650 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Features Of Human Genome Editing

In current research, genome editing has become an essential and a very powerful tool that holds the capacity to tackle extreme biological problems by purposeful alteration of a specific DNA segment in a cell. In late 2018, Jiankui He (JK), a Chinese researcher revealed his experiments to confer resistance against HIV by conducting germline genome editing on human embryos. JK intended to edit CCR5 gene that encodes for a receptor present on WBCs (White Blood Cells) that is essential for...
1 Page 632 Words

Laughter: A Shared Signal Of Joy Motivated By Social Bonding

For human, laughter is found to be produced predominantly during social interactions (Provine, 1993). People were over 30 times as likely to laugh in social situations such as vocal communication and group activities than in solitary situations (Provine, 1997). In fact, laughter is so predominantly social that it almost disappears when people are in solitary (Provine & Fischer, 1989). Human produce laughter to promote social bonding as well as gain mating advantages (Provine, 2016). Those who laugh together communicate more...
2 Pages 662 Words

Why Everyone Should Learn A Second Language

Language deeply influences oneā€™s life since it is us humans way of communication. People all around the world uses languages as a main source of communication with one another. Considering there are approximately 6500 languages exist on earth, it is essential to know at least two languages in oneā€™s lifetime to communicate amongst individuals from different nations. People that are bilingual or multilingual show a better understanding of difficult circumstances, find useful solutions, and are prone to make well thought...
1 Page 640 Words

The Progress Of Multi-enzyme Biological Feed

Multi-enzyme feed is a type of biological feed. This kind of feed is rich in a variety of feed enzymes, which can eliminate the anti-nutritional components in feed ingredients to a certain extent or play a supplementary role in animal endogenous enzymes. Therefore, it is beneficial to improve the quality of the existing feed and increase the utilization rate of the feed. Based on the relevant data at home and abroad, we reviewed the types and functions of common feed...
1 Page 665 Words

Human Personal Experience In All The Light We Cannot See And The Alchemist

Composers incorporate the human experience within their texts to allow the reader to question, confront and think deeply about their pre-conceived ideas. This positions the reader to produce a broader perspective on the nature of humanity, whilst also allowing them to respond to the text in a certain way. Both texts ā€˜All The Light We Cannot Seeā€™ by Anthony Doerr and related text ā€˜The Alchemistā€™ by Paulo Coelho utilise a collective and individual experience during a heightened period in their...
1 Page 628 Words

The Teachings Of The Catholic Church

Capital Punishment, also known as the ā€˜Death Penaltyā€™, is a government-based exercise in which a person is killed as a punishment for a specific crime. Many countries, including First World Nations, have Capital Punishment already established or in practice today. Capital Punishment dates back to the 18th century when the first laws for execution were in place, when a man by the name of King Hammurabi was killed for the commitment of 25 different crimes, although murder was not one...
1 Page 653 Words

Why Is Our World Is Dominated By Unrealistic Bodies

Bodies through society have been used in art like the Venus of Willendorf and others but they all share a common factor that they are all unrealistic which is why my thesis question is The range of bodies they have created is breathtaking, but yet they share one thing in common... none of these images resembles a real human being. The Venus of Willendorf was found in 1908 by archaeologist Josef Szombathy at a paleolithic site near Willendorf. Willendorf is...
1 Page 643 Words

Marriage And Wedding In Catholicism And Hinduism

Weddings are a celebration of love and commitment, and can be celebrated uniquely in different religions. The culture of Catholics and Hindus are significantly different causing their rituals and ceremonies to differ as well. Marriage is a way for two people to come together and make the divine present in their faiths. These religions face similar and different elements throughout the sacrament of Marriage including time, place, participants, leader, pattern, community, symbols and transforming power. These 8 elements enhance the...
1 Page 649 Words

Barramundi Fishing And Its Effects

This report will inform you about the production of fish (Barramundi). There is a large population of barramundi farms in Queensland and it is a fast growing industry throughout the country. Barramundi are found in an aquatic biome and can thrive in their biome when untouched. Habitat loss and degradation are both threats to this species. Barramundi are usually found in freshwater biomes. An aquatic biome can be classified as freshwater or saltwater, this is usually determined by how much...
1 Page 669 Words

Women Roles Change In WWI

At the outbreak of WWI, women were expected to take the role of managing the home and raising their children. This meant it was uncommon for many women to have jobs, aside from domestic serving roles. The number of women working outside the home slightly increased during the war. Lamentably, this was largely in previously established female occupations like food, clothing and printing industry jobs. The installation of conscription in 1916 made the demand for women workers urgent, as the...
1 Page 646 Words

