Community Development essays

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6 Pages 2966 Words
Introduction Radio or community radio is said to be defined as a radio service that offers third models of radio broadcasting in addition of commercial and radio broadcasting geographic communities and its interest are served through community stations, which are non-profitable and envoke a mechanism for enabling groups, individuals, and communities to share their point of views and experiences in...
4 Pages 1821 Words
According to the United Nations document (1981), community development is “the creation of opportunities to enable all members of a community to actively contribute to and influence the development process and to share equitably in the fruits of development”. This community participation approach encompasses locally appropriate actions, principles or decisions that contribute significantly to the development of sustainable and equitable...
8 Pages 3669 Words
Rural communities are often characterized by a rural way of life. In contrast to urban areas, rural communities are relatively far from the big cities and are found out in the country. Communities like these have a low population density and small population size that engages in farming and other agricultural activities. Prevalent problems that arise from rural communities and...
4 Pages 2032 Words
Social Policy This essay defines Social Policies in Community Development Programs and its benefits to the communities in the context of developing countries as Papua New Guinea is also developing. Papua New Guinea is challenged by poverty, weak government systems, high crime rates, poor health services, poor education systems as well as poor infrastructural developments including bad road conditions and...
3 Pages 1599 Words
The meaning of word ‘community’ in Chinese, is just a small area where people live nearby. Because of the huge population, majority of Chinese people live in the apartments and these apartments are managed by different districts. These districts are called communities. That is the most basic meaning for ‘community’ in Chinese. Before I apply the CBU, I have no...
3 Pages 1272 Words
The Gandhian philosophy of community development was accepted officially and the adaption of the Khadi and village industry programming the nation, village self-sufficiency and the faith in Panchyati Raj, Sahakary Samaj, Gram Samaj, Bhoodan, Sarvodaya, Garmdan, Decentralization, Swadeshi are very important and helpful in Gandhian Community development. The village’s development is the real development. The community development program is designed...
3 Pages 1478 Words
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number four is quality education. Education and its quality impact everyone. The big picture impact that this issue addresses is the assurance that all people complete free, equitable, primary and secondary education available to them. To ensure that both genders have equal opportunities and access to quality education, we can eliminate gender disparities in...
1 Page 656 Words
The value of small businesses is often underestimated because they are small. But in fact, this absolutely does not mean that they have little influence. Small businesses have a huge impact not only on the national economy but also on the economy of their communities. Small businesses are as unique and individual as their owners and span a variety of...
6 Pages 2745 Words
1. Introduction The climate is changing and the steadily growing human pressure on the Earth is considered the main driver of environmental change. In this new geological epoch defined by some scientists as the Anthropocene (Crutzen and Stoermer, 2000), questions about future sustainability have therefore became crucial. Several scientists have studied the anthropogenic interactions with the surrounding environment as Rockstöm...
6 Pages 2880 Words
ABSTRACT Organizations do not operate in a vacuum, their surrounding environment is their host community and every organization has corporate social responsibilities to such host communities. These support programmes carried out by small/large scale businesses go a long way to prevent crime, cause employment, clean-up, beautification, recycling, and restoration of the community’s environment etc. These support programs are strategic towards...

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