800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Does Religion Contribute to Conflict: Argumentative Essay

I was born and raised in Africa, and at a very young age, I was exposed to conflict and civil war. My country had religious war in the first half of the 16th century, as I was told and read about it. Prophet Muhamad was born and raised in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, he was the leader and founder of the Islamic religion. When the Prophet Muhamad’s followers were persecuted by local authorities in the Middle East, they took refuge in...
2 Pages 819 Words

Body Vibes as an Example of Pseudoscience

Pseudoscience tries to imitate real science, but lacks the rigor and accepted standards of the practice. It can be dangerous and unethical; therefore, it is critical individuals are aware of the numerous characteristics and red flags that can alert consumers to whether a product may be based upon pseudoscience or genuine science. The website advertising Body Vibes demonstrates many pseudoscience features including a reliance on authority, lack of empirical evidence, claiming to treat a vast array of problems through natural...
2 Pages 779 Words

Why We Crave Horror Movies by Stephen King: Analytical Essay

If there is a narrative genre on which a lot of preconceived ideas weigh, that is terror. Many people think that both terrifying literature and cinema are not art or, in the best case, it is not important, and that nothing good and even respectable can come from there; that the authors of this genre only set the goal of frightening readers and giving championship scares to the public of their films, something childish or trivial in short. And there...
2 Pages 793 Words

Why Is Brutus’ Involvement in Caesar’s Assassination Especially Tragic: Argumentative Essay

After Brutus, Cassius, and their conspirators murder Caesar and bathe their hands in his blood, they win the mob to their sides. Of course, Brutus tells people, he killed his friend but the friend was a tyrant. Then come and famous funeral oration “Friend, Romans and Countrymen” by Antonius that wins the mob back to Caesar and his supporters. That is a pivotal speech, a hinge upon which the believability of the rest of the plays. Shakespeare uses Julius Caesar...
2 Pages 824 Words

What Caused the Civil War: DBQ Essay

The Civil War was a turning point in American history. It was a time when the most powerful country in the world hung in balance. The Civil War was an all-out battle between the 23 Northern (Union) states and the 11 Southern (Confederate) states. Many actions took place to cause the Civil War. From the abolitionist Movement that started in 1750 and ended in 1865 and the slave Fredrick Douglass that cried the tortures of slavery. The election of the...
2 Pages 803 Words

Was the Civil War Avoidable: Argumentative Essay

There were many events that led to the American Civil War. The American Civil War was a war that took the lives of over seven thousand people. The Nebraska Act, Missouri Compromise, the Dred Scott Case, and the Election of Abraham Lincoln resulted in yearlong battles between the Northern and Southern states. The civil war started with a disagreement over slavery. Slavery was illegal in most of the North because it had been outlawed in the 19th century, but it...
2 Pages 809 Words

Personal Narrative on an Experience That Changed My Life

Near Death Experience while in London One of the most memorable trips I had in my life was the one I had to London. Two weeks before the regional exam, I planned to travel to London with my friends in order to reduce the stress we had during the preparation before the exam. This experience was unique because it was the first time I traveled abroad and see a culture different than mine. What distinguish this trip were some incidents,...
2 Pages 798 Words

Painting by Leonardo da Vinci as a Glorification of the Human Body: Informative Essay

In the Renaissance, there was an emphasis on the rebirth of learning, and arguably, the face of the movement is Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519). Da Vinci was a master artist who had mastered multiple artistic media, including was not limited to painting and sculptures, but the major takeaway of his artistic masterpieces wasn’t his adaptability but his accuracy and precision in every element of the artwork. He never had formal art training but that did not hinder his fascination in...
2 Pages 786 Words

New England Colonies Vs Chesapeake: Compare and Contrast Essay

As settlers first began moving into the Eastern regions of North America, life was tough for them. Unknown terrain, possibly hostile Natives, new diseases, and unclean environments. At first, the colonists weren’t even capable of surviving and keeping up with the land. England sent over perfumers and bankers rather than farmers or blacksmiths which resulted in a very fatal blow to the population of colonists sent over. But they soon realized what they had taken responsibility for and fixed their...
2 Pages 779 Words

Just Laws: Exemplification Essay

Before going further, I want to ask you an interesting question. The question is: 'Suppose you are a well-known lawyer in the UK. There is a famous business personality that you admired and wanted to meet once in a lifetime. Recently, this famous personality got highlighted in one of the biggest scams that took place which led to the deterioration of the economy. He is willing to pay as much as the lawyer wants to handle this case. The businessman...
2 Pages 781 Words

