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Social Issues

Poetry Helps Students Find Their Voice

A world without poetry would be unimaginable and dry. Poetry can be written in so many different ways, different ways that fit everyone. Poetry can tell a story, as well as connect thoughts, images, people, places, and experiences. Reading and writing poetry helps students and elders appreciate others’ points of view as well as making themselves step out of their comfort zone by sharing. Poetry should be required in schools because poetry benefits students by finding their voice, the creativity...
2 Pages 897 Words

Masculinity In Classical Greece Plays Antigone And Lysistrata

Women stepping into the masculine role is exemplified in both Sophocles’ “Antigone” and Aristophanes’ Lysistrata. In response to the men’s inability to fulfill their duties, these dynamic characters take on the masculine role to fill the void. Antigone must burry her brother against Creon’s demands when he refuses to perform the proper ritual rites. Lysistrata seeks to stop the war and takes matters into her own hands by acting against male warfare through leading the other women in seizing control...
2 Pages 938 Words

Police Brutality In The Book The Hate U Give

Imagine seeing your best friend getting killed by a police officer in front of your eyes for no legal reason and doesn't get in trouble for it. The Hate U Give is a fictional book by Angie Thomas, about a boy named Khail and a girl named Starr, that is inspired by real life police brutality situations. Angie Thomas was interviewed by the Chicago Humanities Festival and explained why she decided to write a book about police brutality. Thomas stated...
2 Pages 946 Words

Attachment Theory And Its Role In Child Development

Many developmental psychologists claim that a person’s childhood can be fundamental for their afterwards role in society and relationships. Developmental psychology is the study of changes in conduct and mental procedures during one's life stages and the components that impact the course of these progressions. A critical extent of theories focus on the development that happens during childhood, which is considered the most important stage of life when relationships develop and the attachment style is shaped. Firstly, one of the...
2 Pages 933 Words

Loneliness In Of Mice And Men By John Steinbeck

The theme of loneliness is presented in John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men. In the novel Of Mice and Men, loneliness is an important emotion that often drives the characters to behave in a different manner to usual. Steinbeck uses characters, some of the most important ones including Curley’s wife, Candy, and Crooks, to reflect on the bigoted time period that ultimately leads to the characters’ loneliness and unusual behavior. Curley’s wife is a major character in Of Mice and...
2 Pages 918 Words

The Main Ideas Of The USA Patriot Act Of 2001

The day ingrained into everyone who is twenty-five years old or older is September 11, 2001. We all know where we were when the first plane struck the World Trade Center in New York City. Approximately a month later, a new law was passed by Congress called the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001. The act tore down walls and limitations that kept the United States from obtaining necessary warrants to seek and deter any future foriegn or domestic terrorist attacks....
2 Pages 915 Words

The Myths About The First Day Of College

College is far harder than high school—or, at least, that’s what people say. Is it true, or simply a myth? There are tons of myths about college academia and unfortunately, many students enter college unaware of them. It's crucial for a university freshman to know what rumors of university-level classes are legitimate and which of them are just stereotypes. Any new university student can easily have a leg abreast of this exciting phase of their life by simply seeking out...
2 Pages 923 Words

Linguistic Peculiarities Of The Novel Life Of Pi

I must admit, I've always found identifying book and film genres excruciatingly challenging, because of my indecisive nature. And Yann Martel hardly aided me in learning how to do so efficiently with 'Life of Pi', as the novel itself mingles complicatedly between fiction and non-fiction. I will have to take a guess that this specific genre is called 'Magical Realism', which is also the dominant one. Basically, Magical Realism is where magical and surreal elements are imported into a kind...
2 Pages 923 Words

The Development Of Slavery And Slave Trade Legacies Within Latin America And Western Society

“Slavery and the slave trade were the most intense and lasting cohesive activities in the Atlantic World for demographic cultural, military, social and political reasons” (Sanjurjio, 2020). For almost 500 years, from 1444 to 1926, slavery was an acceptable form of forced labour worldwide (See Appendix) but especially within Latin America. The complete launch of captured and enslaved indigenous people from less developed and third world countries within the Americas became a huge phenomenon, one that had demographically radicalised to...
2 Pages 914 Words

Othello By William Shakespeare: Emotions That Lead To Tragedy

Shakespeare's one-of-a-kind play, “Othello” demonstrates how mixed feelings of anger, love, hatred, manipulation, and jealousy can lead to an enduring tragedy. To enhance that message with the audience, Shakespeare uses foreshadowing to create suspense to a great extent in Othello with the rising action, climax, and falling action. In “Othello”, the feeling of suspense plays an immense role in how readers perceived and are intrigued by the tragic drama of events. Although dramatic suspense is created in various ways, foreshadowing...
2 Pages 898 Words

