900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Plessy VS Ferguson: Separate But Equal Doctrine

Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark 1896 U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine. The case stemmed from an 1892 incident in which African American train passenger Homer Plessy refused to sit in a car for Black people. Rejecting Plessy’s argument that his constitutional rights were violated, the Supreme Court ruled that a law that “implies merely a legal distinction” between white people and Black people was not unconstitutional. As...
2 Pages 880 Words

Turritopsis Dohrnii and The Idea of Immortality

What’s the first thing that comes into your mind when you’re told that a species has been identified as immortal? It’s understood that immortality means having the ability to live forever or last forever. Along with that, it’s also perceived that immortality has always thought to be impossible, but not anymore because the jellyfish “Turttiopsis Dohrnii” is now familiarized as the uniquely immortal creature. An immortal creature that can recycle its life, provide more advanced cancer analysis and is a...
2 Pages 919 Words

Eagle Poem': Prayer for a Change in The World

Joy Harjo is a Native American Poet. Harjo started writing poetry to make her voice heard and spoke for the Native American women. 1973 was the year of awareness for the Native American issues during the native rights movements. At this time, Native Americans were being dispersed, disregarded and Harjo couldn’t sit in silence and let this happen. I feel that this poem is really about the native people and all the violence and fear they endured, and she is...
2 Pages 893 Words

The Concept of Loss in ”Dover Beach” and “The Waste Land”

Most of piece of writing values aren't told expressly. Several values were hidden between words. The words can have 2 interpretations that are the literal that means and also the hidden meaning. This double that means principally are often found in poetry in type of sign. Those signs will have completely different that means besides the literal meaning. The assistance to interpret signs is semiotic. Semiotic could be a study concerning signs. In his reading of The Waste Land, Philip...
2 Pages 900 Words

Global Warming Myth or Reality? Essay

In the past 139years, the warming trend that we are having now has never experienced by earth before (NASA, 2020). In fact, the World Meteorological Organisation has stated that since 1980s, each decade has been warmer than the previous one. Though the scientific evidence seems devastating in favour of global warming, there are those, for very few reasons, who considers global warming as a hoax or not empirically proved. This is upsetting, as the future of our planet is at...
2 Pages 926 Words

Ego Defense Mechanisms Shown By The Female Protagonist In The Walking Dead: Michonne Game

Literature is a term to describe mainly written works and sometimes spoken or voiced materials. It was derived from the Latin word litaritura/litteratura which means “writing formed with letters”. Literature mostly refers to creative literary works, for example, poetry, drama, novel, short story, and songs. As our cultures and societies developed, there was a massive development in the forms of literature. It is formed by diversity, including feelings, expressions, emotions, and languages which are reflected in daily or social life....
2 Pages 894 Words

The Cost of Fossil Fuels to the Society in 2015

The fossil fuels nowadays are the primary sources of energy for industrial, agricultural and community needs. More than 80% of the energy in the world comes from the fossil fuels (Cherian 36). Among them are natural gas, oil, coal and in some cases wood. They are very convenient because they produce enormous amounts of energy when burned. At the same time, fossil fuels exert a significantly harmful impact on the environment. The Environmental Impact Resulting from the Global Use of...
2 Pages 922 Words

Antibiotics and Their Effect on Children

Antibiotics have become an indispensable part of the medical procedure to treat various diseases. Children, being in the most active phase of life, play in the gardens inhabited by all sorts of insects, slide on the railings laden with dust, sail paper boats in the muddy puddles on a rainy day and what not! We, the parents, are often on our toes running to the doctors with their cuts and wounds, infections and ailments due to their fearless fun-loving attitude....
2 Pages 878 Words

Plot Summary of The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath hounds Esther Greenwood who spends the summer of 1953, “the summer they electrocuted the Rosenbergs” away from hometown Massachusetts, sent off to intern in New York at a reputable fashion magazine with eleven other lucky girls. She is meant to have the time of her life, be the envy of thousands of college girls just like her all over America but just feels that all her accomplishments she has totted up fizzle into nothing....
2 Pages 937 Words

The Myth of Perseus and Medusa in Art

There is a famous Greek myth about Perseus and Medusa. In Greek mythology, the Greek hero beheaded Medusa. A representation of this myth is present in the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art. It is a painting by the Italian artist Luca Giordano that dates from ca. 1680. This oil on canvas belongs to the Baroque period. It is a great representation of the period because it shows the main characteristics of Baroque art. It should be included in the next...
2 Pages 924 Words

