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Social Issues

The Tell-tale Heart And Wuthering Heights As The Bright Examples Of Gothic Literature

Gothic fiction rapidly gained popularity during the nineteenth century and continues to appeal to contemporary readers. The ‘postmodern’ genre that composes of various elements in provoking distinct emotions of fear and anticipation, this follows the theme of horror, thriller and romance. Gothic literature allows readers to understand the character different perspectives in the story, allowing readers to formalise their own contradicting opinions for its suspenseful writing. Both “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allen Edgar Allen Poe “Wuthering Heights” by Emily...
2 Pages 925 Words

Macbeth And Oedipus Rex As Didactic Tragic Plays

The concept of tragedy, and the popularization of the emotion as a genre of written form, cannot be spoken about thoroughly without considering the two plays that defined the genre - Shakespeare’s Macbeth, and Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex. Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare that tells the story of the titular character, who hears of a prophecy dictating his eventual rise to king, and this spurs he and his wife to form a plot to kill the existing ruler....
2 Pages 931 Words

Are Video Games Beneficial For Adolescents And Children?

In global terms, 94% of children aged from 6 to 15 and 90% of people aged between 16 and 25 play video games, while just above 95% of households with children under 18 years old own a device for playing video games (Jones et. al 2014, p. 1) whereas the total hours spent by children on video games in the United States has seen an increase of 9 hours, from 4 hours per week during the 1980s to around 13...
2 Pages 946 Words

Conflict Management Strategy with the Partner

Conflicts are the common occurrence at every site. In my opinion conflicts usually occurs where there is difference in the opinion and if there is power on other and if there are some disputes between the people. If there are some high expectations also leads to the conflicts where we cannot reach the expectations of the partner. If there is a shortage of resources and if there is no one taking the responsibility towards the resources, then it leads to...
2 Pages 899 Words

The Contributions of Harper Lee, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King to Civil Rights

The racist mindsets of people in the 1960s are what composers were attempting to change through their texts. Composers such as Martin Luther King, in his “I have a dream speech” and Harper Lee, author of to kill a mocking bird each successfully used a range of powerful techniques such as language devices and textual features. These techniques effectively engaged audiences to change how they thought about racism. In To kill a mocking bird, Lee successfully portrays racism through the...
2 Pages 884 Words

The Effects Of Music Therapy On Dementia Patients

Introduction Dementia is not one specific disease but is rather a group of conditions that can be characterised by the loss of at least two vital brain functions such as memory loss and judgement. The symptoms of which can be substantial, including but not limited to forgetfulness, a limited set of social skills and long- or short-term memory loss. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia which affects up to 70% of all dementia patients. It is a...
2 Pages 948 Words

Psychological Approaches to Study of Conflict

Expression of the Innate This approach is built on the theories of human aggressiveness .There are many differences in the theme of human aggressiveness . Innate / Inborn aggression is aggression that you can't avoid and is used to fight / to ensure the survival of humanity. According to the theorists : Lorenz , Freud , and Ardrey , 'we do not learn aggression , it is an inborn mechanism to insure the survival of our species'. The theorist Freud...
2 Pages 907 Words

Sex Victims Of Human Trafficking

Introduction Over the last 10 years, human trafficking has been established as one of the major criminal justice problems around the globe (Nelson 2015). In short, human trafficking is a system of modernized slavery where people forcefully trade human beings illegally for the intention of sexual manipulation and forced labour (PDCA 2017). In term of size and profit, human trafficking is often acknowledged as one of the top three biggest criminal industry around the world, along with drug and weapon...
2 Pages 940 Words

PR VS Activism

The article by Laurie Honda on the “It gets better” project which focuses on the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) community is a good example of the cultural hegemony theory which advocates equal rights and social status. The project, which started in September 2010 in the USA and spread over five continents. President Barack Obama lent his voice supporting the movement against bullying and in March 2011 First Lady Michelle Obama hosted a conference on anti-bullying. Its aim...
2 Pages 919 Words

Diminishing Woman In Society

Diminishing women in society. Whether it is on international news or golden age television, there are multiple times where this has been challenged. Through contemporary film the roles of women has been challenged and diverse through placement in society and between historical period settings. In the past, women have been projected on the screen through negative eyes, and poor stereotypes. Women’s roles in films are going from manipulative deceitful murders to the traditional maternal protector role of mothers. In films,...
2 Pages 925 Words

The Elements Of Dystopian World In Fahrenheit 451 & WALL-E

The evolution of dystopian text emerged throughout the French revolution, 1700’s, although it was commonly anti-collectivist until the late 20th century. Dys (bad) topia (place) are ancient Greek words that are used to create fictional texts of an unfavourable society to live. Generally, these civilizations are controlled by oppressive governments or other forms of despotisms. Usually a combatant will be involved who feels the need to establish change in society. Utmost dystopian texts are focused on survival or exploiting the...
2 Pages 886 Words