Informative Essay on Meatless Monday

The numbers and statistics revealed in this film are really unbelievable and lots of people are questioning if it is really true. If the documentary’s content is true, then why there are no environmental organizations talking about it? If the number one goal and aim of these organizations are to save the planet, then why do they keep on saying that fossil fuel is still the main cause of greenhouse gases when it is impossible for scientists and professionals not...
2 Pages 819 Words

How Has Youth Violence Affected My Life: Memoir Essay

My first big literacy writing was about 5 years ago during an essay contest at my middle school. It gave me the knowledge and ability to share this knowledge with other people. When I think of literacy, I think of reading and understanding the information I have read. Literacy has played a major role in my life because I didn’t like to read, but I loved to write. A time literacy has been important to me is when I did...
2 Pages 783 Words

Weaknesses of The Treaty of Versailles: Critical Essay

The Germans hated the Treaty of Versailles because they were not allowed to participate in the meeting. They think they have been deceived and betrayed, so they hate the treaty. The Germans hate Article 231 (which accuses Germany of provoking war) because it is an excuse for all the harsh provisions of the treaty and because they believe that Russia is responsible for starting the war. Germany's military power was reduced and no troops were allowed on the Rhine. The...
2 Pages 790 Words

Summer Vs Winter: Compare and Contrast Essay

Why would somebody want to be playing in the freezing, blistering cold, when they could be relaxing on a beach in summer? I have concluded that people who enjoy winter are ruder, and more boring than people who enjoy summer. Summer people are not just people who do not care about anything, and want to party all the time. They are easygoing, fun people who want to escape the realities of the cold, harsh winter. Summer people know how to...
2 Pages 787 Words

Speech about Falling in Love

In the past years, I lived a life with no directions to follow. My heart was chained with emotional numbness and rejected the attempts of falling in love with the wrong person. I was scared of giving appreciation to others without even being appreciated in the very first place. I thought that I was living a happy, kind, exciting, and fascinating life, but it was nothing when I compared it with life when I was in love. The day I...
2 Pages 778 Words

Lifespan Development and Personality Paper

It is the Early Childhood. The reason why I have chosen this particular lifespan is because of its complexity and theory-based practice as well as practical to help young children get the best start in life. There are many different specialty services that all help to nourish the needs of the early childhood lifespan and this is so important for development. We gain knowledge and understanding of the developmental process and we further enhance our peripheral views of the factors...
2 Pages 824 Words

What Does Being Hispanic Mean to You: Narrative Essay

Racism, discrimination, color, equality, and racial justice are all words that are related to racial equity. There is a significant quote by CSI President Glenn Harris “Racial equity is about applying justice and a little bit of common sense to a system that’s been out of balance. When a system is out of balance, people of color feel the impacts most acutely, but, to be clear, an imbalanced system makes all of us pay.” This statement is significant because in...
2 Pages 809 Words

My Mom Is My Life: Narrative Essay

To My Mom: Why did you have to leave when you did? Why are you not here to watch and support my successes? Not having a mom through my teenage years is the hardest thing ever. I have had to teach myself things. I’ve had to learn how to cook and clean by myself, I’ve had to teach myself everything that a normal teenage girl’s mom would teach her. I had to pick up the “mom” role and had to...
2 Pages 815 Words

Personal Narrative Speech about My Marriage

In marriage, the best ones, there comes a day when you wonder about the nature of the marriage, the complexities of its existence, and why you are married first place. I believe my love for space exploration has been a solid one, full of fantasies, enthusiasm, and high-end passion. This home would rather snow inside before I consider changing my views of its infinite dimension and extremities of knowledge. My marriage to space has is cannot be explained as I...
2 Pages 806 Words

Satan's Fall From Heaven: Critical Analysis Essay on 'Paradise Lost'

The masterpiece “Paradise Lost” by John Milton is undoubtedly the greatest poem in English Language and in poetic value. With a fascinating congruity between versification and syntax, Milton portrays all the situations that he is going to deal with - death, sin, restoration, disobedience, and loss of Eden through that “one greater man”. “of man’s first disobedience and the fruit of that forbidden tree, whose mortal task brought death into the world, with loss of Eden, till one greater man...
2 Pages 786 Words

