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Social Issues

Atticus vs Bob Ewell: Comparative Essay on To Kill A Mockingbird

Comparing Atticus Finch and Bob Ewell is like comparing God to the devil. No two characters have ever been so antithetical. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee does an acceptable job in showing the audience that they have opposite roles in their community, their actions and interactions with individuals are completely different, but the most significant difference is how they raise, teach, and treat their children. According to ideas.ted.com, a successful way to raise a child is to pay...
2 Pages 921 Words

Social Contract in Hymn to Demeter: Analytical Essay

Society has always been influenced by social standards and it results in a certain portrayal of women. Not many of these social norms have changed since the ancient world. Then, and even today, women have been told to act a certain way because society will only accept them if they conform to what is believed to be acceptable. Greek society was male dominated, both within the mortals and the gods and goddesses. Today's society has roots that stem from the...
2 Pages 949 Words

Philosophy of Education: Opinion Essay

Education is the greatest innovation of mankind that had been transformed our lives and the behaviour in a preferred way. It is my belief that education is the development of assisting in one’s learning and stated as the act of developing the brainpower, critical thinking capabilities, social and cultural understanding which brands us to be a true humans. According to (Parankimalil, 2012) John Dewey stated that “Education is the process of living through a continuous reconstruction of experiences”. Education is...
2 Pages 909 Words

Awful Cruelty Of War In All Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Remarque

All Quiet on the Western Front is a novel by Erich Remarque, a German war veteran, that describes the intense physical and mental stress German soldiers were exposed to during World War I and the change back to civilian life after returning home. All Quiet on the Western Front was not like any other novel about war; it was brutality truthful about what war was really like for the soldiers. The novel completely changed mankind’s understanding of military conflict with...
2 Pages 884 Words

Gender Equality: Analysis Of The Problem At Uber

Introduction Uber was a trendsetter within the international taxi trade. a really creative project, Uber upset the taxi trade and was supported a market demand gap between client demands and choice availableness. the corporate offered a replacement kind of urban quality at more cost-effective prices and easy use for patrons. Established by Travis Kalanick in 2009, the organization was target-hunting by terribly aggressive values to realize world domination ('History of Uber - Uber's Timeline Australia,' 2019). As a results of...
2 Pages 933 Words

Down Syndrome: The Enhancement Of Medicines And Treatment

To this day scientists are applying scientific knowledge, understanding, and inquiry to enable the development of solutions, discoveries, design action for sustainability, evaluate economic, social, and environmental impacts, offer valid explanations, and make reliable predictions. Resulting in both beneficial and unexpected consequences; all of which require monitoring, assessment, and evaluation of risk, and provide opportunities for innovation. Scientists have applied knowledge and found ways to identify if an infant has Down Syndrome before the mother gives birth through Screening and...
2 Pages 933 Words

Animal Farm: Character Analysis

Introduction “The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages is preserved into perpetuity by a nation's fables.” these words by William Feather give us an answer as to why Animal Farm has stood the test of time? It is because the morals portrayed by each character is still relevant today. George Orwell has orchestrated the book in a certain way to ensure that it is timeless. The morals, the theme, the characters will forever recur in different...
2 Pages 912 Words

Reflection on Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare: Opinion Essay

Recently I’ve been learning about William Shakespeare and his works in English. He was an incredible playwright who was born in (approximately) 1564 and died in 1616. He has been credited for adding (approximately) 3000 words to the English language. He wrote some amazing renowned plays which I have been studying like Hamlet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Romeo and Juliet and Twelfth Night, to name a few. These plays usually fall into three genres History, tragedy and comedy. These plays...
2 Pages 931 Words

The Voice Of Silence By Mrinal Pande In The Short Story Girl

Abstract Literature is a writing measured to be as art form or any single writing thought to have intellectual value, often due to deploying language in ways that differ from ordinary usage. It deals with nature and man’s relationship with external world. It has traditionally been applied to those imaginative works of poetry and prose. The word 'subaltern' means inferior rank. It chooses a lower-ranking, even an inferior, individual. Mrinal Pande(1946) is an Indian Television, Personality, Journalist and author. In...
2 Pages 903 Words

Deception And Lies In Much Ado About Nothing

Deception can come from benign or malicious reasons but they often use the same actions to get there, Tricking and manipulation others to get what they want. The plot of Much Ado About Nothing is based upon deliberate lies and deceptions to fool someone to believe something that is not true, Shakespeare uses both malevolent and benign deception on two different people. Although deception comes from the art of lying some kinds of deceptions can come from good intentions. William...
2 Pages 912 Words