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock': Eliot’s Poetic Techniques

The first factor of the poem which is striking is the title: the fact that it is a ‘Love Song’ suggest closeness and romance which is then removed by the way in which he signs his name. ‘J. Alfred Prufrock’ appears to be more personal than simply his surname because it is individual to him but at the same time it could be interpreted as somewhat formal due to its fullness. Something else which seems strange at first is the...
2 Pages 910 Words

Ulysses': Experimentation and Ipseity in The Modern World

Modernism was a movement that formed at the beginning of the twentieth century and lasted roughly 65 years. Cultural shocks, such as World War I, instigated the era of Modernism. While this war was meant to end all wars, people could not fathom that such an event was actually taking place, and the disastrous state of humanity that it revealed. After World War II followed within the span of a single generation, the morale and peace of Western civilization was...
2 Pages 910 Words

The Philosophy of Jack London Exposed in White Fang

“It was the masterful and incommunicable wisdom of eternity laughing at the futility of life and the effort of life. It was the Wild, the savage, frozen-hearted, Northland Wild.” In this quote, American author Jack London establishes the key theme of his novel White Fang. Throughout this work, London seeks to portray his conception of nature, which is dark, ominous, and all-powerful. In order to convey this belief, he utilizes unique personification and symbolism, a wild setting, and particular vocabulary....
2 Pages 904 Words

Plastic Pollution Issue Overview

As Shannon L. Alder once said, “before you call yourself a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, or any other theology, learn to be human first”. But what does it actually mean to be a good human? Certainly not one that normalized disastrous issues like pollution in the name of profit and convenience. The On-the-go, modern lifestyles of people have made disposable products such as cans, bottles, bags, and straws a constant requirement. However, the accumulation of these products has led to...
2 Pages 947 Words

David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell: The Idea of 'The Beaten Dog in a Fight'

How many time do we try to dress up just to put ourselves become someone we are not familiar? People would like to hear stories about the underdog, but rather than that, everyone loves to be a top dog! But it is unrealistic because not everyone is the same. The story “David and Goliath,” written by Malcolm Gladwell, introducing a new idea of being an underdog by a true story from history. Each chapter I have read so far reflected...
2 Pages 888 Words

How Invasive Species Affect The Ecosystem

There are many things that impact the environment and the ecosystems within them. Some of the impacts are beneficial, while others tear the ecosystem apart such as climate change, overpopulation and invasive species. While some of these events are natural many of these events are caused by the human population. In chapter five of Environmental Geology: Science, Land and Earth Systems by William A. Marsh and John Garcia Jr. there is a section that talks about ecosystem patterns and disturbances....
2 Pages 876 Words

Understanding The Problems and Authenticity of African Society Through Chinua Achebe’s Works

Chinua Achebe, a Nigerian novelist born on November 16th, 1930 has been described by many as Africa’s most influential writer of his generation. Achebe continues to receive tremendous praise for his “unsentimental depictions of the social and psychological disorientation” that came with the western customs and values that had been imposed on Africans through colonialism. Achebe covered a number of key topics in his literary work, common themes in his work included tales of the first contact an African village...
2 Pages 898 Words

El Nino, Global Warming And Climate Change

This assay is based on El Nino as a frequent event, the impacts El Nino attributes on South African economy, food security, farm practices and labour relations. It also includes what global warming is, its causes and difference between global warming and climate change. Furthermore, discuss why global warming and climate change effects serve on developing countries. According to Accuweather (2019), El-Nino is a routine climate pattern that occurs when the sea surface temperatures in the Tropical Pacific Ocean rise...
2 Pages 888 Words

Tertullian's Writings and Significance

If he ever came to speak at your church you would probably never forget him. He was passionate, articulate, totally committed. He boldly taunted the might of the Roman empire, courageously defended oppressed believers, and harshly reprimanded compromising Christians. In later life, he lost favor with much of the Church when he at least temporarily took up with the Montanists-- what we would probably call today a puritanical-charismatic sect. He was the pacesetter as the church expanded its teaching and...
2 Pages 904 Words

The Effects of Coral Bleaching

In this modernized era, Earth is impacted by numerous biological dilemmas every day. One biological problem facing the world today would be the endangered ecosystems of the coral reefs. Corals are found all over the world, in both the shallow and deep parts of the ocean. However, coral reefs are only found in tropical and subtropical waters. (Knowlton, 2018). Coral reefs are only sustainable within the temperatures range of 22 -29 degrees Celsius, anything higher or lower will result in...
2 Pages 876 Words

