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Social Issues

Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima' as One of the Most Famous Photographs in US History

The picture captured atop Mount Suribachi on the island of Iwo Jima, showing four soldiers attempting to raise the American flag, has arguably become one of the most famous photographs in United States history. Captured by Joel Rosenthal, the patriotic image was taken on February 23, 1945. ‘Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima’ has been featured on everything from stamps to even statues. Rightfully, the photograph immediately became synonymous with American soldiers as it represents unity, pride, and bravery. Joel...
2 Pages 893 Words

Challenges Intel Faces in China

Intel has a valid issue in the case of China. But this case has many other problems associated with the one seen deep beneath the surface. It is evident on the surface that Li is an emotional worker who puts in his job his wholehearted effort. This is a problem for any boss because of the employee's emotional attachment. But the question is whether in the company it's just Li who feels this way. The case reflects the cultural differences,...
2 Pages 893 Words

9/11 - The Saddest Day in American History

“9/11 is a day that I will never be able to forget, even if I wanted to”. When my aunt Sheree said that, I then knew how important and life-changing this event really was to her. She experienced this event first hand, as she was on a work trip to New York. Eighteen years ago on a sunny September morning, thousands of people in New York City were getting ready for what they thought would be an average day. Unknown...
2 Pages 921 Words

Vision, Goals, Objectives, Strengths and Weaknesses of Google

Google came into existence more than 20 years ago on the 4th of September 1998. Google was created by two friends named Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They found Google when they were completing their Ph.D. at the Stanford University in California. The headquarters of Google is located in California, United States. Google was actually known as Backrub when it was initially founded. Together Larry Page and Sergey Brin own 14% of Google’s shares. Sundar Pichai is the current CEO...
2 Pages 900 Words

Nelson Mandela Leadership Essay

Leadership can be put as the capability of a person to inspire and influence others to move ahead in the direction of goals and achieve them. The leader who has set great examples by exhibiting democratic leadership styles is Nelson Rolihlahla Mandel, who is often referred to as the father of the South African population. The paper would discuss leadership, as employed by Nelson Mandela, which inspired numerous people to follow his vision while being the president of South Africa....
2 Pages 898 Words

Mid-Term Break: Poetry of Seamus Heaney

In the poem ‘Mid-Term Break’ belonging to the collection ‘Death of a Naturalist’ (1966), the poet Seamus Heaney thoroughly explores the theme of children sometimes being forced to grow up. The memory poem presents the tragedy which forced Seamus Heaney to come of age, laying out in snapshot-like form the instances that marked the influential day. Called away from school, he faces the reality of his younger brother’s death, and the new expectations which fall upon him. Through the poet’s...
2 Pages 880 Words

First-Year Community College Students Can Be Happy Too

Nearly every human feels the need to seek happiness in the most effortless way possible. If humans find true meaning, they can tolerate more than those who do not have a reason. Having true happiness can also bring good health to one’s body. Only the person will be able to determine his or her happiness. The degree of happiness within young first-year community college students is something that can be achieved with effort. In 2018 the state of Tennessee had...
2 Pages 931 Words

The Review of Cokie Roberts' 'Founding Mothers: The Women Who Raised Our Nation'

‘Founding Mothers’ is a multi-faceted biography that recognizes the undiscussed efforts and contributions of women during the American Revolution. Roberts uses primary sources written by these women in the form of diary journals and letters to analyze the unseen aspects of women’s achievements during the war and give dimension to their lives. Specifically, figures such as Martha Washington, Sarah Pinckney, and Abigail Adams amongst others are discussed in detail in terms of their contributions to the war efforts and their...
2 Pages 931 Words

Money and the American Dream: Essay

Immigration has been a significant impact on Americans' dreams since the late 1800s-1900s involving around ten-million immigrants getting into us. This has stimulated resentful attitudes from Americans as a result of immigrants obtain their dreams here, rental immigrants have a touch additional attention than Americans do. To measure the American Dream would be to measure in peace with no worries concerning cash, safety, hunger or loss... cash could be a sturdy consider this dream to most resulting in the very...
2 Pages 932 Words

How to Manage Your Money as a Student? Essay

As students, you are already having a few adult responsibilities. One of such is budget planning and management. A large percentage of students will not be living with their parents but are living alone or with a roommate or with roommates. How then can you ensure that you properly manage your finances? That is actually the whole essence of this conversation. Whether you are from the upper-class, lower-class or middle-class, we all need money management skills. In order not to...
2 Pages 924 Words

