850 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Role of Gut Choice, Being Yourself and Attitude Certainty in Life

There will always be so many things running through your mind, but your gut feeling is always something you should listen to. Just by having that one gut feeling it can change your attitude on the output and even change your decision. Most of the time it’s for the better and really how your true self is feeling in that moment. When it comes to your feelings, it helps make decisions easier, and with what they find in that decision...
2 Pages 833 Words

Possible Reasons for the Collapse of the Mycenaean Civilization

The Mycenaean civilization was discovered by Heinrich Schliemann and was the last phase of the Bronze Age in Greece. They were proven to be warlike and were ruled by a king. Their palaces presented proof of war with images of Mycenaeans fighting wild men decorating the walls. They borrowed the Minoans culture, art, and writing and were an agriculturally based palace culture. They didn’t leave much behind, there was no poetry, religious texts, fables, and no codes of law. So,...
2 Pages 871 Words

Is the Mind Reducible to the Brain?

In this essay, I would like to present my views on the mind-body problem, taking the stance that mind is reducible to the brain, this is, the physicalist theory. The physicalist theory says that the mind is reducible to physical matter and gives the argument that all mental states are physical states, and hence mind is reducible to brain. Though I support this theory, I think that the argument is wrong. Given a software to run on a hardware, we...
2 Pages 829 Words

Is Organic Farming the Future of Food Security?

Agriculture is the backbone to life as it provides food, clothing, medicine and raw materials to humans and nations. Biological agriculture provides the systematic access to nutritious, affordable, and sufficient amount of food in times to come. Although this system of agriculture is effective and highly beneficial, it is highly capital demanding, has an advanced environmental and health risks, and yields low quantity of production for the satisfaction of the entire world in the future. Organic agriculture provides employment to...
2 Pages 860 Words

Hunger and Poor Nutrition

Hunger is defined as short-term physical distress caused by persistent food scarcity. People suffering from chronic hunger do not have the privilege to access nutritious food often due to food insecurity and poverty. When chronic hunger gets aggravated to a global level, it is referred to as world hunger. Hunger can lead to poor nutrition and stunt growth. There is enough food produced to feed the global population; however, in 2019, around 690 million people suffered from hunger and malnutrition...
2 Pages 833 Words

Empathy through Listening as a Form of Perception in Raymond Carver's ‘Cathedral’

In ‘Cathedral’ written by Raymond Carver, the life of a married couple is disrupted when the wife’s blind friend comes for a visit. The blind man is named Robert. His wife recently died, and he came to visit her family. Robert decides to stay at the couple’s home. The husband, who is the narrator, is not too happy with the fact Robert is staying at their home and finds his blindness to be unsettling. Robert and the narrator’s wife have...
2 Pages 850 Words

Earthquake Emergency Scenario for My City

I have never witnessed any sort of emergency, I have never even been in a mild earthquake, but in this essay, I will try to describe what would happen if a strong earthquake was to happen in my city. The city I live in is very small, so in case of an earthquake, definitely, everyone living in the city will be affected. Since there are more buildings, apartment buildings, and more houses in the middle area of the city, the...
2 Pages 862 Words

Disneyland and What Makes It the Best Amusement Park

Disneyland was built on solid morals right from the beginning. As Walt Disney said, “We believed in our idea – a family park where parents and children could have fun together”, and it did not disappoint. Walt had started Disneyland in California so that families could escape the outside world and enjoy themselves. He came up with the concept of Disneyland after visiting various theme parks with his daughters. The park construction began in 1954, and the park was revealed...
2 Pages 837 Words

Comparison of the Behaviorist and Humanistic Approaches

This assignment is going to compare and contrast behaviorism and the humanistic theory and find the differences in two different theories out of the four main theories. Also, there is an understanding on what the theories are and how they are used in present day. Behaviorism is a theory of learning based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. Behaviorists believe that our responses to environmental stimuli shape our actions....
2 Pages 853 Words

Why Was Rome at a Disadvantage in the First Punic War: Argumentative Essay

The Punic Wars represented a great period of conflict between the Carthaginians and the Romans (Bagnall, 2003, p. 7) and involved three wars that spanned from 264-146 BC for over a hundred years (Bagnall, 2003, p. 5). These brutal one hundred and twenty years were defined by conflicts on both land and sea such as the siege of Lilybaeum and the battle of Ecnomus in 256 BC off the southern side of Sicily (Bagnall, 2003, p. 7). The first Punic...
2 Pages 858 Words