Curley's Wife Strengths and Weakness

The novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck was written in 1937 during the Great Depression. it examines themes such as isolation, friendship and strength and weakness, however, the most dominant theme is strength and weakness. Steinbeck explores this concept through his characters and how they influenced by the effects of strength and weakness. Throughout the novel, while strength and weakness of the theme were explored, common things such as racism and sexism were shown throughout the whole novel,...
1 Page 665 Words

How Resilience Can Be Applied To A Personal Experience

Personal experiences are essentially what we feel and are aware of from moment to moment, often the outstanding events that resonate with us, we consider more of an experience. Instead of pinpointing a specific event in my life where I couldā€™ve applied resilience, Iā€™d like to approach a more relatable and reoccurring personal experience of / sudden declines in self-confidence due to the deterioration of a positive body-image and self-esteem. Self-confidence is an internal state that decides self-belief and ability....
1 Page 643 Words

The Old Testament Stories Have No Significance In Life

It is definitely absurd to think that The Old Testament stories have no significance in modern life. The Old Testament stories can teach us to learn from the mistakes which people have made in the past and can also teach us the right things to do in life. Old Testament stories have significance in modern life because they can teach us the respectful way to use our talents, they can teach us to forgive people and to work your hardest...
1 Page 664 Words

The Idea Of Greed And Generosity In The Merchant Of Venice

THE play, Merchant of Venice, written by William Shakespeare consists of strong themes such as greed and generosity. This idea of greed and generosity can be carried into thoughts of todays society, relating to the thoughts of Christmas for children. With Shylock being such a key character in the portrayal of the themes of greed there are obviously multiple occasions of his selfishness. Another example of this greediness is after his daughter, Jessica, stole some of his jewels and riches...
1 Page 642 Words

Gene Therapy And Catholic Social Teachings

Gene Therapy Imagine if people living with life threatening diseases had the chance to have a second chance at life, with gene therapy that could be possible. Gene therapy is an experimental form of treatment that works by replacing a disease causing gene with a new working gene, or by introducing a new gene to cure a condition or make its effects less severe ('Gene therapy', 2019) The technique was developed in 1972 but has had limited success in treating...
1 Page 633 Words

The Challenges Of Growing Up

How to grow up. The large bolded title on the top of the page was all Lily could come up with. She sat at her table, the light from the window draping her laptop in oranges and yellows as the sun began to set. Why had she agreed to this? It had seemed simple at the time, writing about her own experiences, about the lack of help she had had when she was growing up herself. But she absolutely detested...
1 Page 637 Words

Pope John Paul: Biography, Work And Features

Pope John Paul (then Karol JĆ³zef Wojtyla) was born on the 18th of May, 1920, in Wadowice, Poland. He was ordained a priest in 1946, became a bishop in 1958, an archbishop in 1964, cardinal in 1967 and in 1978 became the head of the Catholic church; pope. He was the first non-Italian pope in over 400 years. He retained this position until 2005 when he died. In 2014 that he was declared a saint. St Pope John Paul did...
1 Page 630 Words

The Significance Of Baptism In Christianity

Beliefs and Traditions are inherited habits through specific Religions that are practised daily by their followers. A similarity between all Religions is that each have certain beliefs and traditions. Specific beliefs and traditions are passed down through generations. Through practicing traditions from a Christian perspective, Christians are able to focus on the figure of Jesus Christ and that their Religion is more than a system of religious beliefs. This research report will analyse how beliefs and traditions are lived expressions...
1 Page 643 Words

The Crucible: The Perfect Representation Of Hypocrisy In Society

You enter the lecture room, and the lecturer states the strict rule about no phones. You swiftly switch on the silent button and slip your phone into your pocket. Soon, youā€™re listening to the voice of your lecturer, writing notes for your midterm test when suddenly a phone rings, making you flinch. Next minute, you realise the lecturer has picked up his own phone and is talking to his friend about what time he will be arriving at his dinner...
1 Page 663 Words

Outdoor Recreation And Tourism

Abstract Websites like those for outdoor recreation and tourism address dynamic design problems and mobile connectivity concerns that need to be investigated. Re-searchers developed a mobile device prototype to obtain a deeper understanding of userā€™s preferences and desires for a mobile device for outdoor recreation. Introduction Mobile device and apps usage have continued to grow, and the number of adults owning smartphones has risen from 35% to 56% in just two years. The most common outdoor activities were biking, cycling,...
1 Page 656 Words

