800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Evaluation Essay about Bikes

E-bikes for heavy riders Suppose you are overweight and are interested in cycling for its health benefits, but you're not sure where or how to start. There is good news: e-bikes for heavy riders can help you transition into a new, more active lifestyle. However, which bikes are the most suitable for heavy riders? The best e-bikes for heavy riders are the Riese and Muller Superdelite E-Bike, the Radpower RadRunner, and the Tern GSD S00. They have thick tires for...
2 Pages 780 Words

Persuasive Essay about Community Gardens for Schools

Other ways to become a Fair Foods activist other than ā€œvoting with your forkā€ could be becoming more engaged citizens and taking action to help change current large policies and institutional practices. People can also try to eat seasonally and locally, while also shopping more sustainably and organically. Eating and shopping locally reduces the transportation of goods, which helps support the local economy. Another way that can help is to purchase free-range or grass-fed beef. These practices are more sustainable,...
2 Pages 796 Words

Informative Essay on a Greek Mythical Character

Adonis and Aphrodite is a basic story from Greek mythology that touches on matters such as love, lust, and rejection. Adonis is the deadly embodiment of masculinity who has conquered the heart of the goddess of love Aphrodite. But, as so often, it inevitably did. Is the entirety going wrong with this lovely couple? Let's find out together. It is said that Adonis was once born from the illegal union between King Theias of Smyrna and his daughter Myrrha, caused...
2 Pages 780 Words

Persuasive Essay about Recycling

With significant population growth and the rise of consumerism, the total amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated in Hong Kong has increased sharply. Among all three categories, domestic waste has a major influence on MSW growth. In light of waste management in Hong Kong, most of the MSW will be disposed of in landfills, which leads to pressing landfill saturation problems. Since Hong Kong is facing a land shortage and building new landfills is not sustainable, some experts are...
2 Pages 805 Words

Persuasive Essay about Technology

Technology should be limited Technology yields purpose in society but its use should be limited. The time spent by people behind screens shows a remarkable height. According to a study done by the Council for Research Excellence, the average adult in the United States now spends roughly 8.5 hours a day looking at screens. That is why we should limit the use of technology because over the past several years technology has increased in use dramatically. Individuals should reduce their...
2 Pages 806 Words

Essay on Hunger Memoir

When dealing with your mind it tends to play tricks on you. If you are hungry your emotions can switch from being hungry to hangry, which is ā€œbad-tempered or irritable as a result of hungerā€. People have experienced hunger as a negative state, having that hunger can shift your perception into a negative emotion. Sometimes you arenā€™t aware that it is affecting your state of emotion. There has been evidence that emotion impacts your everyday life. People are aware that...
2 Pages 825 Words

Narrative Essay on Losing a Loved One

Dealing with the loss of a loved one Dealing with loss is never easy. Itā€™s extremely common to lose someone that you love, whether that be a family, friend, significant other, or pet. Approximately 1400 people in England and Wales alone pass away every day, and there is no way to avoid it. And although itā€™s well known that everyone has to deal with loss, that doesnā€™t make it any easier. No matter who you are, it will be hard,...
2 Pages 778 Words

Romeo and Juliet': Expository Essay

Romeo and Juliet is the most daily love story in the English literary tradition. Love is naturally the play's dominant and most critical theme. Love is naturally the play's dominant and most fundamental theme. The play focuses on romantic love, often talking about the immoderate ardor that springs up at first sight between Romeo and Juliet. ' 'In Romeo and Juliet, love is a violent, ecstatic, overpowering stress that supersedes all terrific values, loyalties, and emotions. When Romeo first sees...
2 Pages 819 Words

Informative Essay on Horror Movies

Are Horror Movies Diverse? Horror is arguably one of the most, if not the most, popular film genres out there. This has recently led to debate among movie fans about if horror movies are as diverse as they should be. In 2016, film critics felt that most of the mainstream horror movies out were too white, but it appears that things are changing. Variety claims that today, it is a diverse audience keeping horror movies alive and well, which means...
2 Pages 812 Words

Social Media Analysis Paper for Amazon

Background information Amazon is an e-commerce company that was founded on the 5th of July 1994, in Seattle, Washington, United States by a man named Jeff Bezos, who is a Princeton graduate in computer science and electrical engineering the company started off by selling books then started to expand slowly by selling a variety of products including audio and video streaming services. It is now the world's largest online sales company. Amazon has increased its reach by having official social...
2 Pages 811 Words

