue’ by Gloria Anzaldua is a tale about how she researches the opposing view towards the Chicano methods for talking and the appalling impact of this pessimistic disposition on the Chicano individuals where they live in the border. Gloria begins the story by utilizing an analogy and recollecting a dental specialist who grumbled about her tongue and that it was excessively solid and obstinate. She got disappointed and needed to realize how...
1 Page 567 Words

Domestic Politics as the Main Cause of the Cuban Revolution

In the 19th century, other Spanish colonies in the Americas fought for independence, but Cuba's independence movements failed; this was due to the many Spanish royalists that came to Cuba, adding a strong pro-Spanish sentiment to the island. The USA was really interested in buying Cuba in the 19th century, therefore, they increased sugar and transportation investments. In 1898, the US ended the Spanish rule by invading Cuba and then made it a protectorate with the Platt Amendment in 1901,...
1 Page 569 Words

The Architecture of the Ottomans

The Ottoman Empire included a large area that included much of the regions contiguous to the eastern and southern Mediterranean. Ottoman rule stretched for a period of around 700 years and at its height. As a result, the character of Ottoman architecture has undergone multiple changes over the course of this long period. The architectural heritage of the Ottomans can be divided into three phases, starting with the early formative phase, the classical era, followed by a late period marked...
1 Page 555 Words

The State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Any sovereign state has its own official symbols. This is the flag, the motto and the anthem. This article is devoted to the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Its meaning is described and interpreted as meaning, as well as interesting historical facts related to it. Attention is also paid to the legislative framework that regulates the procedures for adopting and using national symbols. The national flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a rectangular piece of cloth. Its...
1 Page 553 Words

Difference Between Correlation and Regression

Humans are social in nature, involving with others and trying to figure out how different concepts work with regard to certain factors. It is like a network of comparisons, and that is how the human mind works too. For instance, a person who lives in a big and beautiful house is presumed to be rich, while a person who lives in a thatched house is assumed to be poor. This may be true is some cases, but not all. There...
1 Page 544 Words

Federalism in Australia: How State and Federal Governments Work Together

Australia has a national and state governments and federalism refers to the relationship between these governments. Federalism is when a government divides power between the national government and the state governments. Some advantages of federalism include that it separates powers of government to prevent one person or group to make all the rules in a society, this prevents a dictatorship. It encourages involvement from a local level because federalism allows states to create laws to suit themselves even if they...
1 Page 541 Words

Review of William Blake’s Poem ‘A Poison Tree’

‘A Poison Tree’, written by William Blake and published in 1794, uses rhyming couplet form, symbolism and metaphors, and tone to convey message. The message of the poem is that humans ‘water’ their anger and let it grow, whereas the poem tries to teach us that this is unideal. The poem ‘The Poison Tree’ is a rhyming couplet. This is used as rhyming couplet is a very basic style following AABB. This contrasts the complex human emotions that are portrayed...
1 Page 564 Words

Nelson Mandela as an Amazing, Brave and Courageous Man

There are a lot of amazing humans past and present, but as far as I'm concerned there isn't any as heroic as Nelson Mandela. Nelson was a great bloke and he did so much for his country. Nelson Mandela is a hero and I look up to him because of how he changed so many people’s lives for years and years. He also is an amazing person and role model and basically the whole world looks up to him which...
1 Page 553 Words

Benjamin Banneker's Desire to End Slavery and Inequality

As inequalities rose, Benjamin Banneker, the son of former slaves, made an attempt to make a change for African Americans in 1791 as he wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson, framer of the Declaration of Independence. In his letter, Banneker relies on repetition and pathos in order to tell Jefferson to end slavery and the inequalities. In his letter, Banneker utilizes repetition to emphasize what he wants his audience to know when arguing against slavery. As he argues in his...
1 Page 528 Words

Freedom as a Philosophy of Life

Each person has own different philosophy in life. It will depend on the experience we have in life. There are people will have seen life in the same way but no one will be exactly similar philosophy in life. The way we have experience in life has changes, it may think once but it will change again. So, I will share my thoughts and ideas of what my philosophy in life is. You may ask yourself, is life important? What...
1 Page 555 Words

The Conflicting Aspirations of Eveline in James Joyce's 'Dubliners'

In James Joyce’s short story, “Eveline,” in the collection Dubliners, he introduces the story off with Eveline gazing miserably out the window, the distinct smell of dust causing her to reminisce about her youth when she was able to frolic and play in an empty field with other children before new houses were built. This memory sparked a profound sadness inside her, remembering that was when her mother was still breathing, and her father, still a father. Realizing that her...
1 Page 562 Words

Rhetorical Analysis of John F. Kennedy's Moon Speech

September 12th,1962, the height of the Cold War, tensions between the US and Soviet Union were at a high and both nations were trying to outdo the other. It was a common belief that the Americans were losing the ‘Space Race’ since the USSR had become the first nation to put a man in space. John F. Kennedy was determined to not allow the Soviets to go down in history as the pioneers of space exploration, he was determined to...
1 Page 541 Words

Using Aspirin to Treat Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary artery disease is one of the most normal but dangerous disease in the world. It spreads widely because the huge morbidity. Coronary artery disease is always happen in people who are smoking, drinking too many alcohol, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, overweight, high stress in their life, and, family history. For the family history, if your parent, grandpa, grandma or even your ancestors have coronary artery disease, you may also have coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease will make...
1 Page 544 Words

Reflections on Whether Hard Work Always Equals Success

Over the pass of time, many people were whining about their work and benefit. They said they could work 8 hours long but they could never really succeed remaining stuck in the same position during years or maybe during a lifetime. Well, I will argue that the key to success does not only depends on hard work but on luck, constance, perseverance and contacts. To start with, luck is a very important point to one’s success however one thing doesn’t...
1 Page 533 Words

