700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Medea's Conflict With Patriarchy

Set in Ancient Greece, Euripides’ harrowing play Medea explores the conflict between Medea and the patriarchy amidst the breakdown of marriage. Medea can be viewed as a victim of Jason and the patriarchy due to the injustice she faces as both a woman and an outsider. However, it is Medea who proves that she is much more than a ‘betrayed wife’ and shows that despite the injustice she faces, she is a capable and strong character. Furthermore, Medea’s heinous and...
2 Pages 704 Words

Iago’s Selfish Desires In Shakespeare’s Othello

Many characters in the play Othello, reveal many different characteristics and qualities. Of these characters is Iago. Due to his jealousy, he is vengeful as he lays out selfish desires which lead to tragedy. He also betrays his friends and lies to them. The end of the play is tragic due to the lack of his good morals and standards. The overall goal and desires in the play caused turmoil.The cause of the deaths at the end of the story...
2 Pages 706 Words

Exposing The Dark Side Of All American Food In Fast Food Nation

Have you ever wondered how the meats in the meatpacking industry really are? How the animals are really being treated? What it’s like to work long draining hours slaughtering animals to feed the American society? Next time you decide to eat that Big Mac think of what’s really going into your body. Eric Schlosser wrote “Fast Food Nation” to expose the dishonesty of the fast-food industry, the history behind the meatpacking industry and additionally uncovered the working conditions and reveals...
2 Pages 725 Words

Fish Cheeks Story

Cultural differences and social status should not be used as a way to separate people. In many instances, individuals especially from low social status perceive those from higher social status as being superior. In addition, some people tend to view other cultural practices as more decent than theirs. These perceptions are some of the root causes of low confidence and esteem issues manifested in people who suffer from inferiority complex. In her short story, “Fish Cheeks”, Army Tan has successfully...
2 Pages 684 Words

Beatrice As A Feminist Character In The Play Much Ado About Nothing

Beatrice is one of the main characters in the play “Much Ado About Nothing” by Shakespeare. She is a strong, rebellious character who shows both independence and vulnerability which makes her more realistic and relatable. She is a complicated character who develops as a person throughout the play. Beatrice stands out from the rest of the characters due to her charisma and expressive personality, and because she is almost the opposite to the rest of the females in the play....
2 Pages 705 Words

The Peculiarities Of Japanese Pet Culture

What would you be interested in doing if you visited Japan? I would like to learn about Japanese pet culture, what animals are commonly kept as pets and how differently they are cared for compared to Australia. Australian pet culture is somewhat similar to Japanese pet culture, some pets are common in Australia and some are uncommon. I would like to visit pet stores and see all of the pets Japan has to offer. I would also like to see...
2 Pages 715 Words

Cinderella As A Perfect Example Of Fairy Tale

Some fairy tale story can affect people physically and emotionally, but once in a while a story can call a person to escape it. The Cinderella is an misogynist story with toughness use of setting and scandalous characters that engages readers and can move them to treat women fairly. Perrault was born in Paris to a wealthy bourgeois family, the seventh child of Pierre Perrault and Paquette Le Clere. He attended very good schools and studied law before embarking on...
2 Pages 706 Words

Documentary Developing And Its Implication In Social Work

“A documentary is a large term to depict a non-fiction movie that in some way 'documents' or captures reality.” Documentary practice is the process of preparing documentary projects. It relates to what people do with media devices, content, form, and production techniques so as to deal with the efficient, ethical, and conceptual difficulties and preferences that occur as they make documentary films or other similar presentations supporting fact or reality. institutes offer classes and programs in documentary practice. Documentary and...
1 Page 682 Words

Nervous System: Components, Diseases And Treatment

Our Nervous System Our nervous system is our body’s electrical wiring. It consists of complex nerves and neurons which carry messages throughout the different parts of our body (Mandal MD, 2019). What are the Parts of Your Nervous System? Our nervous system consists of two parts. One is the central nervous system, which includes our brain and spinal cord. The other is the peripheral nervous system which includes our nerves that are connected to our central nervous system, our sensory...
1 Page 703 Words

The Symbolism Of Sambo Dolls In Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison

Ralph Ellison’s novel titled Invisible Man is abundant in themes and symbols about the twentieth-century African American experience. It highlights the narrator’s downfall from his embrace of racism during his time in college to his dissatisfaction with the way he is being treated, but he comes to an understanding of his purpose as a so-called “invisible man.” Ellison’s novel describes the accounts of the narrator, who is an African American male, through his journey to his understanding of himself, alongside...
1 Page 685 Words