Rebecca Nurse Character Traits: Analysis Essay

The Crucible is a story of the Salem Witch Trials that occurred in the community of the Puritans of Salem in 1692. The Crucible had many characters that were motivated by the wrong reasons but a few characters were motivated positively. The characters that were motivated positively were John Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, and Giles Corey. They are characters that have integrity, are humble, and have ethics. You can say that these people were the heroes and were led by a...
2 Pages 796 Words

Benefits of Covid-19 Vaccine: Argumentative Essay

A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious or communicable disease. (en.wikipedia.org). A vaccine generally contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is regularly made from weakened or dead forms of the microbe, its toxin, or one of its ground proteins. (en.Wikipedia.org). Many diseases are prevented through the use of vaccines. Some of these diseases include; cholera, rubella, COVID-19, pneumonia, influenza, tetanus, and many others. COVID-19 is a dangerous communicable disease...
2 Pages 801 Words

Wedding Traditions in the United States and Kenya: Informative Essay

Weddings within the U.S. normal traditions typically supported by faith, culture, and social norms. Most wedding traditions within the U.S. were assimilated from alternative, typically European countries. Marriages within the U.S. are usually organized by the participants and ceremonies might either be non-secular or civil. There was a practice that the possible bridegroom raises his future in-laws for his blessing, however, this can be seldom determined nowadays. Once it's the primary wedding for the bride, a typical U.S. wedding tends...
2 Pages 811 Words

What Are the Qualities of Strong and Healthy Relationships: Informative Essay

Exactly what ensures a strong and healthy relationship differs from one pair to another. Developing reliable and equally supportive cooperation requires effort and time. And unfortunately, this is not done overnight. For each type of association to become strong and solid, you have to work. In this essay, I want to focus on the qualities of strong interpersonal relationships and some of the behaviors that help produce and maintain them. The interaction is crucial. This is one of the most...
2 Pages 796 Words

What Is the True Purpose of Government: Informative Essay

Different peopleā€™s views on human nature lead to contrasting ideas of the purpose of government, whether that be caring if people are virtuous or not. Augustine calls for more government intervention, arguing that it will keep sinful people in line. Whereas, Aquinas believes the government should be in the interest of the common good, such as protecting life, preserving the state, and promoting peace, I will argue that the most important government's purpose, apart from enforcing the law, is to...
2 Pages 783 Words

Analysis of the TV Series 'The Walking Dead' from the Concept of Survival: Essay

To survive, in basic terms, is to be able to have access to resources such as food, water, and shelter. To acquire these resources, several stances need to be taken, whether it be aggressively, neutrally, and rarely ever altruistically. A perfect example to demonstrate the multitude of different stances would be in the television series ā€˜The Walking Deadā€™. ā€˜The Walking Deadā€™ is set in a post-apocalyptic setting in which most, if not all, of humankind, have been infected and turned...
2 Pages 810 Words

Theme of Mental Illness in Edgar Allan Poe's Works: Critical Essay

The problem of mental illnesses has accompanied mankind for centuries. Many generations of thinkers, philosophers, artists, and doctors were analyzing the impact of mental illness on the mind of a human being and its various dimensions ā€“ psychological and physical ā€“ repeatedly emphasizing the relationships between them. Many authors have tried to use this subject in their works. Edgar Allan Poe in his novels is often referring to various mental diseases. The characters in his novels tend to be psychotic...
2 Pages 802 Words

What Does Face Paint Symbolize in William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies': Critical Essay

William Golding encompasses an abundance of symbolism in his book ā€‹ā€˜Lord of the Fliesā€™.ā€‹ From the island to each and every kid, all are symbolic representations of Goldingā€™s notion of the true nature of mankind. Mankind, depicted in an allegorical novel of a couple of boys from England between the ages of six and twelve who have crash landed on an island during the Cold War in the 1950s. One of the notable symbols Golding incorporates is Jackā€™s dazzle paint....
2 Pages 783 Words

Symbol of the Beast in William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies': Critical Essay

All people are born evil. It is the environment and society that people grow up in that causes them to seem like they are virtuous and moral. However, in pressured situations, Golding claims that the natural evilness that is within people reveals itself. In his novel ā€˜Lord of the Fliesā€™, William Golding paints the setting as an unknown island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. He introduces many characters including Ralph, Piggy, Simon, Jack, Roger, etc. as they land...
2 Pages 823 Words

Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media

Social media is part of our daily lifestyles in our days, and there are one-of-a-kind approaches to outlining social. It is a computer-based technological expertise that helps the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and formation through viral networks and communities. It is a collective time period for net websites and features that core of attention on communication, community-based input, interaction, content sharing, etc. According to Blackman (2022), the time period social media describes interactive laptop-mediated utilized sciences that facilitated the creation...
2 Pages 804 Words