The Meaning Of Open Ending In Pygmalion Play

Pygmalion play is a play which written by George Bernard Shaw, it is presented in the first time on the theater in 1913. This play was about a flower girl called Eliza, she is transformed into a lady from high class by the phonetics professor 'Henry Higgins'. He wagers Colonel Pickering that he is ablt to change a girl like a flower girl, and he can change her to look like a duchess in few months. She accepted to go...
2 Pages 901 Words

The National Health Service Constitution: Prioritising Women In Midwifery Practice

The aim of this essay is to discuss and focus on professionalism and the importance of prioritising women in midwifery practice. The essay will demonstrate how a midwife’s behaviour contributes to the NHS to provide and deliver an exceptional service. The National Health Service Constitution (NHS) was issued on 21st January 2009 by Lord Darzi. The NHS Constitution was developed so it can safeguard the NHS and continue to proceed in all principles, values, rights and responsibilities and make sure...
2 Pages 895 Words

Types And Effects Of Social Media On Health

Social media is a pool of all virtual communication platforms that are focused to public based contribution, sharing of content, and association. Applications, social bookmarking, micro blogging, websites, YouTube, Facebook, Telegram, LinkedIn, Snap chat, Skype and Twitter. All these media platforms are internet based and ends up giving quick and reliable message to the users. These social platforms have continued to favor the universe in many ways depending with the interest of the users thus leading to many effects in...
2 Pages 906 Words

Is It Correct To Test On Animals?

In today’s world, this topic is very controversial, in comparison to the past. In addition, it keeps growing daily. Animal testing is any type of procedure in which requires forcing live animals for purposes of research that is likely going to cause them harm, distress, and pain. In animal experiments, scientists can inject the animals with substances that could be very harmful, inhaling toxic gases or make the animals go through bad experiences to produce anxiety and depression. Most animals...
2 Pages 926 Words

The Secret Of Stress And How It Impacts A Human Body

Many people go through stress once in their lifetime. Many people have never experienced the strong effects that stress has on the human body. Well, stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. In other words, stress is when the mind has to take more than it can handle. Stress can overburden your mind with incessant worries. Frequent stress decreases your immune system. Having stress can have a negative effect on how the body...
2 Pages 879 Words

Should Young People Be Encouraged To Take A Gap Year Before Starting University?

In some countries it is seen as positive to let young people take a gap year after school and go out to work or traveling as it allows the experience their interests. A gap year is the time that youngsters take after finishing high school just before starting university. Here are some advantages and disadvantages on how it can affect them. In many countries they encourage youngsters to work or travel around the world before embanking on a higher education...
2 Pages 909 Words

Mindfulness As The Plan To Manage Anxiety

Introduction In recent decades the Mindfulness has had a significant boom in society. It is related to the word 'sati' in Pali of the vernacular language that dates from the time of the teachings of the Buddha, towards the years 2500 B.C. It has been used as a meditation technique, in different religions and another branch is aimed at improving physical and mental health, from the point of view of psychology. In the last 30 years, the mindfulness technique has...
2 Pages 900 Words

Odysseus' Morality Principles, Its Formation And Changes

One of the traits of an epic is that a character must have a transformation of nature throughout their journey in the narrative. For the Odyssey, that character would be Odysseus. Through all the encounters with gods, giants, monsters, and humans, each which helps in his development, he is able to grow into a different man as he manages to survive and reach his homeland of Ithaca. Aside from gaining the heroic qualities that Greeks value, his morality also shifted...
2 Pages 878 Words

Population Growth In China From 1955 To 2020

China are said to be developed nation with highest number of population. In 1970 there was drastic decrease in China’s fertility rate, after a period of fluctuation of fertility rate around replacement level in 1920’s, there was drop of fertility rate below replacement level in the year 1990’s. Through the census analysis of 2000 there was decrease of fertility rate to 1.4%-1.6% (Quabao Jang, Shuzhuo Li and Marcus W. Feldman, 2013, as cited in Morgan et al. 2009), and the...
2 Pages 876 Words

The First Impression In The First Date

It is very important that you dress correctly and you match your date’s elegance. It is important for her to see that you gave sufficient thought to the way you’ll look for the date. A good outfit for a perfect first date (for perfect dates try the video chat) must be washed, ironed, neat-looking and properly matched with the socks and tie. Check yourself in the mirror from head to toe and spot any flaw if you don’t want your...
2 Pages 895 Words