Critical Essay on 'Allegory of the Cave': Book Summary

I’ve usually felt that the best philosophy isn’t just telling us about our world or giving us interesting thoughts at the conceptual level but explains a way of living. I’ve been baffled by using those who related to philosophers from Socrates to Descartes and didn’t realize that there used to be an emotional world that these humans had been trying to talk about as nicely as a mental one. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is one of the ideas that...
2 Pages 792 Words

Code of Hammurabi Compared to Modern Laws: Compare and Contrast Essay

There have always been laws of the land. Early Christians believed in the 10 commandments of God. These laws have always impacted society because without laws the belief is there would be anarchy. Hammurabi’s codes are considered a system of laws that helped shape society. In this essay, I will explore How Hammurabi’s 282 codes of law impact modern-day society. “The sixth ruler of Babylon, Hammurabi, established a code of 282 clauses engraved on a 7-foot-high slab of the stele”...
2 Pages 794 Words

Brands and Consumerism: Informative Essay on Converse Shoes

Sneaker shoes are a currency that makes people feel like they are expressing their individuality, but they are doing so in a way that is limited and within an accepted framework. Converse shoes are one of these brands that work within the culture industries that through its advertising, appeals to people to stand out, when in fact, they are accepting a standard identity. The advertising is aimed at young people but it also relies on nostalgia and history to make...
2 Pages 798 Words

Analysis of Symbolism in 'Hills Like White Elephants': Critical Essay

As the events are happening in Spain, the author used Spanish words in order to emphasize this circumstance, for example, when the man mentions the name of a drink: The girl looked at the bead curtain. ‘They’ve painted something on it,’ she said. ‘What does it say?’ ‘Anis del Toro. It’s a drink.’ ‘Could we try it?’ Anis del Toro is an anise liquor that tastes like licorice. Heavy drinking is featured in many of Hemingway’s stories, often as a...
2 Pages 807 Words

Troy' Movie Review Essay

The movie Troy is about the conflict between the Greek city-states, led by Agamemnon, and Troy, ruled by Priam. These two have this conflict because Paris, Prince of Troy, fell in love with Helen, wife of Menelaus who is Agamemnon’s brother and king of Sparta, and took her back to Troy against the wishes of his brother, Hector, who, with his father, had been trying for years to make peace with Sparta and had finally gotten that peace. Agamemnon had...
2 Pages 796 Words

The Raven': Critical Analysis Essay

I’m going to talk about Edgar Allan Poe. Edgar was born around the time of the industrial revolution and he was an American writer, editor, and literary critic. Poe is best known for his poetry and short stories, particularly his tales of mystery and macabre. Edgar was best known for his poem including the raven and a valentine. Edgar's life is dark and he portrays that in his poems. He was dark, depressed, and death bound. Edgar links his life...
2 Pages 800 Words

How Democratic Was Colonial American Society: Analytical Essay

In the New World, Africans were not only marginalized from cultural, ethnic, and social roots. They ceased to be regarded as individuals. There was a situation where differences in geographical position, social past, languages, religious beliefs, huge distances from the homeland, and scattering throughout the colonial territory did not allow for to creation of a social institution for the preservation and development of paternal African culture. The Africans were forced to adapt to a new alien and hostile environment. The...
2 Pages 807 Words

Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire: Compare and Contrast Essay

This segment discusses two main royal powers in world history the Han administration and the Roman Empire. It talks about their inceptions: how each used a single role to operate a vast regional domain, and how each of them joined various groups of people under its control. It also manages the major accomplishments of the realms, such as the construction of the Great Wall of China and the streets and water passages of Rome. At the end of the day,...
2 Pages 777 Words

George Washington Vs Barack Obama: Compare and Contrast Essay

George Washington was president from the years 1789-1797; Barack Obama was president from the years 2009-2017. That's over a 200-year difference between their terms of presidency. Yet in both of their farewell letters, they sound similar, ad if certain things haven't changed and it's still an issue or that it has changed and it had to be brought up with confidence. Both presidents had goals for the present, and the future using the past. In both of their farewells, they...
2 Pages 795 Words

Exemplification Essay about Dedication

A hero is a role model, someone to look up to with special qualities that make them different from other people. Jesus is seen as a hero by many Christians and non-Christians, for instance, Jesus shows dedication and selflessness to his people, and sacrifices for everyone but himself. Jesus became a hero in the eyes of Christians when he achieved his goal of showing that everyone is equal. Overcoming obstacles may be the hardest part of being a hero, but...
2 Pages 822 Words
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