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Social Issues

Politicians' Qualities According To Machiavelli

Fear, to a great extent, breathes life to a story we tell ourselves. The power to demand loyalty by inducing fear is one that holds advantages over love. Machiavellian values tend to take shape in our lives whether from politicians or people in our daily commute. Niccolo Machiavelli, while not Machiavellian himself, it remains arguable that the qualities of Machiavellianism extend out to all manners of people put under stress from the real world. In retrospect, historians and philosophers alike...
2 Pages 926 Words

Critical Thinking In The Education: Dialogue And Arguments

The main problem to overpower in changing and reconstructing social studies units and instructions is to transform the didactic education from a single point of view to a dialogical education within multiple points of view. Thus, the teachers should not see themselves as only providers of the absolute truth and nor the champion or relativity but searchers of truth by inviting their students to participate. The teachers always remind themselves that there are different responses and points of view from...
2 Pages 940 Words

The Pros And Cons Of Globalization

Globalization is a procedure that has infiltrated all areas of our life, hence it is very essential to analyse whether globalization has impacted modern society positively or negatively. As every point of the issue has two sides, let's discuss the advantages of globalization first, in reference to the debates that took place. As per the debates, there were three prominent areas of globalization that were focused on, these include, Foreign investment and employment, innovation and technology, and products and services....
2 Pages 908 Words

The Contributions Of Greek Mythology On The Modern World

Introduction “I think that we need mythology. We need a bedrock of story and legend in order to live our lives ‘coherently.” These words of Alan Moore perfectly describe mythology's’ importance around the world of keeping people's moral alive. Greek Mythology has been around for more than 2,700 years, and their unrealistic yet quite interesting, entertaining stories have been passed on and retold each in new and different versions. Even though the Greek Mythology stories are not realistically valuable, it...
2 Pages 921 Words

Child Labour In The Fashion Industry

Several years ago, I purchased this hoodie. At the time it was very fashionable, but now is mainly regarded as the equivalent of old garbage. The fashion industry is continuously developing and swiftly. Companies are required to keep up with the developing trends to make the most profit and to satisfy the most customers- but how far will they go exactly? Too far. Every time you buy another shirt, or another dress, you can unknowingly be supporting child labour. We,...
2 Pages 923 Words

Immigration: Moving From A Poor Economy To A Rich One

“Globalism began as a vision of a world with free trade, shared prosperity, and open borders. These are good, even noble things to aim for,” said Deepak Chopra. Although open borders are a noble action, open borders are economically good for nations as well. Throughout history and today, the idea of more immigration benefits the poor countries, the rich countries, and the immigrants themselves. Even with costs from immigration, the economic factors such as the GDP, jobs, and wages grow...
2 Pages 945 Words

Bandura's Theory Of Human Development On The Main Characters In The Novel The Other Wes Moore

The Other Wes Moore is about two boys who are are similar, yet also extremely different. Both boys grew up in Baltimore just blocks from each other with the same name, Wes Moore. They were both raised by single mothers who tried to give them the best life they could for their children. Since they grew up with single mothers, neither had a father figure causing a very challenging, troubled childhood. Both grew up in similar yet different environments, that...
2 Pages 937 Words

Marijuana In Health And Disease

Marijuana becomes the major topic of debate these days but I only choose its uses and effects for the research essay. Its demand is raised day by day over the past few years. Marijuana also known as Cannabis. It is a medicinal drug which is commonly used among the young people. It is made from dried leaves, flowers and stems of cannabis and mostly affected by smoking but there are also some other ways to take marijuana like in pipes...
2 Pages 902 Words

Intercultural Communication: Elements And Effectiveness

INTRODUCTION The term “intercultural communique” changed into finished in Edward T. Hall's (1959) influential ebook, The Silent Language, and Hall is usually referred to to be the founding father of the field (Leeds-Hurwitz, 1990; Rogers and Steinfatt, 1999). Hall emerge as born in St. Louis, but grew up in particular within the American Southwest. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION Intercultural verbal exchange (or pass-cultural conversation) is a area that studies communique in the course of amazing cultures and social organizations, or how lifestyle...
2 Pages 938 Words

The Outcomes Of Corporal Punishment In Children

Every child goes though that phase where they want to be on top of the world. They think they can do what they want, when they want. But then comes the mighty parents, using discipline to ensure the problem child doesn’t do this heinous act ever again. It is the job of parents to make sure their child remains as behaved as possible, eventually making them into great people in our society. But when does it become too much? Sometimes...
2 Pages 948 Words

