650 Word Essay Examples

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Why I Want to Be a Marine Biologist Essay

Introduction Ever since I was a child, the ocean has been a source of wonder and inspiration for me. Whether it was exploring the vibrant tide pools during family beach vacations or being mesmerized by documentaries about the deep sea, my fascination with marine life has been a constant companion. This childhood curiosity blossomed into a dedicated passion, guiding my academic and career aspirations towards marine biology. My desire to become a marine biologist is rooted not only in this...
1 Page 637 Words

Why I Want to Be a Barber Essay

Introduction I've always been captivated by the craft of barbering because of the way a well-cut haircut can change a person, as well as the deft artistry required. With every trip to the barbershop, I saw more and more detail-oriented barbers and their ability to customise styles to fit the preferences of their clients, which piqued my curiosity. The primary reason I want to be a barber is because the industry offers a special blend of personal connection and creative...
1 Page 669 Words

September 11 Turning Point Essay

Nobody knows how different the world would be today if, on September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center didn’t fall, or was even attacked at all. The World Trade Center in New York City was built in 1973. Both buildings had 110 stories and were home to about 50,000 workers and 200,000 daily visitors. It was the heart of the busy financial district, was a popular tourist interest, and also a symbol of the U.S.’s commitment to progress for the...
1 Page 658 Words

Why Is College Important to Me: Essay

Why do we go to college? Why school in general For all my school years I haven't enjoyed school I've wondered why is it that I must do 12 years of something I don’t want to do just to learn about stuff I'm not going to do. I've never been interested in college or school in general until I got older and got into game design, I started to want to figure out more and more about game design, and...
1 Page 633 Words

Why Is a College Education Important to You: Essay

Who I am now My name is Ubah Hassan, I’m 18 years old, and I recently graduated from high school. I am the eldest and first person to go to college in my family. Honestly, a couple of reasons why I decided to go to Metro State was that it looked like a good - academically and visually- university. Metro is a pretty small school compared to the U of M and such. Also, Metro is very close- location-wise- and...
1 Page 666 Words

Reflective Essay on the Schooling of Children

Albert Einstein said, “Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its capability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” A quote that resonates with most of us, yet here we all are, regardless of our strengths and differences presenting a speech with a preselected topic all using the exact same marking rubric. Every scientist will state that no two brains are the same and every teacher, parent, and Tumblr...
1 Page 637 Words

Reflective Essay about Cultural Identity

By taking a sociology course, I have grown psychologically and socially. During my learning schedule, I enjoyed and admired the fact that sociology is not much about unlearning but learning new things about different societies. In a civilized country such as America, it is easy to become blinded and consumed by the “idealistic lifestyle” that people are currently living without caring about how the changes are affecting society. Throughout this week’s learning, I can explore my thinking and take into...
1 Page 628 Words

Why I Want to Be a Nurse at Hospital: Essay

I am interested in the bachelor's degree program. I intend to pursue a career in nursing which offers exciting explorations fascinating new discoveries, inspiring goals absorbing new challenges. I believe Nursing would be a good fit for me because the idea of supporting and caring for the sick in society gives me joy. I am from Nigeria in West Africa and relocated to England to start a new life. Back then I had a third cousin who was suffering mentally...
1 Page 659 Words

Short Essay on Resilience

Psychology has always struck interest in me and throughout the nursing in society unit developing my knowledge further on this topic has opened my eyes to psychology in nurses and healthcare. Nursing is a difficult job physically and emotionally and it is important to be resilient and have emotional intelligence, especially through the current pandemic of COVID 19. At the beginning of my university journey, I had an idea of what resilience was but over the last few months, I...
1 Page 642 Words

Personal Values and Beliefs in Nursing Profession Essay

Health can be viewed as the freedom from mental and physical illness which identifies the importance of good health in complementing a good life (Evans, 2017). My personal lifestyle is physically healthy as I do not smoke or drink alcohol however, I do struggle to eat healthily in terms of not maintaining a nutritious diet. Due to Covid, I have spent the majority of my time at home which has hindered my physical wellbeing although I do enjoy hikes and...
1 Page 655 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Nancy Drew Mysteries