Portrayal of John Steinbeck's Life Experiences and Views in His Novel 'The Grapes of Wrath'

John Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California in 1902. He grew up recounting stories that had Salinas tattle inserted in them. His characters in his stories were usually about misconstrued ranchers and farmers. ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ is a story where he discussed the events of how he grew up and the shattered dreams of land ownership in California. His family immigrated from Germany. He had a comfortable yet humble childhood. He invested a great deal of his energy working...
2 Pages 917 Words

Freedom to Speak, Freedom to Discern

America prides itself on being the ‘Land of the Free’; however, as strange online activity and conspiracy mongering enter the public spotlight, the kind of freedom we so cherish must be decided. Are we entitled to a freedom to speak however we would like, or entitled to a freedom to be sheltered from harmful and false ways of thinking? As national security relies on governmental attention to threats of violence in the modern Age of Information, the question arises: are...
2 Pages 888 Words

Matching Nursing with the Characteristics of the Discourse Community

A discourse community is people with similar interest and goals in life, share a language that helps them discuss and accomplish these interests and goals. In the nursing community, many codewords are used for different events in situations. All nurses maintain the same goals for every patient; they all have to follow their scope of practice. Everybody works together, share responsibility, and make a decision to devise and carry out plans for patient care. The main goal is to be...
2 Pages 919 Words

Modern-day Witch Hunts Examples 2023

The timeless American play, ‘The Crucible’, by Arthur Miller, dramatizes the Salem witch trials of the late 17th century. The series of unmerited trials and hangings took place in colonial Massachusetts. The event was an instance of mass hysteria, a phenomenon found in groups of people where they share a common delusion or symptom, often as a result of general fear or anxiety. In many cases, there is a scapegoat involved where a person or a select group of people...
2 Pages 934 Words

The Popular Conspiracy Theories About the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

18 years ago, back in September 9th of 2001, all of us remember the tragic day when two planes crashed with the world trade center in New York, the attack was coordinated by the terrorist organization Al Qaida, which killed 2977 people plus the 19 hijackers, and 6000 more people were injured and this completely destroyed the world trade center, bringing down both towers. But ever since 9/11 conspiracy theories have started to fly, many started to say that it...
2 Pages 905 Words

Role Model Can Do It All

It is important that everyone has a role model because having a role model can help you in the future with life problems; because having the role model means they either help you through or they teach you to dodge world problems. In 8th grade I was a regular guy until basketball season came around and I was the odd one out because of my skill and love for the game. After always practicing before, after and during school to...
2 Pages 946 Words

Environmental Injustice and Racial Inequality Associated with Hurricane Katrina

On August 25th, 2005, Hurricane Katrina had torn up communities on the gulf coast of the United States. Katrina hit New Orleans the hardest and left neighborhood streets underwater. Katrina is also one of the damaging tropical storms to have taken place in the united states with the total punitive damages totaling up to over 125 billion dollars from rising floodwaters and destroyed homes. People of color were most affected due to racial inequality and being forced to live in...
2 Pages 902 Words

McCandless’s Adventure of a Lifetime

The adventure of a lifetime ends with a devastating conclusion. Such is the case in ‘Into The Wild’ by Jon Krakauer, which follows the journey of a wanderlust-driven man named Chris McCandless. His travels take him across the United States to reach his ultimate goal of Alaska and finding his true ‘self’. McCandless challenges society by abandoning his old way of life and starting a new, pure life. To his dismay, the journey ends with him realizing that he is...
2 Pages 910 Words

Title IX's Restrictions on Women Athletes of Color

Sports participation and scholarships opportunities for all women athletes, including colored women has increased due to Title IX. However, there is still work to be made for women of color to gain equal representation and opportunities in athletics. In the textbook, ‘Women and Sports’, Ellen S. Staurowsky introduces emerging sports by defining it as, “NCAA Institutions increased women’s sports opportunities, but these increases have primarily been witnessed for white women and thus: have resulted in limited increases in participation rates...
2 Pages 929 Words

O.J. Simpson Murder Case: Evidence Analysis

Orenthal James Simpson, more commonly known as O.J. Simpson, was a former star football player for the Buffalo Bills. According to many, he was considered one of th best football players in NFL history. In 1977, O.J. Simpson met Nicole Brown at a private club where she was working as a watiress at the time, she was only eighteen years old. Eight years after Nicole and O.J. met for the first time in 1977, they married. Not long after the...
2 Pages 950 Words