Selfishness, Influence And Survival As Main Features Of Human Nature In The Veldt, The Most Dangerous Game And The Lottery

Life is all about making choices. Sometimes making the wrong choices can have a negative impact on life. Human nature is a prime example of life choices. Human nature is more than just feelings and compassion, it’s instinct, a way of living, the way someone was raised to think or believe. This has been portrayed in a plethora of different events based on 3 short stories conveying the contrasting characteristics such as selfishness, influence, and survival. Selfishness is everywhere in...
2 Pages 918 Words

The Impact Of Emotional Intelligence On Work Efficiency

Introduction ”When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.” A leader’s ability to manage own emotions and that of their followers during communication plays a crucial role in defining how successful a leader is. Emotional intelligence is required in each structure and dimension of human interaction in business, be it motivating the staff, or giving service to clients, or having any brainstorming season to take any decision (Cherry et al.,...
2 Pages 946 Words

Correlation Of Gentleman And Virtue In Confucius Philosophical Thoughts

Throughout the Analects of Confucius, Confucius teaches and gives a lot of concepts to certain contents. Each one has many definitions that go as a circle and complete the intended meaning. In most parts, Confucius gives small definitions to the concepts of gentleman, filial devotions, humanness and rituals which give us a space to think in our way what he wants to show with those definitions in his perspective. He focusses on virtue and the qualities of a gentleman a...
2 Pages 948 Words

Hypertension: High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

Pre-eclampsia is a serious hypertensive complication that can occur during pregnancy. Hypertension only occurs in 10% of women during pregnancy and although pre-eclampsia complicates only 2% to 8% of pregnancies, it is still devastating and life-threatening for both the mother and the baby. It is estimated that pre-eclampsia causes death in approximately 76,000 women per year as well as 500,000 babies, a figure proportionate to 40% to worldwide HIV mortality. Eclampsia is an end-stage of the disease which is indicated...
2 Pages 906 Words

Corruption Of Innocence In Turn Of The Screw

Corrupted youth in Henry James’s novel The Turn Of The Screw is a result of bad influences of faulty role models or even of the society which came to be due to lacking of basic roles of the family with the intend of properly raising children. As a consequence of such factors children are forced to grow up ahead of time with the influence of the people who often don’t have the best characteristics. Altogether influences the growth and proper...
2 Pages 890 Words

Academic Integrity Essay

Introduction Any educational institute runs based on policies and it is important for every member of the institute to follow these policies. The policies must be reviewed from time-to-time so that they apply to the current situations. It is also the responsibility of the institute to create awareness about such policies. An educational institute is a place which transforms students into professionals. It is a place which teaches us many important aspects of life such as ethics, honesty, good behavior,...
2 Pages 892 Words

A Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift: A Satirical Solution Of Poverty And Famine In Ireland

Politicians, religious leaders, and group leaders alike have preyed on the weaknesses of their constituents and taken advantage of their disposition to be persuaded easily into circumstances with the lack of rational thinking and reasoning. In his controversial essay “A Modest Proposal”, Jonathan Swift, through his use of satire and logos, expresses the dangers of relying on speculative reason to solve problems which may lead to thinking the unthinkable rather than following what should be more natural and humane. Despite...
2 Pages 913 Words

The Main Reasons Of Poor Dental Care In Australia

The aging population has significantly escalated in Australia thus increasing the number of senior citizens in the residential facilities. According to Hibbert et al., (2019, p.01) most of these elderlies have dementia therefore, most of the residence are faced with challenges associated with this degenerative disease. One of the problems includes maintaining good oral health. This report will discuss three problems of providing dental health in RACFs in Australia such as obstacles related to finance, barriers related to availability and...
2 Pages 947 Words

The Peculiarities Of Renal Tuberculosis

Introduction Tuberculosis as we know it is a chronic, contagious, infectious disease that attacks our lungs. Apart from pulmonary tuberculosis there are also spinal tuberculosis, meningeal tuberculosis as well as the main focus of this assignment, renal tuberculosis. According to MacKenzie (2018:620) renal tuberculosis usually begins in one kidney and then it progresses towards the other kidney. Renal tuberculosis makes itself known through the bladder irritation that is caused and are at first always mistaken for cystitis. Aetiology According to...
2 Pages 876 Words

Juvenile Delinquency: Who's To Blame

Before we go full speed into this topic, we might need to take a quick look at what juvenile delinquency is. A juvenile is someone who's considered to be young and not fully developed, and delinquency simply means misconduct, when you add these two words together, it should make sense. Juvenile delinquency is when a young person, who's not yet mature (mostly around the teen ages) commits a crime or misconduct that's punishable by the law or sometimes seen in...
2 Pages 940 Words

