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Social Issues

Discrimination Of LGBTQ At The Workplace

Imagine trying to climb up your way in your career, but your employer fires you because they come to find out of your sexual orientation or gender identity. This is a thought LGBTQ people face when they live in a state that does not protect them for who they are, and their only safe option is to hide their identity during work. In 30 states, there are no fully protected laws that protect all people from discrimination based on sexual...
2 Pages 879 Words

Use Of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells In Alzheimer’s Disease

INTRODUCTION Alzheimer's disease (AD) was first diagnosed by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906, it has become the most prevalent neurodegenerative disease overall. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is clinically defined as the appearance of progressive deficits in cognition and memory. The two types of AD are Familial AD (FAD) and Sporadic AD (SAD). Both have the clinical and pathological similarities, exhibiting progressive cognitive dementia, senile plaques consisting of amyloid β (Aβ) peptide and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) consisting of phosphorylated tau protein. Axonal...
2 Pages 935 Words

Human Moral and Values

The late 16th-century drama Hamlet by William Shakespeare’s falls in history as one of the author’s greatest and most popular works. A driving factor to the dramas’ world-wide success attributes to the play’s use of human emotion, values, and morals. Specifically, the play makes use of the protagonist, Hamlet, to convey and express what it means to live as a human. In connection with today’s world, readers can feel a sense of connection to Hamlet. Throughout the drama, Hamlet faces...
2 Pages 906 Words

Lord Of The Flies: The Reasons For The Turn To Evil

Some say people's actions are the results of their life experiences but is that true? In William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies he shows us hope, dedication, and conflict within the group of children. It starts with their plane that crashed down, and all they have left is each other as they try to keep hope of being rescued. They soon realize that they are stranded alone with no adults and no sign of help which makes them start...
2 Pages 899 Words

What Makes a Dystopia

According to Terri Chung’s Dystopian Literature Primer, we learn that a dystopia is a “futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control.” If we acknowledge, Hulu’s original series, The Handmaid’s Tale, we can come to conclusion that the type of dystopia being displayed is religious and bureaucratic control. Everyone in this society lives on by the standards within the bible. Men are superior...
2 Pages 887 Words

Medical Marijuana for Chronic Illnesses and Alternative Medicine

Introduction Medical marijuana is an alternative type of medicine that comes from Cannabis Sativa’s dried parts. People have used it as a herbal remedy for centuries, and it as proven to be effective in relieving and treating symptoms of chronic illnesses. Although the Federal government considers it illegal, some states allow its use in treating particular health conditions. Medical marijuana can be in the form of vaporized spray, pills, and smoking leaves or baked into foods depending on how often...
2 Pages 922 Words

The Major Characters And Their Roles In Lord Of The Flies

“Lord Of The Flies” is a novel about a group of young boys who get stranded on an island after a plane accident and need to depend on one another to get help. They are a group of older boys called 'biguns' and younger boys called 'littluns'. Piggy, Ralph, and Jack symbolizes the significance in society. Ralph becomes the chief and battles a great deal with Jack to be boss while Piggy stands uninvolved being the brains behind the chaos....
2 Pages 895 Words

Why People are against Marijuana Legalization

Marijuana refers to the leaves, seeds, flowers and stems of the cannabis plant. Marijuana contains the mind-altering chemical THC, which causes either a mind or body high or both. Marijuana has been used for centuries, however, the United States criminalized it during a time in our history that was filled with discrimination towards colored minorities from both the Caucasian race and the government, which at the time was solely white, and so therefore a form of medicine had been taken...
2 Pages 919 Words

Queer And Disabled Feminist Activism

This week’s discussion takes a look into LGBTQ+ and disabled feminism and activism. In the articles written by Abelson and the speech given in the Incite page, we take a look at LGBTQ+ feminism along with black feminism. In the article written by Abelson, we begin by discussing both the inclusion and exclusion of transgender feminists, which begins in the 1970’s and continues into the early-mid 2000’s. During this time, lesbian feminists began to “turn from a patriarchal and male-centered...
2 Pages 922 Words

Behavior Modification on Procrastinating

As a first-generation college student my ultimate goal is succession within my education, in order to obtain an ultimate future that was unfortunately not accomplished by my family. Therefore, coming from this background holds a major impact in the way one conducts many tasks. However, as any student barriers are encountered, personally one has always been a self-driven individual throughout previous school years due the ambition to become a better version of myself. As a current sophomore, procrastination has recently...
2 Pages 921 Words