What Motivates Brutus to Join the Conspiracy: Critical Analysis

Ambition is the driving force behind mankind’s history of success. With ambition, the great leaders of the world have achieved greatness. Yet, there is a delicate balance between just power and corruption. The abuse of ambition can lead to the downfall of anyone, no matter the amount of power they wield. In the play, Julius Caesar, written by William Shakespeare, the character Brutus is a clear example of the toll and triumph ambition can take on a person. Brutus begins...
2 Pages 846 Words

Thomas Jefferson's Purchase of the Louisiana Territory as Hypocritical: Argumentative Essay

Thomas Jefferson was elected in the year 1801 as the third president of the United States. The voting process began in April 1800. Burr ran for vice president while Jefferson ran for the presidency on the same ticket. The constitution demanded the votes be counted separately despite Burr and Jefferson vying for the positions on the same ticket. In January 1801 Burr and Jefferson tied with 73 votes while Adams became third with 63 votes (Brinkley, 2015). The house of...
2 Pages 861 Words

Significance of the Battle of Midway During World War II: Argumentative Essay

Intro On the 7th of December 1941, after months of diplomacy and hollow words, the Imperial Japanese Navy launched a surprise attack on the US Pacific Fleet located in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. This attack sparked the entry of the United States into the Second World War as well as one of the biggest naval battles in history, the Battle of Midway. The Battle of Midway resulted in an American victory and proved to be a significant turning point in the...
2 Pages 871 Words

Should the US Have Joined the League of Nations: Argumentative Essay

For the most part of the 1800s, the United States was mostly an isolationist nation overall. The United States then eventually started to get involved with foreign affairs and turned into more of an interventionist nation. After this occurred, there were many people who disagreed with the change and argued against it. Since there were people arguing against the change, that then created the need for supporters of the change from isolationism to interventionism to speak out and defend it....
2 Pages 827 Words

Secularism During Renaissance: Informative Essay

During the Dark Ages, the Catholic Church had to dominate power over the majority of Europe; people looked to it for guidance and protection, and for a time it was given. However, church authorities became corrupt and started making bad changes, causing discontent and false beliefs to fall upon the people, thus beginning the Renaissance. During this time, many people began to go against the actions of the church, splitting off from it and starting new churches, and spreading new...
2 Pages 826 Words

Reflective Essay on Experience of Falling in Love

I remember walking in my junior year of high school in 2016, I walked in having no hopes to experience nor find intimate love during my high school years. It was simply that I could not feel it up until this year of high school and I found everyone quite boring and thought at the time, that I was the only one that thought what I was thinking, that love is not real and there's no such thing as love....
2 Pages 871 Words

Personal Narrative Essay on Trouble Definition

So when 6th grade started I hoped that things wouldn’t have changed much from elementary school, but I was wrong. I hadn’t changed schools so all my friends stayed the same, it was the homework I was worried about. However, we actually had a lot less homework because of our teacher. Our teacher was very unusual, her name was Ms.B (dun duuuuun)! Her lips weirdly glowed as one of those cheap red glow sticks on Halloween. Every now and then...
2 Pages 835 Words

Negative Effects of Colonialism: Critical Essay

Colonialism has played a significant role in crafting our ‘contemporary international politics’; an influential force that has contributed to our current global issues. The term colonialism connotes an image of a domineering and oppressive empire controlling a subservient colonial state. This prestigious role is particularly seen in the Western world, where they ‘dominate the international society’ and have a form of colonial power over the ‘underdeveloped third world .’Although the colonial system has become extinct, the effects of it are...
2 Pages 858 Words

Life Lessons in 'To Kill a Mockingbird': Critical Essay

How can people tell if they know how someone can act without a true experience? In Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee uses Scout a character to bring a challenge and understanding of what it was like to live in a segregated society. Mrs. Lee's, classic To Kill a Mockingbird has many valuable life lessons that Scout learns and realizes through her young naive self and beliefs. Scout's most valuable life lesson in Lee’s To Kill...
2 Pages 866 Words

Life Goals in University: Narrative Essay

There is no doubt that doing properly in college is an amazing challenge, frequently for first-year students, who run the biggest hazard of dropping out. You are faced with new bodily surroundings, new social environments, new each day duties and responsibilities, and most maybe new monetary obligations. Overall, you are swamped with new challenges! Do you sense guaranteed that you can attend to all of them in a balanced, devoted way? What will be your secret to success? Success Begins...
2 Pages 852 Words

