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Social Issues

Discursive Essay on Novels: ‘Miss. Brill’, ‘Bullet in the Brain’, ‘Big Foot Stole My Wife’ and Others

In the novels and stories read this unit, many characters represent and discuss different aspects of human nature and life, as well as represent how society really is. In human nature, people are naturally greedy, selfish, and self-centered. Since the beginning of the semester, every novel labeled and discussed various aspects of human nature whether it was a negative or positive perception of the characters. The stories that will be discussed are “Miss. Brill”, “Bullet in the Brain”, “Big Foot...
2 Pages 926 Words

Critical Overview of 'Ritual and Performance in Domestic Violence Healing: From Survivor to Thriver Through Rites of Passage'

Wozniak, D., & Allen, K. (2012). Ritual and Performance in Domestic Violence Healing: From Survivor to Thriver Through Rites of Passage. Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry, 36(1), 80–101. https://doi-org.proxy.library.cpp.edu/10.1007/s11013-011-9236-9 In this article, it describes and analyze a community called the “Rites of Passage” which serves as a support group for survivors of domestic abuse. Wozniak and Allen discusses the unique process in which these women undergo in order to transform themselves from being “survivors” of domestic violence to “thrivers” who have...
2 Pages 923 Words

Birthplace of Western Civilization

In my treatise, I am going to write about my preferred choice of residence, having been given a limited choice between Athens and Sparta, in the ancient classical Grecian situation. I will set the precedence by circumnavigating the topic by making an abstract representation of the concept before articulating my choice. A comparative mention will also be made of the city of Sparta as an equally viable alternative, deferred on revolutionary grounds, which then introduces the sparkling alternative advantages of...
2 Pages 946 Words

Athenian Democracy vs. American Democracy: Comparative Analysis

In global politics, mentioning of the Athenian democracy and American democracy is common. Interestingly, the world’s first democracy developed in Athens at a time when it was growing imperial. However, major differences and similarities occur between the Athenian democracy and American democracy. For instance, a ‘lot chose a leader in Athens’ while a leader in the US is elected (Athenian democracy 1). The major similarity between the two is that the legislative branch passes the law. However, the following discussion...
2 Pages 927 Words

Argumentative Essay on Lack of Diversity in Ballet

Since the first development of Ballet in the 1500s with the Italian renaissance or the first traveling company with Sergei Diaghilev the levels of diversity in ballet and well known dance companies/productions [modern day] have been extremely low and have completely lack in producing a more diverse ballet company. Misty Copeland is one of the very first African-American/Black ballet dancer at the American ballet dance company, said in her interview with CNN, “The ballet world doesn't really celebrate or have...
2 Pages 935 Words

Argumentative Essay on ADHD Awareness

Millions of US children are diagnosed with psychological disorders. ADHD is one of the most common out there. Children with ADHD have difficulty focusing and keeping themselves calm and controlled. This can be so severe that it interferes with their ability to reach their full potential. Even more detrimental is the inability for many adults to understand or properly interact with children with ADHD. ADHD is a very real condition. ADHD is one of the most controversial topics in the...
2 Pages 920 Words

Analytical Essay on the CPR Problem

Drawing on Jodha (1986), ‘Common Property Resources’ (CPR) can be defined as the resources available to whole communities but to which no individual has exclusive rights to possession. These may include pastures, forests and grazing lands among others. In India, emerging factors such as urban expansion, land acquisition and property development have caused a rapid decline in the countries’ pool of CPRs (Narain and Vij, 2015). While some authors suggest that advances in agricultural technology and the increased availability of...
2 Pages 876 Words

Analytical Essay on Art History: Study of Medieval and Modern Art

Art history spans the entire history of humankind, from prehistoric times to the twenty-first century. In modern times, art history has emerged as a discipline that specializes in teaching people how to evaluate and interpret works of art based on their own perspective. Art history has frequently been criticized for its subjectivity because the definition of what is beautiful varies from individual to individual Art history spans the entire history of humankind, from prehistoric times to the twenty-first century. Whether...
2 Pages 898 Words

Alexis De Tocqueville Views on America’s Democratic Example: Analytical Essay

Throughout the existence of humans there seems to never be an absence of some form of religion, but also government: a ruling power over the people. It can easily be concluded that these codifications went hand in hand. In his book Democracy in America (1835), Alexis De Tocqueville suggests that America’s equality and political freedom is an outcome of religion. He asserts that without the influences of religion, democracy could not properly function. Tocqueville’s argument for the importance of religion...
2 Pages 915 Words

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Monarchy

The concept of monarchy is defined as « power in one ». It denotes a system or a political regime where a monarch is the head of state (and thus makes the difference from the republic). The competencies of the monarch may vary depending on the type of the monarchy: the spectrum ranges from a minimum power (constitutional monarchy) through a power limited by a constitution (constitutional monarchy) to an unlimited, universal power (absolute monarchy). Moreover, we distinguish the hereditary...
2 Pages 902 Words