Overview of the Major Issues of the Netflix Company and Its Ways to Overcome Them

Netflix is a company that produces and provides media-services and with its head office located in California (USA). I will present an insightful examination of some major issues or challenges encountered by Netflix. It will also cover how Netflix did succeed to outsmart and outplayed rivalry or competition. Case Analysis To begin there a many businesses that experienced total remake or transformation from small pushovers business into corporate giants with thanks to the apparition of the internet. One of such...
2 Pages 936 Words

The Social Background of the Salem Witch Trials

The Salem witch preliminaries of 1692 occurred in Salem, Massachusetts. Generally speaking, 141 individuals were captured as 19 were hung and one squashed to death. Scientists portray the Salem witch preliminaries as a progression of court preliminaries that were planned for indicting people who had been blamed for black magic. Earlier hearings of the Salem witch preliminaries were done in a few unique towns. The real preliminary was led by the Court of Oyer and Terminer arranged in Salem town....
2 Pages 939 Words

Reflections on the Existence of Rules in Today's Society

Why do we have rules in today’s society in work, school, and even people like you? Ever since the concept of having rules in history. Yet, when people think of ‘right’, they would give many different answers for defining the word' 'rights'. The word right definition is “That which is morally correct, just or honorable” or “A moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way”. Throughout history, many monarchies and governments have...
2 Pages 881 Words

Proper Hygiene as the Key to Good Health and a Successful Future

Every student is determined to be successfull. They even sacrifice everthing just to be comfortable in the future. They woke up early morning and leave their homes not knowing what will be the challenges they will face onwards. But regardless of the self-confidence they have, problems are just continuous. They’ll attack you physically and even emotionally. Most of the health issues that students have undergone mostly relate to the factors affecting health. Mainly these factors greatly affect the academic performance...
2 Pages 903 Words

Architectural Precedents in Historical Practice

This study focuses on the architectural precedents in practice and academic setting as a form of research on the history, processes, and theories as well as the strategies that can be re-interpreted or referenced in the current works. In this case, the ancient Egyptian pyramids in the past are used as precedents to inform the manner of solving certain issues; perhaps in the organization of a plan, detail development, review the existing relationships or strategy advancement for site comparison. Construction...
2 Pages 907 Words

The Importance of Accountability for Organizational Effectiveness

Accountability is an essential part of an individual’s life, such as personal life or work. It is an important factor for exploring mistakes and taking responsibility to avoid serious problems. Accountability stipulates the initiative to inquire about the employees’ performance of duties. Taking responsibility for its negligence and interpretation is the reason for negligence in carrying out the duty, and the organization or individual will be evaluated on how they behave or perform related to something for which they are...
2 Pages 896 Words

The Declaration of Independence and Reimagining the Role of Women

The ideals of the Declaration of Independence were established in 1776 which was all for equality, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but were not entirely evident when it came to the re-imagining of a women’s role. Abigail Adams had been unable to convince John Adams and congress to grant women more rights as they were about to shape the new national government, but it could be seen that John was not going to Remember the Ladies as he...
2 Pages 905 Words

Witchcraft in Salem Village and Its Consequences

In 1692 religion was the center of most people’s lives in Salem, Massachusetts. When the idea that the devil could give other humans the power to harm others is when the turmoil began. Those who were given these ‘powers’ were coined with the name of witches. The Witchcraft Act of 1542 passed by Parliament, defined witchcraft as a 'crime punishable by death'. The long-held perception of witches brings visions of conical hats, black cats and bubbling cauldrons. Witchcraft emerged in...
2 Pages 904 Words

The Importance of Promoting Organ Donation

Caden is an 11-years old child that should be just learning and enjoying life, but because he was born with a severe form of heart disease he needed a heart transplant. By the time he was getting sicker so an artificial heart was a bridge to get him a heart transplant but after two weeks Caden died. To avoid this dramatic situation, it was only necessary to know how to encourage organ donation. Organ transplant, determined as the transference of...
2 Pages 933 Words

Positive Risk and Its Examples

Risk analysis is the review of the risks associated with a particular event or action. It is applied to projects, information technology, security issues and any action where risks may be analyzed on a quantitative and qualitative basis. Risk analysis is a component of risk management. Most of us do anything possible to avoid risk, right? However, once we understand that there are different types of risk - each having their own potential outcomes - we might better put those...
2 Pages 876 Words
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