Fahrenheit 451: The Condition By Our Own Censorship

Intro In a society of book burners it is hard to not be ignorant and censored. These people are being censored by not the government or television but themselves. This article will cover the issues and themes of the book and the people. Ray Bradbury’s book Fahrenheit 451 surounds a society where books are not valued and technology is valued more than people. Our protagonist Guy Montag is conflicted on whether he’s doing the right thing. The theme being covered...
2 Pages 911 Words

How Racism Changed In America

Since forever in America has consistently been the significance of discrimination. At the point when America considers racism, we, as a nation, consider slavery and that discrimination is never again an issue in America. In any case, this isn't the situation. Discrimination is as yet an issue in the present society since the finish of slavery America has been effective in turning into a fair nation between ethnicities. The change of racism in America has drastically, improved considering our history...
2 Pages 895 Words

Montag's Morals In The Novel Fahrenheit 451

Having just read Fahrenheit 451 in my Language and Literature class, there is quite a lot on my mind regarding the novel. There are many concepts and ideas that Bradbury mentions and references throughout the three different sections, such as the main message, which is to value the power of thought and knowledge. Bradbury also places quite a lot of importance on the fact that censorship limits freedom of speech and thought to a great extent. However, one of these...
2 Pages 899 Words

The Importance Of Individuality In The Book The Giver

In today's society, all are encouraged to be true to oneself (be unique) and to express inner thoughts through emotions and actions. Society often takes the meaning of memories and feelings, lightly yet it is so crucial to have such features in a society! However, in the novel “The Giver”, those luxuries were not given in the community that Jonas, a crucial character in the novel, and his family lived in. One must understand the significance of having a community...
2 Pages 902 Words

Is Morality Innate?

The subjects of morality, ethics and ethical codex have been studied since the times of the Classics and have often been considered as either the same thing, or synonyms (Slavicek, 2013). The word “ethics” has its origins in the works of the early philosophers, starting with Plato’s testament of Socrates’s ethical dilemmas, in which Socrates asks a fundamental question ‘How should one live?’. Ethical behaviour is understood as a behaviour that corresponds with customs of the society one lives in...
2 Pages 922 Words

The Peculiarities Of Woman In Asia Today

The role of women look after the house, kids, and took care of her husband. The women also did the house works like cleaning, ironing, and preparing meals. The women back then didn’t have many rights, Traditionally, rural and tribal women do all the household related chores. Heavy works that require more strength is done by the husband. Now, the chore work is evenly distributed with the men doing just as much work as the women. The scope of their...
2 Pages 930 Words

Emotional Intelligence As A Predictor Of Academic Achievement

In the African context, a number of studies have been done and according to the literature reviewed emotional intelligence was reported to have a significant positive correlation with academic achievement. Ogundokun and Adeyemo (2010) designed a study in Nigeria to investigate the influence of emotional intelligence and academic motivation on learning outcomes of students in secondary schools. The study used descriptive survey research design using a sample of 1563 students (826 male and 737 female) between the ages of 12...
2 Pages 897 Words

Organizational Communication in COVID-19 Pandemic

Organization is defined as a cooperative social system that involves a coordinated effort on the part of many people who pursue the shared goal. In other words, the organization will work when people gather and officially agree to incorporate their efforts for a common objective. Communication can be defined as the process by which information is interchanged and comprehended by two or more people, usually with the aim of motivating or influencing behaviour. Organizational communications is one of the areas...
2 Pages 950 Words

Calamitous Effects of Global Warming on Humanity

Disastrous, destructive, damaging and dying animals are all catastrophic consequences that is global warming’s noose tied around humanity’s neck. Over the years there has been a significant increase in the effects of climate change which is a direct result of global warming. This can evidently be seen till recently in Australia of 2020. This incident that shook the core of many individuals is a prime example of how destructive prolonged drought season combined with strong winds and sparks can damage...
2 Pages 883 Words

Project Team Building, Conflict, and Negotiation

When building a team, it is important to build a team that feels capable of getting the job done. If a capable team was not developed, then the project will likely be a failure. Effective team building can only occur when people feel valued and are able to express their opinions, ideas, and opinions in a manner that satisfies the goals of the entire team. One of the most common issues that people report having with their teams is that...
2 Pages 911 Words