It was Nancy Drew who first made me fall in love with mysteries. She tackled each case with such ingenuity, determination, and self-assurance that I could not help but admire her bravery and independence. The thrill of the search, the rising tension of the confrontation, and the swift justice moved me in a way I could not explain. I went on to discover the world of medical mysteries in an unlikely place. Sandwiched between a phone bill and a Costco...
1 Page 647 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Moving to This Country

The summer before I entered the fifth grade, when I was around ten years old, my family packed up everything and moved across the country from Washington to Maryland. I grew up in a small town with my best friends simply down the street, and my extended family only a few towns over. My life was normal, I hadn’t gone through any life-changing experiences and I grew accustomed to the predictable lifestyle I had. When my dad received a phone...
1 Page 634 Words

My Personal Values and Beliefs Essay

Philosophy comes from two Greek words, Philo, which suggests the means 'love,' and sophy, which implies 'wisdom.' Therefore, philosophy means 'love of wisdom' (Mark, 2016). Every individual features a different outlook on life, values, learning, and past experiences that reinforce their beliefs and enlighten them. Some argue that beliefs don't directly influence teaching. I strongly disagree. I believe that one's beliefs and values influence the way we live, work, and interact with others. I believe our teaching and learning methods...
1 Page 633 Words

Essay on Theme of Family in 'Things Fall Apart'

In the story “Things Fall Apart”, Chinua Achebe gives information on how their Nigerian culture (Igbo religion) believed in father-son inheritance, farming, traditions, and belief in evil spirits. For someone to believe in something different was like a crime to them. To be Christian was something that Okonkwo didn’t want for his children. It went against his and his family's beliefs. It was also his aggressiveness that was his ultimate downfall, but it stems from the white missionaries who arrive...
1 Page 634 Words

Essay on Proverbs in 'Things Fall Apart'

A proverb is an originally popular phrase, which has been repeated among people in a society to express a moral thought, advice, or lesson. In Achbe's novel, there are numerous proverbs that reveal the cultural values of the Igbo people, proverbs that represent ideas, or others that provide the point of view on a particular subject. The figure of the elders in Things Fall Apart is of great importance, as they represent knowledge, respect, tradition, and mysticism. In traditional African...
1 Page 651 Words

Conflict in 'Macbeth' Essay

'Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.' This soliloquy by Macbeth displays a conflict of ideas and his desire for ambition against all things right. He is asking not to be judged for his wrongdoings. His actions, brought about by prophecies lead to death and have a domino effect throughout families and the kingdom. With Macbeth in a state of flux, the conflicts he encounters are not only physical and emotional but also metaphorical....
1 Page 666 Words

Cause and Effect Essay on the Benefits of Smoking Marijuana

Cancer is a type of illness that should be taken seriously. It is a genetic disease that is caused when cells are out of control, divide, and spread into surrounding tissues. According to the study by Joy and Mack (2000), 30% of all Americans will most likely have cancer in their existence. Many of the patients with cancer will live for years and two-thirds of them will not make it. Because of that, researchers not only aims to prevent and...
1 Page 649 Words

Just Mercy' Analysis Essay

Oscar Wilde's claim is a valuable human trait since most changes in world history are caused by disobedience or rebellion which it does promotes social progress. Disobedience nowadays is justified by changes such as the civil rights movement or the black lives matter movement in which people of color fight for their rights which in other people's minds can be seen as disobedience acknowledging the facts that people don't put up with racial standards and request change. In Brayan Stevenson's...
1 Page 644 Words

Middle School Memories of My First Track Meet: Personal Narrative Essay

With my sapped body completely drained at 6:30 a.m., a sudden thought comes to mind: 'Why am I doing this?'. There was a glare from the rising sun entering my bedroom. The room itself was musty, and it was almost as if the humidity in the air from that morning could suffocate me. I am hit with inertia as I start to open my eyes in my snug warm bed. Beads of sweat were dripping down my forehead. It was...
1 Page 662 Words

Why I Love Video Games: Essay

One evening, on a regular Friday afternoon, my older brother came home with a brand-new Xbox 360. He brought out a headset and controller and asked me if I wanted to play. It may seem insignificant, but this singular moment changed the rest of my life. I cannot think of a day in the past 6 years when I have not gotten on my computer or Xbox to play video games with my friends. From skillfully mastering mechanics to defeat...
1 Page 636 Words