Why Is Piggy Considered an Outsider in William Golding's ā€˜Lord of the Fliesā€™: Critical Essay

Rather than respecting people for whom they are based on personality, society chooses to judge people based solely on looks. Given all they have been through as a group, why do the boys in ā€˜Lord of the Fliesā€™ see Piggy as a nuisance? Piggyā€™s physical appearance leads him to be the subject of many jokes, and even after offering advice to better the island, the boys still resent his intelligence. By serving as the scapegoat throughout the novel, Piggy helps...
2 Pages 796 Words

Boeing Executive Essay

Bombardierā€™s C-series was looked at as a huge risk to the organization's future reputation and Financial stability. It was compared to what Boeing had created in the 1960s (the 747) and the problems that the company had gone through and the almost bankruptcy of that company. What kicked started the initiative for a brighter future for Bombardier was the hiring of a former Boeing executive to analyze the marketing and see if there was a possibility of creating a new...
2 Pages 815 Words

Audism Unveiled Essay

Audism may be outlined as discrimination or prejudice against people World Health Organization area unit Deaf or exhausting of hearing. within the video, Audism is outlined because it is the notion that one is superior supported by oneā€™s ability to listen to or behave within the manner of 1 World Health Organization hears. This documentary extremely opened my eyes to what deaf individuals have skilled since the start of their time. they need to be treated with prejudice and oppression....
2 Pages 801 Words

Assisted Suicide Informative Speech

Many people are pro-euthanasia to support ā€œthe right to dieā€ that is, to refuse medical intervention when our time comes. The issue is, we already have this right. We can deny any treatment that would increase longevity. Brian Holdsworth defines the topic as such: ā€œEuthanasia and physician-assisted suicide is when someone who is not necessarily dying is administered a drug that kills them prematurely.ā€ One of the largest issues that come with the legalization of euthanasia is the problem of...
2 Pages 782 Words

Art Review Essay

The play ā€œArtā€ written by Yasmina Reza has been reviewed by many journalists. On the surface, the writers appear to just be sharing their opinion of the play, but it is much more complex than that, and the writers are using specific techniques to make their review as interesting as possible and to make you want to read further. In my opinion, the form of ā€Blank Canvasā€, a review written by Michael Billington has a superior form and flow to...
2 Pages 785 Words

Argumentative Essay on Minimum Wage

This week, the city council will be voting on whether to increase the minimum wage in our city to $15. It is reported that some workers are making as little as $7/hour or $9/hour in our city. As a council member, before I make a decision on whether to vote for the minimum wage increase or not, it is important to me to examine the issue from an economic perspective and not only an emotional one. The common arguments surrounding...
2 Pages 823 Words

Adoption Argumentative Essay

Raising an abandoned or orphaned child as their own family was easy back then. It took an informal arrangement, once the family and the child are in common ground, both are in good condition. Numerous people are considering adoption as an alternative to growing their family. There are numerous benefits of adopting a child. However, adoption is expensive and takes a long process. Many have pondered that if there are many orphans, why cannot they be adopted by families at...
2 Pages 814 Words

A&P John Updike Essay

The American Novelist John Updike was an accomplished poet, writer, and critic. (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica) He had won many awards for his excellence in writing. John had a great childhood, an outstanding education, and an impressive career in literature. He once said, ā€œRain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life.ā€(John Updike). John Updike had a great childhood. He was born on March 18, 1932, in Reading, Pennsylvania. (The...
2 Pages 817 Words

What Is Noam Chomskyā€™s Contribution to Psychology: Analytical Essay

Introduction Jessica is a 3-year-old girl who has speech and language difficulties. She has spent the majority of her life around her primary socialization which consists of her mum and gran. When she started nursery the Practitioners realised there was an issue with her speech and language, Practitioners can pick up on milestones in children and Jessica wasnā€™t meeting her language development, which impacted her holistic development. The Practitioners were unable to understand what Jessica was saying. Jessica struggled socializing...
2 Pages 805 Words

Transformational Psychology Essay

Transformational Psychology is a union of every single known arrangement of individual upgrade; a crate of all the most functional systems of development treatment, ceaselessly added to as new techniques and thoughts are painstakingly assessed. The entire is more prominent than the aggregate of the parts, be that as it may, since the strategies are intended to stir the cerebrum in an arranged grouping, relating to its regular advancement. Right now, understudies' learning encounters of more than 25 years and...
2 Pages 812 Words
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