The Impacts Of Family Ideologies On An Individual In A Fine Balance And Chronicle Of A Death Foretold

Rohinton Mistry’s A Fine Balance and Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Chronicle of a Death Foretold (COADF), both traditional literature novels set in the 1900’s explore the im0pact internal and external influences have on character development of young protagonists who challenge the discriminatory values of the intolerant public society and ideologies of their families. Both authors explore the impact of the problematic socio-cultural environment on the protagonist and the variations of human nature when influenced by society in relation to one’s sense...
2 Pages 939 Words

An Integrated Critique Paper on Moral Principles and Corporate Social Responsibility

In the previous decade, arriving at the bottom of the pyramid, the world's most minimal financial levels, has become an undeniably significant arranging guideline for experts working in universal turn of events. The guarantee of deliberately saddling the market capability of the world's most unfortunate individuals has demonstrated persuasive, as enormous organizations, social business people and even non-benefits look for money related returns while bringing new market access to those some time ago prohibited. In light of the present on...
2 Pages 944 Words

The Stone Gods as a Dystopia

Abstract This body of work has targeted to analyze and evaluate on the story The Stone Gods by Jeanette Winterson, with respect to its dystopian aspects. By evaluating and giving examples from the story, we will try to present what makes this novel a dystopian work. Dystopia is defined in dictionaries as an imagined world in which people as a society face dehumanization and mostly live under control by a totalitarian and frightening rulers. In a usual sense, when we...
2 Pages 923 Words

Land Rights in the Time of HIV/AIDS in Rural Tanzania

Ethnography has formed the basis for my research and I have been using participant observation (Reeves, 2008). As I explained in the introduction section, the formulation of research was based on certain assumptions about HIV/AIDS and Land which influenced my choice of methods. The decision to select this approach was informed by the nature of the objects of the study, HIV/AIDS and land relations which are embedded within the cultural context therefore I needed explore their meanings through observation, talking...
2 Pages 945 Words

Biodiversity Conservation: A Tool For Infectious Disease Control

Biodiversity relates to the degree of abundance and richness of life present in a specific region. This could refer to a distribution of species having distinct characteristics, difference in genetic makeup, or in terms of the presence of varying ecosystems in a certain area (Brown & Cohen, 2019). According to World Health Organization (2020), “People depend on biodiversity in their daily lives, in ways that are not always apparent or appreciated.” It is said that humans highly depend on services...
2 Pages 890 Words

William Shakespeare: the Greatness of a Legend

On the stage and beyond William Shakespeare stands as the greatest writer in English literature, even as centuries pass and trends change. It is amazing to recall that this giant of a writer was active in his career only for a quarter century. He wrote 37 plays, 154 sonnets and two epic poems. He wrote about deep universal human emotions like love, ambition and envy in words that reverberated through the centuries, long after his audiences dispersed. His plays have...
2 Pages 933 Words

The Endocannabinoid System And Its Implications In Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology And Therapy

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an age-dependent neurodegenerative disorder marked by declining cognitive and, in late stages, physical functioning that is ultimately fatal. As AD progresses, patients experience deficits in memory, language, and problem-solving abilities as well as behavioral changes resulting in obstruction of daily activities. Most cases occur past the age of 65 and are on the rise due to improvements in life expectancy. In the coming years, the prevalence of AD is expected to skyrocket with the aging Baby...
2 Pages 942 Words

Things Fall Apart: the Importance of Pride

Throughout the beginning of Things Fall Apart, one of the most notable symbols is Okonkwo’s pride. Okonkwo is portrayed as a very prideful man, who is driven entirely by his ache for status and ability to be “manly.” He is afraid of becoming like his father and becoming a coward lacking pride, and unable to support his family. This pride symbol between the concepts of masculinity and femininity is notable because Okonkwo uses his pride to motivate him into taking...
2 Pages 949 Words

Ethical Viewpoints and Factors of Capital Punishment

The ongoing discussion of whether Capital Punishment is useful or not needs to understood how it is a problem that forever will be relevant. Understanding that there are numerous supporters of this neverending topic of capital punishment, there are additionally a lot of people who also believe a death sentence is wrong. In my opinion, I accept that capital punishment should undoubtedly be legitimate in the United States of America. You can understand that there are numerous ethical reasons with...
2 Pages 898 Words

