Internet Can Be Used under Parental Supervision Essay

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Parental control as cited in the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary is 'the software feature that enables parents and other adults to control children's access to material that is not suitable for them. In other words, it's the parent's way of limiting the websites, searches, etc. to filter all the inappropriate things for them out of their reach and also lessen the chance of them popping up. The internet is called the information superhighway and the information can be very helpful to children given easier access to information and knowledge. But that can also negatively affect them with problems such as physical health issues, obstruction in cognitive development, depression, isolation, and social maladaptation.

A developing number of studies demonstrate that giving youngsters access to home PCs and the web doesn't improve scholastic accomplishment. A few, in light of randomized control preliminaries in Peru and the US, discover invalid impacts. Others, in light of semi-exploratory techniques in Romania and the US, even discover negative impacts. Given that PCs speak to such a flexible innovation, the potential dangers and advantages of PC use are probably going to rely upon parental inclusion. Malamud and Pop-Eleches (2011) found that parental standards for schoolwork and PC utilization lessened the negative impacts of PC possession, proposing that parental checking and supervision might be a significant interceding factor. In an ongoing report, we analyze two factors that may influence guardians' capacity to screen their youngsters' web use. In the first place, guardians may need data about their youngsters' web use. Youngsters are frequently snappier to adjust to innovations and guardians along these lines experience difficulties in seeing how kids use innovation. Second, even with flawless data, guardians will most likely be unable to impact their youngsters' activities through aberrant exchanges and dangers. In these cases, guardians may want the probability of controlling their kids' activities legitimately. We planned and executed a lot of randomized intercessions to test the effect of sending guardians week after week SMS messages containing explicit data about their youngsters' ongoing web use as well as support and help with introducing parental control programming. Giving guardians data about their youngsters' web use should help ease instructive contacts. Urging guardians to introduce parental control programming can assist guardians with bypassing the need to boost their kids or authorize rules identified with PC use, accepting that guardians can introduce and work such as parental control programming.

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In the Philippines, watching television is very common; children after school would often watch television to watch their favorite cartoons and movies. And now that technology has advanced, it has given children more opportunities to explore other media, or the internet through television and other gadgets. Children are now being exposed to media at a young age. Media consumption can either have a positive or negative outcome. Children learn a lot from the internet, and because of curiosity they often search for more media content and because of this, it can affect their overall well-being. This could affect them especially when they are outside or in class. It can affect their thinking and perspective on things.

There have been studies around the world that center on parental guidance or parental control. The lack of parental control of children is responsible for children being violent and aggressive in schools. As such, not many of the community knows this and most of them disregard this fact. The Internet is a way of communication that students can able to use for research, school reports, and talking to different people as an interaction setting for themselves. But online access also comes with risks, like unpleasant content and activities that might affect our children's behavior. Using apps and websites that are not appropriate where students interact, predators may pose as child or teen-looking. Parents should be aware of what their kids see and hear on the internet, who they meet, and what they share about themselves. One way is talking with your kids as a parent, using tools to protect them, and keeping an eye on their activities.

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Internet Can Be Used under Parental Supervision Essay. (2024, February 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 14, 2025, from
“Internet Can Be Used under Parental Supervision Essay.” Edubirdie, 28 Feb. 2024,
Internet Can Be Used under Parental Supervision Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 14 Jan. 2025].
Internet Can Be Used under Parental Supervision Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Feb 28 [cited 2025 Jan 14]. Available from:

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