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Social Issues

Comparative Analysis of Observational Studies and RCTs

Humans have bias; researchers ultimately are interested in the success of their research study and patients would mostly prefer a trial drug to a placebo. Therefore, randomized controlled trials are preferable as they do better to limit to effects of this bias. The Oxford definition of causal is “connected with the relationship between two things, where one causes the other to happen” (Oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com, 2020). The concept of cause and effect can be seen in Medicine from the ancient Humourism which...
2 Pages 932 Words

Influence of Individual’s Personal Behavior on Possibility of an Organ Transplant: Critical Analysis

Organ transplantation is a significant technique that can prolong a person’s life, enhance the quality of life, and considerably minimize the overall healthcare costs in patients who have end-stage liver, renal, and heart disease. Distribution of limited resources has ethical, moral, and social implications. Given that some causes of end-stage diseases are preventable; the questions arise as to whether the finite resources should be awarded to individuals who could have prevented their disease. While appealing to personal responsibility to prioritize...
2 Pages 912 Words

Impact of Social Causes on Social Networking by Age Group in the United States: Analytical Essay

Introduction The figure above describes trends showing the levels of increase or decrease in internet users social networking site use by age group from 2005-2013 in the United States. Notably, the 80% increase in social networking usage in a 8 year time span for 18-29 year olds, and 70%, 54%, and 42% increases respectively by age. Social Networking use by age group in the United States is a topic that has remained prevalent over the last few years due to...
2 Pages 935 Words

Critical Analysis of Several Stages of Hero's Journey

According to mythological tradition, what are all hero have in common with the heroes of ancient myths? In my opinions, they are all variants of the same hero. If we consider hero’s journey as a circle, the journey begins and ends in a hero’s ordinary world, but thickest passes through an unfamiliar, special world. Along the way, there are some key events. For example, there are my favourite movie, “Harry Potter” and “Hunger Game”. And also we can look at...
2 Pages 949 Words

The Dust Bowl and New Farmers' Tactics: Analytical Essay

Have you ever thought about how many farmers we have compared to how many we had 17 years ago? This statistic shows the total number of farms in the United States from 2000 to 2017. In 2000, there were more than 2.16 million farms in the United States. In 2016, the amount of farms in the U.S. decreased to 2,048,000 (“Total number of Farms”) . This is crazy how many farmers there are now compared now to just 17 years...
2 Pages 882 Words

Cognitive Psychology and Users of Smart Home: Analytical Essay

I. Introduction Smart Home is a technology based smart objects of use cases that purpose humans for changing their behaviours which is related with the patterns of consumption, improving for care the health each people, decrease consumption of energy. It has to create the concept with prototype which is connected the device for smart health. The device can be made an electrocardiogram (ECG) with smartphone, tablets, etc. ECG is a graphical testing of the rhythms of hearts which the heart...
2 Pages 894 Words

Nazi Concentration Camp in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich: Critical Analysis

Since those two camps differed in their approaches, those had been targeted for dissimilar paths. Hitler came up with a scheme for exterminating Jews so that he could accomplish his superior race myth. While Stalin set up the labour camp for economic improvement, and for prisoners’ reincarnation. First, we can mention the biggest absence – Humanity, throughout the Night story. There was either mercy or rights to resistance under the German concentration camp. Nazi concentration camp, as distinct from Soviet...
2 Pages 906 Words

General Overview of Women's Suffrage Movement: Descriptive Essay

This is the same fundamental principle that men have been instilled into women mind. That means in summary: if I can put someone down even in my social class or race then I can stay in power but importantly on top; that is the definition of 'white privilege' that is illustrated from the previous readings listed above. Not only did separate race women but race became the definition of social classes; that meant where one immigrated from defined an individual...
2 Pages 885 Words

Supreme Court Jurisdiction Concerning Marbury v. Madison: Analytical Essay

The purpose of the courts is to solve legal matters by using the law to interpret each case (Khatri, 2016). The Supreme Court otherwise referred to “Court of Final Appeal”, is the highest level of the Federal Court System and has a wide array of setting precedence and jurisdiction (Khatri, 2016). A common question about the Supreme Court is how they choose their cases. The Supreme Court has thousands and thousands of cases to choose from and only some of...
2 Pages 900 Words

Critical Analysis of Standardized Testing: Reflective Essay

Throughout the years, standardized testing has been regarded as the way to measure how much a student has learned over a period of time. It is seen as such because it provides an objective and reliable measure of student achievement, which plays a huge role on major decisions about the student’s future, such as grade promotion, high school graduation and higher education opportunities. Many people argue whether standardized testing is really effective, or is it just affecting the prospect of...
2 Pages 912 Words