Formal Approach In Analysing A Rose For Emily By William Faulkner

In criticizing the story using a formal approach, another reading of 'Emily Rose' was made. I started reading this article because I had already decided to use a formal approach. The story of 'Emily's Rose' is written in the first person or as a member of the community. The images Faulkner presents in this story run the former South Stadium. Languages ​​such as tradition generation and type of genetic obligation contribute to the ancient meaning of the South. The story...
2 Pages 918 Words

Ethics and Society

Everything in our society is said to be governed by ethics. Ethics differ from one society to the other. The way we are brought up in “our” society, culture, beliefs, and education, shapes morality. Ethics is knowing to differentiate the wrong and good deed, what you have right to do and what is right to do. This promotes the conscious in humans’ mind in almost everything we do in our daily lives. Ethics are important in research, for may reason....
2 Pages 917 Words

Lord Of The Flies VS Naked And Afraid: Themes Of Savagery, Fear, And Evil

Environmental influences can change people's behavior and rationality when put into vulnerable situations where they have no assurance of survival on an uninhabitable island. Fear let's darkness overcome people to do heinous acts for survival. In Lord of the Flies and Naked and Afraid Darkness manifests in both the boys and Matt; a common theme portrayed between both once civilized people turned savage through influences in the environment that triggers an inner evil within all of them. While there are...
2 Pages 899 Words

The Scarlet Letter: Lessons and Themes

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter published in 1850 was a notably acclaimed novel that was one of the first mass-produced books in the United States, sold out just a few days after its initial printing. The book portrayed its protagonist, Hester Prynne’s story of guilt and repentance after she conceived an illegitimate daughter through an affair with the town’s clergyman. The well-renowned romanticist novel has much literary merit and themes that displays significant value for the reader, yet it was...
2 Pages 908 Words

Good And Evil In The Novel Lord Of The Flies

Evil is born not made In Sweden, scientists have discovered that there are genes in the human DNA that make them violent and become murders in the worst case. The result of this experiment supports the violent behavior of young survivors in the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding. A group of children release the evil trait within them through their lack of cooperation, harming each other at the end. They must find a way to survive without...
2 Pages 935 Words

The Subculture Role of Social Media & Internet Communities During COVID-19

On March 11, 2020 Coronavirus was confirmed as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). A pandemic is a disease that is spreading in multiple countries globally at the same time. That caused most of the countries to take urgent actions to respond to their own outbreak. The novel Coronavirus has been known as COVID-19. Recently, nearly all governments instituted social distancing or social restriction measures in their countries. Due to all these restrictions and measures, people are home...
2 Pages 939 Words

Chronicle Of A Death Foretold: The Role Of Time, Place And Fate

For one, I previously failed to understand what motivated the twins to be vigilantes and disregard the justice system. Deciding to kill Santiago Nasar seemed not only extreme but quite ridiculous if only to restore the idea of “honor” to their family. However, it was during class discussion, when a student revealed that such concepts and societal expectations had a long history within 1950’s Columbia and were very important to the culture. The community, who are rather conservative, idealize traditional...
2 Pages 934 Words

Medea Motivated By Passion Vs Jason Motivated By Reason

“Medea” is a Greek tragedy by Euripides detailing the journey of a woman and protagonist Medea. The play is an immaculate symphony of all the decisions and motivations of Medea and the sharp contrast of those decisions to the Antagonist and Medea’s husband Jason. In “Medea” Euripides explores the theme of rationality and reason contrasted by irrationality and passion through the two main characters Jason and Medea. Jason is a legendary hero and adventurer in many of Euripides plays but...
2 Pages 917 Words

Why Is Suicide Such A Big Problem?

Do you know anyone who either hurts themselves or is suicidal? Have you ever got annoyed when someone talks about their problems to you? Well, why is that? 1 in 5 teens are struggling with mental health, that is 20% of our population. Does this population do anything to help? In 2018 we lost 22 children aged 0-14 and 182 teens aged 15-19 to suicide in Australia alone. Since then, these numbers are still rising. Most of these teens either...
2 Pages 895 Words

Repression of Freedom and Importance of Memory in 1984 and The Giver

Humans have been telling stories since we could speak. We tell stories around the campfire, we write plays, novels, short stories and make movies. We do this because stories are an opportunity to share our personal experiences. Common human experiences that arise and are relatable to readers are the repression of freedom and the importance of memory to both individuals and political collectives, since such freedoms are necessary for a healthy society. The power of story is that it has...
2 Pages 933 Words
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