Human Evolution: Bipedalism, Evolution Of Human Jaws And Teeth

Science Assessment - Evolution Sharing a common ancestor Comment by TERLIER, Blair: Get rid of headings now and turn into an essay. Where are your intext references?? Studies of fossils, genetics and proteins suggest a common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans from millions of years ago. Humans have undertaken millions of years’ worth of evolution and are the result of countless evolutionary deviations such as bipedalism, smaller teeth and shorter jaws, larger brains and increasingly complex forms of technology. The...
2 Pages 918 Words

Antisocial Personality Disorder: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder And Various Forms Of Treatment

A condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings and behaviors is considered as a Psychological disorder. The study of such disorders, including their symptoms, etiology, and treatment are termed as Psychopathology. The term psychopathology also refers to the manifestation of a psychological disorder. It is therefore very important for mental health professionals to conclude on what kind of thoughts, feelings and behaviors are truly abnormal in the sense that they genuinely indicate the presence of psychopathology (Kwee & Hout 2019). For...
2 Pages 934 Words

Cultural Competence In XBR Minerals: Analytical Essay

Introduction: Identify the scenario and its context, the role you are providing, and the purpose of your report XBR Minerals is a global mining company that has experienced a decline in productivity because of arising challenges in cooperation between their Japanese and Australian staff. The video illustrates the challenges arising from the different culture, common sense and worldviews that impacted on the interaction between the staff. This report aims to identify and analyse the existing cultural competence issues in the...
2 Pages 880 Words

Definition And Types Of Hate Crime

Social media has developed rapidly over the past 20 years, from Instagram and Snapchat to Messenger and WhatsApp, social media keeps changing. A fascinating study by the New York Times consumer insight group revealed the motivations of using social media. These include a desire to reveal entertaining content to others, define themselves, help causes and to feel involved. 94% of users have social media to share information and support great causes like cancer. Almost a quarter of the world’s population...
2 Pages 883 Words

Unconventional Narration Arrangement Of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time To Portray Difference

‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time’, composed by Mark Haddon, is a prose-fiction novel narrated from the aspect of an autistic teenager, Christopher Boone. Christopher is a 15-year-old boy suffering from a condition resembling ‘Asperger’s Syndrome’ (AS), which limits his non-verbal communication skills and demonstrates difficulty when empathizing with peers. These difficulties which arise from Christopher’s disorder sculpt the writing structure of the novel. Mark Haddon structures the autobiographical murder mystery in an unconventional manner, allowing the...
2 Pages 935 Words

Macbeth Guilt: Prosecutor's Speech

In my opening statement, I said that I would call upon two witnesses to support my case. I have been a barrister for thirty years now, so believe me when I say that this is one of the most black-and-white cases I have come across in my career. Macbeth is a weed, leeching out the life of Scotland. A weed strangling the people of our country. A weed that will only grow stronger if we don't pull it out by...
2 Pages 877 Words

A Tragic End Assessment Julius Caesar

Introduction The tragedy of Julius Caesar is a historical drama which is written by William Shakespeare in 1599. Its events are actually based on true events from Roman history. Shakespeare's special fashion of tragedy includes a character whose poor alternatives motive his social downfall and ultimately bring about his very own death. Julius Caesar suits this description as Brutus's selection to murder Caesar outcomes in his fall from social grace and his suicide. Other vital factors for a tragedy encompass...
2 Pages 906 Words

Influence Of Emily Dickinson’s Life On Her Work

Everyone has a different story, no one life is exactly the same and this contributes to the different influences we will have in our lives. Emily Dickinson known as one of America’s greatest poets lived quite an interesting life and her life greatly influenced her work. Born in Amherst Massachusetts, Emily Dickson was born into a family with strong ties to the community, she studied at the Amherst Academy for seven years and briefly attended the Mount Holyoke Female Seminary...
2 Pages 916 Words

Lamb to The Slaughter And Jury of Her Peers: Characters Analysis

When an awful crime is committed like murder nobody suspects the doting housewife to be the one that did it. Decades ago women were consistently diminished when they were in the presence of males. Men went to work and women were submissive housewives that cooked, cleaned and did everything for their husbands. This is a representation of gender roles. The theme of gender roles is common throughout two short stories. The character’s Mary from Roald Dahl’s “Lamb to The Slaughter”...
2 Pages 923 Words

Body Image Satisfaction and Fruit and Vegetable Intake in Children and Adolescents in the United States

Introduction Body image dissatisfaction continues to be a major concern in America’s youth, especially in girls. Statistics show that 40-70% of girls are unsatisfied with at least two parts of their body by the time that they enter middle school1. More than 50% of teenage girls and 30% of teenage boys practice unhealthy dieting behaviors to control their weight1. Satisfaction with appearance also appears to decrease with age1,2. Previous research shows that girls are more likely than boys to be...
2 Pages 896 Words