The Mandatory Urban Water Conservation Rules in California

In California today, drought levels are at the highest they have ever been. On Tuesday, May 4, 2015 Governor Jerry Brown imposed the first mandatory urban water conservation rules in state history. These new rules will start June 1 and will remain until February. The new rules include limits on lawn watering, bans on washing cars and filling swimming pools (in some areas), and the use of water cops to give out tickets for people using to much water or...
2 Pages 906 Words

Things Fall Apart': Language as a Bridge to Understanding in a Novel by Chinua Achebe

The author is largely successful in developing a blend between the English language and the culture of the Ibo people. Using this European language to define various unfamiliar words, explain customs, fabricate ways of thinking and translate metaphors creates the illusion of an African language while still being accessible to individuals in this English dominated world. For the whole of the novel Achebe inserts Ibo words that can either be defined by the reader through evidence from the text or...
2 Pages 877 Words

The WWF’s Environmental Advertisement on Marine and Ocean Pollution

Rhetoric and the art of persuasion are generally associated with spoken language and oratory. However, a visual image can also make a convincing point, and this is particularly applicable to social and environmental advertising. Its efficiency largely depends on the performance of all possible persuasive means, which Aristotle previously divided into logos, pathos, and ethos (Vu 31). Researchers note that visual rhetoric uses special techniques to build arguments such as color, lighting, and expression, and the image language can rapidly...
2 Pages 942 Words

The History Boys': Attitudes Towards Women

Alan Bennett presents the attitudes towards women in The History Boys in a variety of different ways. One way that Bennett does this is by highlighting the lack of female characters in the play. There are only two female characters in the whole of the play, with only one of these characters having any lines. Mrs. Lintott is another history teacher at the grammar school, who can arguably be considered as one of the most important characters in the play....
2 Pages 903 Words

This Is a Photograph of Me Poem': Main Ideas in a Book

These lines are the fourth stanza of the poem and are located approximately in the center of the piece. I think that the fact that the lines are located in the center is important because to me these lines signify a turning point in the poem or in other words a sort of catharsis. The beginning of the poem is mostly concerned with the surface level details of the photo such as small details like trees and houses. The beginning...
2 Pages 893 Words

Using Technology to Breed Perfect Cows

Slow walk through the fields and high-tech cows seem out of place, but the sensors , artificial intelligence , big data analysis, networking and the Internet of things other elements are beginning to have a significant impact on milk production. By 2050, the world's population will reach 9.7 billion - more than 2 billion more than now, and the global food production system will increasingly be subject to urbanization, climate change, reduced arable land and the search for workers in...
2 Pages 938 Words

A Study of Plastic Pollution in The Pacific Ocean

Over the past few decades, human activity has resulted in severely detrimental ocean pollution, affecting marine ecosystems, our communities, and the environment in general. The spread of oil, industrial/agricultural waste, and chemicals continue to harm the Pacific, but plastic remains one of the most destructive forms of pollutions, killing one million seabirds and one hundred thousand marine creatures per year, according to Ocean Crusaders. The same organization also discovered that there are over 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in...
2 Pages 881 Words

Industrial Revolution in Britain Analysis

Britain was the leader of the industrial revolution in the 17th century while the rest of the modern world was struggling to catch up. The Industrial Revolution was made possible due to the many changes and innovations in the agricultural industry. The Agricultural Revolution did away with the old method of farming. It increased investment in technical improvements, such as new machinery; it privatized the land, provided better drainage, experimented with new crops, and introduced scientific breeding and farming techniques...
2 Pages 890 Words

Analysis of 'The Apology' by Plato

Plato wrote The Apology in 400 B.C. chronicling Socrates’ trial in Athens. Socrates is speaking to the court on the good will of his actions. Socrates introduces himself to the court as a man of good character and addresses the claims against him. Socrates explains to the court that the persuasive words of his accusers “almost made [him] forget who [he] was” and then asks that they do not “let [them]selves be deceived be the force of [their] eloquence.” Socrates...
2 Pages 950 Words

My Motivation to Get an MBA in Marketing at The University of Phoenix

As a woman who has always had a dream of becoming great, I take pride in knowing that I’ve accomplished part of what I set out to accomplish. I often hear phrases such as, “You’re crazy to keep going back to school,” and “Who does that?” Now, I am on a higher playing field, though – back to square one. I am about to make an academic detour from my prescribed path, but it is all worth it in my...
2 Pages 894 Words
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