Junk Food and Healthy Food: Persuasive Essay

Junk food can't be that bad for you can it? Is junk food something people should eat every day? Why is it cheaper than healthy foods? What can we do to fix this? Our universe is so used to the idea of being able to fall back onto comfort food or saying “I can’t be bothered to cook a healthy meal tonight”. Convenience, price, and 'tastes good' ingredients are the fundamental cause of the continuous consumption of junk food. I...
1 Page 629 Words

Gold, God, and Glory as Key Reasons for European Exploration: Essay

When Columbus sailed the ocean blue in fourteen-hundred and ninety-two, the world as we know it changed forever. Kings and queens, as well as their subjects, were now introduced to the New World. Filled with new resources that Europe had lost, filled with new and different species of plants, and animals like turkeys and buffalo. They had a readily accessible guide and labor source in the natives who befriended them. Despite the legacy of the conquistadors and the decimation of...
1 Page 627 Words

Why I Want to Dance Essay

Currently, I spend around 12 hours a week at my dance studio, which seems excessive, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The time I spend here is filled with moments I cherish and will stay with me forever. Moments I get to do something I love with some of the most important people in my life. These are the people I know I’m going to miss tremendously next year, so every class with them counts. Looking back on...
1 Page 658 Words

Population Growth in China and Its Negative Effects Essay

Population growth is defined as the increase of numbers in a population, whether it be in a country, state, or city. The way that population growth is calculated is with a simple equation; this is the birth rate added to immigration subtracting the death rate and emigration. Population growth affects the government and economy both positively and negatively. It affects them negatively because as more people are joining the workforce, the demands for pensions increase, and affects them positively because...
1 Page 639 Words

Where and How Do I See Myself in 5 Years: Essay

In five years, I see myself in one of the schools in my town as the worst teacher anyone could ever imagine. One that the students will never forget because of the impact I have had on their lives. A rare teacher that any student would ask for another year, perhaps a decade of being their mentor. A teacher that every student would ask for, that's what I wanted to become in five years. Many people would think of my...
1 Page 651 Words

Essay about Max Weber's Theory of Bureaucracy

A society is composed of people who live interactively in the same territory and share a similar culture. In most cases, individuals in a society share a common culture and have a common origin. The type of society determines the social practices practiced in society, that is, different communities exhibit different ways of survival. For example, different communities have different economic, religious, and political systems. Over the past years, societies have evolved from primitive forms of life to advanced lifestyles....
2 Pages 650 Words

Inductive Essay on Parents Role in Education

“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents”- Jane D. Hull Parents have always played a great role in the lives of their children. They are always present for support and guidance. That is why it is very important for them to get involved in their children's education process. Parent engagement can directly affect the child's behavior, attitude, and academic outcome. Gina and Ronal (2014), described the parents...
1 Page 647 Words

Inductive Essay on the Role of Midwife

The following assignment will examine the role of the midwife within antenatal care. Firstly, looking at the changes that may affect pregnancy which could then impact on the midwives role, for example, conditions such as breech or gestational diabetes. To then continue to discuss the process of risk assessment and the importance of protecting pregnant women. Next, the impact of the midwife meeting the needs of the pregnant woman and her family: physically, socially and psychologically will be discussed. Moving...
1 Page 673 Words

Why Did You Choose Criminology as Your Course: Essay

Criminology has always appealed to me, due to its complex nature. Crime has been projected and hyperbolized in the media, where it often incites fear and excludes criminals from our society as it often doesn't promote rehabilitation. Consequently, instead of focusing on many rehabilitation methods, the system rushes to punishment. This has shown to be an ineffective method for the majority as statistics reveal that 60% of people are more likely to re-offend. Therefore, this proves we need to put...
1 Page 669 Words

What Factors Are Important in Achieving Happiness: Essay

Budda once said, “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared”. Happiness is a special feeling of joy and gratitude when positive things occur in life. Indicating that happiness can come in different ways for many people, however, that long-lasting emotion is more important because it’s indicated that you are contributing to something much greater than yourself. That contribution is valuable because...
1 Page 667 Words
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