Management Of Employee Welfare And Discrimination

Wages and Hours Protection-The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): FLSA is a United States Federal law that was established in 1938. It ensures specialists by setting norms for the lowest pay permitted by law, additional time pay, recordkeeping, and youth work. This law covers full-time and low maintenance laborers in the private division and administrative, state, and nearby governments. The law may apply to you in light of the sort of organization or association for which you work, known as...
1 Page 710 Words

The Role And Significance Of Modern Museums

What is a Modern Museum? Museums are not all alike, as a comparison of traditional and modern museums shows. The differences have been discussed by a surprisingly wide range of people, including curators, museum theorists, heritage academics and art historians (Abdelfattah, Fisher & Fountain, 2017; Bennett, 1995; MacDonald & Alsford 1995; Mccarthy, 2013; Noordegraff, 2004; Schorch, 2010; Schorch, Mccarthy and Hakiwai, 2016; Weil, 2004; Witcomb, 2003). Traditionally, the role of the museum was as a space in which material treasures...
2 Pages 698 Words

Should Historic Urban Areas Destroyed In Armed Conflict Be Reconstructed?

Abstract This article provides a comprehensive overview of heritage conservation, the impact of destruction due to conflicts and the pros and cons of reconstruction of the area. The intent of the article was to understand the importance of historic sites and the conservation of the site, which creates the history of the urban core. But when the is specified with the tag line “Destroyed in armed conflict”, do we have to reconstruct the historic urban area or not! The selection...
1 Page 702 Words

Service Learning In Healthcare

Healthcare inspires me to push my boundaries with knowledge and cultural awareness. Stimulate knowledge to new innovative ideas and challenging me to want to improve my cultural understanding. Hamdard changed my perspective on how I perceive a standard healthcare facility along with services that it can provide. My service learning at Hamdard includes the rich history of Hamdard, my experience, and the relationship of terms in class. Hamdard of 1992, offers fellowship, support, healthcare, and a sense of community (Hamdard...
2 Pages 702 Words

Gene Therapy As The Evidence Of Human Evolution Theory

Our current theory of evolution in basic terms is that all living things come from a common ancestor and that natural selection caused the adaptions that created all the different species on our planet. This is a huge claim- that everything on Earth is somehow connected. But, what evidence is there to support it? Fossils are time capsules for biologists. They are extremely solid (almost rock solid, get it?) evidence of evolution. Fossils consist of parts of deceased organisms that...
2 Pages 705 Words

Conflict And Setting In The Novel A Thousand Splendid Suns

The role of women in Afghanistan is an unjust and unreasonable position in which they are continuously denied many freedoms and rights. The women in the story engage reader's interest and feelings; their personalities are almost real and existent. It is amazing that Hosseini, a man, could have so much insight into the feelings of women at particular situations. Housseini positively depicts the persona of Afghan women and their ability to endure gender inequality, denied education and Taliban rule. Khalid...
1 Page 691 Words

Communication And Critical Thinking Are Essential For Problem Solving

For any prosocial behavior to be effective and beneficial to others it is necessary to have communication, either to be influenced or to know the issue. After understanding a problem it is important to think critically in a non-biased way to effectively come up with a solution that will solve the issue. Prosocial behavior is a social behavior that intends on helping others through volunteering, sharing, or donating. Despite the fact that people should be helping others regardless, humans tend...
2 Pages 705 Words

Forensic Science: Purpose, Benefits And Issues

Forensic science is any sort of science utilized in the legitimate or equity framework to help and maintain the law. Forensic science is acquired from the Latin term forensis which means public discussion or debate. Forensic science is the implication of science, and the scientific method to the judicial system. At the point when wrongdoing has been submitted and proof is gathered at the scene, researchers break it down, show up at logical outcomes and give master court declarations about...
2 Pages 697 Words

Anxiety Effects On Teenagers

1 in 14 teenagers aged 13– 17 experience an anxiety disorder of some sort. That’s 278 000 young people! This means the rate of anxiety levels within teenagers has risen by 53% since 2004. Have you ever stressed over a test or worried about going out with friends? These are little factors that can relate to the issue of anxiety. Anxiety is a mental health disorder characterised by feelings of worry, anxiety or fear that are strong enough to interfere...
2 Pages 701 Words

The Effects Of Sleep On Teenage Brain

Rational The quality of sleep plays a vital role in well being and good health particularly in teenagers. This is because teenagers are going through a lot of physical and hormonal changes in their body, therefore getting a good night sleep is a vital aspect in their life. However multiple environmental factors can affect the hours of sleep a teenager gets every night. This subject is worth further research investigation because parents and teachers have blamed that sleep is affecting...
2 Pages 693 Words