History of Celebrating Valentine's Day Around the World: Descriptive Essay

You know it's the season of love when February comes in. Television networks start to air everything about love, may it be a person's first kiss, first heartbreak, successful marriages, or even the most painful relationships. As you walk down the streets, you would probably see more hearts than you usually see on a regular basis. And this will go on for the rest of February. Through giving cards, flowers, chocolates, or taking your loved ones on a date, making...
2 Pages 879 Words

World Festivals That Celebrate Death: Traditions of the Day of the Dead

Almost all religions and cultures of different countries have their own perception of death. Some think of it as the end of life, some believe it's part of life, and to others, it's an exit to another life. Many cultures have regarded the dead with respect and have even designated holidays to honor the dearly departed. During such times, people visit graves, clean tombstones, have food offerings, regale on stories about loved ones who have passed away, and more. At...
2 Pages 886 Words

Forrest Gump’s Hero Journey: Analytical Essay

With 46 academy awards and 68 nominations, the 1994 movie Forrest Gump is an icon in modern cinema. With a timeline that spans from the 1950s to the 1980s, there are many journeys and events that the main character, Forrest, faces throughout the film. The focus will be on Forrest enlisting with the U.S. Army and his deployment in Vietnam. Many stages of Campbell’s Hero Journey can be seen in this part of the movie such as, “Meeting the mentor”,...
2 Pages 883 Words

My Study Plan for Studies in China at Tongji Studies University

Study Plan Academic Background: I have completed my B.Sc. (4 Years) in Civil Engineering from Uttara University, Bangladesh with an outstanding result (CGPA 3.97 in a scale of 4). I was a diligent and studious student among others during my undergraduate studies, very often involved in many curricular and co-curricular activities like Mechanics Olympiad, Drafting Contest, Bazar Master, Math Olympiad, Poster presentation and so on. In fact, I was up to the mark and honored in the top first list...
2 Pages 890 Words

Analytical Essay on Establishment of Costco's Association Culture

Costco has one of the most noteworthy degrees of association I've by and by seen in my 15 years of concentrating on issues of hierarchical culture. I trust it clarifies why Costco is America's best business. How about we take a gander at the three components of vision, esteem, and voice and how they give the establishment of Costco's Association Culture. Impart a Motivating Vision With regards to an Association Culture, my partners and I characterize vision as having three...
2 Pages 877 Words

Reflective Essay on the Importance of University Education

Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine” By Peter Sondergaard About Me My name is Muhammad Awais and I am empathic student. I was born and brought up in Lahore which is the capital of the province Punjab, Pakistan. I belong to a modest family. My father is my hero as my grandfather was not literate so after finishing Matric my father started a job and besides job he continue his studies as...
2 Pages 945 Words

Nursing Care Plan for Chronic Nerve Pain

A nursing care plan allows a nurse to identify the most pressing concerns for a client, develop nursing interventions and evaluate them. This report details a nursing care plan for a client with liver cirrhosis presenting with unresolved chronic sciatic pain. My client D.R was a gentleman who presented with this disease. He is 75 years old and quite sharp for his age. He reports that prior to his liver disease and resulting ascites over two years ago, he enjoyed...
2 Pages 945 Words

Essay on Broken Windows Theory: Critical Analysis of Articles

Literature suggests that 311 data alone may not be sufficient to measure collective efficacy and similar social constructs, rather big data combined with individual surveys and qualitative data are a more effective measure of behavioral constructs. Daniel O'Brien (2015) examines the use of 311 data as a measure of custodianship in Boston. Custodianship is a concept similar to collective efficacy that refers to the practice of an individual taking ownership of repairing physical disorder in public space. O'Brien pulled data...
2 Pages 919 Words

Death of Indigenous People and Westward Expansion: Analytical Essay

The U.S. drive west that spanned roughly over 30 years displayed how committed the settler, and the U.S Government was in regards to settling the frontier. The greatest tools that was exploited with winning congress following the war was railroad building expansion program. The railroad, in essence, is what this country needed at the time to help re establish unity among the populace. With Union Victory, the south was ruined and the railroads gave way to opportunities of colonization and...
2 Pages 910 Words

Analysis of The Dust Bowl and Its Effects of the Ongoing Economic Depression

The end of World War 1 brought the United States a time of much political, economic, social changes, and had the U.S. emerge from the war as a powerful military leader. Factories and industries throughout the country had become significantly more efficient with the rise of Ford's assembly line and allowed for regular citizens to gain access to items much cheaper. Along with this economic prosperity, women gained the ability to vote in 1919, changing the look of women from...
2 Pages 930 Words

