Adolf Hitler is a Lunatic

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According to the Merriam Website, lunatic means affected by a severely disordered state of mind. Studies from research have shown that Adolf Hitler was, in fact, a lunatic. Hitler was born April 20, 1889. As Hiter grew up his dad would beat him for no reason Hitler decided to move out and make money drawing postcards for money but he didn’t make very much money as a living for making postcards he barely had the money for food or a place to live. As time went on in 1907 and he wanted to be an artist at the school of Vienna Academy of Fine Arts but sadly he got rejected because he failed the entrant’s exam. Then in 1908, he tried again and he got rejected again which made him go mad. Hitler never gave up on art but he stopped trying to get into art school so he could do something different. When Hitler had spare time he still would try and do art.

My first fact that proves that Hitler is a lunatic is how close he got with his 17-year-old niece Geli Raubal. Angela Geli’s mom shared a father with Hitler which made Hitler Geli half-uncle. It all started when Angela became a housekeeper after her husband died. As time went on Hitler got closer with his niece Geli and moved in with him four years after her mom Angela started working for Hitler as a housekeeper. Geli would also go to Hitler’s events and even flirt with his niece a little which people found weird. Eventually, Hitler wanted to always be by his niece’s side and when he wasn’t there he’d always have a bodyguard by Gellis' side. Hitler started to become obsessed with his niece and wouldn’t even let her go out anymore which pulled Gellis into a depression. She soon realized Hitler was in love with her and felt disgusted. Then for one last time, she asked him if she could go out and he said no. Hours later she was found dead shot in the chest of her uncle’s apartment. They ruled out that she killed herself and was buried in a catholic cemetery.

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The second reason why Adolf Hitler is crazy is that he started the Holocaust in 1942. For those of you who don’t know the definition of the Holocaust means the destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war. The Holocaust was an awful time Hitler hated the Jews and murdered 11 million people. Hitler hated Jews because they started to rise up and made more money than others. The first gassing started on March 17, 1942, in Poland. Then after that 5 more camps were built-in Poland. People would be brought into these gas chambers for doing nothing wrong and get murdered for no reason at all. Hitler didn’t care if you were a baby, a child, or even an adult as long as you were a Jew then Hitler wanted you dead. Which is awful because what kind of sane person would do that to millions of people?

The third thing that happened during the 1920s was the Great Depression came because the Germans were getting loans from the United States and once their loans were recalled it took just about everything they had. Heinrich Bruning the chancellor of Germany was making budgets that weren’t cutting it and wasn’t helping people very much with unemployment. Hitler felt it was his time to strike because there were plenty of men willing to work. By dressing them up In uniforms and ordering them to do things. Hitler brought Germany out of the economic depression after the Wall Street crash in 1929. Institutions and the government lost hope and stepped out of all Investments. Then the Nazis changed from having billions to 20 billion In six years. Hitler’s plan wasn’t to help them get the economy up for their good but so he could tell them what to do while he had all of the power with the money once they did get it up.

According to Dr. Fritz Redlich, a neurologist and a psychiatrist said that Hitler had paranoia, a mental disorder, and Hitler’s personality was just like a normal human being he just enjoyed acting crazy. Hilter had no mental illness that serious to make up for all of the cruel crimes he committed. In World War 1 Hitler had a mustard gas injury which Dr. Fritz Redlich thinks that’s why Hitler started to experience blindness, eye pain, and hazy vision. As Hitler got older he got Parkinson Syndrome. Researchers over the years have been trying to figure out If Hitler was really sick or was this just who he was? It turns out it was a bit of both but he wasn’t Ill enough to cover for all the crimes he has committed. Hitler is a sick man for killing millions of people because he may have not been ill enough for killing all of these innocent people but he’s a sick enough person to like killing all of these people and help planning their deaths. No one in their right minds would kill millions of people for no reason at all.

Adolf Hitler was a lunatic for the actions he took as he wasn’t diagnosed with anything that made him mentally crazy. Adolf Hitler Influenced Germany to follow him and make him Germany’s leader. He never let people change what he believed or what he had planned. Everyone saw that he wasn’t all right with trying to mess around with his Niece Geli Raubal, he killed 11 million people during the Holocaust, and also had some mental that didn’t help but also didn’t influence his actions according to Dr. Fritz Redlich. Adolf was a man that was full of hatred, shallowness, viciousness, fearlessness, and the most disgusted man anyone knew. This is a theory I found about how Adolf Hitler died? Adolf Hitler died on April 30, 1945, In the Fuhrerbunker located 50 feet below chancellors building In Berlin. He cyanided his wife and his dog two days after marrying his wife Eva. If that doesn’t make him even look crazier to cyanide his wife and dog.

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Adolf Hitler is a Lunatic. (2022, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
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