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Social Issues

Is Shylock a Villain or a Victim in William Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice'?

The Jewish people are scared. Frightened to leave their home every day and practice their own religion. They are frowned upon by all Christians and non-Jews. Being a Jewish person is like living in a foreign land. They must practice their religion in secret, they are segregated away from all other non-Jewish people and they are heavily discriminated. Shylock is a Jewish money lender and he lends money at exorbitant interest rates to get the highest revenue. As a merchant,...
2 Pages 876 Words

How to Succeed in a Career Path?

Since I started a post-graduate study, school assignment or exam become not the only part of my life, I couldn't help but notice I will step into the real world very soon. I have to consider my career choice and wonder what quality and ability I need to possess to have a wonderful career, especially when we want to be executives. Above all, we should be responsible for ourselves, and realize we are the determinant of our fate. If we...
2 Pages 940 Words

How My Childhood Shaped Me into Who I Am Today

When I was a child, there were a lot of interesting things about physical cognitive and social life that enriched my childhood time and shaped my personality to make me who I am. Sleep was an important part of my childhood day. In order to make me keep energetic, my parents arranged a ‘going to bed’ routine for me. According to my mother, at about 8:30 pm she would urge me to go to bed and my time to fall...
2 Pages 911 Words

Historical Accuracy Vs Hollywood’s Version of History in ‘The Help’: Movie Review Essay

The movie ‘The Help’ is based on the book by Kathryn Stockett. The story is about a white woman named Skeeter who is pursuing her dream of becoming a journalist in Mississippi during the 1960’s. After being rejected from her dream job in New York for not having enough experience, she decides to write about the personal stories of African American domestic workers in order to share their stories and hopefully encourage change on the mistreatment of blacks. The film...
2 Pages 885 Words

From Stress to Peace of Mind

Many may describe peace of mind as the state of mental and emotional calmness, with no worries, fears or stress, the mind is free of any overcoming issues and is in a positive, up lifted mindset. Achieving peace of mind may feel impossible to many due to the amount of stress and negative factors that play a role in straying the mind from peace. But achieving peace of mind can be done in many ways, therefore one individual's peace of...
2 Pages 935 Words

Food Waste as Urgent Problem in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a city with a population of about 7.1 million people and a popular dining culture. With various kinds of restaurants, from different local and traditional cuisines to international special tasting, people do not only enjoy the different flavors of food but as well waste a lot of it, 1/3 of solid waste is food in Hong Kong. It is a common traditional practice among Chinese people such as having gatherings at the round table with families and...
2 Pages 927 Words

Food Wastage in Australia: Persuasive Speech

Think of that peanut butter sandwich you threw away at lunch because you ‘didn’t feel like it’. Or maybe that half-eaten banana you tossed in the bin because of you ‘didn’t like the texture’. Seriously? I mean, come on. It all adds up. Did you know that Australia wastes 5 million tons of food per year? That’s enough to fill 9,000 Olympic sized swimming pools! I will be discussing an issue that affects each and every one of us. Food...
2 Pages 942 Words

Flaws and Mistakes Shape Us into Who We Are and Should Be

Erikson states “adolescents struggle to discover their own identity while negotiating and struggle in a complex social world” (pg.211). The terms ‘Who am I?’, ‘Who do I want to be?’. These are the questions that I heard since elementary school and high school. So many people are on this journey to live a perfect life. I personally think it’s senseless. The reason why I say it’s senseless is because you have no idea what perfection is. Unless you’ve experienced imperfection....
2 Pages 893 Words

External Beauty and Its Influence on Teenagers' Self-Esteem

It is people's instinct to like to be beautiful. On average, time spent on appearance contributes 7.7 hours of young girls’ week time (Dahl, 2014). This phenomenon reflects teenagers’ high attention to external beauty. The standard of beauty changes with the elapse of time, and under the influence of appearance-based phenomenon, it is more important to have a captivating appearance. Modern people generally establish their self-image by their looks as people notice about someone is how they look. Having a...
2 Pages 893 Words

Exploring Personal Identity in Henry Lawson's Short Stories ‘Our Pipes’ and ‘The Drover’s Wife’

The environment of an individual’s identity shapes the community’s identity due to isolation. When coming together everyone has so much to express and share as everyone has missed out on so much due to being Australian bush men or women. ‘Our Pipes’ and ‘The Drover’s Wife’ explore the culture, identity, and language on both an individual and community aspect. The individual identity explored by Lawson through both texts is the characters and in which they affirm, ignore, challenge, reveal or...
2 Pages 920 Words