Mona Lisa' and 'The Last Supper' as the Most Iconic Paintings of the Renaissance

Mona Lisa' and 'The Last Supper' are two of the most iconic paintings in history, both painted during the Renaissance. It was originally such a portrait, but over time, its meaning has evolved, becoming a symbol of the Renaissance and becoming the most famous painting in the world. 'Mona Lisa' is probably a portrait of the wife of a Florentine businessman, her eyes are on her husband. It is a portrait of the wife of the wealthy Florentine citizen Francesco...
2 Pages 948 Words

The Bluest Eye and The House on Mango Street: Comparative Analysis

Books are banned or considered controversial for many reasons. A major reason some create controversy is the sexuality within the writing. Though, the definition of sexuality is sexual interest and attraction to others, the way the term sexuality will be viewed in this paper is specifically related to women and how they are sexually abused, physically abused, and verbally abused for being a woman abused (Boundless). Such as the idea that women are lesser beings and are treated as such....
2 Pages 932 Words

Stonehenge as a Sacred Place: Descriptive Essay

What is Sacred? Ancient Egypt art and architecture detail the belief systems and socioeconomic structures of ancient Egypt. Some of the diverse architectural structures remain as primary focus points for tourists. The arts are at times compared with evaluations of their various similarities. However, there is still a diversified symbolism in most of them in their anonymity and association with religious beliefs. Art from ancient Egypt received focus and attention from diverse people based on its differences from our modern...
2 Pages 900 Words

Seeking Happiness: Comparative Essay on Okonkwo and Ethan Frome

Although in certain circumstances it can seem utterly impossible, joy can be found in many ways, even if it is in disguise. But, for Okonkwo and Ethan Frome joy was much harder to find than they both expected. They had to attempt to find elation by going to extreme measures. For both of these characters, the endless stress and pressure made them feel as if death was the only way for them to seek happiness. Both characters strong feelings of...
2 Pages 904 Words

Russian Revolution in The Death of Ivan Ilyich: Analytical Essay

“There are two things you should never waste your time on Things that don’t matter and people that think you don’t matter” this is a quote of Ziad K. Abdelnour and we can see an example of this when reading, ”The Death of Ivan Ilyich,” is one of the greatest books in Russian literature, it is about the death of an aristocrat that starts to discover about the falseness of the bourgeoisie of the early XX century. Ivan Ilyich is...
2 Pages 925 Words

Research Paper on Post Graduation Problems

Research Paper Schools do not require students to learn basic everyday skills but require students to learn trig functions. In an ever-changing world, students need to have the ability to keep up with the change, however, this is not the case because schools do not require students to take classes to learn everyday skills such as taxes, budgeting, and nutrition. Unless students choose to take these classes, which is unlikely considering the pressure they are under to take more advanced...
2 Pages 876 Words

Objective of Independence of the Judiciary: Essay on American Constitution

Independence of Judiciary In India, the question of the independence of the judiciary has been a subject of heated national debates and articles over the last many years. It has exercised the minds of legislators, jurists, and politicians. Both the supporters and the opponents have cogent arguments in support of their views. This question assumes great importance whenever the Supreme Court holds a particular Act passed by the parliament of the constitution or whenever Government supersedes any person while making...
2 Pages 943 Words

Issues of Identity in The Woman Warrior: Analytical Essay

Identity being yourself not trying to fit a mold set up by society due to your race or ethnicity; to be true to yourself is to uphold your bicultural identity. There are many races and cultures throughout the world that uphold many different beliefs and ideas on how life should be lived and how one should act; to fall under a social construct and oblige to please others leads to you being unsatisfied knowing you're more than what society is...
2 Pages 900 Words

Essay on Virtual Human Anatomy

An autopsy is a traditional and classic technique of forensic medicine, but due to the need to destroy the body, the autopsy is sometimes resisted and rejected. Virtual anatomy provides a non-invasive test for forensic examination, which can objectively and accurately reflect fractures, soft tissue injuries, invasive diseases, organ damage, etc., providing intuitive and powerful evidence for forensic identification practice. “Virtual anatomy” is “virtopsy”, which is a combination of “virtual” and “autopsy”. It is mainly used to introduce modern imaging...
2 Pages 930 Words

Essay on Steve Jobs and the Story about Apple

Introduction Attention grabber: Story about Apple. Introductory Remarks: Do you know that Apple is ranked, 11 in Fortune global 500 and its revenue is about 229,234 US dollars? Reveal Topic: Today I will introduce the legend who assisted Apple to be such an excellent company. He is Steve Jobs. Preview: I will talk about his biography, his success story, and the difference between him and the current Apple director, Tim Cook. Transition: Now I would like to explain Steve Jobs’...
2 Pages 922 Words

Essay on Southwest Airlines: Analysis of External Environment

External Environment Southwest Airlines is one of the leading low-cost airlines in the United States. Southwest Airlines praises itself as being an airline that is dedicated to providing the best customer service, that is delivered with kindness, and friendliness, and displays their company pride to each of their customers (southwest.com). This case study analysis will take a look into the external and internal environment of Southwest Airlines, along with the various factors that they face in their business on a...
2 Pages 877 Words