Sex Same Marriage Misleading The Concept Of Traditional Marriage

There is no doubt that today, gay marriages tend to get lost in abstraction. It is one of the most commonly debated subjects among many culture of Americans. Those in favor of legalizing gay marriage believe it is unconstitutional to deny rights of Americans. Although there are some people who advocate for gay marriages, permitting gays to marry will cause controversy to the traditional views of marriage. In recent polls, statistics show that Americans are now shifting their views of...
2 Pages 911 Words

The Concept Of Mentoring And Coaching In The Terms Of Personal Development

Coaching and mentoring are regular terms used across the school, especially in my role as assistant Headteacher for quality of teaching, early professional development (EPD) and mathematics. There is an ethos of mentoring and coaching and the school has adopted the principles of coaching and mentoring as set out in Mentoring and Coaching CPD Capacity Building Project 2004 -2005 (National Framework for Coaching and Mentoring). Although the school has adopted some of these principles, they have not been adopted by...
2 Pages 896 Words

1984 By George Orwell: Political Ideology

“1984” is George Orwell's view of how a totalitarian government will look in the future. Winston Smith, who works in London, in the United Kingdom, works in the Ministry of Truth, which is mainly the center of government propaganda. Winston begins to question the government and wants to know more. This book is a warning, inspiring your readers with a foreboding of what the world might resort to in the not-so-distant future. This book is not just a book, it...
2 Pages 902 Words

The Great Gatsby: Not Everyone Can Live The American Dream

What does the American dream mean to you? The American dream is the ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American allowing the highest aspirations and goals achieved. That being said, I do not believe the documentary Born Rich and the novel The Great Gatsby is the only evidence that shows the myth of equality in America and the falsehood of the American dream. My first piece of evidence is from The Great Gatsby being that the...
2 Pages 887 Words

Censorship Is A Powerful Tool That Can Benefit Or Harm Society

Censorship was introduced in the 1800s but was abolished half a century later in 1905. Some forms of censorship were still legal but were finally abrogated on April 27, 1917. But in October 1917 the decrees were lifted and censorship was fully installed back into media and is still in place to this very day. Censorship, what is it really? Is it necessary? Censorship is described as censors that regulate what people can see and what people can view within...
2 Pages 898 Words

The Topic Of Emancipation In The Stories By Keckley, Douglass, And The Crafts

In the text, Behind the scenes, A narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, and “ The Great Escape From Slavery of Ellen and William Craft, several points are made about the cruelty of slavery and how freedom is important to the main characters. Two of these text, A narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, and “ The Great Escape From Slavery of Ellen and William Craft, are all about how people attempt...
2 Pages 898 Words

The Principles Of Virtue Ethics

Virtue ethics is an application of ethics in our daily lives. We claim ourselves to be humans, basically homo sapiens who have brains and can think logically or rationally. When we make decisions it is based on the previous judgments of our thought process or on the events occurred in the past, distinctions also the experiences from which we gained any little information or understanding. When we use our human mind to integrate the process of living by making rational...
2 Pages 892 Words

The Most Common Forms Of Bullying With Examples

Bullying is when someone or a group of people causes deep distress in someone repeatedly and purposely overtime. Bullying happens when someone feels like they have more power over someone else and will make them feel helpless and less powerful. Bullying can happen anywhere from school to home using their phones, words and physical aggression. In one 10th grade study of bullying, 29.9% of students report frequently involvement of bullying with 13% of students admitting to bullying others, 10.6% reporting...
2 Pages 913 Words

Stress: Psychological Difference Between People

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing you can’t stay away from stress, yet you can figure out ways to oversee it. Stress can be our way to react to any mental, physical, and emotional factor that causes mental tension or any response to a change that requires a modification or a reaction. Stress is both outside and inside of us. External events or situations can cause stress. In addition, the internal thoughts, the way we see an event,...
2 Pages 940 Words

Models Of Collaboration And Current Work Environment

The two models of collaboration that will be reviewed are collective impact and collaboration networks. The collective impact model is a framework for social change. Collaboration networks can drive value creation (Camarinha-Matos & Afsarmanesh, 2006). Collective impact is the pledge of a group of important members from different divisions to finding a common agenda for solving a specific social issue (Kania & Kramer, 2011). There are five components of the collective impact strategy. The components are a common agenda, shared...
2 Pages 916 Words
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