Things Fall Apart: Gender and Ibo Culture

Chinua Achebe was born in Ogidi (Nigeria) in 1930, where he grew up and was educated. He graduated in English Literature in London and moved to the US where he wrote and published Things Fall Apart in 1958. The novel helped create the Nigerian literary renaissance of the 1960s and provided a real vision of what Europe had openly ignored. “The African people have varying behaviours, mannerisms, beliefs, thought patterns and way of interaction and all of these differences formed...
2 Pages 949 Words

The Unusual Effects of Coronavirus

Rush on toilet paper, planes running empty, drop in the quality of telephone calls, dogs and cats thrown out of the window ... The disturbances caused by the Covid-19 epidemic lead to a cascade of consequences that sometimes go. .. very far. The quarantine of millions of inhabitants, the closure of schools and universities, the shutdown of factories and the suppression of transport: governments are taking great measures to try to stem the spread of the coronavirus . But these...
2 Pages 878 Words

The Factors Of Discrimination Against Andalusian Muslims

Discrimination means separating people for benefits according to their age,sex,nation,religion and any type of characteristic that can be differed from the other people.Nearly thousand years ago the Andalusian Muslims have been discriminated after the fall of Islamic Spain.Islamic Spain was a polycultural of three divine religions. People from different nations, cultures and three monotheistic religions have lived together for many centuries.Also we can call the period of Muslims in Spain as the ‘Golden Age’ too.Both Muslims , Christians and Jews...
2 Pages 887 Words

Ways Of Reduction The Prejudice And Discrimination

Deductive reasoning is when an individual forms collusion from a general idea. Inductive reasoning is when a general conclusion is formulated from a given fact. A good example of deductive reasoning is when you believe that all seniors are bad in driving. Therefore, you will not allow Mr. John, who is 70 years old, to drive your car. Such incidences transpire to discrimination in most cases (Gergely, 2020). For instance, women are considered to be inferior to men, and in...
2 Pages 889 Words

Does Facebook Have an Effective Role in our Society?

“422 friends, yet I am lonely “. Social media has become an important part of daily life. So everyone who uses Facebook should know its advantages and disadvantages. Facebook has been invented in 2004 by “Mark Zuckerberg” and spread a lot. Facebook has become the most used social network in the world. Nowadays there are about 500 million persons use Facebook; It is used most by the youth aged between 18 to 25 years old, (Zuckerberg (2010)). Users of youth...
2 Pages 937 Words

Why Are Students Procrastinating?

Student age is an important period in a person’s life, during which a person determines his professional choice, acquires feelings of maturity and identity, plans for the future. Educational and professional achievements that firmly believe in themselves and their abilities for productive activities, and at the same time lay the foundation for successful self-realization in the future. However, a barrier to such achievements may be procrastination in which a person postpones other relevant issues and tasks that are most important...
2 Pages 945 Words

Starbucks 2019: Financial Reporting Rules

Rules for financial reporting are the standard requirements that public companies must conform to under the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). These standards are created by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and enforced by the Security and Exchange Commission (Carlson, 2019). This report covers the rules of financial reporting followed by Starbucks. Control Procedures The reporting of control procedures is required by the U.S. government for public companies, such as Starbucks, as is required under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)....
2 Pages 950 Words

Cannabis: Legalization and its Impact on Today’s Youth

The legalization of recreational marijuana was driven by politicians who had a desire to restructure the current medical marijuana laws, to help law enforcement, and by profits. With the commercialization and legalization of marijuana by Washington voters in 2012 an emerging trend has occurred where adolescents ages 12 and older have begun to perceive marijuana as not only legal (for them), but that it is also not harmful. Along with this new “perception”, the adult public consensus suggests that marijuana...
2 Pages 945 Words

Setting, Characterisation and Symbols in William Shakespeare's Play Macbeth and Mark Brozel's Film Version Macbeth Retold

Portraying similar concepts, William Shakespeare, the playwright of Macbeth and Mark Brozel, the director of the film Macbeth Retold, explore the power held in hierarchies. The play Macbeth set during medieval Scotland, and the monarchy and thanes reflect Elizabethan beliefs, relevant to Shakespeare’s context. Conveying power in the modern version, Macbeth Retold modifies the plot to make it more accessible to a contemporary audience and uses a chef and his maitre’d wife show power to the viewers through a Michelin...
2 Pages 942 Words

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Huckleberry Finn's Big Change

In the 1884 novel that is still controversial to this day, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, the protagonist of the book, the young, fun-loving and adventurous spirit, Huckleberry Finn goes through an enormous change in the book, a moral change. From a naive kid with an inferiority complex who followed whatever his best friend told him, to a young man who did what he believed was right. Huck goes through a big moral change, doing what he...
2 Pages 920 Words
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