The Challenges Malcolm X Faced

Malcolm Little, later known as Malcolm X, was born in Omaha, Nebraska on May 19th, 1925. He was born into an extremely poor household. Malcolm and his siblings had to pick dandelions off the streets and cook the greens to eat. For most of his life, he had an absence of a father figure. When we were young, his father had been attacked and killed by the Klu Klux Klan (KKK). Not too long after his father’s death, the same...
2 Pages 911 Words

Common Literary Devices In Short Stories On The Examples Of Checkouts And American History

Authors often use literary devices to subtly reveal the theme of the work. There are different types of literary devices that can be used in different types of stories including symbolism, conflict, diction, connotation, or foreshadowing. However, through the use of irony and internal conflict, Cynthia Rylant and Judith Ortiz Cofer teach important lessons to the reader. In the short story, “Checkouts,” by Cynthia Rylant , irony is the most obvious literary device being used. This story is about a...
2 Pages 900 Words

Postpartum Depression In The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman

The story of “The Yellow Wallpaper” discusses how depression will drive the mind to experience conflicts that will eventually lead to a mental breakdown. When Charlotte Perkins Gilman got married and had a baby what is considered the norm. The husband was isolating her by keeping her locked up in their home away from any social interactions with others. Gilman was becoming insane and losing focus on what her reality was. This nervous condition was downgraded by the husband who...
2 Pages 899 Words

The Link Between Childhood Obesity And Trauma

Over the years eating disorders have become more common in people of all ages. As more and more people find themselves facing the harsh reality of eating disorders I have decided that for my research project I’m going to look deeper into the causes of eating disorders and whether or not there is a link between traumatic experience and events that lead people to develop such illnesses. There are many different factors that contribute to people developing eating disorders both...
2 Pages 922 Words

Truths Every Parent Should Know About Kindergarten School Teachers

If you're a kindergarten-going child, you probably know that the beginning of this school year is anything but sweet. It’s not uncommon for kindergarten teacher to share their experiences of nervous and excited parents walking through the door. For the kids, it’s the start of the new adventure of formal learning, and everyone involved including teachers and parents alike wants to get it perfect, or at least most of it. There is an unwritten rule that kindergarten teachers are expected...
2 Pages 881 Words

Demographic And Ageism In The Workplace

I have chosen to review ‘Ageism in the Workplace’. This journal article was published by Helen Dennis and Kathryn Thomas in regard to Ageism that is still alive after the ADEA (Age Discrimination in Employment Act) has been around for over 35 years. I chose this article as it is relevant to the studies which I have taken in the module “The Discourse of Aging”. This article focuses on the many sides of Ageism and the discrimination that is evident...
2 Pages 893 Words

Mission And Vision Statements For Yapı Kredi, Akbank And Odeabank

Three companies that I choose for this assignment are Yapı Kredi, Akbank and Odeabank. First I would like to start with analyzing Yapı Kredi. When we look at Yapı Kredi’s mission statement. We can see that there are three missions on their website. The first one is to achieve long-term sustainable growth. Their first mission statement describes their future plans and their claim to growth in future. However, ther are not identify the company’s products or services and don’t give...
2 Pages 934 Words

Personal Experience: Why You Should Not Text While Driving

Every single day we wake up to several cars on the road en-route to different destinations. Different people from all walks of life are behind those wheels with a vast range of character and abilities, this, therefore, goes without saying people will all drive differently. It is known that the probability of reaching your destination safely is 50% because there are only two alternatives, you either reach there safe or not. Lots of reasons can cause an accident on the...
2 Pages 879 Words

The Concept Of Truth In The Play The Glass Menagerie

Before entering a discussion concerning truth, one must first establish the definition of truth. For this, I offer the definition simply as reality. For example, we can prove that the existence of gravity is a truth using experiments, observations, and calculations. Truth is synonymous to reality. It can be proven through logical deduction, and should be predictable, or at the least traceable. Any deviation from this is a deviation further from the truth. Furthermore, total truth is unattainable. Since our...
2 Pages 942 Words

Importance Of Strategic Management And Its Two Main Methods

Introduction Strategic planning implies getting ready for making and actualizing procedures to accomplish hierarchical objectives. It begins by making oneself straightforward inquiries like: What are we doing, should we keep on doing it or change our product offering or the method for working, what is the effect of social, political, innovative and other natural factors on our activities, are we arranged to acknowledge these progressions and so forth. (Steiner, 2014) Strategic planning helps in knowing where we are and where...
2 Pages 945 Words
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