Issues of Justification in Relationships between Men and Women: Critical Essay

The first factor that comes into play for cheating to even be a possibility, is the decision-making process. Meyering and Eping-McWherter (1985), stated that there are two preconditions for extramarital relations to occur; permissive attitudinal orientation and opportunity. The idea of this is that if your personal standards are against cheating and you do not give yourself an opportunity to cheat, then you will not be faced with the decision. These researchers conducted a study to look at this phenomenon...
2 Pages 866 Words

Informative Essay on Socialism and Industrial Revolution

Capitalism, socialism, and imperialism are all government systems that have been utilized by countries of Western society for over two centuries. Since these practices were enforced, Western society as a whole has changed indefinitely. In each of these systems, there were pros and cons involved, for instance, in capitalism, where workers were faced with severe working conditions, but these hardships are what led to a movement of socialism. The negative aspects of imperialism outweighed the benefits, with the new imperialist...
2 Pages 871 Words

Patient Strengths and Weaknesses: Reflective Essay

This work is a reflective commentary on the factors that influence an individual's health from the poster developed for Health, life, and social science unit by analyzing the presentation. The Gibbs reflective cycle will be used as this is a popular model of reflection for describing, and identifying feelings that could have influenced my practice, identifying strengths, and weaknesses of my performance as well as creating an action plan (Gibbs, 1988). For the purpose of this assignment a pseudonym, Jason...
2 Pages 865 Words

Speech about Best Friend

The definition of a best friend is a person who you value above other friends in your life, someone you can laugh and tell inadequate jokes with, someone you trust with your secrets, and someone with whom you confide. Best friends can come in all shapes, races, colors, gender, and sizes, they can be anyone even your own siblings or parents. Even your soulmates can be your best friends. Best friends are usually the second most important person in someone’s...
2 Pages 861 Words

Lost Love in 'The Raven': Critical Essay

The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe is a poem about unhappiness and loss. The narrator tries to get away from despair and human mortality, trying to pass away into a kind of forgetfulness. The poem shows many different stages of mood which is sorrowful throughout; her beautiful beloved has died. Loneliness and distance as well as beauty and death are the themes in the poem. The speaker is harking back to the sweetness of her beloved, and also her untimely...
2 Pages 869 Words

Why Is Trust Important in a Friendship: Persuasive Essay

Friendship is fundamental for the fruitful prosperity of each individual. It is based on the straightforward rules of belief and trustworthiness. A genuine friend is a person who will be able to continually move on after he or she confronts challenges and genuine issues. He or she continually offers a shoulder to cry on if something off-base happens. One’s friend continuously tunes in to his or her issues gives one a great piece of counsel and never talks behind his...
2 Pages 845 Words

History Essay on Eleanor Roosevelt: Personal and Public Life

The history of a great woman remains intact with Eleanor Roosevelt, who was born on October 11, 1884, and died on November 7, 1963, when she was said to have finished her activism vision and mission in the world. She was an American political figure and activist who served as the first Lady of the United States from 1933 to 1945, when her husband, Franklin D. Roosevelt, was the American president at the time, who served four solid terms in...
2 Pages 858 Words

Socrates Essay

Introduction Socrates, the enigmatic philosopher of ancient Athens, remains an enduring symbol of wisdom, virtue, and intellectual inquiry. Born in 469 BCE, his profound impact on Western thought and philosophy has left an indelible mark on history. This essay explores the life, ideas, and enduring contributions of Socrates, delving into his philosophical concepts, particularly those concerning the mind, body, and preexistence, while also considering the meditative aspect of his teachings. Socrates’s Life Socrates was born into humble beginnings in Athens,...
2 Pages 875 Words

Photosynthesis Essay

Introduction Photosynthesis is a fundamental biological process that sustains life on Earth. It is the intricate mechanism through which plants and certain microorganisms convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy, enabling the synthesis of organic compounds, especially glucose. This essay delves into the captivating world of photosynthesis, exploring its meaning, the site of occurrence, the photosynthetic electron and proton transfer chain, the functioning of photosystems, and its impact on the ecosystem. Meaning of Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is a complex...
2 Pages 830 Words

Critical Essay about Joshua Tree in ‘The Glass Castle’

“It’s the Joshua tree’s struggle that gives it its beauty” (Walls 38) Analysis Said by Jeannette's mother, when Jeannette mentioned that she wanted to protect a tree from the elements so it could grow up to be tall and straight. Although this quote is said by the mother specifically, it could be referred to as both of the parent's strange views of beauty and the aspects they think are most important in life. The Joshua tree is very similar to...
2 Pages 859 Words
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