Douglas Adams' View of Human 'Superiority' over Other Species in ‘The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy’

Humans are the smartest of all living creatures, we have advanced communication skills and the ability to think on our own. What of the concept of ‘humans are the best’, ‘humans almighty’ was no longer, what if there was a more intelligent species. In ‘The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy’, published in 1979, Douglas Adams challenges the idea. It is said, humans are only the third most intelligent beings, behind mice and dolphins. According to Adams, mice are the most...
2 Pages 882 Words

Cultural Influences on Who I Am

Our idea of self is powerfully influenced by the environment in which we grow up. We are born with good abilities to arrange information, feelings, thoughts including knowledge about our age, gender, race or ethnicity, occupation, social roles, talents, etc. Who am I? I grew up in China and Canada. My experiences in both countries ultimately shaped who I am and how I perceive the world. I am still constantly struggling in Canadian and Chinese different conflicting perspectives on social...
2 Pages 918 Words

Costa Rica: Country Branding

Costa Rica, a country situated in central America with its main source of income through tourism. The country is one of the most visited destinations and has no army from a long time. Costa Rica is also an enticing investment country and provides tremendous opportunities for the establishment of major multinational corporations, due to the high academic level of its workforce as well as the high quality of modern facilities and social and political stability. Many misconceptions that people have...
2 Pages 935 Words

Cooking in Middle Ages

Medieval cooking is interesting in many ways because it consists of diverse foods, techniques, and ideas. Cooking has always been an amazing skill that has been practiced over the centuries. It is a practice that involves preparing food by mixing and heating ingredients so it is more pleasurable to eat. In the Middle Ages, people didn't have gas stoves, microwaves, toaster-ovens, non-stick frying pans, or silicone spatulas. They didn't have tablespoon measurements or lemon squeezers. Preparing food without any of...
2 Pages 907 Words

Comparative Analysis of Job and Career

First of all, I want to give you the definition of job and career. A job is defined as anything a person is obliged or projected to do. There is a specific task need to be done as part of the routine of one person for the salary income agreed. Through a job an employee can earn and attain to support his basic needs and welfare his family. At work, the employment contract between the employer and the employee must...
2 Pages 877 Words

Challenges Facing Rice Production in the Philippines

Rice as defined by the Cambridge Dictionary is the small brown or white seeds produced by a grass plant that are a major food source in many countries, or the plant itself, which is grown in warm, wet places. In Asia, rice is part of every meal because it is essential in order to get energy that the body needs. Rice provides 21% of global human per capita energy and 15% of per capita protein as mentioned by Haefele et...
2 Pages 901 Words

Book Review on Anne Frank's ‘The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition’

‘The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition’ is a book that was written by Anne Frank. She was a Jewish teenage girl who was living in a very difficult time in which Jews were victims of the Nazi laws and persecution during World War II. She received the diary as a birthday present. She wrote on it the most important events toward the war and her everyday life, until three days before all the residents of the Secret...
2 Pages 898 Words

Benefits of Having a Pet

Domestication of animals occurred years ago, and since then it has almost become a human tradition to most, to have own a household pet. It is quite well-known that there are many beneficial aspects to owning a pet. Not only is it very entertaining to have a pet but they also teach you become a more compassionate. It is also very common for people to consider their pets as a part of the family, almost like a sibling or child....
2 Pages 878 Words

Batman: Original and the Biggest Change of His Character

Batman is a fictional hero that has been altered many times throughout history, though I will only discuss the original and the biggest change of his character. Batman has always been a very dark hero/vigilantly that takes down thugs and villains. He’s known to be a millionaire socialite with bat themed props and a bat themed costume. In 1939, Bob Kane, born on October 1915, New York, invented Batman. Bill Finger joined him shortly after and they published Batman’s first...
2 Pages 882 Words

Bad Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body

Alcohol is one of the most prevalently consumed resources in the world, used by thousands and thousands of human beings in the course of the United States on a normal basis. Alcohol consumption can have a pervasive influence on health and well-being and even light ingesting is associated with sure unfavorable effects. The greater alcohol a character consumes, the extra of an effect it has on their system. When one thinks about the effect that alcohol can have on a...
2 Pages 938 Words

Analysis of Success of the Film 'Amelie'

