Charles Manson: Crimes, Music And Children

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Table of contents

  1. The crimes of Charles Manson
  2. His Charges
  3. Music?
  4. His Children
  5. Charles Manson as a Boy
  6. Sources

The crimes of Charles Manson

Charles Manson (November 12, 1934 – November 19, 2017) was a famous serial killer and cult leader. His story has promoted many TV shows based around him, most famously, an episode of Mindhunter, and the hit TV show Aquarius. Let's get into his crimes and convictions!

In 1967, he formed a Cult. This cult was infamously named the 'Manson Family'. His followers committed a series of 9 murders over 4 different locations in August and July 1969. According to the District Attorney, his overall plan was to start a race war. Manson was a hardcore racist, he has a Swastika tattooed onto his forehead and is known for his plan of the 'Helter Skelter'. For Manson, the 'Helter Skelter' is a war between the whites and blacks which he had been planning for a long time, it also refers to the murders committed by the Manson Family.

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His Charges

Charles Manson was convicted for murder, but not for the ones he committed as a leader. He was convicted for first-degree murder for the deaths of Gary Hinman and Donald Shea. For the other murders, they were put down as Conspiracy. The court deemed his leading and influence as enough to constitute Conspiracy. However, this was his third imprisonment.

The first imprisonment was for alleged acts of a homosexual nature, which was illegal at the time. This was alongside burglary and other offences. It is fair to say he was not a good person from the early years. On his second imprisonment, he was charged for forgery and prostitution offences. This was before the cult or the murder spree even became an idea in Charles' head.


Before his crimes. Charles was a key figure in the music industry. American rock band Guns N' Roses recorded Manson's 'Look at Your Game, Girl'. Musicians such as 'Kasabian' and Marilyn Manson derived their names from Manson. Recordings were released commercially of songs written and performed by Manson, starting with Lie: The Love and Terror Cult (1970). Various musicians have covered some of his songs.

His Children

Manson's oldest son, Charles Milles Manson, Jr., was born in 1956. His mother was Rosalie Jean Willis, she was only 15 when she married 20-year-old Charles Mason. Charles Manson, Jr., took his stepfather's name, living as Jay White for the rest of his life. In 1993, he committed suicide from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Charles Manson as a Boy

Charles Luther Manson is an unknown child. There is no evidence for if he exists or doesn't, but according to many people, he does. His mother would have been Leona Rae 'Candy' Stevens. The third and final child is Valentine Micheal Manson. His mother was Mary Brunner. He was one of the very first members of the previously mentioned 'Manson Family'. His name was shortly changed to Micheal Brunner after being adopted out of the cult.


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Charles Manson: Crimes, Music And Children. (2021, September 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Charles Manson: Crimes, Music And Children.” Edubirdie, 28 Sept. 2021,
Charles Manson: Crimes, Music And Children. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Charles Manson: Crimes, Music And Children [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Sept 28 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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