Capture of Julian Assange

Originator of WikiLeaks Julian Assange imprisoned in London. Julian was taken into detective custody for neglecting to surrender to safeguard and on a U.S. removal warrant. The U.K. Home Office stated: “he is blamed in the US for PC related offenses”. Detective captured Assange after the South American country chose to disavow the political shelter that had given him haven for very nearly seven years. Ecuador's leader Lenin said he made the move because of ''rehashed infringement to worldwide traditions...
1 Page 553 Words

The Tragedy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and Its Impact on Workplace Safety Legislation

The industrialization era brought many types of technology that made farmer’s lives much easier but in the progressive era we try to help workers from factories and children from mines make their lives safer, by giving children an opportunity to go to school and my adding safe fire exits for workers. The horrific tragedy occured on March 25th, 1911. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory the fire broke out on the top floors. It was burning and the fire spread quickly, the...
1 Page 545 Words

Discussion of Matisse's 'Le Bonheur de Vivre' and Picasso's 'Les Demoiselles d’Avignon', Inspired by Paul Cezanne's 'The Large Bathers'

In the history of art, we can always see that the artists get inspiration from the artwork by other artists to re-create their artworks. It shows that different people got different perspective when looking at the same thing and artist would like to express their perspective by creation of artwork. In this essay, we are going to discuss two artwork 'Bonheur de Vivre (Joy of Life)' by Matisse and 'Les Demoiselles d’Avignon' by Picasso are inspired by 'The Large Bathers'...
1 Page 562 Words

Working Capital Challenges of BBC Pvt. Ltd.

Under the case, BBC, a Chemical manufacturing organization built up in 2004 with its registered office situated in Bangalore, managed by Agarwal and Mukesh. They had an open door present to create contracts with Indian Railways, which would empower it to extend its range to different enterprises accessible in the Indian market. Notwithstanding, it was assessed that they were successful in picking up the agreement with IR. BBC would need to perform an explicit change in its business procedures, for...
1 Page 543 Words

Google's Path to Success

Google is a well-known company founded in Stanford University by Larry Page and Sergey Brin on September 4th, 1997. They created an online search system that became an international essential for researching. Google is known for its reputation as the worlds largest search engine, a quick and simple cost-free service that appears within seconds. No matter what language you speak Google can recognizes it. Google also shows you different maps around the world, breaking news from across the globe, to...
1 Page 571 Words

Comparative Analysis of Education in the Universities of the USA and Kazakhstan

Ivy League colleges are considering the most respected of all universities in the United States. These universities stand mainly placed in the Northeastern share of the country. Eight schools are considering the Ivy League. These colleges are Brown, Harvard, Cornell, Princeton, Dartmouth, Yale and Columbia universities the University of Pennsylvania. Of all higher education institutions, these elite schools are considering the greatest outstanding and popular in terms of admission and graduation. However, to date this League comprises eight universities that...
1 Page 541 Words

Key Motives of Amy Tan's Novels

In Tan's novels, her Chinese and Western culture and the ultimate attempt at balancing the two is the foundation in which her stories lie upon: the trivial matters such as the manner in which one sits at a table, of the way one speaks and behaves, as well as the rough yet cherished moments of life. These details are perfectly described due to Tan’s expert use of verisimilitude and are showcased in each and every one of her characters. A...
1 Page 546 Words

Reflections on Dorothea Lange's 'Migrant Mother' Photograph

In this photo I see a poor woman holding and feeding her baby. They seem to be most probably refugees which need help. Moreover, they seem to a certain degree as if they have lost their hopes. The mother in this photo looks young. She might even be a teenager still which makes her life even harder. She needs to face the obstacles of life at a very early age. One of the strongest effects that this image has on...
1 Page 547 Words

Benefits of Raising the Minimum Wage

As per Article 1 Section 1 of the US Constitution, Congress is the legislative body of the government; they are the only ones to make laws in the US. Further Congress has been divided into two sections Senators from each state and house of representatives which has delegates from each state depends on the state population. It will be a violation of the constitution if any other government institution or entity make law in the US. Raising the minimum wage...
1 Page 548 Words

Romanticism and Its Impact on How We See and Perceive the World

Romanticism was the largest artistic movement of the late 1700s. Romanticism came around because of political, social, and economic changes. Some important features of romanticism are emphasis on imagination, a capacity for wonder, and the importance of self expression and feeling. This style of writing was a way for artists and writers to express themselves in a different way. Some examples of authors of this time period are William Blake, Walter Scott, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Percy Shelley. Romantic paintings...
1 Page 541 Words

Reasons Why I Would Like to Witness the Harlem Renaissance

Growing up, I have learned about how slavery has been a very important, but horrible tragedy that happens within African American society. I have seen teachers focus on the oppression of African American rather than the pride of the African American culture. In every history book that I have read, they each given vague information about African American culture. The era known as the Harlem Renaissance has sometimes been underappreciated. However, I have grown to love this stage in history...
1 Page 572 Words

Stoicism and Epicureanism as the Foundation of Modern University Education

Today, many people think that the way of study in the universities is quite different now from the idea that uses in, for example, epicurean or stoics schools. I believe that the background of today's education was laid definitely at the time of Ancient Greece. Epicurus divides philosophy into three interconnected parts — canonic (theory of knowledge), physic (theory of nature), and ethic, while ethics is of paramount importance for the Epicurus. That is why we can say that epicureanism...
1 Page 542 Words
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