‘Amelie’ is a romantic comedy movie, produced by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, in 2001. He became famous for this film. He was not only making romantic movies, but also, he was making horror action movies, such as ‘Alien: Resurrection’. Before this movie, he already used a lot of digital processing technology and he had his unique world. According to Jeunet’s interview article, he said that his idea was to tell a positive story. Amelie is quite depressed, pretty lonely, and quite neurotic,...
2 Pages 910 Words

Analysis of the Film 'Good Will Hunting'

Film, much like literary works, is a medium in which composers can represent various aspects of human life. Through the exploration of human behavior in response to painful situations, Gus Van Sant’s ‘Good Will Hunting’ creates a profound illustration of the idea that many wounded humans believe that stepping outside of their comfort zone will lead to further emotional pain. Various film techniques, combined with a heartwarming screenplay, creates a dynamic interaction of technical tools that evoke emotion and invite...
2 Pages 889 Words

Analysis of Effect of Martin Luther King's Speeches in the Movie 'Selma': Essay

This essay will explore the effect of Martin Luther King’s speeches in ‘Selma’. His emphasis on community power shows the success of peacebuilding from the bottom-up. Indeed, the technique of non-violent protests and the media’s portrayal of the aggression protestors faced forced political action at the highest levels to occur. In ‘Selma’, King delivers his speeches in the distinct Southern gospel style of speaking. David Oyelowo, who played King, mastered the southern inflections and the musicality that made Martin Luther...
2 Pages 903 Words

Analysis of Concepts of Redemption and Growth in the Film 'Good Will Hunting'

The human experience is complex and dynamic in nature, but we all know that. We know that its full of anomalies and inconsistencies that shape the way we think, feel and interact with others. In this essay I will analyze and reflect on the concepts of redemption and growth and how they are represented in the 1997 film ‘Good Will Hunting’. This film portrays redemption in a way that challenges the audience’s assumptions by shedding light on a new point...
2 Pages 876 Words

America's Junk Food Dependence

Our society has developed an obesity problem over the past several decades, and the solution seems simple: eat less junk food. But when it’s more affordable and more accessible than healthier options, it’s time we see the problem for what it really is: a dependence on junk food. It permeates our culture and is often the only option for a lot of people. The prevalence of junk food in our culture did not happen overnight, and the solution to obesity...
2 Pages 947 Words

Alcohol Remains a Dangerous Problem for Canadian Population

In June 2017, Andre Picard brought public attention to seemingly trivial issue of alcohol in his article at the Globe and Mail ‘We Need to Stop Romanticizing Alcohol’. According to the Globe and Mail, Andre Picard is known for his dedication to improving healthcare. “He was named Canada's first 'Public Health Hero' by the Canadian Public Health Association and as a 'Champion of Mental Health' by the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health. His work has been recognized...
2 Pages 931 Words

Solution to Wild Horse Overpopulation

There’s an animal that’s been kicking up controversy, and that is the wild horses of America, we call them mustangs. Although their origins are unknown, their overpopulation has been a long-standing issue in the US. With large herds of these wild horses overrunning lands and resources, the controversy lies within our government BLM to control them. Today’s wild horses are not truly native. The early forerunner to the mustang is said to have first appeared millions of years ago but...
2 Pages 882 Words

Brief Review of John Mearsheimer's Works

The main arguments of John Mearsheimer relied on the development, nature and fate of liberal hegemonic order. He is a well-known ‘offensive realist’ and his central argument relied mainly on the long-standing intention of creating the world in the American image through liberal thoughts and institutional arrangements. The concept of liberal democracy started with two fundamental assumptions about human nature, care about the social nature of individuality. It stands with the solution of individual rights, norms of tolerance and having...
2 Pages 927 Words

‘The Silence of the Lambs’ by Thomas Harris: Book Review

‘The Silence of the Lambs’ by Thomas Harris is the second book in the series of Hannibal Lecter. Before discussing about the book, I want to talk about Thomas Harris. The author of this book because I him find to be very interesting. Little is known about Thomas Harris. He is very out of the public’s eye and very off the radar. He hasn’t given an interview since 1976 which is quite interesting. He has given us the most infamous...
2 Pages 901 Words

The Swimmer': Man’s Attempt at Avoiding the Inevitable

Time moves, whether it’s slowly or fast. There are people who embrace time and there are others who try running from it. Those people who do attempt to escape it try many different ways to accomplish, either by delusions or Botox. These attempts, however, will forever end in defeat. In the story titled ‘The Swimmer’ by John Cheever, the audience witnesses the main character Neddy Merril attempting and failing to avoid the impending passage of time. In the second paragraph,...
2 Pages 947 Words
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