Essay on Hellenistic Period: Role of Alexander​ ​the​ ​Great​

Was​ ​Alexander​ ​the​ ​Great​ ​a​ ​Hero​ ​or​ ​a​ ​Villain? Alexander​ ​the​ ​Great​ ​can​ ​be​ ​perceived​ ​as​ ​many​ ​different​ ​things,​ ​such​ ​as​ ​a​ ​villain,​ ​hero,​ ​or both.​ ​He​ ​did​ ​many​ ​good​ ​deeds​ ​and​ ​horrible​ ​ones​ ​in​ ​his​ ​lifetime,​ ​mainly​ ​while​ ​he​ ​was​ ​king​ ​of Macedonia​ ​and​ ​other​ ​areas​ ​he​ ​conquered.​ ​He​ ​was​ ​ruthless​ ​but​ ​also​ ​courageous,​ ​smart,​ ​and skillful.​ ​Alexander​ ​the​ ​Great​ ​was​ ​not​ ​a​ ​hero​ ​nor​ ​a​ ​villain,​ ​he​ ​was​ ​simply​ ​a​ ​prominent​ ​conqueror. Even​ ​though​ ​he​ ​used​ ​force​ ​to​...
2 Pages 900 Words

Appearance Vs Reality in Hamlet Essay

What is arguably Shakespeare's greatest play, “The Tragedy of Hamlet,” is understood to be a revenge tragedy, however, it is quite an odd one at that. Unlike his other plays that came off as deceptive, Shakespeare took a turn when writing Hamlet and added uncertainty. In his opening lines, William Shakespeare writes, “Who’s there?… Nay answers me. Stand and unfold yourself.” Shakespeare presents the delay of truth and caution through this opening line, which is later revealed to be the...
2 Pages 897 Words

Essay on Ethnicity and Ethnic Diversity

Ethnicity was a means of categorizing human beings, that had widespread credibility and positive affirmation. From ‘ethnic’ food to ‘ethnic’ fashion the idea of ethnicity has been employed as a positive phenomenon in contemporary life but more importantly, as post-colonial nation-states have defined their distinctive identities, ethnicity has been frequently invoked as a primordial basis for nation-building (Downing, & Husband, 2005). Within established political formations, ethnic diversity has been increasingly politicized as human rights movements have, over the last four...
2 Pages 892 Words

Discursive Essay on Alchemist

Santiago finding his treasure in Andalusia instead of the Pyramids is significant because it promotes the theme that the journey is the reward, not the destination. Soon after Santiago and the Alchemist leave for the Pyramids, Santiago asks if following his heart is all he needs to know, the Alchemist replies with, “What you still need to know is this: before a dream is realized, the Soul of the World tests everything that was learned along the way. It does...
2 Pages 909 Words

Critical Analysis of The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd is about a young girl named Lily. Lily is a fourteen-year-old white girl with a scarring past. After accidentally killing her mom. And having an abusive dad she decides to try for a new beginning. Lily runs away and finds a new home at the Boatright sisters house. As she struggles to forgive herself for her past and forgive others the theme becomes very clear. You must practice forgiveness, forgiving yourself...
2 Pages 882 Words

Concept of Gap Year: Descriptive Essay

Before continuing to university studies, the process of deciding to want internal time from every period between school and high school is called a gap year until the university studies begin. Previous academic success, climate or role may be a driving factor affecting young people to choose to postpone research at university. Just like in different nations the U.K, the U.S and South Africa too. After completing higher education (college), it is not uncommon for youngsters to need a gap...
2 Pages 914 Words

Comparative Analysis of ‘How to Tame a Wild Tongue’ and ‘The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me’

Authors have different motivations to write either a poem or a novel. Writers display similarities and differences when developing their work. The differences among authors may be established on different grounds, including inspiration to write, challenges when developing content for different works as well as factors contributing to their success. However, authors may also exhibit a number of differences in developing their writing works. The differences can be established while considering the form style of writing, the choice of language,...
2 Pages 879 Words

Book Review on ‘Henry Ford - A Life From Beginning To End’

The book Henry Ford- A Life From Beginning To End written by Hourly History recounts the events of Henry Ford's childhood which shaped the person he turned out to be. The book also highlights the many accomplishments of Henry Ford throughout his life. The main focus of the book is to tell the impact Henry Ford had on the automobile industry. Henry Ford changed the industry for many years to come. The author used memories of Henry Ford's childhood and...
2 Pages 886 Words

Analysis of the Adaptation of Catch 22 in Film Industry

Pioneering talent in Hollywood is not hard to spot and with veterans in the acting and filmmaking industry, it’s not hard to find space and capital to make your own movies. Producers and filmmakers take storytelling from various sources in art, entertainment, and even social media. There’s an abundance of moving and compelling stories out there and when some have been translated onto screen straight from a book, the expectations are set to the maximum. Acting veteran and award-winner George...
2 Pages 877 Words
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