Compare and Contrast Living in a College Dormitory and at Home

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Deciding where to live is one of the most important and earliest decisions to be made by students at the time of joining the university. Usually, there are two prominent options, living with the family at home or living in the college dormitory. I have experience of living in both situations. These two living situations vary in many prominent aspects, such as privacy, responsibility, access to university facilities and many others. But in this essay I am going to compare the three aforementioned aspects.

Firstly, living in the dormitory has limited privacy in contrast to living at home. Most of the time, the personal space of a student in the dormitory is compromised. In the college dormitory, we have to share our room, kitchen, toilets and bathrooms with other students, unlike at the home. At home, we can dress casually, listen to loud music, and use the whole house for whatever we want and whenever we want. On the contrary, in the dormitory, we have to share our spaces, wear modest and decent clothes and put headphones to listen to music so that other students don’t get offended. And sometimes, we need to negotiate with our roommates in many situations, in turn, to live happily.

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Secondly, the amount of responsibility is more when we live in the dormitory, unlike at home. While living at the dormitory, we have to cook our food, clean our clothes and room, do our dishes, manage time and money, etc. On the other hand, we get the food prepared and the clothes cleaned at home. And we do not have stress for managing time and money and doing dishes at home because our family takes care of these things. Being more responsible is not a liability, it's an asset that will be useful in our professional career.

Thirdly, in terms of accessibility to university services, the dormitory is better than home. We can access many university facilities while living in the dorm, whereas it is not possible from the home. In the dorm, we have access to the gym, university Wi-Fi, bus for commuting between college and dorm, and study rooms. Conversely, we cannot get these facilities while living at our home. One interesting fact about university Wi-Fi is that we can access e-learning and edugate website even if it’s not broadcasting Internet signals. Unlike at home, we can’t get this benefit.

‘Where to live’ is the most stressful question for students during their student years. A student is the only one who can decide based on his preferences. Because the dormitory is the first place where we learn to live on our own and have lots of responsibilities, it is more advantageous for our upcoming future, in my opinion. Again, we should choose our places to live for studying wisely according to our priorities.

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Compare and Contrast Living in a College Dormitory and at Home. (2023, September 19). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from
“Compare and Contrast Living in a College Dormitory and at Home.” Edubirdie, 19 Sept. 2023,
Compare and Contrast Living in a College Dormitory and at Home. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Jan. 2025].
Compare and Contrast Living in a College Dormitory and at Home [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Sept 19 [cited 2025 Jan 9]. Available from:

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