Life Changing Health Benefits Of CBD For Seniors

Introduction What is CBD? Where is it found? Is it safe? CBD is short for Cannabidiol. This is a compound found in marijuana. It is the non psychoactive part of marijuana and does not have any effect on the consciousness levels of the user unlike its counterpart found in marijuana which is THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. In relatively monitored doses, CBD is said to be safe and most of its health benefits are for Seniors. THC is responsible for the ā€œgetting...
1 Page 644 Words

Projects Failure: Reasons And Preventions

Whenever a project is started, it may either succeed or fail. Successful projects are those that are completed within the project timelines, with the forecasted budgets, and are likely to satisfy the clients. Failed projects are those that are late, are expensive than expected, and are unsatisfactory (Kerzner, 2013). An example of a failed project I know entailed the construction of a water supply project for the worldā€™s poorest-in Africa. Various factors led to the failure of the project. The...
1 Page 627 Words

Using Bacteria To Our Advantage

What are the various ways we use microbes in our daily lives and how we use them to our advantage? Well for starters in the food industry specifically in food production nature uses microorganisms to carry out fermentation processes, and for thousand of years mankind has used yeasts, molds and bacteria to make food products such as bread, beer, wine, vinegar, yogurt and cheese, as well as fermented fish, meat and vegetables. Fermentation is one of the oldest transformation and...
1 Page 636 Words

Enhancing Language Learning By Using Gamified Elements

The significance of gamification can be better understood if we realize that the human brain have a natural tendency to stay away from those situations where it feels threatened or bored. Unfortunately, language classes can sometimes be boring for learners, especially for young learners. This is why when children, and even adults, are sitting in a classroom and watching a teacher who is giving a lecture and asking them to copy from the board, they easily lose their concentration and...
1 Page 655 Words

Why Do Athletes Get Paid More Than Doctors

We are living in a world today where being a doctor is no longer one of the most appreciated fields in the world. Today athletes, basketball players, football players and baseball players are given more appreciation than doctors. As a matter of fact, they even earn more than doctors. If you want to make a lot of money, you can be a doctor and if you want to make even more money than a doctor, become an athlete. These days...
1 Page 659 Words

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Labour Unions

Labours with the same or similar collective interests are united and workers' rights are also protected by the labour union. Labour unions are formed globally, covering some countries around the world, such as China, Chile and Belgium. The National Education Association (NEA) is the largest labour union in the United States, with 3 million members. The benefits and drawbacks of the labour union emergence have been already assessed by experts for several years. It attracted social attention and became a...
1 Page 649 Words

The Extraction Of Fruit DNA

It was hypothesised that if the fruit was mixed with dishwashing liquid, salt, water and ethanol, then DNA would be extracted. This was supported. The aim, of the experiment was to extract DNA from fruit and look at it under the microscope. This was achieved based on the results of the experiment. Adequate amounts of DNA were extracted from the grapes. The dishwashing liquid was used in the DNA extracting solution as it bursts open the cells of the fruit,...
1 Page 631 Words

Vocal Based Parkinsonā€™s Disease Detection

Abstract This paper explores the classification of audio signals feature dataset to diagnosis Parkinsonā€™s disease (PD), mainly it effects the central nervous system, Parkinsonā€™s disease patient typically have a low-volume noise with a monotone quality. Firstly, James Parkinson described Parkinsonā€™s disease as a neurological syndrome. In this research, we build a program to find a better classifier for the corresponding dataset. We use the audio feature dataset from the UCI dataset repository, and the dataset contains UDPR Score to predict....
1 Page 665 Words

Ignorance And Betrayal Of Blacks By Other Blacks

Though there are several passages that discuss-in many forms-the effects of black ignorance as a betrayal of blacks by other blacks (through dis-unity and actions based on circumstance) in David Walkerā€™s ā€œAppeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World.ā€ Walkerā€™s first example of betrayal of blacks by other blacks is through the ignorance of the strength of unity. Walker uses two examples to portray how unity (or dis-unity) affects the success of breaking free from oppression in America. The first...
1 Page 654 Words

Should Everyone Learn And Speak One Global Language?

Taking precedence over one global language seems a good strategy from various aspects. Unifying languages in the world enable people to communicate with around the world, avoids miscommunication. However, I disagree with this idea. Ignoring local language limits knowledge expansion and cognitive ability improvements in education. Local language plays an important role to build oneā€™s identity, skills and cultural background. Being multilingual provides brain functionalities, advanced job opportunities in this variable economic life. Ignoring oneā€™s mother tongue loses the chance...
1 Page 670 Words
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