Reflection of the Story of Silent Spring: Opinion Essay

Hi. My name is Abir. I am here to tell you the story of Silent Spring - The Book That Killed Thousands. Rachel Carson’s book, Silent Spring, influenced the banning of DDT,a chemical that was being over sprayed in the U.S.A. Although Rachel Carson triumphed over authority, banning DDT caused deadly mosquitoes to be common, tragically infecting and killing many people unnecessarily because of malaria outbreaks. Rachel Carson needed to convince people that banning DDT would be a good idea.She...
2 Pages 912 Words

Case Study of George Stinney Based on the Bill of Rights

Watching George’ case in this video, I feel sad for what happened to him. It is unfair for him to be charged with murder and be sentenced to death. And the result is heavily against the federal constitution and the judiciary of USA. In the federal constitution, the first amendment of Bill of rights decided that individual has their right to speak, which means that they can express their views freely and defend for themselves as their will. And, they...
2 Pages 922 Words

Essence of Sociological Imagination: Opinion Essay

What is Sociological Imagination? Well, Sociological Imagination is a phrase that came from C. Wright Mills. He described the sociological imagination as a way of thinking outside the box. It allows us to “think ourselves away” (Mills) from what you or others may think is normal because that's how society sees it. It’s a way of thinking beyond just yourself and society’s norms, its a way of learning about a concept or routine by making connections from past and present...
2 Pages 915 Words

Critical Analysis of Adriel A Hilton, “Brainology: Transforming students, motivation to learn”,

People that are just like Vanessa can succeed in college by the development of self discipline, improvement of delayed gratification, transitioning her mind from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. Though, there will be challenges going along with you as you try to discover what you need to work on. As long as you stay focused on getting better and putting the time and effort to be successful. In the TED Talk, “Don’t eat the marshmallow test”, Joanchin de...
2 Pages 931 Words

Analytical Essay on Psychological Behavior Theories

I am a strong believer that our behavior comes from a place of learning, understanding, and or influence. In childhood our surroundings affect the way act not only in our youth but our adulthood, if a parent treats their children with violence or if the child witnesses this type of behavior from a certain age they are more likely to true aggressive due to the experiences they face at such a young age. Our behavior can also be influences by...
2 Pages 895 Words

The Road by McCarthy Versus The Fall of the House of Usher written by Edgar Allen Poe: Comparative Analysis

Cormac McCarthy started a trend in American literature following violence and desolation. One of McCarthy’s well known works is The Road written in 2006. His work with dismembering humans depicts an epic but brutal sense of reality. In the The Road McCarthy shifts his focus to post-apocalyptic America and its effects on human psyche. Similar yet very different to The Fall of the House of Usher written by Edgar Allen Poe. The Fall of the House of Usher is one...
2 Pages 895 Words

Robert Louis Stevenson' Ideas Concerning the Duality of Human Nature: Analytical Essay

“The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” tells the story about a man named Mr. Gabriel Utterson and his investigation of his good friend, Dr. Henry Jekyll, and the evil Mr. Edward Hyde. The story is centered upon the themes good vs. evil and repression. The author, Robert Louis Stevenson, spends majority of the story expressing his idea of the quality of man. His idea indicates that every human being has a pure, innocent, good side while having...
2 Pages 895 Words

Removal or Maintaining a Speed Limit at Motorways: Argumentative Essay

Nearly 1.25 million people die in road crashes each year around the glove, on average 3,287 deaths a day. An additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled. Road traffic crashes rank as the 9th leading cause of death and account for 2.2% of all deaths globally. If the government implements a removal of the speed limit of motorway, the safe and security of our citizens will be at risk, not to mention is indirect negative effects on the British economy....
2 Pages 922 Words

Analytical Essay on Gulliver’s Travel: Use of Satire to Show Dark Realities of Foreign Nations

Gulliver’s Travel by Jonathan Swift is a story that illuminates the dark realities of foreign nations by incorporating satire. With the discovery of several islands, Swift ingeniously includes the use of the primary character, Lemuel Gulliver, and his experiences to draw attention to the faults of humanity. In the first voyage, Gulliver is captured by the people of Lilliput and is tied up by small threads. Despite being able to escape very easily, he remains because they feed him and...
2 Pages 877 Words

Business Practices of South Korea: Influence of Culture and Communication

1. Introduction: Hello everyone. The main purpose for my speech is to let you know more about South Korea and its culture. According to former U.S. Representative Charles B. Rangel “Since the Korean War, the U.S. and South Korea have established an enduring friendship with shared interests, such as denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, combating aggression abroad and developing our economies.” Today, I am going to share with you about how conducting business in South Korea would be positive and unique...
2 Pages 950 Words
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