Motivation: Mix Of Inside And Outside Effects

Motivation means someone’s needs, desires, or wants which play an essential role to satisfy psychological needs. Motivation is the reason behind people’s exercises, success, while emotion is a feeling or mood that can be derived from one’s achievement or failure in their work, etcetera. Motivation is a mix of inside and outside effects connected to our thoughts. Motivation can be divided into two different types: Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Internal motivation is the self-need to look out for new...
2 Pages 710 Words

Child Social, Physical And Cognitive Development On The Exact Example

From about 18 months to 36 months, children show growing interest in what other children do and increases understanding of how to deal with them. (Eckerman, Davis & Didow,1989; Eckerman and Stein 1982). When he was three months old, he started spending time with other children, enabling him to be sociable earlier compared to those who spend lesser time with other children. Research also shown that children who are read to daily, has better cognitive and language skills at age...
2 Pages 716 Words

What It Is Like To Be An American

Becoming an American is a life changing experience. Most people come to America to start a new and better life for them and their families. I believe that becoming an American you have freedom to be whoever you want to be and no one will judge you whether you’re different color, genders or different ethnicities. America is a place for people to run away from their abusive, gun shooting, ruler home because they don’t feel safe anymore. But being an...
2 Pages 695 Words

The Benefits Of Exercise For Your Physical And Mental Health

Physical movements, drills or exercises are regarded to to be a great tool in maintaining physical wellness and fitness. We do not know what is going on internally in human body but we can certainly attribute that exercises and drills of different kinds can initiate us alone to remain fit and proactive . Firstly it can protect anybody from cardiovascular ailments . Almost all diseases can be reduced to some extent or be cured by physical exercises of any sort...
2 Pages 723 Words

Sociological Perspective Of The Movie Coco

The movie Coco is a film full of Mexican Culture and takes place during the Día de Muertos, Day of the Dead celebration. It’s directed by Lee Unkrich and released in 2017. The main character, Miguel Rivera loves music and struggles with the fact that his family despises it. His family hates music because of a family tragedy that happened to Miguel’s great-great grandmother Abuelita long ago, therefore music was forbidden in their home. Despite that, Miguel’s dream was to...
1 Page 689 Words

The Concept Of Human Sexuality: Taboos And Reflections

Sexuality is something which cannot be confined; it covers a wider number of issues. It is basically a umbrella term which can have many perspectives. Sexuality is political as well as very personal and sensitive issues. Human Sexuality is something that seems to dominate a lot of the world we live in. It’s in our schools, at work, and especially in the mass media. The way your body develops and the way you feel and respond to others sexually creates...
2 Pages 717 Words

Rape Representation In Media And Its Effects On Victim Blaming

Rape culture and the practice of victim blaming are inherently a linked phenomena, and both are prevalent in Australian society. The existence of a rape culture which normalizes sexual violence and blames rape victims for the attacks against them strongly affects the Australian criminal justice system, influencing both the outcomes of rape trials and the treatment of rape victims. And who can we thank for this? The media. The influence of the media with the issue of rape is undeniable....
2 Pages 695 Words

Parable Of Sower By Octavia Butler As The Trump Country Prediction

The novel, ‘Parable of Sower’ by Octavia E. Butler was ahead of its time when it was published in 1993. The book is set in a prospect the 2020s where the government has buckled and centers the Lauren Olamina, who can feel and perceive pain along with many additional sensations. These feelings, consequentially, are what keep Lauren on her own path to not acknowledge the belief system in place, the system of the elders. As a young adolescent living in...
2 Pages 707 Words

The Idea Of Double Consciousness In The Play Dutchman

Double consciousness refers to the phenomenon of experiencing one’s self-awareness as encompassing what others think, thus creating a sense of identity that is divided into multiple parts. Always measuring yourself through the eyes of others. This play “Dutchman” emphasizes the idea of what a black person should be and the mask that society forces him to wear; and the negro his true self. He wants to assimilate into white culture, and another wants to express his anger to the white...
2 Pages 694 Words

How To Overcome Digestive System Disorders

People get all the nutrients and energy they need through food. A reasonable diet and adequate nutrition can improve the health of a generation, prevent a variety of diseases, prolong life and improve the physical fitness of the entire nation. Unreasonable diet, excessive or insufficient nutrition will bring different degrees of harm to health. Overeating can lead to obesity, diabetes, cholelithiasis, hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure and other diseases due to overnutrition, and even induce mesothelioma, such as breast cancer and...
2 Pages 697 Words
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