Effective Communication: Self-Reflective Essay On The Skills Learned During The Course

Write a self-reflective essay on the skills learned during the course of your STW 201CS- Effective Communication Skills program. Include any strengths, weaknesses, and personal areas of development. In this reflective essay as a template for this assignment I am using Gibbs Reflective Cycle. Every person interaction varies how they interact with other people. This is a expressing adverse reflection on the importance of self-awareness and personal development. In other term it is a detail inspection from their own behaviors...
2 Pages 880 Words

Treatment Options For Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic, progressive, neurodegenerative disease caused by the lack of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which acts as a chemical messenger in the brain; it has no known cure (Bruggman and Ortiz-Hartman). Due to lack of dopamine, those diagnosed may experience tremors, slow or loss of physical movement, dementia, bowel and bladder problems, difficulty of speech and even suffer from acne. About 15 percent of patients develop symptoms between the ages of twenty-one and forty years, although the...
2 Pages 922 Words

Sonny’s Blues: Pathos, Ethos, And Logos Modes Of Persuasion

James Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues” is a great narrative since it incorporates different themes that include life choices, friendly relations, and second chances. “Sonny’s Blues” is a fictional storyline that narrates real-life situations and sufferings. Baldwin effectively provides an understanding not only in Sonny’s life but also into his environments, making the narrative unique in its nature. “Sonny’s Blues” is the best reading because Baldwin connects the audience with all of the characters while also focusing on human suffering, which is...
2 Pages 894 Words

American Short Stories: Analytical Essay

'Southern Gothic' is a literary tradition that came into existence in the early twentieth century. It has its origin in the Gothic style, which had been popular in European literature for long time. Gothic writers were inventing desolate, upsetting scenarios in which mystery, secrets, sometimes supernatural occurrences, and protagonists' extreme characteristics, were combined in order to create a suspense and involved reading experience. Southern Gothic writers were interested in exploring the antisocial behaviors that were often a reaction against a...
2 Pages 950 Words

Sweatshops: Big Business Versus Small Morals

We all love nice cheap clothes that look good, they last maybe a few months at most before going out of fashion or breaking and then we just buy more. But do we ever question where our clothes come from and how they were made? Well according to an article done by Cornell University 80% of clothing in America comes from sweatshops. Sweatshops that use child-labor and on average these workers will make $200 USD a year if they even...
2 Pages 883 Words

Modeling Earth’s Hydrology Through Satellite Observations Of Gravity

Throughout human history we have questioned the true shape of the Earth, and the mysterious force now known as gravity which keeps us fixed to its surface. Our knowledge is a function of the observations which are recorded, so as the tools and instruments we use have advanced over time, so has our model of the Earth. Arguably the most dynamic aspect of the Earth’s layers is the hydrosphere, which includes the distribution and circulation of water throughout the ground...
2 Pages 886 Words

Impact Of Climate Change On Honey Bee

One species that is heavily impacted by climate change is the honey bee (Le Conte and Navajas 2008). Honey bees are impacted by climate change as the effects cause alterations to their current habitats and leaves them struggling to adapt to new environments. It is important to address these issues and try to find a solution as they are an important economic resource in agricultural fields, not only in Canada, but across the world (Potts et al. 2010). Climate change...
2 Pages 899 Words

Differences In Exploitation And Interference Ability Between Two Dominant Ants

Competition is one of the fundamental dynamics of community ecology and has been defined ‘the hallmark of ant ecology’ by Hölldobler and Wilson (1990). Effects of competition can influence the ant community structure in different ways: determining which species will have access to the different resources, defining which species can coexist in the same community, and possibly establishing dominance hierarchies. The competition for resources can occur through two main mechanisms: interference and exploitation competition (Parr and Gibb 2010). In some...
2 Pages 924 Words

The History Of Use Whale Oil Row

From the 1700’s through the 1800’s, Whaling in New England was very popular. The thrill of the catch brought about a high risk, high reward business. The Whaling industry sought the production of three different raw materials, whale oil, spermaceti oil, and whalebone. Whale oil was extracted by heating whale blubber in water, known as “trying out.” One example of the daily use of Whale oil was that it was a primary lubricant for machinery during the Industrial Revolution. Spermaceti...
2 Pages 918 Words

The Most Important Discoveries Of Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton developed calculus, gravitational theory, and the three laws of motion. It is through these subjects that got him to be one of the most well known scientific and historical figures of all time. His discoveries and advancements in technology laid fundamental principles for future scientists to base their studies off of, which directly affects our society today. Newton was born on January 4, 1643 in Woolsthorpe, England. His father died early, and he spent his early years...
2 Pages 926 Words
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